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A granulated broadband network (GBN) is proposed as an intermediate asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) based platform to be part of an evolution scenario toward B-ISDN. The GBN enables various types of services to be provided including 64-kb/s-based services and broadband services. In the GBN, information is transformed into ATM cells at subscriber line terminals or at customer premises and is transferred through ATM networks; consequently, the cost feasibility of a single-channel cell assembly/deassembly device is a significant factor in economically providing ATM-based conventional services and interworking between STM and ATM networks. Various virtual path capacities with a fine degree of granularity can be provided in a mesh structure between transit modes in the GBN. Economic feasibility studies of the GBN, by simulating on certain large-size real networks in the greater Tokyo area, indicate the possibility of a more than 50% cost reduction in transit networks  相似文献   

Some of the asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) virtual path connection (VPC) and virtual channel connection (VCC) performance, fault, and traffic management functions that are currently being addressed in CCITT and T1 standards committees as well as in the ATM forum are presented. The functions include ATM VP/VC connection management, ATM layer operation flows, VP/VC connection performance monitoring, VP/VC connection failure reporting, VP/VC continuity checking, and VP/VC connection operations and maintenance (OAM) cell loopback testing  相似文献   

End-to-end survivable broadband networks   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Within the EC-sponsored RACE program, the IMMUNE project was established to analyze and specify appropriate strategies for introducing end-to-end survivability into corporate and public broadband networks to support these strategies by proper techniques and evaluation tools, and to demonstrate distributed restoration on PSN (public switched networks) and CPN (customer premises networks) laboratory models. The first objective was to define a set of survivability requirements and metrics to be used in the rest of the project. This has led to the identification of a range of survivability strategy options ann how they can be mapped onto user, service provider and operator requirements. The next step on the road to integral survivability is designing and planning survivable networks, and the evaluation of the restoration and protection mechanisms that will be applied in these networks. An overview is given of this part of the project. Most protection and restoration mechanisms operate within a single network layer and network part, autonomous from network management. The interaction of mechanisms in different network layers or in different network parts, and the role of network management, are discussed. For the demonstration lab models, two techniques have been selected for implementation: a distributed restoration mechanism for a meshed ATM PSN, and a CPN ATM ring protection switching mechanism. These techniques are described and an overview is given of the ongoing activities within the IMMUNE project, with a summary of the status of the demo models  相似文献   

Emerging wireless broadband networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The rapid evolution of mobile wireless access networks toward multimedia support with QoS provision forces the development of advanced wireless broadband systems with high reliability and high data rate. To achieve this goal, new system design concepts with increased system capacity will be required. In that context, ATM is becoming a major infrastructure, receiving a lot of attention for telecommunication systems since ATM networks can most effectively support wireless access systems. Wireless ATM systems have low transmission cost, flexible functionality, mobile ATM protocol, and radio access layer protocols. This article overviews the various wireless broadband systems studied at 5, 19.37, 40, and 60 GHz by European Union funded projects within the ACTS program. Moreover, related standardization activities and network evolution are also addressed  相似文献   

Consumer broadband has reached mass-market adoption. Over the next few years we will see a range of new entertainment, voice and other services being delivered to a variety of networked devices in increasingly complex home networks. For a service provider such as BT, this growth in market size and complexity presents both a challenge and an opportunity for customer service. The challenge is to minimise the cost of supporting these home environments. The opportunity is in being able to differentiate on service quality and generate additional revenues by managing the home network and the delivery of new services for the consumer. In this paper we will examine what management means for the home network. We will discuss the standards that exist or are emerging and discuss some approaches to management and diagnostics.  相似文献   

Traffic models in broadband networks   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
Traffic models are at the heart of any performance evaluation of telecommunications networks. An accurate estimation of network performance is critical for the success of broadband networks. Such networks need to guarantee an acceptable quality of service (QoS) level to the users. Therefore, traffic models need to be accurate and able to capture the statistical characteristics of the actual traffic. We survey and examine traffic models that are currently used in the literature. Traditional short-range and non-traditional long-range dependent traffic models are presented. The number of parameters needed, parameter estimation, analytical tractability, and ability of traffic models to capture marginal distribution and auto-correlation structure of the actual traffic are discussed  相似文献   

Mesh networks for broadband access   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Fowler  T. 《IEE Review》2001,47(1):17-22
Broadband wireless access systems must satisfy exacting technical and commercial requirements. In this paper, the author describes a novel approach that uses Internet-like routing to bridge the infamous `last mile'  相似文献   

随着技术的发展,宽带IP 综合信息网络除提供FTP、HTTP等业务外,越来越多地提供一些多媒体业务,如视频会议、远程教育、远程医疗、VOD点播等,这些业务都有自己的应用系统,与一般业务不同之处在于其对服务质量的要求相对较高,这就要求网络不能仅仅提供简单的连通性,还需提供非常有效的QoS(服务质量保证)机制。QoS是一个比较广泛的概念,它是对各类用户或应用服务水平特征的描述。例如,视频会议一般要求最高的服务等级(first class),数据传输一般要求商业级服务水平(businessclass),Web服务器浏览要求最低,只要满足经济级…  相似文献   

