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Association field models of contour integration suggest that local band-pass elements are spatially grouped to global contours within limited bands of spatial frequency (Field, Hayes, & Hess, 1993). While results for local orientation and spacing variation render support for AF models, effects of spatial frequency (SF) have rarely been addressed. To explore whether contour integration occurs across SF, we studied human contour detection in Gabor random fields with SF jitter along the contour, and in the embedding field. Results show no impairment of contour detection when the contour elements are 1.25 octaves apart. Even with a SF separation of 2.25 octaves there is only moderate impairment. Because SF tuning functions measured for contextual interactions of neighbored single band-pass elements indicate much smaller bandwidths (Polat & Sagi, 1993), the results imply that contour integration cannot rest solely on local locking among neighbored orientation and SF tuned mechanisms. Robustness across spatial frequency, and across color and depth, as found recently, indicates that local orientation based grouping integrates across other basic features. This suggests an origin in not too distal brain regions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The precision of velocity coding for moving stimuli of different spatial frequencies was assessed by measuring velocity discrimination thresholds for a 1-c/deg grating paired with a grating whose spatial frequency ranged from 0.25 to 4 c/deg and for grating pairs of the same spatial frequency (0.25, 1, and 4 c/deg). The gratings always moved upward, with velocities ranging from 0.5 to 16 deg/sec. Velocity discrimination was as precise for stimuli that varied in spatial frequency by +/- 2 octaves (0.25 vs. 1 c/deg and 4 vs. 1 c/deg) as for stimuli of the same spatial frequency, for specific ranges of velocity that depended on the spatial and, therefore, the temporal frequencies of the stimuli. Compared with a 1-c/deg grating, the perceived velocity of 4-c/deg gratings was about 1.3 times faster and that of 0.25-c/deg gratings was about 1.3 times slower. Although these perceived velocity biases imply variation of velocity-signal processing among spatial frequency channels, the discrimination results indicate that the motion-sensing system can compare signals across different spatial frequency channels to make fine velocity discrimination within appropriate temporal frequency limits.  相似文献   

In the first experiment, two measurements were compared--sensitivity to across-frequency changes in level and sensitivity to across-frequency changes in the modulation phase of SAM tones. For the level task, multi-tone stimuli composed of 2-80 tones ranging in frequency from 200 to 5000 Hz were used. For the phase task, the same frequency range was used, and 2-80 SAM tones were tested. For the level task, observers discriminated between a multi-tone, equal-amplitude standard and one of two signals--a one-step or an up-down signal. The one-step signal had higher levels at low frequencies and lower levels at high frequencies. The up-down signal had components with levels that varied high-low-high-low. For the phase task, the standard was the sum of SAM tones with identical modulator phases across frequency. The one-step signal had a common modulator phase at low frequencies and a different common modulator phase at high frequencies. The up-down signal had modulator phases that varied lag-lead-lag-lead. The results suggest that sensitivity to across-frequency changes in level and modulation phase reflect similar initial processing stages. In a second experiment, SAM tones were used, and psychometric functions were measured for the level task, the phase task, and a condition in which changes in level and modulator phase were both present. The standard was "flat," and an up-down signal was to be detected. For one observer, the data suggest that level and phase information are independently represented. For the other two observers, interactions between the two features of the stimuli are apparent. A multiple-looks model was moderately successful in accounting for the data.  相似文献   

When participants control the horizontal movements of a stimulus and indicate its vanishing point after it unexpectedly vanishes, the perceived vanishing point is displaced beyond the actual vanishing point, and the size of the displacement is directly related to the action-effect anticipation one has to generate to successfully control the stimulus. The present experiments examined whether learning a pattern of action-effect anticipation would later impact one's perception of moving stimuli. While 1 participant (the controller) controlled a dot's movements across a computer screen, another (the observer), who could neither see nor hear the controller, watched the dot's movements on a separate monitor. When the dot unexpectedly vanished, the observer indicated the vanishing point. After 40 trials, participants switched roles. While serving as observers, all participants generated forward displacements, but those who did so after acquiring control experience produced larger displacement. Subsequent experiments indicated the larger displacement was due to action-effect anticipation the participants learned while either controlling the dot or observing another do so. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Evidence from the use of the landmark task and from two size-matching tasks shows that many patients with left-sided neglect systematically under-perceive visual extent in leftward parts of space. This perceptual distortion of size serves to explain the occurrence of rightward line-bisection errors in most neglect patients. One possibility is that attentional biases of a chronic nature might underlie these perceptual changes seen in neglect patients. But contrary to this idea, we have found that attentional cueing in the landmark task causes changes in neglect patients exactly opposite to those seen in healthy subjects. The distortions of size perception seen in neglect could instead be caused by a high-level alteration of visual processing rather than by an attentional bias. In order to explore which visual stream of cortical processing might be compromised in such a disorder, we have begun to examine neglect patients on visuomotor as well as perceptual tasks. We have found clear evidence in one patient for intact grip scaling for object size in the neglected half of space, despite gross perceptual underestimations of the same objects. This result suggests that neglect can occur without major disruption of the dorsal stream, and may result instead from damage to a cortical system whose predominant visual input comes from the ventral stream.  相似文献   

