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Typically developing children understand and predict others' behavior by extracting and processing relevant information such as the logic of their actions within the situational constraints and the intentions conveyed by their gaze direction and emotional expressions. Children with autism have difficulties understanding and predicting others' actions. With the use of eye tracking and behavioral measures, we investigated action understanding mechanisms used by 18 children with autism and a well-matched group of 18 typically developing children. Results showed that children with autism (a) consider situational constraints in order to understand the logic of an agent's action and (b) show typical usage of the agent's emotional expressions to infer his or her intentions. We found (c) subtle atypicalities in the way children with autism respond to an agent's direct gaze and (d) marked impairments in their ability to attend to and interpret referential cues such as a head turn for understanding an agent's intentions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In a series of investigations we found that children between 3 and 5 years of age judged that an utterance (such as, "There's milk in the jug") would be ignored by a listener who had previously seen something contradictory (orange juice in the jug). However, children judged that the listener would believe the message "There's milk in the jug" when he had not previously seen inside. In these various conditions, child participants had not seen for themselves what was inside the jug, so it was impossible for their own directly perceived knowledge to contaminate their judgments of what the protagonist believed. Under these conditions, even many false-belief failers did not assume that the listener would believe whatever they themselves thought was true. Moreover, the results of control conditions suggested that children's success could not be attributed to low-level strategies. These results seem to indicate an early understanding of how people prioritize information, with the consequence that they acknowledge that one and the same message would be believed in one context but not in another.  相似文献   

In 2 experiments, students received 2 presentations of a narrated animation that explained how lightning forms followed by retention and transfer tests. In Experiment 1, learners who were allowed to exercise control over the pace of the narrated animation before a second presentation of the same material at normal speed (part–whole presentation) performed better on transfer but not retention tests compared with learners who received the same 2 presentations in the reverse order (whole–part presentation). In Experiment 2, learners who were allowed to exercise control over the pace of the narrated animation across 2 presentations (part–part presentation) performed better on transfer but not retention tests compared with learners who received the same 2 presentations at normal speed without any learner control (whole–whole presentation). These results are consistent with cognitive load theory and a 2-stage theory of mental model construction. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The pyrolytic behavior of inulin, a (2-->1)-linked fructofuranan, is described. Parallel investigations of the pyrolysis of glucose and of fructose were conducted to supplement the inulin results and to aid comparison with previous results from glucans. Effects of neutral and basic additives are emphasized. As with glucans, the addition of such additives (especially basic) increases the yields of the one-, two-, and three-carbon products (as well as of hexosaccharinolactones), while generally decreasing the yields of anhydro sugar and furan derivatives. The former products include glycolaldehyde, acetol, dihydroxy-acetone, acetic acid, formic acid, and lactic acid. Mechanistic speculations are made regarding the origins of these compounds, as well as of furan derivatives and saccharinic acid lactones. Parallels with alkaline degradation are considered.  相似文献   

The number of telephone surveys conducted has increased in Japan, with the telephone directory often used for sampling respondents in telephone surveys. As some subscribers request that their numbers not be listed, they are excluded. The Random Digit Dialing (RDD) survey method, however, not only makes possible smooth data collection, but also random sampling of all subscribers in telephone surveys. The authors conducted a telephone survey in Tokyo using the RDD method to investigate any differences in behavior and demographic or social attributes between listed and unlisted subscribers. These attributes included gender, age, family size, job, and residential area. The findings were as follows: 1) The listing rate in telephone directories was 65.8% among respondents. 2) Old age, large family size and certain residential areas correlated with higher listing rates. 3) Nevertheless, the relationship between listing in the telephone directory and residential area remains somewhat unclear due to the confounding attributes of age and family size. 4) Using Hayashi's second method of quantification, age, family size and occupation correlated with listing frequency. 5) There were also significant differences between listed and unlisted subscribers on questions of health maintenance and lifestyle.  相似文献   

In 2 experiments, understanding of historical subject matter was enhanced when students acted as historians and constructed their own models of an historical event. Providing students with information in a web site with multiple sources instead of a textbook chapter, and instructing them to write arguments instead of narratives, summaries, or explanations, produced the most integrated and causal essays with the most transformation from the original sources. Better performance on inference and analogy tasks provided converging evidence that students who wrote arguments from the web sources gained a better understanding than other students. A second experiment replicated the advantage of argument writing even when information was presented as an argument. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In this study, the authors investigate emotional understanding in autism through a discourse analytic framework to provide a window into children's strategies for interpreting emotional versus nonemotional encounters and consider the implications for the mechanisms underlying emotional understanding in typical development. Accounts were analyzed for thematic content and discourse structure. Whereas high-functioning children with autism were able to discuss contextually appropriate accounts of simple emotions, their strategies for interpreting all types of emotional (but not nonemotional) experiences differed from those used by typically developing children. High-functioning children with autism were less inclined to organize their emotional accounts in personalized causal-explanatory frameworks and displayed a tendency to describe visually salient elements of experiences seldom observed among comparison children. Findings suggest that children with autism possess less coherent representations of emotional experiences and use alternative strategies for interpreting emotionally evocative encounters. Discussion focuses on the significance of these findings for informing the nature of emotional dysfunction in autism as well as implications for theories of emotional understanding in typical development. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

