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<正>2012年7月1日,欧盟法规(EC)No16/2012生效,该法规修订欧盟法规(EC)No853/2004的附件II,增加了部分内容。我国出口欧盟的冷冻动物源性食品需要重视相关变动,以免造成不必要的损失。修订后"生产日期"的含义如下:  相似文献   

欧盟向来十分重视食品安全, 在农药残留监管方面, 建立了健全的农药残留监管体系。 本文从欧盟农药残留法规标准、监管部门及分工和欧盟农药残留控制计划3方面介绍了欧盟农药残留监管体系, 从欧盟协调控制计划和国家控制计划两部分分析了2018年欧盟食品中农药残留情况, 涉及样品来源、产品、农药、食品中草甘膦、进口食品、婴幼儿食品、有机食品和动物源性食品等。本文也指出了农药残留产生的原因和风险评估结果, 提出风险管理建议, 并借鉴其监管思路, 提出对我国农药残留监管的几点建议, 为食品安全监管决策提供参考。  相似文献   

近期,各国食品新规密集更新表明,食品安全、标签透明成人们关注热点,部分产品出口要求愈加严苛,食品出口将面临新挑战。许多国家加强食品进口检查措施。4月4日,欧盟发布法规,强化对部分非动物源性食品和饲料的检查力度,这包含加强对我国干面条中铝的含量以及对柚子与茶叶中的农药残留的检查力度。  相似文献   

欧盟经过多年对动物及动物源食品实施残留监控计划,已经逐渐形成一个完整、系统和科学的兽药残留监控模式。近年来,我国逐步加大了对兽药残留的监管力度,建立和完善了兽药残留监管体系。本文从欧盟兽药残留监控部门职能分工、兽药残留法规标准、监控计划、监控特点等4个方面介绍欧盟兽药残留监控体系,从总体概况、产品类别、项目监测情况等方面详细分析了2018—2020年欧盟动物及动物源食品中兽药残留检出情况,并与我国食品安全监督抽检情况做了对比,探讨了兽药残留超标产生的原因,提出风险管理建议,为我国食品安全监管决策和兽药残留标准体系建设提供参考。  相似文献   

自2006年1月1日起,欧盟开始实施新的食品卫生法规。欧盟已正式停止使用涉及水产品、肉类、肠衣、奶制品等食品的91/492/EEC、91/493/EEC、91/495EEC等16个指令,并对部分发布的指令内容进行了修订。同期实施的是2004/852/EC、2004/853/EC、2004/854/EC、2004/882/EC等4个欧盟规章,对欧盟各成员国的生产以及从第三国进口到欧盟的水产品、肉类食品、肠衣、奶制品以及部分植物源性食品的官方管理与加工企业的基本卫生提出了新的规定和要求。欧盟新食品工业法规在四个方面发生了重大变化:第一,法规数量被大大简化,新法规将不再把食品安全…  相似文献   

目的探究我国与南共市动物源性食品重金属限量标准的异同。方法根据GB 2762—2014《食品安全国家标准食品中污染物限量》以及南共市在2013年8月29日第42号合议理事会决议中制定的南方共同市场关于食品中无机污染物最大限量的技术法规,分析2个标准重金属检测项目、涉及动物源性食品种类和主要动物源性食品限量指标的异同。结果我国在动物源性食品重金属检测项目和涉及动物源性食品种类上均比南共市规定的多。在限量指标方面,南共市水产动物及其制品的砷限量、肉及肉制品、水产动物及其制品和蛋及蛋制品中铅限量、畜禽肾脏中的镉限量均比中国规定宽松。结论我国监管部门应对南共市规定较为宽松的检测项目予以关注。  相似文献   

欧盟议会和立法委员会相继通过的在动物源(包括畜、禽、水产品)性食品的生产和加工过程中使用禁用药物的法规,其中:1998年就禁用的杆菌肽锌、泰和菌素、维吉尼霉素、螺旋霉素、喹乙醇和卡巴氧;新规定还包括氯霉素、氯仿、秋水仙素、氨苯酚、甲硝哒唑、硝基呋喃类药物。这些药物包括既禁用于治疗动物疾病,也禁用于作饲料中的添加剂。  相似文献   

随着养殖技术的快速发展,大范围使用兽药造成的药物残留与食品安全息息相关,在动物源性食品中,不同基质中兽药残留的来源途径比较广泛。这些兽药残留超过一定水平就会对人类健康造成严重威胁,甚至产生致癌、致畸作用。在全世界范围内已经有相关法规对兽药残留作了限量要求。同时,检测技术的发展为能够快速高效地检测出动物源性食品中不符合法规限量的兽药提供了有力的保障。本文就近十年来动物源性食品中多兽药检测方法所使用的前处理方法及常用的质谱检测技术进行了综述,总结了前处理方法的优缺点和不同质谱检测技术的优势和局限性。  相似文献   

