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The structural and thermal properties of melt spun Al86Cr14–x Fe x , alloys have been investigated using X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, electron diffraction and differential thermal analysis. Electron diffraction patterns indicate that all alloys contain quasicrystalline nodules with icosahedral symmetry in a matrix of f cc aluminium. Microscopically the alloys fall into two categories; those with x 6 and those withx > 6. The first class alloys shows large (>1m) icosahedral crystallites with well defined dendritic crystallite growth and sharp quasicrystalline X-ray diffraction peaks. The latter alloys show quasicrystalline crystallites which are predominantly much smaller as well as considerably broadened X-ray diffraction peaks. Thermal analysis measurements indicate that the activation energy for crystallization in these alloys is about 1.5 eV.  相似文献   

Amorphous (Fe1–x Nb x l B100–l alloys with 0 x 0.15 and 74 T g, crystallization temperatureT x, and microhardnessH v, but to decrease the magnetization and Curie temperatureT c. The effects of niobium onT x,H v, andT c in iron-based amorphous alloys are similar to those of chromium, manganese, molybdenum, tungsten and vanadium.  相似文献   

The compounds Fe3–x Mn x Si exhibit a complex magnetic behavior for 0.6x1.75 involving ferromagnetic ordering followed by a reordering at lower temperature. Measurements of the thermal expansion and the specific heat C p show only a weak anomaly at the Curie temperature, T C, whereas a large, relatively sharp peak occurs at the magnetic reordering temperature, T R. Thermal expansion measurements for the Fe2.2Mn0.8Si compound made about T R are indicative of long-range ordering that can be suppressed in an applied field of 0.4T. Magnetization measurements show that low fields, 1–2 mT, strongly influence the bulk magnetization. Irreversible magnetization behavior, similar to that in spin-glass systems, is displayed.Paper presented at the Tenth International Thermal Expansion Symposium, June 6–7, 1989, Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A.  相似文献   

A series of (Ni61Fe39) x (Al2O3)1−x films were prepared using the magnetron sputtering technique. The maximum of saturated Hall resistivity 4.06 μΩ⋅cm was observed in (Ni61Fe39)60(Al2O3)40 nanogranular film at room temperature, which was about two orders larger than that of pure ferromagnetic metallic films. For the first time, the composition in the atomic fraction at the quantum percolation threshold was accurately characterized by the Rutherford backscattering (RBS) channelling technique in order to substantiate the newly metal-insulator fraction of percolation threshold in the Giant Hall Effect. It also was identified from the TEM image of an as-deposited sample that this large enhancement of the Hall resistivity coefficient was interrelated with the percolation threshold. With a different annealing temperature (T A ) up to 300 °C , the saturated Hall resistivity of (Ni61Fe39)60(Al2O3)40 granular film decreased only a little, which showed its good thermal stability for potential application.  相似文献   

The effect of Ti substitution for B on the glass-forming ability, microstructure and soft magnetic properties of Fe81Si4B12?x P2Cu1Ti x (x = 0–3) alloy ribbons made by single roller melt spinning method were investigated. The experimental results demonstrate that proper doping of Ti effectively improves the glass-forming ability, widening the optimum annealing temperature range, decreasing the sensitivity of coercivity on annealing temperature, increasing the volume fraction of nanocrystalline α-Fe phase and suppressing the grain growth in this alloy system. For alloy ribbons Fe81Si4B12?x P2Cu1Ti x (x = 0.5–2.5) annealed at 475 °C for 5 min, the saturation magnetostriction λ s and the magnetic flux density B 8000 gradually decrease with increasing x, while the coercivity H c decreases with increasing x until x = 2.0 and then increases. Nanocrystalline alloy Fe81Si4B10P2Cu1Ti2 shows excellent magnetic properties with low λ s of 7 ppm, low H c of 7.5 A/m and high B 8000 of 1.73 T which is promising for the future industrial applications.  相似文献   

Y3+ substituted mullite Y(x)Al(6?x)Si2O13 nanoparticles where x varied from 0.005 to 0.05 have been synthesized via co-precipitation technique. X-ray diffraction results revealed that orthorhombic mullite was the major phase in the samples of x = 0.0–0.025, whereas corundum α-Al2O3 was predominant at high Y3+-ion content of x = 0.05. Transmission electron microscope images showed orthorhombic-like structure for the pure sample. Meanwhile, the doped samples exhibited similar morphologies of larger particle sizes associated with small amount of glassy liquid phase. FT-IR spectrum evinced the formation of corundum particularly at high Y3+ ion content (5 %). The photoluminescence emission spectra were strongly affected by the Y3+ ion content. Moreover, mullite sample doped with 0.5 % Y3+ ion achieved the minimum electrical resistivity of 0.28 × 109 Ω cm and the minimum dielectric loss value of 0.37 in the radiowave frequency region (10 MHz) as well as the minimum dielectric loss value of 0.41 in the microwave frequency region (1 GHz).  相似文献   