During the past decade there have been significant advances in our understanding of the mechanisms underlying allergic responses. Immediate hypersensitivity reactions are mediated primarily by mast cells in an IgE-dependent manner. After the local release of various mediators, proinflammatory cytokines, and chemokines, there is a cell-mediated response that is dominated by eosinophils and T lymphocytes. The majority of T cells in early allergic reactions are memory T cells secreting helper type 2 (TH2)-like cytokines, i.e. IL-4, IL-5, and IL-13, but not interferon-gamma. These cytokines regulate IgE synthesis and promote eosinophil differentiation and cell survival, thus contributing to allergic inflammatory responses. Failure to control immune activation early in the course of allergic inflammation may blunt the response to glucocorticoid therapy and contribute to long-term morbidity of disease. The identification of key cells and cytokines involved in the initiation and maintenance of allergic inflammation is likely to become an important therapeutic target in the future management of this important group of diseases.  相似文献   

Investigated external correlates of MMPI profile scales in a racially mixed urban sample of 247 adolescent psychiatric inpatients and outpatients. The correlates included consensually nominated items from the Personality Inventory for Children (PIC) completed by the patient's mother or surrogate mother. Correlates were calculated separately by sex. Validity and meaning of the adolescent's MMPI profile relative to the PIC correlates were examined. Results support the traditional adult-based interpretations of most single-scale elevations; however, Scales 4 and 0 were more strongly supported, and Scales 3, 5, and 6 were significantly less supported. Substantial discrepancies in MMPI scale correlates across gender were obtained for 7 out of 10 scales studied. These results contribute to the actuarial interpretative base of the profile scales in the new MMPI custom designed for adolescents. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Filled-pause disfluencies such as um and er affect listeners' comprehension, possibly mediated by attentional mechanisms (J. E. Fox Tree, 2001). However, there is little direct evidence that hesitations affect attention. The current study used an acoustic manipulation of continuous speech to induce event-related potential components associated with attention (mismatch negativity [MMN] and P300) during the comprehension of fluent and disfluent utterances. In fluent cases, infrequently occurring acoustically manipulated target words gave rise to typical MMN and P300 components when compared to nonmanipulated controls. In disfluent cases, where targets were preceded by natural sounding hesitations culminating in the filled pause er, an MMN (reflecting a detection of deviance) was still apparent for manipulated words, but there was little evidence of a subsequent P300. This suggests that attention was not reoriented to deviant words in disfluent cases. A subsequent recognition test showed that nonmanipulated words were more likely to be remembered if they had been preceded by a hesitation. Taken together, these results strongly implicate attention in an account of disfluency processing: Hesitations orient listeners' attention, with consequences for the immediate processing and later representation of an utterance. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The study was conducted to determine the relationship between measures of auditory performance in elderly individuals. Specifically, its goal was to uncover a set of measures correlated with the set of measures of speech understanding under specific conditions of interference to gain a better understanding of decline of the "cocktail party effect" in aging. DESIGN: Audiological status and auditory performance of a group of elderly (60- to 81-yr-old) individuals were determined through a test battery. When present, the hearing loss of elderly subjects was symmetrical in the two ears and, at most, moderate. The battery included tests of speech intelligibility on the word and sentence levels, with and without the presence of interfering speech. In addition pure-tone and speech reception thresholds, perception of spectrally or temporally distorted speech and auditory resolution of frequency, time, and space were tested. Two tests received special consideration: the Speech Perception In Noise Test and the Modified Rhyme Reverberation Test. RESULTS: Results indicated that, despite the nearly normal hearing levels that characterized much of the subject group, auditory sensitivity measures showed persistent correlation to all other measures, with the exception of auditory resolution regarding frequency, time, and space. As a set, sensitivity measures accounted for more than 85% of the variance. When auditory sensitivity was controlled for, other factors underlying speech processing in the presence of interfering stimuli were uncovered, factors most likely related to the ability to perceptually segregate one speech signal from another. CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that, to determine the relationship between audiological/auditory test results of an elderly population, it is important to remove the effects of hearing loss through appropriate statistical methods.  相似文献   

