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对不规则地面低频地波传播预测中积分方程方法、Millington经验公式以及FDTD算法的性能进行了分析比较.首先介绍了三种方法的模型和理论;然后分别采用这几种方法预测了传播路径中有高斯形山脉时低频地波的场强和二次时延分布,对几种方法的优势、局限性及误差进行了比较分析.结果显示:在地形起伏较小的区域,积分方程方法和FDTD方法吻合较好,Millington方法不能反映地形起伏对地波传播影响规律;当地形起伏较大时,积分方程方法也不再适用,FDTD则可以在山前及山脉区域预测到由地形反射引起的振荡信号.  相似文献   

A prediction model is presented that permits calculation of the probability of occurrence of distinct multipath propagation of pulse signals at VHF and UHF over irregular terrain. The model applies to terrain characterized by an irregular distribution of obstacles such as hills, buildings, trees, etc., so as to make it impractical to calculate the effect of multipath propagation by diffraction or bistatic-reflection theory. Statistical data on wave propagation over irregular terrain form the basis for the empirical model developed. Generally, the model predicts that 1) for constant transmitter-receiver separation, the amplitudes of the received echoes decrease with increasing echo delay, and 2) for constant echo delay, the occurrence of echo pulses increases as the transmitter-receiver distance increases. The results obtained from the model for rural, hilly terrain, and for a built-up metropolitan area are compared with available measured data.  相似文献   

抛物方程模型在海上电波传播中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对舰载雷达探测威力预报,推导了电磁波传播的抛物型方程模型.该模型基于修正平坦地面的抛物型方程,并使用分步Fourier算法求解,能够计算舰载雷达在空间各点的传播损耗和检测概率.计算结果同舰载雷达的实际观测值进行比较,表明两者之间有较好的吻合.  相似文献   

A computer program that evaluates HF ground-wave attenuation over irregular inhomogeneous terrain has been developed based on a recently published integral equation. Calculated field strengths are compared with observed measurements for two actual paths. Both comparisons show encouraging agreement between calculations and measurement.  相似文献   

文中提出了一种电波传播模式分析方法. 通过对PJ (Paulus-Jeske)波导进行参数估计,实现蒸发波导的完备性建模;采用抛物方程法分析气象环境中的二维电波传播路径损耗分布,利用最大值池化降低数据量,并采用自适应聚类分析实现电波传播模式分析,进而建立海杂波衰减规律与电波传播模式之间的映射,统计条件概率. 结果表明,蒸发波导环境下海杂波衰减与电波传播模式之间具有相关性,分析结果能够展示蒸发波导中的电波传播模式,并且能够为海杂波反演大气波导提供先验条件概率分析.  相似文献   

A method to model tropospheric radiowave propagation over land in the presence of range-dependent refractivity is presented. The terrain parabolic equation model (TPEM), is based on the split-step Fourier algorithm to solve the parabolic wave equation, which has been shown to be numerically efficient. Comparisons between TPEM, other terrain models (SEKE, GTD, FDPEM), and experimental data show predominantly excellent agreement. TPEM is also compared to results from an experiment in the Arizona desert in which range-dependent refractive conditions were measured. Although horizontal polarization is used in the implementation of the model, vertical polarization is also discussed  相似文献   

The availability of digital terrain models (DTM) or terrain data bases (TDB) has prompted the use of point-to-point prediction models to compute propagation losses due to terrain irregularity. Traditionally, area prediction models (like ITU-R Recommendation 370, Longley and Rice, etc) have been used for coverage computation. These models require very little information regarding terrain characteristics and provide poor accuracies. Here, an assessment of several point-to-point models using detailed terrain information and aimed to be used in radiocommunication planning tools based on TDBs is presented. Two main characteristics are considered for comparison, namely, accuracy and ease in terrain data handling  相似文献   

The two-dimensional (2-D) parabolic equation (PE) is widely used for making radiowave propagation predictions in the troposphere. The effects of transverse terrain gradients, propagation around the sides of obstacles, and scattering from large obstacles to the side of the great circle path are not modeled, leading to prediction errors in many situations. In this paper, these errors are addressed by extending the 2-D PE to three dimensions. This changes the matrix form of the PE making it difficult to solve. A novel iterative solver technique, which is highly efficient and guaranteed to converge, is presented. In order to confine the domain of computation, a three-dimensional (3-D) rectangular box is placed around the region of interest. A new second-order nonreflecting boundary condition is imposed on the surface of this box and its angular validity is established. The boundary condition is shown to keep unwanted fictitious reflections to an acceptable level in the domain of interest. The terrain boundary conditions for this 3-D PE method are developed and an original technique for incorporating them into the matrix form of the iterative solver is described. This is done using the concept of virtual field points below the ground. The prediction accuracy of the 3-D PE in comparison to the 2-D PE is tested both against indoor scaled frequency measurements and very high frequency (VHF) field trials  相似文献   

