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The estimating problem of 3D holograms orientation selectivity on angular, orthogonal, and azimuthal sensitivity parameters is formulated and solved. Tenfold increase of density 3D, 2D/3D holograms in comparison with 2D holograms at given selectivity for ones is shown in theory and experimentally.  相似文献   

This article proposes G-octree as an extension of G-quadtree to three dimensions. A G-octree reflects in its construction a hierarchy of gray-scale level value homogeneity, as well as a hierarchy of spatial resolution. The article also develops two-way G-quadtree/Goctree conversion procedures based on the algorithms for the binary case. These procedures provide an integrated processing environment for hierarchically represented 2D/3D gray.scale images. We demonstrate our approach with an application to the color coding of macro-autoradiography images taken from rat brains.  相似文献   

Directional backlight unit (BLU) design concept was applied to realize full‐resolution field alternate auto‐stereoscopic liquid crystal displays (LCDs) with built‐in 3D/2D and 2D/3D. The application‐oriented BLU design requires priority in realizing 2D mode or 3D mode. The switching characteristic of BLU with two confronting illuminating sets was applied to build 2D mode into 3D display and 3D mode into 2D display. An LCD with 2D mode as primary function requires higher double‐sided luminance uniformity than 3D mode. On the other hand, an LCD with 3D mode requires higher single‐sided luminance uniformity than 2D mode. For increasing the double‐sided luminance uniformity for 2D mode as a primary function of the display, the former BLU design was realized by using uniform prismatic structure, that is, using uniform bilateral prismatic structure with a cross section of isosceles triangle on the back surface of the light‐guide plate. For increasing single‐sided luminance uniformity for 3D mode as a primary function of the display, the latter was realized by using graded angle design, that is, unilateral prisms with a cross section of a scalene triangle on the back surface of the light‐guide plate. The LCDs of small‐sized‐handheld game devices and still cameras were fabricated using the 3D/2D and 2D/3D displays.  相似文献   

In computer vision and image analysis, image registration between 2D projections and a 3D image that achieves high accuracy and near real-time computation is challenging. In this paper, we propose a novel method that can rapidly detect an object’s 3D rigid motion or deformation from a 2D projection image or a small set thereof. The method is called CLARET (Correction via Limited-Angle Residues in External Beam Therapy) and consists of two stages: registration preceded by shape space and regression learning. In the registration stage, linear operators are used to iteratively estimate the motion/deformation parameters based on the current intensity residue between the target projection(s) and the digitally reconstructed radiograph(s) (DRRs) of the estimated 3D image. The method determines the linear operators via a two-step learning process. First, it builds a low-order parametric model of the image region’s motion/deformation shape space from its prior 3D images. Second, using learning-time samples produced from the 3D images, it formulates the relationships between the model parameters and the co-varying 2D projection intensity residues by multi-scale linear regressions. The calculated multi-scale regression matrices yield the coarse-to-fine linear operators used in estimating the model parameters from the 2D projection intensity residues in the registration. The method’s application to Image-guided Radiation Therapy (IGRT) requires only a few seconds and yields good results in localizing a tumor under rigid motion in the head and neck and under respiratory deformation in the lung, using one treatment-time imaging 2D projection or a small set thereof.  相似文献   

This paper presents a robust framework for tracking complex objects in video sequences. Multiple hypothesis tracking (MHT) algorithm reported in (IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 18(2) (1996)) is modified to accommodate a high level representations (2D edge map, 3D models) of objects for tracking. The framework exploits the advantages of MHT algorithm which is capable of resolving data association/uncertainty and integrates it with object matching techniques to provide a robust behavior while tracking complex objects. To track objects in 2D, a 4D feature is used to represent edge/line segments and are tracked using MHT. In many practical applications 3D models provide more information about the object's pose (i.e., rotation information in the transformation space) which cannot be recovered using 2D edge information. Hence, a 3D model-based object tracking algorithm is also presented. A probabilistic Hausdorff image matching algorithm is incorporated into the framework in order to determine the geometric transformation that best maps the model features onto their corresponding ones in the image plane. 3D model of the object is used to constrain the tracker to operate in a consistent manner. Experimental results on real and synthetic image sequences are presented to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed framework.  相似文献   

Reactive 2D/3D garment pattern design modification   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a new 3D garment simulation result update algorithm for the 2D garment pattern design modification. The proposed algorithm enables the 3D garment fitting simulation result directly to react to the modification in the 2D patterns. The algorithm performs a topological invariant deformation of the 2D pattern mesh after the boundary of the 2D pattern undergoes a topological consistent modification. The length of each of the edges in the mesh defined as the equilibrium state parameter is updated and then directly used in the 3D garment fitting simulation to update the original simulation result. The advantage of the proposed algorithm is that the mesh topology of the 2D garment pattern is preserved and thus simplifies the numerical scheme by maintaining the consistency of the matrix equation. With this approach, the 3D garment fitting simulation does not need to repeat the entire simulation for every modification and can react to the 2D pattern modification efficiently and speedily.  相似文献   