国内外动物源性食品兽药残留法规标准研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
收集整理了我国与国际食品法典委员会(CAC)、欧盟、美国动物源性食品的兽药残留相关规定并进行分析。企业或监管部门应根据产品的情况,结合输出或输入国家的要求,有的放矢地开展比对分析,对于我国限量标准比国外宽松的兽药应加强控制,确保出口产品符合进口国家和地区的要求;对于我国限量要求比国外严格的兽药,可以对进口动物源性食品实施重点监控。  相似文献   

铅、镉、砷、汞等重金属对动物和人具有多种生理毒性,环境中的重金属可通过生物链蓄积污染饲料和动物源性食品,造成食品和人类安全隐患。分析了动物源性食品中的重金属污染的特点、来源,总结了重金属在动物源性食品的污染现状,介绍控制动物源性食品重金属污染的饲料调控技术,以期为保障动物源性食品安全提供参考。  相似文献   

The Council of the European Union has proposed a revision on the EU regulation on novel foods and novel food ingredients concerning safety assessment of traditional foods from non-EU countries and their introduction onto the EU market. The proposal stipulates that such foods may be placed on the EU market if their history of safe use in the country of origin is appropriately documented. The present statement of the SKLM gives an overview on current discussions on practical implementation of the "history of safe use" concept as well as examples of its application. The SKLM, in principle, agrees with these concepts, underscores, however, in connection with convincing evidence for a "history of safe use" the need for a range of additional information to achieve a comprehensive risk assessment. In the opinion of the SKLM such information must comprise compositional data as well as experience on adverse effects. A list of questions considered essential is presented. The following opinion was adopted on December 23rd 2010.  相似文献   

食品添加剂在食品行业中占有重要地位,但其使用不当很有可能会对人体造成损害甚至对人的生命造成威胁,所以在食品添加剂的使用中应通过法律进行严格的监督和管理。食品添加剂的管理体制在整个社会法制体系中占有重要的地位。欧盟关于食品添加剂的相关法律制度及其他配套制度体系的规定十分详细,并且具有很高的实践价值与社会现实意义。本文主要综述了欧盟关于食品添加剂的法律法规及监管体系,其有效的管理措施对于我国食品添加剂管理法规和监管体系的完善具有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   


Large population studies estimated that the frequency of food allergies is increasing worldwide. In the last two decades, a ‘second wave’ of the allergy epidemic has emerged as a growing public health problem. EU regulation strengthened information to consumers about allergens in pre-packed food, since December 2014 it has been extended to non-prepacked foods by the Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011 of the European Commission. The present work aims to present a five-year survey on the presence of nine types of allergen in several foods, including food of animal origin and baby food. The concentration found for each irregular allergen is generally low, but some samples with no gluten indication contained a concentration above 10 mg kg?1 with the highest value of 138.5 mg kg?1 in a dietetic food, during the screening in 2017. These data underline the importance and the necessity of a complete food labelling to protect the majority of allergic individuals.  相似文献   

Food colors are added to different types of commodities to increase their visual attractiveness or to compensate for natural color variations. The use of these additives is strictly regulated in the European Union, the United States, and many other countries worldwide. There is a growing concern about the safety of some commonly used legal food colorants and there is a trend to replace the synthetic forms with natural products. Additionally, a number of dyes with known or suspected genotoxic or carcinogenic properties have been shown to be added illegally to foods. Robust monitoring programs based on reliable detection methods are required to assure the food is free from harmful colors. The aim of this review is to present an up to date status of the various concerns arising from use of color additives in food. The most important food safety concerns in the field of food colors are lack of uniform regulation concerning legal food colors worldwide, possible link of artificial colors to hyperactive behavior, replacement of synthetic colors with natural ones, and the presence of harmful illegal dyes—both known but also new, emerging ones in food. The legal status of food color additives in the EU, United States, and worldwide is summarized. The reported negative health effects of both legal and illegal colors are presented. The European Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed notifications and US import alerts concerning food colors are analyzed and trends in fraudulent use of color additives identified. The detection methods for synthetic colors are also reviewed.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the current regulatory and legal settings of traditional plant food supplements and herbal medicinal products in the European Union (EU). Marketing of botanicals in foods and food supplements in the EU is subject to several provisions of food law, which cover aspects of safety, production, labelling and product composition, including the use of additives and maximum levels of contaminants and residues. However, due to limited harmonization at the EU level, specific national regulations adopted at a Member State level also apply and mutual recognition is the mechanism through which such products can be marketed in EU countries other than those of origin. Unlike food supplements, marketing of traditional herbal medicinal products is regulated by an ad hoc Directive (i.e. Directive 2004/24/EC) covering in detail all the relevant aspects of these products, including a facilitated registration procedure at national level. However, by distinguishing traditional herbal medicinal products from plant food supplements and establishing selective marketing modalities for these two product categories, the EU has been confronted with implementation difficulties for traditional herbal medicinal products and a lack of homogeneity in the regulatory approaches adopted in different EU Member States. In fact, currently the nature of the commercial botanical products made available to consumers as traditional medicinal products or food supplements, depends largely on the EU Member State under consideration as a consequence of how competent National Authorities and manufacturing companies interpret and apply current regulations rather than on the intrinsic properties of the botanical products and their constituents. When the EU approach is compared with approaches adopted in some non-European countries to regulate these product categories, major differences become evident.  相似文献   