The author evaluates the effect of ISDN (integrated services digital network) on the field of data networks, anticipates future directions for this technology, and discusses how the user should view these developments. It is emphasized that broadband ISDN (BISDN) is a service that has identified capabilities that are truly exciting and could very well dominate data networking in this decade. It is noted that the success of BISDN will depend strongly on the rollout of products, the ubiquity of its presence, and the tariffing of its services  相似文献   

王国华  朱政 《通讯世界》2002,8(2):43-44
城域网管理系统的结构三网融合中,只有电信交换网有比较成熟的管理系统。城域网管理与电信管理网(TMN)有相同也有不同的地方。TMN自上而下由经营管理层(BML)、业务管理层(SML)、网络管理层(NML)、网元管理层(EML)和网元层(EL)组成。每个管理层均有性能管理、配置管理、安全管理、故障管理和计费管理五大管理功能,由于各层地位不同,管理功能的要求也有差异。城域网的管理系统层次可以参照TMN的结构来构建,城域网的电信网络组成部分可以通过TMN进行管理,通过标准接口与整个城域网的管理系统连接。城域网管理是保…  相似文献   

Resource allocation for broadband networks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The major benefit of a broadband integrated ATM (asynchronous transfer mode) network is flexible and efficient allocation of communications bandwidth for communications services. However, methods are needed for evaluating congestion for integrated traffic. The author suggests evaluating congestion at different levels, namely the packet level, the burst level, and the call level. Congestion is measured by the probabilities of packet blocking, burst blocking, and call blocking. He outlines the methodologies for comparing these blocking probabilities. The author uses the congestion measures for a multilayer bandwidth-allocation algorithm, emulating some function of virtual circuit setup, fast circuit switching, and fast packet switching at these levels. The analysis also sheds insight on traffic engineering issues such as appropriate link load, traffic integration, trunk group and switch sizing, and bandwidth reservation criteria for two bursty services  相似文献   

Multimedia traffic characteristics in broadband networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is pertinent to develop a set of simple parameters that can best characterize the variability and the statistical correlations of the packet arrival process. These parameters are then used by the network to allocate its resources among the different users in order to avoid congestion and maintain a predefined quality of service (QOS) for each user. The traffic characterization and modeling of the real-time bursty traffic, mainly voice and video traffic sources, using statistical methods are described. It is shown that the variability of the variance of the sum of consecutive packet interarrival times leads to significant queuing delays and therefore is a major cause of congestion in broadband networks  相似文献   

Network applications of multichannel wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) techniques are considered. The photonic technologies that will be critical to future systems using WDM are reviewed. Both interoffice and subscriber loop architectures that utilize the unique properties of WDM to achieve important advantages over more traditional network designs are presented. Several experimental demonstrations that illustrate how these architectures can be realized with currently available components are described  相似文献   

Finn  S.G. Barry  R.A. 《IEEE network》1996,10(6):7-13
Optical transmission technology is progressing to the point where it can deliver data at rates that can strain conventional electronic broadband networks. We discuss how optical networks may play a role in relieving this strain. Different optical network architectures are discussed according to the services they provide, the technologies used to implement those services, and the geographical size of the network. We first discuss broadband network architectures and where optics might play a role in the protocol stack. We then discuss in detail the services optical networks can provide, the technologies used to implement those services, and some of the major technological limitations. Finally, we use this knowledge base to analyze the potential role of optics in WANs, MANs, and then local area networks (LANs)  相似文献   

In general commercially available software tools are preferred, to design broadband matching networks for wireless communication systems. But they need a properly selected matching network topology with good initial element values. Therefore, in this paper a new real frequency technique is presented, to generate broadband single matching networks with suitable initial element values. In the proposed method, load impedance is written in terms of ABCD-parameters of the desired matching network and the source resistor. Then, free parameters are optimized which in turn yields the desired matching network with initial element values. It is not needed to select a circuit topology for the matching network, which is the natural consequence of the matching processes. Also, there is no need to select the desired transducer power gain level; the proposed technique naturally provides a gain curve fluctuating around the final available level. Eventually, the initial design is improved by optimizing the performance of the matched system employing the commercially available computer-aided design (CAD) packages. An algorithm and two examples are given, to illustrate the utilization of the proposed technique.  相似文献   

The information society to come is characterized by a large information flow in the integrated broadband network. Today it is the distribution of TV programmes that requires high transmission capacity. This leaves the cable operator with a problem. How should the CATV network of today be constructed? It must fulfil the need for distribution now and it must be prepared for new services to come. Some aspects of the above problem are discussed in this paper. It is emphasized that digital techniques as well as optical fibre transmission should be included in a modern cable network. The Danish DOCAT network concept is presented as one way to accomplish this. DOCAT combines optical fibre transmission in the trunk network with conventional coaxial techniques in the subscriber network.  相似文献   

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