工业中常用带埋管的移动床来加热或冷却固体颗粒物料,其过程涉及颗粒流与管壁间的复杂传热,而颗粒绕流圆管的流动过程对其传热效果起着决定性作用.为简化描述颗粒的流动过程,通过分析颗粒绕流圆管的特性,建立了拟漏斗流模型,并给出了模型所需颗粒绕流圆管描述参数的取值范围,模型可用以求取颗粒绕流圆管的速度场和时长等参数.建立了埋管移动床实验系统,考察了颗粒绕流顺排管束的过程;同时利用离散单元法(DEM)对该过程进行数值模拟,获得了颗粒绕流圆管的流动过程,并利用移动床实验结果对比验证了离散单元法数值模拟结果;最后,对比了基于拟漏斗流模型的计算结果和离散单元法数值模拟结果,并根据此结果对拟漏斗流模型的描述参数进行了确定.  相似文献   

Presents an information-processing model for a laboratory visualization task that represents an adaptation of a standardized spatial ability test. The laboratory visualization task includes item types varying in processing complexity and number of stimulus elements. 34 undergraduates provided latency and accuracy data to (a) test the fit of the information-processing model and (b) estimate 4 processing parameters: encoding and comparison, rotation, search, and preparation response. Positive (same) and negative (different) trial data were well fit by the model both at the group and individual S level, with plausible and reliable parameter estimates. Analyses of individual differences showed that search speed and error rates for positive and negative trials were most highly correlated with reference test scores. The pattern of results suggests that individual differences are a function of differences in the accuracy and/or quality of the mental representation, not just speed of processing. Both speed and accuracy differences in task performance are argued to be manifestations of this qualitative difference. (24 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Postural control performances of 18 younger and 18 older adults were repeatedly measured on 45 weekdays with five trials per day. This design made it possible to dissociate between long-term trends and processing fluctuations in the sensorimotor domain at moment-to-moment, trial-to-trial, and day-to-day levels. Older adults fluctuated more than younger adults at all timescales. Age differences in trial-to-trial and day-to-day processing fluctuations were reduced but remained statistically significant when controlling for fluctuations on faster timescales. We concluded that age differences in intraindividual fluctuations at the longer timescales are in part related to age differences in low-level system robustness, suggesting a cascade of effects across multiple timescales. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

How is the spatial-frequency content of a moving broadband pattern analysed by the visual system? Observers were asked to discriminate the direction of motion in random-noise patterns containing equal energy in each two-dimensional octave band. Uncorrelated noise could be introduced into either low- or high-frequency bands in order to force the visual system to rely on the outputs of putative mechanisms tuned to a narrow frequency range of the stimulus. In two experiments the dependent measure was the magnitude of dmax, the largest discrete displacement whose direction could be discriminated reliably. It was found that dmax was unaffected by the presence of high-frequency noise reaching down to 0.67 c/deg, but that the task became impossible thereafter. In the case of low-frequency noise, dmax fell as the noise was moved up towards about 2 c/deg, at which point the task became impossible at any displacement. This pattern of results would be expected if the system were using information from the lowest signal frequencies in all conditions. In experiment 2, dmax was measured for stimuli in which the spectral position and quantity of high-frequency noise were manipulated. It was found that only noise spectrally-adjacent to the signal band has a detrimental effect on dmax. Three different single-filter models of motion detection each failed to provide a satisfactory account of the spatial-frequency range of good direction discrimination performance. Rather, the modelling shows that the visual system can access the outputs of a low-frequency channel when the noise is high and a high-frequency channel when the noise is low.  相似文献   