Environmental contaminants such as trace elements may be present in all foods. Foods, raw materials and ingredients for food production are to an increasing extent traded across borders. Hence, there is a need for international legislation on trace elements as contaminants in food. In 1961, the FAO and WHO established the Codex Alimentarius to elaborate international food legislation. Contaminants in food are handled by the Codex Committee for Food Additives and Contaminants (CCFAC). The Codex Alimentarius system for developing legislation concerning trace elements as contaminants in food is based upon the Codex General Standard for Contaminants and Toxins in Food (GSCTF). By October 2001, the principles for setting maximum limits (MLs) for contaminants in food are agreed, and work is in progress on MLs for trace elements such as lead and cadmium in the various food categories. The status for the proposals is presented and discussed. The EU Regulation 466/2001 of 8 March 2001 sets MLs for lead and cadmium in various foods. This regulation will apply from 5 April 2002. The EU regulation is more detailed but similar to the Codex draft standards for lead and cadmium in food. In future, legislators and administrators in the Codex and EU and analytical chemists will discuss how to use more and better analytical data as risk-management tools to protect public health. Trace elements' speciation is an important aspect of this discussion.  相似文献   

Apart from genotypic identification methods, there is a need for reliable conventional phenotypic identification schemes for simple and rapid determination of enterococcal species in food or in the gastro-intestinal tract (GIT). Only a limited number of enterococcal species is of importance for the ecology of the GIT or the food microflora, including E. faecalis, E. faecium, E. durans/hirae, E. gallinarum and E. casseliflavus. After genus identification the differentiation within these species can include, e.g. mannitol and arabinose fermentation and growth at 50 degrees C. Widely used commercial identification systems may fail to precisely identify rare species. Ecological aspects should also be taken into account. In the human GIT E. faecium is the most common species whereas in most animal species E. faecalis is at least present in the same amount. Especially in foods of animal origin (cheese, pork meat, beef, poultry meat) also E. faecalis is very frequent. This is of special interest as glycopeptide resistance is most often found in human clinical E. faecium strains as well as in E. faecium from the environment or animal samples and less frequent in E. faecalis strains. EU experts propose as safety criteria for probiotics in feed additives the exclusion of resistances or the lack of transferability. This proposal can also be applied to enterococci in foods. Specific resistances must be excluded, but transferability or acquisition of resistance (e.g. vancomycin) cannot be excluded per se. However, technologically used strains should differ from clinical strains concerning their resistance patterns and transfer rates.  相似文献   

目的:调查动物源性食品中抗生素的残留、耐药细菌的分布及抗生素对耐药基因水平转移的影响。方法:利用盐析辅助液液萃取/高效液相色谱/串联质谱法对市售动物源性食品中18种抗生素的含量进行检测;对样品中的需氧菌进行分离鉴定,利用PCR技术调查耐药基因的分布,通过接合转移试验调查抗生素胁迫对耐药基因水平传播的影响。结果:50份动物源性食品中检出环丙沙星、恩诺沙星、土霉素、金霉素、磺胺嘧啶和磺胺二甲嘧啶。162株分离株中磺胺甲基异恶唑耐药基因sul1的检出率最高。在环丙沙星胁迫下,三株供体菌中耐药基因qnrS的接合转移率均高于对照组。结论:动物源性食品中喹诺酮类、磺胺类和四环素类抗生素均有不同程度的残留。亚抑菌浓度抗生素促进耐药基因的接合转移。  相似文献   

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