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设计了一个基于DSP的高速多路数据采集系统,介绍了整个系统的硬件电路设计方案.该数据采集系统支持USB协议,采样速率高,数据处理能力强.在Delphi开发环境下编写的人机界面软件具有收集、显示、保存及相关分析等功能.  相似文献   

基于DSP的高速数据采集与处理系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一种基于TMS320C3X DSP芯片的数据采集及处理系统PC31,包括PC31的硬件特性和开发软件。PC31另外扩展子卡GRABBER31,可使采样率达到10MHz。Zuma软件开发工具包使DSP的开发过程大大简化。  相似文献   

基于DSP与FPGA的高速数据采集系统的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对传统数据采集系统的不足,根据电力系统数据采集要求,构建了以DSP和FPGA为核心的数据采集系统。系统以FPGA为主控CPU,实现对AD转换器的控制,并实现数据的存储功能。该数据采集系统可实现16路最大工作频率为500kSPS的模拟信号采集,适用于电网信号的高速采集。  相似文献   

以TI公司的DSP芯片TMS320VC5402和MAXIM公司的数据转换芯片MAX125为例,利用数据转换芯片MAX125与DSP(TMS320VC5402)接口组成多通道同时采样数据采集系统.MAX125因其独有的特性使得在电力系统继电保护和故障诊断中,同时采样各相电流、电压的瞬时值时,提供了极好的解决方案.  相似文献   

基于DSP和ADS8364的高速数据采集处理系统   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
开发了基于DSP和ADS8364的高速数据采集处理系统。该系统主要由信号调理模块、A/D转换模块、DSP处理器模块、CPLD逻辑控制模块和USB2.0通信模块组成。它能够在板卡上实现信号的采集及前端处理,并能通过USB总线与上位机通信,实现数据的存储、后端处理及显示。参考了虚拟仪器的设计思想,重点阐述了系统原理及硬件、软件的设计。  相似文献   

基于DSP的核磁共振测井用高速数据采集系统的设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高速数据采集电路的设计是实现核磁共振信号数字化获取的关键。本文描述了一个以数字信号处理器(DSP)系统为核心,以高速流水线式A/D转换器、可编程逻辑门阵列(FPGA)、数控振荡器(NCO)为主体的核磁共振测井用高速数据采集系统。它根据核磁共振测井数据采集频率高,但具有间歇性的特点进行了专门设计,使用两片先入先出队列芯片(FIFO)进行A/D转换数据的缓冲,提高了系统对突发性数据的采集能力。并且使用两片FIFO交替写入数据的方式,为在DSP中实现数字正交检波提供了便利。该系统理论上具有每0.05μs进行一次A/D转换的能力。目前,它稳定地进行了每0.1μs一次A/D转换的数据采集实验,满足了核磁共振测井系统的要求。  相似文献   

介绍一种基于DSP和以太网的数据采集处理系统。论述数据采集处理系统中的以太网应用,分析系统的硬件设计方案,提出基于实时操作系统DSP/BIOS进行软件设计的思路和实现方法。  相似文献   

介绍一种基于DSP和以太网的数据采集处理系统.论述数据采集处理系统中的以太网应用,分析系统的硬件设计方案,提出基于实时操作系统DSP/BIOS进行软件设计的思路和实现方法.  相似文献   

基于M-BUS的超低功耗数据采集系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍一种基于超低功耗单片机的数据采集系统的设计与实现;具体阐述该系统的工作原理、主要特点、总体设计、硬件电路和软件流程设计。该系统以TI公司的16位Flash型MSP430Fx44x系列单片机为核心,以根据韦根德效应制成的零功耗磁敏传感器作为采集前端,选用M—BUS总线进行数据传输,适用于远传抄表的数据采集。  相似文献   

介绍了一种基于DSP与USB的高速数据采集与处理系统,包括整个系统的硬件设计与软件设计。DSP控制整个系统完成CCD信号采集并进行小波变换去噪处理,FPGA协同DSP实现整个系统的地址译码和逻辑控制。主机应用程序通过USB完成与DSP的数据通信,实现整个采集的控制和数据显示。这种高速的数据采集与处理系统,可广泛地应用于各种智能仪表、自动化控制设备中,有着非常好的市场应用前景。  相似文献   

The article presents simple methods for the design of adaptive force and position controllers for robot manipulators within the hybrid control architecture. The force controller is composed of an adaptive PID feedback controller, an auxiliary signal, and a force feedforward term, and achieves tracking of desired force setpoints in the constraint directions. The position controller consists of adaptive feedback and feedforward controllers as well as an auxiliary signal, and accomplishes tracking of desired position trajectories in the free directions. The controllers are capable of compensating for dynamic cross-couplings that exist between the position and force control loops in the hybrid control architecture. The adaptive controllers do not require knowledge of the complex dynamic model or parameter values of the manipulator or the environment. The proposed control schemes are computationally fast and suitable for implementation in online control with high sampling rates. The methods are applied to a two-link manipulator for simultaneous force and position control. Simulation results confirm that the adaptive controllers perform remarkably well under different conditions.  相似文献   