具有旋转、缩放、平移不变性的轨迹相似性度量是实现精准手语识别、相似轨迹检索等的关键环节,常规的相似性度量往往不满足这一要求,特别是不具备旋转不变性。提出一种具有旋转、缩放、平移不变性的轨迹相似性度量方法,该方法首先对轨迹进行滤波、归一化、等间距重采样等预处理操作,然后对任意两条待比较的轨迹估计最优旋转矩阵,从而消除旋转对距离度量的干扰。该方法对二维、三维轨迹数据均适用,计算复杂度为[ON],与曲率、挠率等不变量相比,该方法对轨迹噪声不敏感。  相似文献   

基于弹簧质点模型的二维/三维映射算法*   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
樊劲  周济  王启付  袁铭辉 《软件学报》1999,10(2):140-148
提出了一种用于服装设计的二维/三维映射算法.该算法基于弹簧质点变形模型,服装裁剪片二维到三维映射及三维到二维映射可以在该模型中得到统一的实现.在服装裁剪片二维到三维的映射过程中,二维裁剪片被放置在人体模型附近的初始位置,在缝合力的作用下,裁剪片自动变形并缝合到人体模型上.在服装裁剪片三维到二维映射的过程中,三维裁剪片被初始映射到指定的平面内,在弹性变形力的作用下,逐步变形并得到最终的二维裁剪片.在进行服装裁剪片二维到三维映射的过程中,考虑了干涉检验的问题.  相似文献   

2D/3DIsometricTransformationUsingSpring_MasSystemFanJin1MathewM.F.Yuen2QifuWang1ZhouJi11TheCADCenterofTheHuazhongUnviersityof...  相似文献   

2D/3D image registration on the GPU   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We present a method that performs a rigid 2D/3D image registration efficiently on the Graphical Processing Unit (GPU). As one main contribution of this paper, we propose an efficient method for generating realistic DRRs that are visually similar to x-ray images. Therefore, we model some of the electronic post-processes of current x-ray C-arm-systems. As another main contribution, the GPU is used to compute eight intensity-based similarity measures between the DRR and the x-ray image in parallel. A combination of these eight similarity measures is used as a new similarity measure for the optimization. We evaluated the performance and the precision of our 2D/3D image registration algorithm using two phantom models. Compared to a CPU + GPU algorithm, which calculates the similarity measures on the CPU, our GPU algorithm is between three and six times faster. In contrast to single similarity measures, our new similarity measure achieved precise and robust registration results for both phantom models.  相似文献   

为实现微创脊柱手术导航,提出一种将脊柱术前CT与其术中X射线图像配准的方法.首先基于一种最近点迭代法进行快速粗配准;然后提取图像的梯度特征,根据投影变换原理,采用寻找具有CT最大梯度投影位置的方法进行精配准.在模拟数据及临床标本上进行实验的配准率分别为92%和78%. 实验结果表明:该方法鲁棒性强、人工干预少、适合于临床应用.  相似文献   

With the increasing growth of multimedia applications over the networking in recent years, users have put forward much higher requirements for multimedia quality of experience (QoE) than before. One of the representative requirements is the image quality. Therefore, the image quality assessment ranging from two-dimension (2D) image to three-dimension (3D) image has been getting much attention. In this paper, an efficient objective image quality assessment metric in block-based discrete cosine transform (DCT) coding is proposed. The metric incorporates properties of human visual system (HVS) to improve its validity and reliability in evaluating the quality of stereoscopic image. This is fulfilled by calculating the local pixel-based distortions in frequency domain, combining the simplified models of local visibility properties embodied in frequency domain, which consist of region of interest (ROI) mechanism (visual sensitivity), contrast sensitivity function (CSF) and contrast masking effect. The performance of the proposed metric is compared with other currently state-of-the-art objective image quality assessment metrics. The experimental results have demonstrated that the proposed metric is highly consistent with the subjective test scores. Moreover, the performance of the metric is also confirmed with the popular IRCCyN/IVC database. Therefore, the proposed metric is promising in term of the practical efficiency and reliability for real-life multimedia applications.  相似文献   


This work presents the design of a real-time system to model visual objects with the use of self-organising networks. The architecture of the system addresses multiple computer vision tasks such as image segmentation, optimal parameter estimation and object representation. We first develop a framework for building non-rigid shapes using the growth mechanism of the self-organising maps, and then we define an optimal number of nodes without overfitting or underfitting the network based on the knowledge obtained from information-theoretic considerations. We present experimental results for hands and faces, and we quantitatively evaluate the matching capabilities of the proposed method with the topographic product. The proposed method is easily extensible to 3D objects, as it offers similar features for efficient mesh reconstruction.