As a result of titanium and zirconium alcoholates hydrolysis in the presence of dissolved Fe(acac)3, amorphous iron-containing gels have been synthesized. Their heat treatment has led to polycrystalline double oxides Fe x Zr1–0.75x O2– (C) and Fe x Ti1–0.75x O2– (T) formation. It has been shown that oxides (C) and (T) are likely to be solid solutions with 0.01<x<0.17 and 0.01<x<0.14, respectively. On the basis of X-ray diffraction and extended X-ray absorption fine structure data, iron-zirconium and iron-titanium crystallite models for gels and oxides have been proposed. It has been found that the crystallization process does not lead to a significant change in interatomic distances typical for local structures detected in gels.  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of the magnetization of the quenched and slowly cooled samples of Fe7Se8 and (Fe1–x M x )7Se8 samples with M = cobalt and nickel and x=0.02, 0.05 and 0.08 are given. All the thermomagnetic curves obtained belong to the Weiss ferrimagnetic type. Discontinuities indicating a magnetic transformation to antiferromagnetic order were obtained for some samples. The magnetic moment at 0 and 78 K (M 0 and M78) dependence on nickel and cobalt concentrations are given. The temperature dependence of the reciprocal susceptibility in the paramagnetic range was studied, and the asymptotic Curie points are given. The values of the effective magnetic moment, eff, and the number of unpaired electrons were calculated. The thermal variation of the electrical conductivity of the host material, Fe7Se8, is given.  相似文献   

The system Zn1–x Co x Mn1–x Fe x CrO4 is tetragonal in the range 0.0x0.4 and cubic in the range 0.5x1. Electrical resistivity temperature behaviour obeys Wilson's law for all the compounds and thermoelectric coefficient values vary between 135 to 226V K–1. All compounds exhibit P-type semiconductivity and possess low mobility values (10–9 cm2 V–1 sec–1). The infrared spectra show the presence of two strong absorption bands around 500 and 600 cm–1. The probable ionic configuration for the system is suggested to be Zn 1–x 2+ Fe x –y3+ -Co x 2+ [Mn 1–x 3+ Fe y 3+ CO x –y2+ Cr3+]O4.  相似文献   

Pseudoternary Ho(Rh1–x Irx)4B4 and Dy(Rh1–x Irx)4B4 systems were investigated with respect to the interplay between superconductivity (SC) and long-range magnetic ordering by means of specific heat (C) and upper critical magnetic field (H c2) measurements. For Ho(Rh1–x Irx)4B4 withx0.2 and Dy(Rh1–x Irx)4B4 withx0.15, ferromagnetic (FM) ordering, reminiscent of spin-1/2 mean-field theory, was observed. In particular, FM ordering in Ho(Rh1–x Irx)4B4 with 0.07x0.2 was found to destroy SC at a second critical temperatureT c2 below the superconducting transition temperatureT c, and was accompanied by a spike-shaped feature inC atT c2. Coexistence of antiferromagnetic (AFM) ordering with SC was observed in both systems for 0.2x0.7. The compounds withx0.5 exhibited Néel temperaturesT N that were smaller thanT c and enhanced values ofH c2 belowT N. TheT c andT N undergo an abrupt decrease and increase, respectively, nearx0.5, and then cross atx0.6, above whichT N>T c. For Ho(Rh1–x Irx)4B4 with 0.275x0.4, two different AFM transitions were detected in a double-peak feature inC.  相似文献   

The spectral distribution of the photoconductivity in (TlGaSe2)1−x(TlInS2)x single crystals has been studied at 77 K and 300 K. At O ≤ x ≤ 4, Eg is observed to vary linearly with x. Eg(x) deviates from linearity at x = 0.6. This deviation is attributed to the effect of disorder in the composition. Over the range 0.6 to 2.2 eV pronounced impurity photoconductivity is detected at 77 K and 300 K. Deep impurity levels and their neighbourhood in this alloy are established to preserve their positions with the variation in the composition. The analysis of the obtained results indicates that the impurity centres are mainly connected with the cation neighbourhood.  相似文献   

The effects of composition on the physical property change in the phase coexistence region between the tetragonal and rhombohedral phases have been investigated as a function of zirconium concentration, x, for the MnO2-doped Pb(Zr x Ti1–x )O3 (0.40x0.60) ceramics. The relative amount of phase coexisting between the tetragonal and rhombohedral phases affects greatly both dielectric and piezoelectric properties as a function of zirconium concentration. However, there are no detectable changes between the apparent density and microstructure. Also, in the coexistence region, the relative amount of coexistence of the rhombohedral phase increases with MnO2 addition. The inflection points of the dielectric constant shift to lower zirconium concentration in proportion to the MnO2 addition, owing to the substitution effect on the PZT lattice site.  相似文献   

