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Harmonic signal generation and frequency up-conversion are demonstrated using a hybrid mode-locked multisection distributed-feedback (MS-DFB) laser. Hybrid mode-locking is realized by direct injection of electrical local oscillator (LO) signals into the laser gain control section. The harmonic signals are generated when multiple optical modes produced by the hybrid mode-locked MS-DFB laser are detected in a photodiode (PD). In addition, if data signals at fIF are applied to the device along with LO signals at fLO, optical sidebands separated from the optical modes by fIF are generated and harmonic up-converted signals are obtained by mode-beating in PD. Using this method, we demonstrate generation of the third-harmonic millimeter-waves at 30.79 GHz with fLO at 10.263 GHz, and up-conversion of 12.5-Mb/s 32 quadrature amplitude modulation data at 300-MHz fIF into 30-GHz band  相似文献   

We propose and demonstrate a novel approach to generate millimeter-wave (MMW) ultra-wideband (UWB) signal via frequency up-conversion using fiber optical parametric amplifier (OPA). The baseband UWB signal is amplified by a high-repetition-rate pulsed pump and generates many sidebands separated by the modulation frequency of the pump. By selecting two or three of the sidebands and beating in the photodetector, we can obtain an up-converted signal in the MMW band. In our experiment, we have successfully demonstrated UWB signal up-conversion from 3 to $sim$ 19 GHz with 18-dB optical gain using fiber OPA.   相似文献   

超宽带(UWB)无线通信的关键技术之一是UWB窄脉冲产生技术.为简化光子超宽带脉冲源的设计,提出采用基于光纤可饱和吸收体效应的环形腔被动锁模光纤激光器来设计光子UWB脉冲源.为了获得满足UWB室内无线通信频谱范围的脉冲,利用色散和啁啾效应展宽脉宽的原理,在激光器环形腔内使用较长的增益光纤引入大量色散效应,将光脉冲展宽以符合美国通信委员会(FCC)规定的室内UWB通信频谱范围(3.1~10.6 GHz).并根据光纤激光器谐波锁模的原理,通过控制偏振态调制输出脉冲的周期以提高脉冲重复频率.实验中,展宽的光脉冲经光电转换器转换成UWB电脉冲序列后,由宽带数字示波器进行波形观测和测量.通过调节偏振控制器,获得了可输出8种不同脉冲重复频率的光子超宽带脉冲源.  相似文献   

In this paper, the effect of external optical reflection on the dynamic regimes and spectral properties of Fabry–Perot and distributed Bragg reflector monolithic mode-locked laser diodes is investigated numerically. The relation of the findings to experimental results is discussed, and optimizing the laser construction for reducing the feedback effects is also assessed.   相似文献   

This letter demonstrates a novel method to generate high-purity optical millimeter-wave signals with carrier suppression by using a frequency quadrupling technique. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first time that a frequency quadrupling system requires only a single integrated Mach-Zehnder modulator without a narrowband optical filter to remove undesired optical sidebands. Since no optical filter is needed, fast frequency tuning is straightforward and this approach will be particularly attractive for optical up-conversion in wavelength-division-multiplexing radio-over-fiber systems. This letter provides both theoretical analysis and experimental demonstration. The generated optical millimeter-wave signals have very high quality with an optical carrier and harmonic distortion suppression ratio of more than 38 and 36 dB at 40 and 72 GHz, respectively.  相似文献   

用注入锁模法改善DFB激光器的频率响应   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
验证了通过注入锁模方法,分布反馈(DFB)半导体激光器的频率响应可以得到明显的改善.实验中通过一个环形器,将主激光器的输出光注入到从激光器.测量了从激光器在有注入光和没有注入光时的光谱和频率响应.发现在不同的注入光强度和波长下,激光器的调制带宽和弛豫振荡峰频率会发生变化.通过适当选择注入光的强度和波长,频率响应可以得到改善.激光器频率响应的改善可以用两个模式的拍频来解释,一个模式是从激光器的主模,另一个是主激光器的模式,该模式与从激光器的边带重合.该理论与实验结果符合得很好.  相似文献   