A new 3D/2D interactive display server was developed for the IGeoS geophysical data processing framework presented earlier. With introduction of this major component, the framework becomes conceptually complete and potentially bridges the gap between traditional processing and interpretation geophysical software.The display server utilizes Qt toolkit and OpenGL graphics libraries while taking advantage of the object-oriented design of the core data processing system. It operates by creating image object trees that are automatically propagated to the server(s) residing on the same or remote hosts and producing complex, structured, and interactive data displays. The displays support custom interactive graphical user interfaces, which are constructed entirely by the user and do not require computer coding. With over 200 specialized processing tools available, this approach allows creating 3D visualizations and building custom interactive data analysis, interpretation, and modeling tools in many areas of application. In particular, we show examples of integration of seismic ray tracing, gravity, and receiver function modeling and inversion in deep crustal studies.  相似文献   

An accurate image registration method based on Local Upsampling Fourier Transform (LUFT) is developed in this paper. It uses a hierarchical strategy to estimate more accurate image pair’s registration parameters, which consists of a coarse estimation and a robust and efficient refinement stage as well. The initial parameter is estimated through a conventional Phase Only Correlation (POC) method in the coarse stage, and then it is refined by the Local Upsampling Fourier Transform in frequency domain to achieve higher accuracy. Furthermore, as will be shown in many experiments, the LUFT can achieve more accurate translation and rotation estimation, and it is efficient, robust to noise, and it can be applied to accurate 2D and 3D image rotation and translation estimation.  相似文献   

Abstract— In this paper, the design of a lenticular‐based 2‐D/3‐D display for mobile applications is described. This display combines look‐around capability with good 3‐D resolution. In order to allow high‐resolution datagraphic applications, a concept based on actively switched lenses has been developed. A very noticeable problem for such displays is the occurrence of dark bands. Despite slanting the lenticular and defocusing the lens, banding becomes unacceptable when the display is viewed from an angle. As a solution, fractional viewing systems to reduce the banding intensity by almost two orders of magnitude is introduced. The resulting 3‐D display can be viewed from any horizontal direction without banding.  相似文献   

We propose a high optical efficiency three‐dimensional (3D)/two‐dimensional (2D) convertible integral imaging display by using a pinhole array on a reflective polarizer. The 3D mode is realized by adopting a pinhole array on a reflective polarizer to generate a point light source array. Three‐dimensional/2D convertible feature is realized by electrically controlling a polarization switcher. The reflective polarizer can reflect the light that has the orthogonal polarization direction with the reflective polarizer and transmit the light that has the same polarization direction with the reflective polarizer. The reflected light is recycled, so the optical efficiencies for both 3D and 2D modes are enhanced. In the practical experiments, the optical efficiencies of the proposed integral imaging display increase by 8.04 times and 1.65 times in 3D and 2D modes comparing with the conventional integral imaging display that has no light recycle, respectively.  相似文献   

目前的2D/3D医学图像配准方法的配准精度和效率存在矛盾,配准捕获范围小.为解决这些问题,本文提出一种基于主方向傅里叶变换算子的分级配准方法.首先,提出平面旋转平移不变性算子——主方向傅里叶变换算子.然后,提出基于主方向傅里叶变换算子的模板匹配初始化方法,可避免接近真值的初值需求,并显著扩大了捕获范围.最后,提出基于主方向傅里叶变换算子的分级配准框架,将配准搜索空间从O(n6)降到O(n2),在保证配准精度的情况下大幅提高配准效率.在配准实验中,本文方法的配准精度为0.68 mm±0.28 mm,配准时间为16.87 s±3.77 s,捕获范围大于100 mm.因此,所提出的基于主方向傅里叶变换算子的分级配准方法可以满足2D/3D图像配准在相关临床应用中精度、效率及捕获范围的需求.  相似文献   

A real-time facial video coding/decoding system was proposed based on the establishment of 2D/3D mixed coding/decoding scheme. It has better rate/distortion performance at ultra-low bit-rate. Multi-measurements and online appearance models were applied to track the 3D facial motion from video by the improved particle filtering. 3D facial animation was produced by combining the parameterized model and muscular model. 3D hair was synthesized based on the hair detection result in video. 3D coding/decoding result of foreground and 2D coding/decoding result of background were stitched seamlessly. At ultra-low bit-rate, the objective experiment confirmed the comprehensive advantage between coding efficiency and decoding quality of this system, and the subjective experiment indicated the suitability of subjective face identification by it.  相似文献   

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