Propagation measurements at low altitudes over hilly, forested terrain made with the objective of developing a computer-based propagation model capable of predicting path loss over similar terrain given the terrain profile between transmitter and receiver are reported. The measurements were made at a frequency of 110.6 MHz with the very high frequency omnidirectional range (VOR) station at Gardner, MA, as a transmitter. The received signals were measured at distances between 7 and 15 km by making vertical descents with a helicopter from altitudes of roughly 600 m down to 10 m above ground. Negligible specular ground reflection was observed from this terrain, and no reflection is included in the model. We found good agreement between the measurements and a multiple-diffraction model based on an extension of the Deygout approximation. Use of two knife edges was sufficient to characterize the terrain diffraction. Predictions of the Longley-Rice computer model are included for comparison.  相似文献   

A semiblind test of the geometric theory of diffraction (GTD) terrain sensitive propagation model was made. For the two test profiles considered, the GTD model results agreed very well with measurements. This good agreement was obtained after manual determination of the piecewise-linear approximations to the actual terrain profiles. Before general use of the GTD model will be possible, the profile linearization process must be automated  相似文献   

On the basis of the time-domain parabolic equation, a numerical simulation of single pulse electromagnetic (EM) propagation over a smoothly non-uniform terrain is performed. Ground conductivity is taken into account via a generalised impedance boundary condition (BC). A time-domain version of a perfectly transparent BC is used to simulate radiation into free space  相似文献   

入射余角是利用抛物方程模型研究地形条件下电波传播问题的重要参数,但该参数估计具有单次快拍、信号相干和实时性要求高的特点,传统的估计算法难以同时满足上述要求.针对上述问题,提出了基于单次快拍的空间平滑旋转不变性的信号参数估计(Estimating Signal Parameters via Rotational Invariance Techniques, ESPRIT)算法.直接采用单次数据的前后向空间平滑子阵构造centro-Hermitian伪协方差矩阵以实现信号解相干,应用酉变换将复数域的奇异值分解转换为实数域求解,利用ESPRIT算法代替多重信号分类算法估计入射余角.仿真结果表明:该算法能够实现电波传播入射余角的快速估计,准确反映地形起伏对入射余角的影响,与现有算法相比提高了实时性和估计精度.  相似文献   

Propagation of radiowaves over irregular terrain and in an inhomogeneous atmosphere is solved by the parabolic equation method using the split-step Fourier algorithm on a terrain-conformal mesh. A piecewise continuous coordinate system is generated by the specification of: (1) the terrain profile shape at discrete points and (2) an upper height. The resulting mesh is conformal to the terrain at the lower boundary and gradually flattens off at the maximum height. In addition to preserving the number of points on any vertical line between the terrain and the maximum height from one range step to another, the coordinate transformation used in the paper produces a correction term in the refractive index whose gradient diminishes with height. As a result, the sampling requirements over steep terrain are relaxed when compared to the Beilis-Tappert transformation. Formulation and results are given both for the horizontal and vertical polarizations  相似文献   

Solutions of the one- and two-dimensional integral equations that describe ground wave propagation are presented and compared. The one-dimensional equation is shown to be inaccurate at low frequencies for obstacles narrower than about 10 km and typical pathlengths. In such cases, the two-dimensional equation is needed to account properly for the signal's dependence on obstacle width, recovery at long distances, and transverse diffraction pattern. The one- and two-dimensional solutions approach each other at large distances beyond very wide obstacles.  相似文献   

从工程应用的角度入手,研究了环境影响下的雷达回波信号模型.介绍了基于地物散射模型生成多普勒波束锐化(DBS)参考图的方法,以某机场光学图为原始图,运用该模型生成了模拟回波和DBS参考图.  相似文献   

A polarimetric wave propagation model for field strength forecasting and coverage prediction in the VHF/UHF frequency range is presented. The model uses a digital terrain data bank and considers multipath propagation. Based on the uniform geometrical theory of diffraction (UTD) and physical optics an approach is described for calculating the propagation effects in natural 3-D terrain, given by topological and morphographical data. The method for field strength forecasting is described and methods for the analysis of the predicted multipath signal are discussed. It is shown how the complex probability density function (PDF) for the receiver field strength and the field strength delay spectrum can be derived. Methods for further evaluation of the transmitting channel characteristics are discussed  相似文献   

Wait  J.R. 《Electronics letters》1968,4(17):367-368
Radio propagation over an idealised terrain obstacle is analysed by modal analysis. The 2-dimensional model is a cylindrical hill with a surmounted knife-edge obstacle. It is indicated that the results may be interpreted from a ray-optical viewpoint.  相似文献   

针对雷达跟踪低空目标受传播环境影响的仰角误差问题, 基于电磁波传播的抛物方程方法, 提出一种能计算多路径和大气折射等造成低仰角误差的新方法.正常大气折射条件下, 与射线方法结果的对比显示了该方法的正确性.利用所提方法, 仿真分析了粗糙海面、大气波导等不同环境条件下的雷达测角误差, 并仿真了采用窄角和偏轴跟踪方式减轻多路径效应后的改善效果.计算过程和仿真结果表明, 所提方法可同时考虑大气波导和多路径等复杂传播环境的综合影响, 以及雷达参数和工作方式等因素的共同影响.  相似文献   

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