Real-world objects are complex, containing information at multiple orientations and spatial scales. It is well established that at initial cortical stages of processing, local information about an image is separately represented at multiple spatial scales. However, it is not yet established how these early representations are later integrated across scale to signal useful information about complex stimulus features, such as edges and textures. In the studies reported here, we investigate the scale-integration processes involved in distinguishing among complex patterns. We use a concurrent-response paradigm in which observers simultaneously judge two components of compound gratings that differ widely in spatial frequency. In different experiments, each component takes one of two slightly different values along the dimensions of spatial frequency, contrast, or orientation. Using analyses developed within the framework of a multivariate extension of signal-detection theory, we ask how information about the frequency, contrast, or orientation of the components is or is not integrated across the two grating components. Our techniques permit us to isolate and identify interactions due to excitatory or inhibitory processes from effects due to noise, and to separately assess any attentional limitations that might occur in processing. Results indicate that orientation information is fully integrated across spatial scales within a limited orientation band and that decisions are based entirely on the summed information. Information about spatial frequency and contrast is not summed over spatial scale; cross-scale results show sensory independence. However, our results suggest that observers cannot simultaneously use information about frequency or contrast when it is presented at different spatial scales. Our results provide direct evidence for the existence of a higher-level summing circuit tailored to signal information about orientation. The properties of this mechanism differ substantially from edge-detector mechanisms proposed by Marr and others.  相似文献   

Five minutes of processing the local features of a Navon letter causes a detriment in subsequent face-recognition performance (Macrae & Lewis, 2002). We hypothesize a perceptual after effect explanation of this effect in which face recognition is less accurate after adapting to high-spatial frequencies at high contrasts. Five experiments were conducted in which face-recognition performance was compared after processing high-contrast Navon stimuli. The standard recognition deficit was observed for processing the local features of Navon stimuli, but not if the stimuli were blurred (Experiment 1) or if they were of lower contrast (Experiment 2). A face-recognition deficit was observed after processing small, high-contrast letters equivalent to local processing of Navon letters (Experiment 3). Experiments 4 and 5 demonstrated that recognition of bandpass-filtered faces interacted with the type of Navon processing, in which the recognition of low-pass filtered faces was better following local rather than global processing. These results suggest that the Navon effect on subsequent face recognition is a perceptual phenomenon. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Criteria for defining event-frequency encoding as automatic were assessed in two experiments. Children, college students, elderly, and mentally retarded persons were compared on an on-line word-frequency task in order to evaluate the developmental-invariance and intelligence-invariance hypotheses of Hasher and Zacks (1979). There were small but significant developmental trends in remembering frequency. Practice and feedback had no effects. Consistent individual differences over the three daily tests were found. The retarded were deficient in frequency processing. A second experiment compared kindergarten through college groups, elderly, and retarded persons, using a study–test method with pictures as stimuli. Other than kindergartners there were no developmental differences, nor was the retarded group different. The differences found in Experiment 1 were attributed to differences in language skills and not frequency processing per se. The data were interpreted as supporting Hasher and Zacks' (1979, 1984) developmental- and intelligence-invariance hypotheses and meeting their criteria regarding an absence of feedback and practice effects. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

After inspection of vertical sinusoidal gratings at least three distinct types of subjective or "hallucinated" patterns can be seen on a uniform test field. One type, here called horizontal streaming (H), is already well-known from the work of MacKay. A second type (V) looks like aroughly sinusoidal grating about 1-5 octaves above the adapting spitial frequency. Under optimal conditions a second vertical component appears at about 2 octaves below the adapting frequency. The third category of aftereffect consists of diagonal lines (D) at two orientations (about +/-40 degrees from vertical). The spatial-frequency band at these two orientations appears to be fairly broad, but roughly similar to the adapting frequency. The duration and strength of D increased, while V declined, at higher adapting spatial frequencies. D and V were increasing functions of adapting contrast, while H appeared abruptly only after the highest adapting contrast. H, D, and V are thus all functionally distinct. A schematic model of cortical organization is proposed to account for these phenomena. Pattern channels selective for a given orientation are grouped together with movement channels selective for the orthogonal direction. Antagonism between channels within such "modules" accounts for the streaming effect (H). Inhibition between modules tuned to different orientations and spatial frequencies accounts for the D and V effects: after adaptation of channels in one module, neighbouring module(s) are released from inhibition to produce a spurious response which is seen as a grating-like object in the adapted part of the visual field. During flickering adaptation a "halluncinated" lattice can be seen superimposed on the adapting grating. It apparently consists of Fourier components more remote from the adapting pattern than D and V are. This disinhibitory effect is strong confirmation of the inhibitory model. The regular and highly organized matrix of channels implied by these experiments may constitute a cortical hypercolumn conducting a coarse, piecewise Fourier transformation of the retinal image.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of a mental content of presented stimuli, normal aging and individual differences in cognitive abilities on temporal limits of an integration mechanism. Younger and older subject grouped together the beats generated by a metronome. Subjects were asked to listen to the beats of a metronome and to accentuate mentally every second, third, fourth...etc. beat, to create a subjective rhythm. This rhythm exists, in fact, only in subjects' mind and not objectively. Subjects reported verbally how many clicks they were able to integrate into a perceptual unit. On this basis, the time interval during which subjects were able to integrate temporally separated stimuli was calculated (number of beats reported as being integrated x time distance between beats) for different metronome frequencies. The results show, firstly, that the length of integration periods significantly depends on the frequency of presented metronome beats. When the frequency of metronome beats is high, the time interval during which the subjects integrate beats into a single perceptual unit is shorter. Secondly, older adults integrate information during a longer time interval than younger ones. Thirdly, the length of an integration period is related to a subjects' level of cognitive ability. These results suggest that the length of an integration period is not a constant, stable feature, but varies across the life span depending on the mental content of the information presented and individual factors.  相似文献   

