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VTG was purified from seabream Sparus aurata plasma by ion exchange chromatography on a DEAE-Sepharose column. The vitellogenin was characterized and its properties were determined. The molecular mass of the native form, obtained by Sephadex G-200 column, was around 450 kDa, whereas an apparent molecular mass of 180 kDa was detected by electrophoresis under denaturing and reducing conditions, suggesting a dimeric form for the native protein. The presence of carbohydrates was determined using concanavalin A, while the presence of phosphate groups was detected by Stains-all, a cationic stain. These data together with the sex specificity, the estrogen inducibility, and the cross-reactivity of the abVTG against the major yolk proteins identifies this protein as vitellogenin. The validated ELISA was used for a rapid and reliable measurement of plasma VTG changes related with those of estradiol-17beta in female broodstock.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND METHODS: Risk factors for recurrence of Crohn's disease and the evidence for progress in reducing recurrence following resection were reviewed. A Medline based literature review was carried out. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Only smoking has been confirmed as a significant adverse risk factor for recurrence. Evidence for differing recurrence rates in fibrostenosing disease and perforating disease is inconclusive, but such a classification along with the endoscopic findings of recurrence may have a place in the analysis of therapeutic trials. Minimal resectional surgery with clearing of only macroscopic disease seems to be justified, with no clear benefits from different anastomotic techniques. Recent trials offer encouraging evidence of the usefulness of 5-aminosalicylic acid, particularly higher-dose regimens started early after resection, although the long-term benefits are uncertain. The oral steroid, budesonide, offers a potent treatment with minimal side-effects, but evidence of its prevention of recurrence is presently weak.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To review the literature over the past decade on mental retardation, particularly with respect to genetics and behavioral phenotypes. METHOD: A computerized search was performed for articles published in the past decade, and selected papers were highlighted. RESULTS: The study of mental retardation has benefited considerably by advances in medicine generally, and by developments in molecular neurobiology in particular. These advances in genetics have led to new insights regarding the causes of mental retardation, as well as a growing appreciation of behavioral phenotypes associated with some mental retardation syndromes. CONCLUSIONS: Although the study of developmental disorders has advanced significantly over the past decade, considerable work remains. Mental retardation should remain the model for the utility of the biopsychosocial approach in medicine.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To review current knowledge about the clinical presentation, assessment, and treatment of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in children. METHOD: The literature on PTSD in children is examined. RESULTS: Over the past 10 years, PTSD has been described in children exposed to a variety of traumatic experiences. Little is known about the epidemiology of the disorder in children. Partial symptomatology and comorbidity are common. A variety of factors influence response to trauma and affect recovery. They include characteristics of the stressor and exposure to it; individual factors such as gender, age and developmental level, and psychiatric history; family characteristics; and cultural factors. Since the condition is likely to occur after disaster situations, much of the literature describes the child's response to disaster and interventions tend to include efforts within schools and/or communities. A number of clinical approaches have been used to treat the condition. CONCLUSIONS: While assessment has been studied extensively, the longitudinal course of PTSD and treatment effectiveness have not been. Biological correlates of the condition also warrant greater attention.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To critically review the research on anxiety disorders in children and adolescents, focusing on new developments in the past 10 years. METHOD: This review includes recent articles which contribute to the conceptualization, assessment, and treatment of childhood anxiety disorders. RESULTS: Information was organized into a developmental framework. Anxiety disorders research has shown steady progress. CONCLUSIONS: More research is needed, particularly in the areas of neurobiological basis of anxiety disorders, longitudinal studies, and treatment.  相似文献   

Vibrio cholerae O1 strains isolated mostly in Japan between 1977 and 1995 were typed according to restriction fragment patterns by cleavage of genomic DNA with Sfi I and Not I and separation by Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). Two hundred sixty five strains from human were divided into 60 PFGE patterns (provisional types). Strains of type 2-3, 3-4, 4-5 and 51-54 were dominant in the Philippines, Thailand, India and Indonesia, respectively. Types 1-1, 2-3, 2-53, and 3-4 were detected over a long period of time in contrast to the other types. Strains of the same type (Types 1-1, 2-3, 2-53 and others) isolated from the Japanese who had never been outside Japan were often found among strains from Southeast Asia. Most strains from humans were cholera-toxin (CT)-positive, while those from the environment and the sea were generally not. 23 strains from the environment and the sea in Japan were divided into 12 types. Strains of the same types as CT-positive strains from humans could not be found in the environment and sea. These results suggest that cholera in Japan is closely related with cholera in Southeast Asia and PFGE is useful for epidemiological analysis of cholera in Japan.  相似文献   

Childhood and adolescent depression: a review of the past 10 years. Part I   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVE: To qualitatively review the literature of the past decade covering the epidemiology, clinical characteristics, natural course, biology, and other correlates of early-onset major depressive disorder (MDD) and dysthymic disorder (DD). METHOD: A computerized search for articles published during the past 10 years was made and selected studies are presented. RESULTS: Early-onset MDD and DD are frequent, recurrent, and familial disorders that tend to continue into adulthood, and they are frequently accompanied by other psychiatric disorders. These disorders are usually associated with poor psychosocial and academic outcome and increased risk for substance abuse, bipolar disorder, and suicide. In addition, DD increases the risk for MDD. There is a secular increase in the prevalence of MDD, and it appears that MDD is occurring at an earlier age in successive cohorts. Several genetic, familial, demographic, psychosocial, cognitive, and biological correlates of onset and course of early-onset depression have been identified. Few studies, however, have examined the combined effects of these correlates. CONCLUSIONS: Considerable advances have been made in our knowledge of early-onset depression. Nevertheless, further research is needed in understanding the pathogenesis of childhood mood disorders. Toward this end, studies aimed at elucidating mechanisms and interrelationships among the different domains of risk factors are needed.  相似文献   

