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生物芯片图像微阵列偏转角度计算及样点分割算法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文首先介绍了样点分割在生物芯片技术中所处的重要意义,并分析了生物芯片样点偏转角度误差来源以及构成原因,提出了全自动化的图像微阵列偏转角度计算及样点分割的统一解决方案.算法依据生物芯片样点阵列空间分布特点,并基于重构原理,提出了环形投影方法和功率谱估计相结合的功率切片方法,并以此建立起样点阵列的像素位置、偏转角以及功率值的三维分布关系,实现斑点阵列中偏转角度的精确计算.在获得偏转角度值的条件下,采用定向投影法和功率谱估计方法,计算样点阵列的行列间距;利用行、列间距,在一维灰度和序列中实现分段搜索,获取光斑中心粗定位;利用轮廓图像投影后出现双次峰的现象,估算样点直径;最后,依据重心法调整斑点中心,同时采用邻域搜索算法调整斑点直径,最终实现生物芯片扫描图像的精确定位和分割. 相似文献
目的为了提高生产线上生物芯片点样质量检测的精度与效率,研究基于图像处理和卷积神经网络的算法,判断某生物芯片点样质量是否合格,并检测点样合格的生物芯片上的点样点半径。方法采用CCD相机获取生物芯片点样后的图像,通过图像预处理,利用canny边缘检测和圆的拟合等图像处理方法,得到点样点的几何信息,进而计算出点样点半径。同时提出基于卷积神经网络的点样质量检测方法,通过区域建议网络提取点样点卷积特征,引入分割全连接层来训练检测模型,通过离线训练来验证获得模型的最佳参数。结果和手动测量结果进行对比发现,半径误差不超过±0.1 mm,点样质量检测准确率为91.1%,单个生物芯片检测时间总和不超过1.6s。结论所提出的方法能够满足生产线上产品检测准确性和实时性的要求。 相似文献
一种基于形态学多结构元素的图像边缘检测算法 总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8
运用数学形态学的理论和方法,从多结构元素形态学变换的角度出发,利用形态学结构元的自然属性,自适应确定权重,在此基础上采用腐蚀运算构造边缘检测算法,最后将多结构元的检测信息加权求和。实验结果表明,自适应确定权重比平均权重具有更好的图像处理效果,在保持图像边缘清晰的同时,具有很强的去除噪声能力。 相似文献
生物芯片扫描仪的探测灵敏度 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
荧光的探测灵敏度是生物芯片扫描仪的一个重要指标,它取决于入射到光探测器(PMT 或CCD)上的荧光强度及光探测器自身的探测能力。在理论上,荧光染料的发射强度与其消光系数、量子效率、荧光寿命及激发光强度有关。结合具体的设计参数,计算得到激光共聚焦生物芯片扫描仪针对 Cy3 荧光染料的探测灵敏度为每平方微米 2.89 个荧光分子,而实验得到的探测灵敏度为每平方微米 4.49 个荧光分子。研究表明,提高探测灵敏度的措施是合理增大激光功率、尽可能增大 f-θ 物镜的数值孔径、提高光电倍增管的探测下限。 相似文献
多尺度形态学图像边缘检测方法 总被引:30,自引:4,他引:26
在形态学边缘检测算子的基础上,综合形态膨胀和形态腐蚀,得到修正的边缘检测算子,以减轻图像边缘检测的模糊性;进行形态结构元素尺度调整,并综合各种尺度下的边缘特征,得到噪声存在条件下较为理想的图像边缘。实验验证了该算法的可行性和有效性。 相似文献
目的研发基于喷墨印刷技术的滚筒式生物芯片点样仪的组合压电喷头,介绍组合喷头的设计及其连续制备生物芯片的方法。方法该方法采用组合式压电喷头代替传统的单针头;用连续点样方式代替传统静态点样方式;用多样品同时喷点方式代替单个样品喷点方式,采用基于ARM9 S3C2416微处理器的触摸屏控制器来控制系统的运动,最后用激光跟踪仪测量了喷头连续制备生物芯片的精度。结果定位精度为8μm,重复精度为5μm,满足精度要求。结论提供了一种结构简单、方法可靠、精度高、性价比高的生物芯片制备方法。 相似文献
Sergey Kucheryavski 《Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems》2011,108(1):2-12
The paper presents an overview of methods for extracting useful information from digital images. It covers various approaches that utilized different properties of images, like intensity distribution, spatial frequency content and several others. A few case studies including isotropic and heterogeneous, congruent and non-congruent images are used to illustrate how the described methods work and to compare some of them. 相似文献
Analysis of proteomic data, presented in form of 2D gel electropherograms, is still a real challenge and requires further improvements. Three main problems in data analysis are associated with (1) ‘software-induced variance’ (due to the different methods of data pre-processing or their different input parameters), (2) univariate significance analysis, and (3) requirements of spots detection and quantification. In our study, the advantages of multivariate significance analysis and a pixel-based approach are demonstrated upon the example of the real data set. 相似文献
The pyramid algorithm is potentially a powerful tool for advanced television image processing and for pattern recognition. An attempt is made to design and develop both hardware and software for a system which performs decomposition and reconstruction of digitized images by implementing the Burt pyramid algorithm. In this work, an attempt is also made to study correlation performance on reconstructed images. That is, the reference image is taken from the original image and correlation is performed on expanded images of the same size. Similarly, correlation performance study is carried out on different pyramid-processed levels. In this paper results are presented in terms of RMS error between original and expanded images. Only still images are considered, and the hardware is designed around an i486 processor and software is developed in PL/M 86. 相似文献
The DNA microarray analysis is one of the most important areas in biomedical research. For the accurate analysis of microarray
data the process of segmentation, classification of pixels as foreground or background, should be done accurately. In this
paper we suggest a kernel density estimation approach for the segmentation of the microarray spot. We estimate the density
of n pixel intensities for a given target area by the kernel density estimation, and the resulting kernel density estimate gives
bimodal density by appropriate choice of the smoothing parameter. We suggest two modes of the kernel density estimate for
n pixel intensities as estimates of the foreground (mode with larger value) and the background (mode with smaller value) intensity,
respectively. The segmentation method proposed in this paper is easy and simple to use, robust to the shape of spot, and very
This research was supported by Korea Science and Engineering Foundation grant (R14-2003-002-01000-0). 相似文献
面积重构H顶变换的实现与应用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
基于面积重构 H 操作算子的 hat 变换,提出了一类用于极值区域提取的新型图像处理方法:面积重构 H 顶变换及其改进变换。该方法依据标识图中相应连通成分的面积和对比度信息,合并或剔除掩模图中部分连通成分,从而实现对掩模图的条件分割,获取峰值区域,滤除小细节干扰。按照灰度值大小依次扫描各像素点,通过标记、合并等操作快速实现面积重构 H 顶改进变换,可以仅对各像素搜索一次就完成二次面积重构实现的功能,计算 256×256 大小的灰度图像需约55ms,为实时应用提供了可能。新方法在颗粒分布分析、特征标识提取等领域的试验中准确率都近 100%,和其他同类方法结果的对比表明其在实际应用中具有更高的有效性和可靠性。 相似文献