Developmental change in children's analysis of spatial patterns.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examines the early development of spatial pattern analysis and focuses on changes in the way that preschool children (3–5 yr olds) segment and integrate the parts of simple spatial forms. The results from each of the 3 experiments in this study show that young children analyze spatial patterns in ways that differ systematically from that of older children and adults. Changes with development were observed in the parts children segmented out of the forms and in the relations they used to organize the parts forming the overall pattern. The youngest children segmented out simple, well-formed, spatially independent parts and used simple relational structures to bind these parts together. With development, children constructed forms that included increasingly complex parts and relations. These findings were consistent across several different stimuli using 2 construction mediums. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Rules, and exceptions to such rules, are ubiquitous in many domains, including language. Here we used simple artificial grammars to investigate the influence of 2 factors on the acquisition of rules and their exceptions, namely type frequency (the relative numbers of different exceptions to different regular items) and token frequency (the number of exception tokens relative to the number of regular tokens). We familiarized participants to either a prefixation pattern (where regulars started with /ZaI/ and exceptions ended with /ZaI/) or a suffixation pattern (where regulars ended with /ZaI/ and exceptions started with /ZaI/). We show that the type and the token frequency of regular items and exceptions influence in different ways what participants can learn. For the exceptions to be learned, they have to occur sufficiently often so that participants can memorize them; this can be achieved by a high token frequency. However, a high token frequency of the exceptions also impaired the acquisition of the regular pattern. In contrast, the type frequency of the patterns seemed to determine whether the regular pattern could be learned: When the type frequency of the regular items was sufficiently high, participants successfully learned the regular pattern even when the exceptions were played so often that 66% of the familiarization items were exceptions. We discuss these findings in the context of general learning mechanisms and the role they may play in language acquisition. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Detection thresholds for radial deformations of circular contours were measured using a range of radii and contour peak spatial frequencies. For radial frequencies above two cycles, thresholds were found to be a constant fraction of the mean radius across a four-octave range of pattern radii and peak spatial frequencies (mean Weber fraction: 0.003-0.004). At low radial frequencies, thresholds were unaffected by contrast reduction. In 167 ms presentations, subjects were able to identify radial frequencies of six cycles and below with an accuracy of over 90% correct even when phase was randomized. The extreme sensitivity of subjects to these radial deformations (as low as 2-4 s of arc) cannot be explained by local orientation or curvature analysis, and points instead to the global pooling of contour information at intermediate levels of form vision.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the response of the primary visual cortex to the various spatial frequencies and orientations in the visual scene should help us understand the principles by which the brain recognizes patterns. Current information about the cortical layout of spatial frequency response is still incomplete because of difficulties in recording and interpreting adequate data. Here, we report results from a study of the cat primary visual cortex in which we employed a new image-analysis method that allows improved separation of signal from noise and that we used to examine the neurooptical response of the primary visual cortex to drifting sine gratings over a range of orientations and spatial frequencies. We found that (i) the optical responses to all orientations and spatial frequencies were well approximated by weighted sums of only two pairs of basis pictures, one pair for orientation and a different pair for spatial frequency; (ii) the weightings of the two pictures in each pair were approximately in quadrature (1/4 cycle apart); and (iii) our spatial frequency data revealed a cortical map that continuously assigns different optimal spatial frequency responses to different cortical locations over the entire spatial frequency range.  相似文献   

Increasing the contrast of just one eye's image degrades stereothresholds; this phenomenon is referred to as the stereo contrast paradox. In experiment one, this paradox was found to be absent in dynamic random-element stereograms; thresholds were simply limited by the lower of the two eyes' contrasts. In experiment two, in which narrowband Gabor targets were used, the paradox was found to be strongest at relatively low spatial frequencies (1 cycle deg-1). As spatial frequency was increased, the paradox gradually disappeared. At relatively high spatial frequencies (5 cycles deg-1), thresholds were generally limited by the lower of the two eyes' contrasts, as was found for the dynamic noise targets. These results demonstrate the interactions of spatial frequency and contrast in binocular image combination and yield clues as to the different roles which high and low spatial frequencies may play in stereopsis.  相似文献   

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