We propose an inertia-related coupling torque (IRCT) compensator for disturbance observer (DOB)-based position control of multi-link robotic manipulators. The proposed compensator reduces the DOB estimation error that is due to input with high-frequency components. To analyze the compensated system, the state space model is converted to singular perturbation form and the stability of the proposed system is also addressed. Numerical simulations and experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed compensator.  相似文献   

In this note we propose a controller that solves the problem of coordination of two (or more) robots, under a master-slave scheme, in the case when only position measurements are available. The controller consists of a feedback control law, and two non-linear observers. It is shown that the controller yields ultimate uniformly boundedness of the closed loop errors, a relation between this bound and the gains on the controller is established. Simulation results on two twolink robot systems show the predicted convergence performance.  相似文献   

开发了一种基于数字信号处理器(DSP)的静电悬浮转子微陀螺的可视化闭环测控系统.该系统是在VC33DSP平台下,采用增量式PID算法控制器,对VC33DSP开发系统的外设A/D、D/A和PCI芯片进行编程应用.具体为使用VC++编写可视化界面,对PCI芯片编程实现DSP与PC之间通信,使用VC33DSP汇编语言编程实现数据的输入输出.经编程测试,增量式汇编函数能够有效运行,为静电悬浮转子微陀螺的悬浮、旋转等检测控制实现奠定了一定的基础.  相似文献   

介绍了一种采用微差压传感器、微型放大器、微功耗数字信号处理器(DSP)设计的新型微型飞行器空速计。为了提高仪表低量程端测量精度,采用分段直线拟合法消除器件的非线性引起的误差;经实验室测试,空速在0~30m/s范围内,误差为±1.5m/s。且该空速计具有体积小、重量轻、功耗低、工作可靠等特点。  相似文献   

介绍了一种基于数字信号处理器(DSP)的微型飞行器(MAV)磁罗盘,它包括S/R电路,三轴磁阻传感器、信号调理电路和DSP。为了使传感器达到最高的精度,设计了S/R开关电路,消除了高磁场对输出的影响和温度变化引起的偏置误差。详细分析了磁罗盘的误差来源,给出其误差模型,并提出一种非线性、两步补偿算法,此算法也适用于其他存在比例、偏置和非正交误差的二维或三维传感器。经实验测试,该微型磁罗盘误差小于1.2,°且具有体积小、重量轻、功耗低、工作可靠等特点。  相似文献   

In this paper, a simple torque to position conversion method is proposed for position commanded servo actuators used in robot manipulators. The torque to position conversion is based on the low level controller of the servomotor. The proposed conversion law is combined with a backstepping sliding mode control method to realize a robust dynamic controller. The proposed torque based method can control a servomotor which can otherwise be operated only through position inputs. This method facilitates dynamic control for position controlled servomotors and it can be extended to position commanded robotic manipulators also. Simulation and experimental studies are conducted to validate the proposed torque to position conversion based robust control method.  相似文献   

New adaptation algorithm is presented for adaptive control of robot manipulators. The passivity property of the proposed algorithm is first established, then the stability is proved based on the passivity properties of the plant and those of the proposed algorithm. Because of the use of the past information and averaging effect, this algorithm gives a smoother tracking and parameter error and a parameter convergence under a weaker excitation condition  相似文献   

In this paper, a non-linear stable control scheme is developed for performing a cooperative task by hydraulic manipulators. The goal is to design a controller that allows two or more hydraulic robots to coordinately regulate an object's position/orientation while maintaining specified load sharing between the manipulators as well as desired internal forces on the object. First the complete dynamic model of the whole system is described. Then, a controller is designed, augmented by an on-line updating law to eliminate the steady-state errors due to lack of knowledge about the payload. Extended Lyapunov's second method is used for stability analysis of the control system. The stability of the system is guaranteed by constructing a smooth Lyapunov function. Simulations are performed to substantiate the controller developed in this paper.  相似文献   

Switched position control algorithms are developed to globally stabilize friction mechanical manipulators around a desired position. Both static and dynamic position feedback designs are presented. The controllers constructed, referred to as chattering controllers, do not rely on the generation of sliding motions while providing robustness features similar to those possessed by their sliding mode counterparts. Stability analysis is given within the Lyapunov vector functions framework extended to discontinuous dynamic systems. Performance issues of the chattering controllers are evaluated in an experimental study of a three degrees-of-freedom robot manipulator.  相似文献   

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