The technology of tooth-bonding materials has developed over the past 20 years to achieve results that are quick, minimally invasive and esthetically pleasing. The following paper is an overview of the advances in tooth-bonding technology over the past 20 years.  相似文献   

Reviews the literature on the adjustment of children of depressed parents, difficulties in parenting and parent–child interaction in these families, and contextual factors that may play a role in child adjustment and parental depression. First, issues arising from the recurrent, episodic, heterogeneous nature of depression are discussed. Second, studies on the adjustment of children with a depressed parent are summarized. Early studies that used depressed parents as controls for schizophrenic parents found equivalent risk for child disturbance. Subsequent studies using better-defined samples of depressed parents found that these children were at risk for a full range of adjustment problems and at specific risk for clinical depression. Third, the parenting difficulties of depressed parents are described and explanatory models of child adjustment problems are outlined. Fourth, important gaps in the literature are identified, and a consistent, if unintentional, "mother-bashing" quality in the existing literature is noted. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A complementary DNA clone preferentially expressed in the gastrointestinal tract was obtained from a rat stomach library. The protein coded by the clone had a single carbohydrate recognition domain having conserved motifs for beta-galactoside binding and showed 67% amino acid identity with human galectin-2. The recombinant protein synthesized in Escherichia coli could bind to an asialofetuin column and was eluted with beta-galactopyranoside. From these observations, we named the protein rat galectin-2 coded by the cDNA. The rat galectin-2 was predominantly expressed in the epithelial cells of stomach. Thus this protein may form a mucin layer cross-linking with the beta-galactoside moiety of glycoproteins.  相似文献   

我国血吸虫病、疟疾、淋巴丝虫病和黑热病等重要寄生虫病的防治,历经几代人卓有成效的防治,现已达到了消除或有效控制,防治工作取得了举世瞩目的成就.在农村通过采取改厕改水、初级卫生保健以及卫生宣教等一系列的综合防治措施,使得我国土源性线虫的感染率有了大幅度的下降.  相似文献   

Improvement and standardization of the conservative therapy of inflammatory bowel disease has lead to a better prognosis for the patients. During the acute flare of Crohn's disease steroids are still the standard therapy, whereas 5-aminosalicylic acid (5-ASA) preparations are used for maintenance therapy during remission. In contrast ulcerative colitis may be treated with 5-ASA also for acute exacerbations. The development of new drugs as for example the topical steroids helps to improve life quality of the patients by reducing adverse side effects. Potent immunosuppressants as azathioprine and methotrexate are useful in chronic active and refractory disease. Cyclosporin A plays a role in severe steroid refractory colitis. In the future immunomodulation by application of antiinflammatory cytokines or antibodies to inflammatory cytokines may have its place in the treatment of IBD patients. In some cases, however, the conservative therapy reaches its limits. Mistakes in the therapy are made, when these limits are not recognized and complications are not discovered in time.  相似文献   

The Cognitive Interview (CI) is a well-established protocol for interviewing witnesses. The current article presents a study space analysis of laboratory studies of the CI together with an empirical meta-analysis summarizing the past 25 years of research. The study space comprises 57 published articles (65 experiments) on the CI, providing an assessment of the boundary conditions underlying the analysis and application of this interview protocol. The current meta-analysis includes 46 published articles, including 20 articles published since the last meta-analysis conducted a decade earlier (K?hnken, Milne, Memon, & Bull, 1999). Reassuringly for practitioners, the findings of the original meta-analysis were replicated with a large and significant increase in correct details and a small increase in errors. In addition we found that there were no differences in the rate at which details are confabulated. Importantly, the effect sizes were unaffected by the inclusion of recent studies using modified versions of the CI. The CI appeared to benefit older adult witnesses even more than younger adults. We highlight trends and gaps in research and discuss how our findings can inform policy and training decisions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The necessity of effective prevention of DVT is generally accepted. However, attitudes and beliefs concerning prophylaxis vary greatly in terms of the risk groups receiving prophylaxis and the prophylactic methodology. This paper reviews current research on the subject and seeks to provide recommendations. RESULTS: Known clinical risk factors allow the classification of patients according to high, medium and low risk of developing thromboembolism. Basic forms of prophylaxis are physiotherapy and early mobilisation. However, there are no data on the safety and efficacy of these methods. Mechanical devices used include external intermittent pneumatic compression and graduated compression stockings. Used in isolation, these methods reduce the incidence of deep vein thrombosis in low and moderate risk patients by one half or one third. There is no distinction between mechanical and pharmacological methods in terms of safety and efficacy. Furthermore, secondary effects are extremely rare. Moderate and high risk category patients should receive combined modes of mechanical and pharmacological treatment. A direct comparison of safety in moderate risk patients fixed doses of standard heparin vs. low molecular weight heparin revealed no significant differences. In the case of high risk patients, adjusted dose heparin administered subcutaneously or fixed dose low molecular heparin is recommended. A severe secondary effect of heparin-prophylaxis is heparin-induced thrombocytopenie. The optimum duration of pharmacological prophylaxis is not yet clear. CONCLUSION: The methods and duration of prophylaxis remain subject to an individual medical assessment of the clinically significant benefits in relation to the risk secondary effects of the treatment. On major questions there are significant variations in the specialist literature. This means that standards cannot be formulated, although recommendations can be given.  相似文献   

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