We report the preparation of ceramic samples of (1 ? x)BiScO3 · xPbTiO3 · yMO z (M = Mn, Ni; 0.63 ≤ x ≤ 0.65; 0 ≤ y < 0.02) solid solutions with a tetragonally distorted perovskite structure, X-ray diffraction characterization of the solid solutions, and their dielectric, piezoelectric, and pyroelectric properties. We present data on the symmetry and unit-cell parameters of the solid solutions, characteristics of their dielectric hysteresis loops, and the temperature dependences of their relative dielectric permittivity ?, dielectric loss tangent tan δ, piezoelectric charge coefficient d 33, and pyroelectric coefficient p σ in the range 290–800 K. After poling, the ceramics possessed well-defined piezo- and pyroelectric properties, with characteristic 290-K d 33 and p σ values of 300 pC/N and 15 nC/(cm2 K), respectively.  相似文献   

Single phase -Fe4N type (Fe1–xNix)4N compounds (0 x 0.6 have been synthesized for the first time by controlled heat treatment of iron-nickel oxalates in a gaseous flow of NH3 xand H2. The preparation processes were investigated using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X-ray diffraction and Mössbauer spectroscopy. The results confirmed that annealing of oxalates in the NH3 and H2 atmosphere included the processes of dehydration, decomposition and reduction, nitrogenation and thermal decomposition of the nitrides. The decomposition and reduction occur simultaneously. The final products depend on the flow rate ratio of NH3 H2 and the annealing temperature. The formation conditions for the single phase -Fe4N type (Fe1–xNix)4N compounds are related to the nickel concentration, with increasing nickel content, the nitrogenation temperature decreased, in contrast the flow rate ratio of NH3 H2 increased.  相似文献   

We report magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of the polycrystalline series of Dy1?x Gd x (Co1?x Ni x )2 (x=0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5) solid solutions. The samples were characterized by powder X-ray diffraction patterns taken at room temperature and revealed that all the Dy1?x Gd x (Co1?x Ni x )2 solid solutions consist of the C15 cubic Laves phase MgCu2 type structure and a small amount of DyCo3 and Dy2O3 impurity phases. Magnetic measurements showed that the samples undergoes a second-order type phase transition at T C<130 K, from paramagnetic to ferromagnetic state. Heat capacity measurements have been performed for all solid solutions and allowed us to determine the Debye temperature. The magnetocaloric effect has been studied by means of specific heat measurements in magnetic field 0.42, 1 and 2 T. The GdNi2 substitution effect on magnetic and magnetocaloric properties will be discussed.  相似文献   

Magnetization measurements were carried out on the alloys Zr(Cr1–x Cu x )2 (x=0, 0.1, 0.3, 0.5) before and after hydrogenation. All the binary and the ternary alloys, as well as their hydrides, exhibit a temperature-independent or nearly temperature-independent Pauli type of paramagnetism. Beside the Pauli paramagnetism, a ferromagnetic contribution to the total magnetization was observed for most of the alloys and their hydrides. It was also observed that hydrogen absorption enhances the Pauli paramagnetism as well as the ferromagnetism of the alloys. The rather unusual magnetic behaviour of these systems is briefly discussed in terms of 3d band filling of the transition metal, and is compared with some related systems.  相似文献   

《Materials Research Bulletin》2013,48(11):4606-4613
The effect of Fe and Co doping on structural, electrical and thermal properties of half doped La0.5Ce0.5Mn1−x(Fe, Co)xO3 is investigated. The structure of these crystallizes in to orthorhombically distorted perovskite structure. The electrical resistivity of La0.5Ce0.5MnO3 exhibits metal-semiconductor transition (TMS at ∼225 K). However, La0.5Ce0.5Mn1−xTMxO3 (TM = Fe, Co; 0.0  x  0.1) manganites show semiconducting behavior. The thermopower measurements infer hole as charge carriers and electron–magnon as well spin wave fluctuation mechanism are effective at low temperature domain and SPC model fits the observed data at high temperature. The magnetic susceptibility measurement confirms a transition from paramagnetic to ferromagnetic phase. The observed peaks in the specific heat measurements, shifts to lower temperatures and becomes progressively broader with doping of transition metals on Mn-site. The thermal conductivity is measured in the temperature range of 10–350 K with a magnitude in between 10 and 80 mW/cm K.  相似文献   

Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics - In the present work, lead-free piezoelectric ceramics (Rx)(K0.5Na0.5)(Nb0.96Sb0.04O3)?x(Bi0.5Na0.5)(Zr0.8Sn0.1Hf0.1)O3 [abb. as...  相似文献   

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