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解决同时定位与地图构建(SLAM)问题是实现机器人自主导航的核心.目前,Rao-Blackwellized粒子滤波器(RBPF)是解决机器人同时定位与地图构建的有效方法.该方法在计算提议分布时,通常只考虑移动机器人的里程计信息,因此存在需要大量的采样粒子造成的计算量和复杂度增大的问题.本文提出一种改进算法,在计算提议分布时将机器人里程计信息和激光传感器采集的距离信息进行融合,有效地减少了所需粒子的数量并降低了滤波器预测阶段机器人位姿的不确定性.本文在机器人操作系统(robot operating system,ROS)平台上,使用配有URG激光器的Pioneer3-DX机器人进行了实验.结果表明,采用本文方法能够实时在线地创建高精度的栅格地图,为机器人在未知环境中的SLAM和导航提供了新途径. 相似文献
根据轮式机器人移动的特点,提出一种采用双目视觉的新颖实时局部2维栅格地图构建算法。首先,提出虚拟高度线投影成像原理,将场景均匀栅格化,在栅格中引入虚拟高度线,并将其投影到立体视觉系统的立体图对中产生投影线,将求解场景点高度值的问题转化为在投影线上和水平视差搜索范围内寻找具有最大相似测度的对应点问题;然后,提出一种新颖的局部2维地图构建方法,该方法以机器人所能越过的最大高度为阈值,对高于阈值部分的虚拟高度投影线上的场景点由其在图像对中的相似测度确定其是否为障碍物区域。实验结果表明,该方法满足机器人导航所要求的有效性和实时性,并可应用到构建3维地图。 相似文献
本文提出了一种针对装备有激光测距仪的地面移动机器人系统的实时自主导航算法.与现有的专为解决2维导航问题所设计的算法不同,新算法在导航过程中引入了障碍物的高度信息,并且使用2.5维角度势场法来满足在复杂的户外地形条件下的自主导航要求.首先,一幅激光测距仪扫描地图被划分为两种不同的功能扇区:导航扇区和监测扇区.然后,在充分利用障碍物高度信息的条件下,对导航扇区和监测扇区进行重构,从而获得一幅虚拟的2维激光扫描地图.最后,传统的角度势场法被进行了适当的改进,以便能够顺利的作用到虚拟的2维激光扫描地图上,产生恰当的导航指令.新算法在履带型地面移动机器人上进行了测试,实验结果充分的证明了其有效性和可实现性. 相似文献
机器人在未知环境自主探索时,需要快速准确地获取环境地图信息。针对高效探索和未知环境的地图构建问题,将随机行走算法应用于群机器人的探索中,机器人模拟布朗运动,对搜索区域建图。然后,改进了布朗运动算法,通过设置机器人随机行走时的最大旋转角度,来避免机器人重复性地搜索一个区域,使机器人在相同时间内探索更多的区域,提高机器人的搜索效率。最后,通过搭载激光雷达的多个移动机器人进行了仿真实验,实验分析了最大转角增量、机器人数量以及机器人运动步数对搜索区域的影响。 相似文献
《阿凡达》上映一个多月票房就逼近20亿美金,刷新了全球电影票房记录,世界各国文化与电影界人士纷纷研究其成功之道。笔者粗略统计了来自网络的信息,普遍认为《阿凡迷》的成功主要有三个因素:一、逼真的3D效果。二、丰富的故事情节。三、高效的推广手段。 相似文献
传统的R-tree系列和四叉树系列对数据对象的多级显示没有给予足够的支持,在小比例尺地图的显示过程中,影响了检索效率 .即使是支持多级显示的R-tree的各种变形,也由于对资源的要求而不能满足嵌入式设备的应用需求 .针对嵌入式设备数据I/O的特点,从地图数据的分级显示、顺序与批量访问、索引数据的优化等多方面入手,提出了一种基于多级Hilbert网格的线性索引结构 .实验证明该索引结构在空间利用率和查询性能等方面与传统的空间索引技术相比有明显的改善,并在上海市交通信息网格移动交通信息服务终端上获得了良好的实施效果 . 相似文献
In this paper, a novel approach for fine-tuning of the grid-based map-building algorithm is reported. The traditional occupancy grid-based map-building algorithm uses a fixed probability distribution function of the sonar readings and disregards the information from the environment. In our approach, the probability distribution function is tuned by fuzzy rules formed from the information obtained from the environment at each sonar data scan. A Bayesian update rule is then used to update the occupancy probabilities of the grid cells. The proposed map-building algorithm is compared with other grid-based map-building methods through simulations and experiments. The simulation and experimental studies suggest that sharp grid maps can be obtained by incorporating fuzzy rules during the grid-based map generation. In comparison with other algorithms, improved convergence has also been noted. 相似文献
实时全局地图构建是实现移动机器人智能化的关键;研究了一种基于全向视觉的移动机器人全局地图的实时构建方法.首先介绍了全向视觉的体系结构,然后对图像处理软件的相关模块,包括基于颜色的阈值分割、区域连通、特征提取和目标识别等进行了说明,最后通过坐标的转换实现全局地图的构建;实验结果表明,由于充分利用了全向视觉的特性,构建的全局地图准确性高、实时性好,完全能够满足移动机器人对环境建模的需要. 相似文献
Gisbert Lawitzky 《Autonomous Robots》2000,9(3):255-260
Free navigation in indoor environments is one of the main enabling technologies for many service robot applications. The SIEMENS navigation system SINAS which is primarily targeted towards cleaning robot applications, has proved its suitability for tough everyday operation since August 1996 on several occasions, e.g., in several chain store supermarkets. This paper discusses the main requirements of a navigation system for cleaning robots, presents the architecture and main modules of the SINAS system, and reports on real-world experiences. 相似文献
Y. L. Ip A. B. Rad K. M. Chow Y. K. Wong 《Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems》2002,35(3):221-245