Subjects watched television commercials, monitoring them for a message (the words choose this) presented at different levels of contrast with the background. Following each commercial, subjects rated their intention to respond positively to it. In Experiment 1, neither detected nor undetected messages affected these ratings compared with a no-message control condition. In Experiment 2, incentives produced higher ratings with detected messages; with undetected messages the effect was statistically ambiguous and only one-tenth as large. Unexpectedly, in both experiments commercials containing undetected messages were subsequently less likely to be remembered than commercials with no messages. The tiny effects of subliminal (undetected) messages compared with the large effects of supraliminal (detected) ones are discussed in relation to the hazards and difficulties of placing them. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Intersubjectivity, the cooperation of two or more minds, is basic to human behavior, yet eludes the grasp of psychiatry. This paper traces the dilemma to the "problem of other minds" assumed with the epistemologies of modern science. It presents the solution of Wittgenstein's later philosophy, known for his treatment of other minds in terms of "human agreement in language." Unlike recent studies of "Wittgenstein's psychology," this one reviews the Philosophical Investigations' "private language argument," the crux of his mature views on mind. It reads that argument as recording his shift from the modern egocentric paradigm of mind to an intersubjective one. The paper contrasts the merits of Wittgenstein's reduction of subject and object to grammar with the problems of Freud's metapsychological reduction. It shows how Wittgenstein's intersubjective method avoids the excesses of behaviorism and phenomenology, offering a specifically human way to adapt mechanistic and interpretive means to the communicative ends of psychiatry.  相似文献   

To compare the properties of inner and overt speech, Oppenheim and Dell (2008) counted participants' self-reported speech errors when reciting tongue twisters either overtly or silently and found a bias toward substituting phonemes that resulted in words in both conditions, but a bias toward substituting similar phonemes only when speech was overt. Here, we report 3 experiments revisiting their conclusion that inner speech remains underspecified at the subphonemic level, which they simulated within an activation-feedback framework. In 2 experiments, participants recited tongue twisters that could result in the errorful substitutions of similar or dissimilar phonemes to form real words or nonwords. Both experiments included an auditory masking condition, to gauge the possible impact of loss of auditory feedback on the accuracy of self-reporting of speech errors. In Experiment 1, the stimuli were composed entirely from real words, whereas, in Experiment 2, half the tokens used were nonwords. Although masking did not have any effects, participants were more likely to report substitutions of similar phonemes in both experiments, in inner as well as overt speech. This pattern of results was confirmed in a 3rd experiment using the real-word materials from Oppenheim and Dell (in press). In addition to these findings, a lexical bias effect found in Experiments 1 and 3 disappeared in Experiment 2. Our findings support a view in which plans for inner speech are indeed specified at the feature level, even when there is no intention to articulate words overtly, and in which editing of the plan for errors is implicated. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This article examines age differences from childhood through middle adolescence in the extent to which children include factual and interpretive information in constructing autobiographical memory narratives. Factual information is defined as observable or perceptible information available to all individuals who experience a given event, while interpretive information is defined as information that articulates the desires, emotions, beliefs, and thoughts of the participant and other individuals who experience an event. Developmental research suggests that the latter type of information should become particularly prevalent in later adolescence, while the former should be abundantly evident by age 8. Across 2 studies, we found evidence for strong increases in interpretive information during adolescence, but not before. These increases were evident across different types of events, and across different subtypes of interpretive content. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for the development of autobiographical memory in childhood and adolescence. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Review of book, Arnold Goldberg (Au.), Being of Two Minds: The Vertical Split in Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy. Hillsdale, NJ: Analytic Press, 1999, 192 pp., $34.50. Reviewed by Henry J. Friedman. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

When processing gender-related information, children have difficulty remembering materials that are counterstereotypic or that are associated more strongly with the other sex. The question of whether encoding difficulties account for these memory problems was investigated. Children (kindergarten through Grade 3) were shown pictures of men and women in traditional, nontraditional, or neutral roles. Some children were given stimulus labels at acquisition to simplify the encoding task. Free-recall data revealed biases in the direction of gender stereotypes, irrespective of label vs no-label conditions (Studies 1 and 2) and of slower vs faster presentation rates (Study 2). Results suggest that an inability to encode at acquisition is probably not the major cause of gender-related biases observed in later recall and have implications for the development of intervention programs designed to reduce gender-schematic processing. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Three major types of treatment research methodologies are described. Studies on child language intervention are reviewed as examples of trends and methodological issues characterizing treatment research in speech, language, and swallowing within the last 2-3 decades. Principles are drawn from that literature and suggestions for future directions are discussed with particular attention to recent efforts to support clinical trials and treatment outcomes research.  相似文献   

The presence of heterogeneity of variance across groups indicates that the standard statistical model for treatment effects no longer applies. Specifically, the assumption that treatments add a constant to each subject's development fails. An alternative model is required to represent how treatment effects are distributed across individuals. We develop in this article a simple statistical model to demonstrate the link between heterogeneity of variance and random treatment effects. Next, we illustrate with results from two previously published studies how a failure to recognize the substantive importance of heterogeneity of variance obscured significant results present in these data. The article concludes with a review and synthesis of techniques for modeling variances. Although these methods have been well established in the statistical literature, they are not widely known by social and behavioral scientists. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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