验证了通过注入锁模方法,分布反馈(DFB)半导体激光器的频率响应可以得到明显的改善.实验中通过一个环形器,将主激光器的输出光注入到从激光器.测量了从激光器在有注入光和没有注入光时的光谱和频率响应.发现在不同的注入光强度和波长下,激光器的调制带宽和弛豫振荡峰频率会发生变化.通过适当选择注入光的强度和波长,频率响应可以得到改善.激光器频率响应的改善可以用两个模式的拍频来解释,一个模式是从激光器的主模,另一个是主激光器的模式,该模式与从激光器的边带重合.该理论与实验结果符合得很好.  相似文献   

提出了一种将低速基带信号直调产生的宽谱信号,注入至用于上变频的分布反馈式半导体激光器(DFB-LD),利用调制信号光谱中的高阶分量对从激光器进行相位锁定,从而产生光学上变频信号的方法。对直调信号注入锁定DFB-LD产生光学上变频信号的机理进行了理论分析,完成了2.5Gb/s伪随机码基带信号通过直调并注入从激光器,分别产生了30,35,40GHz副载波频率的全光上变频信号的实验,并在时域和频域上,对上变频信号的特征进行了研究。该方案结构简单,无需高速外调制器及高频本振,具有集成潜力,理论上可产生更高载频(如60GHz),对目前的光-无线混合接入提供了一种可行的解决方案。  相似文献   

We have experimentally observed and theoretically analyzed the gain dependent optimum repetition rates of a hybrid-type active and passive mode locked laser pulses in an erbium-doped fiber laser of the figure-of-eight geometry by utilizing a nonlinear amplifier loop mirror (NALM) as a saturable absorber and a directional-coupler type electro-optic modulator as an active mode locker. Transform-limited mode-locked pulses of about 10 ps width were obtained at repetition rates which correspond to harmonics of the cavity fundamental frequency and depend on the optical amplifier gain in the NALM.  相似文献   

Twentieth-order rational harmonic mode-locking (RHML) semiconductor optical amplifier fiber laser (SOAFL) pulses are demonstrated by using 1-GHz backward dark-optical comb injection. Maximum frequency detuning range of plusmn 300 Hz, broadened pulsewidth of 35 ps, and highest average power of 0.4 muW for twentieth-order RHML-SOAFL pulse are characterized. The extraordinary phenomena on the red-shifted wavelength from 1535.5 to 1541.5 nm and the corresponding spectral linewidth reduced from 12 to 3 nm are observed with the RHML order increasing to 8 or higher. Such a less pronounced RHML mechanism at higher orders occurred in the optically injection mode-locked SOAFL is mainly attributed to the weak mode-locking strength at high RHML orders as compared to continuous-wave lasing mechanism.  相似文献   

We propose and experimentally demonstrate the generation of baseband ultra-wideband (UWB) monocycle and doublet pulses using one dual-parallel Mach–Zehnder modulator. We further present a proof-of-concept demonstration of a 24-GHz UWB over fiber system based on frequency up-conversion. The performance of the up-converted UWB pulses after fiber transmission is studied.   相似文献   

We outline a novel method for all-optical envelope detection of wireless signals by exploiting cross-gain modulation effects in a distributed feedback laser operating with optical injection. We successfully demonstrate envelope detection of a 20-GHz carrier amplitude-shift-keying modulated signal at 2.5 Gb/s and its transmission over a 70-km optical fiber link. We present results including bit-error-rate measurements, signal waveforms, and receiver sensitivity penalties associated with envelope detection and fiber transmission.  相似文献   

We proposed a method to generate pulsewidth-tunable carrier-suppressed (CS) optical pulsetrain from a mode-locked distributed Bragg reflector (DBR) laser diode (LD) operating with two carrier wavelengths. Our new method made it possible to generate the CS pulsetrains with widely tunable duty ratios of both more and less than 0.5 from a single chip of semiconductor device. With theoretical explanation and suggestion on the operation principle, we experimentally demonstrated the tunable CS pulse generation using a monolithic 40-GHz actively mode-locked DBR LD integrated with an electroabsorption modulator. Wide tunability in the pulsewidth from 3 to 16 ps was successfully achieved retaining almost chirp-free conditions. We also succeeded in the asymmetric pulse generation with different rise and fall times by fine tuning of the operating conditions.  相似文献   

A novel method of optical generation millimeter-wave (mm-wave) signals employing two cascaded optical modulators and four-wave-mixing effect in semiconductor optical amplifiers is proposed. This approach is capable of generating signals of four times, eight times, and 12 times microwave source frequency with high spectral purity and stability. A mm-wave of 42 GHz (12times fundamental) with a 3-dB linewidth less than 30 Hz and a phase noise less than 83 dBc/Hz at 10-kHz offset is obtained.  相似文献   

一种可用受激布里渊效应选脉冲的自滤波被动锁模激光器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文用特殊设计的、能自准直输出激光束、满足空间自滤波条件的小孔光柱,实现了被动脉冲锁模Nd:YAG激光器的自滤波振荡。销模脉冲序列能量~70mJ,序列中只包含3~4个脉冲,脉冲宽度为≤40ps,光束发散角<1mrad。用CCl4溶液受激布里渊后向散射阈值效应,成功地实现了用全被动方法获得锁模单脉冲输出。  相似文献   

A novel optical microwave and millimeter generation by using single mode fiber FP cavity (SMFFPC) with pulse laser injection is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. The frequency of output signal is determined by the birefringence degree of the SMFFPC, a general relationship between output signal frequency of SMFFPC and birefringence degree of single mode fiber is derived. The proof of concept device consists of a light source, a polarizer controller, a modulator, a RF generator, a single mode fiber Fabry-Perot cavity, a strain inspector, an erbium doped fiber amplifier, a filter, a polarizer, and a digital communication analyzer. The results demonstrate the new concept of optical microwave and millimeter generation and the technical feasibility.  相似文献   

It is demonstrated that accurate distance measurement may be effected using a commercially available distributed feedback (DFB) semiconductor laser subject to frequency-shifted optical feedback. A simple experimental arrangement is employed wherein a chirped frequency comb is generated in an external cavity DFB laser using an intracavity acoustic-optic modulator. The frequency comb generates a beat frequency which is proportional to the path difference of a target and reference arm. An estimate of the accuracy and resolution of the measurement is given.  相似文献   

外腔半导体激光器设计与高次谐波稳频   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了利特罗(Littrow)结构外腔半导体激光器的结构参量对激光连续可调范围的影响。给出了反射镜转轴等处的机械加工误差对激光波长连续可调范围所造成的影响的数值计算结果。介绍了半导体激光器外腔结构设计的具体细节要点。利用该设计制作的外腔只需要配合商用半导体激光管便可以得到优质的780nm激光输出,经测量其线宽小于1MHz,连续可调谐范围大于3GHz。利用腔外Rb饱和吸收谱的三、五次谐波稳频方法对半导体激光器进行了稳频。其中提出了优化激光频率短期稳定度的方法,并对调制深度的选择给出了详细的理论解释。根据该优化方法设计出稳频系统对半导体激光器进行稳频,得到了稳定度达到10-12量级的半导体激光输出。  相似文献   

An analysis model of an intracavity optical second-harmonic generation in a vertical-external-cavity surface-emitting laser (VECSEL) is presented. The model is based on the conventional semiconductor rate equations for the carrier and the photon combined with the second harmonic generation process. The parameters used in the model are obtainable from experimental data such as power transfer curves, output spectrum, and cavity configuration. The accuracy of our model is confirmed by comparing experimental and theoretical results. The influences of physically adjustable parameters in the VECSEL on both the lasing performance and the second harmonic generation were thoroughly investigated by utilizing the proposed analysis model.  相似文献   

By adjusting the direct current (dc) bias on an electrooptic modulator to suppress the first-order sideband and subsequently using a double-waveguide micro-ring resonator to filter out the optical carrier, millimeter (mm)-wave signal was generated at a frequency of four times the 10-GHz local oscillator. A monolithic integrated silicon-based optical mm-wave signal generator by frequency quadrupling is proposed. A silicon integrated microresonator filter was fabricated and its design parameters are given. High extinction ratio optical mm-wave signal was obtained. The single sideband noise spectrum of the generated 40-GHz optical signal was measured, showing similar performance when compared with that generated by a radio-frequency synthesizer.   相似文献   

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