In this paper, we present a technique for on-line segment-based map building in an unknown indoor environment from sonar sensor observations. The world model is represented with two-dimensional line segments. The information obtained by the ultrasonic sensors is updated instantaneously while the mobile robot is moving through the workspace. An Enhanced Adaptive Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm (EAFC) along with Noise Clustering (NC) is proposed to extract and classify the line segments in order to construct a complete map for an unknown environment. Furthermore, to alleviate the problem of extensive computation associated with the process of map building, the workplace of the mobile robot is divided into square cells. A compatible line segment merging technique is then suggested to combine the similar segments after the extraction of the line segment by EAFC along with NC algorithm. The performance of the algorithm is demonstrated by experimental results on a Pioneer II mobile robot. 相似文献
Visual Navigation for Mobile Robots: A Survey 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Francisco Bonin-Font Alberto Ortiz Gabriel Oliver 《Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems》2008,53(3):263-296
Mobile robot vision-based navigation has been the source of countless research contributions, from the domains of both vision
and control. Vision is becoming more and more common in applications such as localization, automatic map construction, autonomous
navigation, path following, inspection, monitoring or risky situation detection. This survey presents those pieces of work,
from the nineties until nowadays, which constitute a wide progress in visual navigation techniques for land, aerial and autonomous
underwater vehicles. The paper deals with two major approaches: map-based navigation and mapless navigation. Map-based navigation has been in turn subdivided in metric map-based navigation and topological map-based navigation. Our outline to mapless navigation includes reactive techniques based on qualitative characteristics extraction, appearance-based
localization, optical flow, features tracking, plane ground detection/tracking, etc... The recent concept of visual sonar has also been revised.
This work is partially supported by DPI 2005-09001-C03-02 and FEDER funding. 相似文献
In the present paper, map building and localization problems are examined. A new algorithm is proposed for each task. The map building algorithm is based on measurements derived by ultrasonic sensors. It has small memory requirements and can distinguish between parallel edges and edges-corners. The discrimination between edges and corners is achieved based on the physical restrictions imposed by the ultrasonic sensors and the way they are fired. The parallel edges discrimination is carried out on the basis of an ellipse spatial criterion. It is of low computational complexity and, therefore, can be applied on line. The application of the proposed algorithm does not require tracking of a continuous path. The method is accurate. It converges to the existing map characteristics. The mean inclination error is equal to 0.78 degrees while the mean distance error of the mid point of the chartographed edges from the actual edges is equal to 4.11 cm. The robustness of the algorithm was verified by applying it in noisy environments. The localization algorithm reduces the accumulated odometry error by utilizing readings obtained from ultrasonic sensors. Its application does not require a priori knowledge of the statistical characteristics of the noise that affects the measurements, nor the exact robot starting position. It is of low computational complexity. The application of the method was tested on a track with length equal to 25.85 m. The experiment was repeated 50 times. The mean position error was equal to 26 cm, while a dramatic reduction of the mean position error was achieved in regions for which the detected obstacles were parallel to only one of the reference coordinate axes. The mean error in such regions was reduced to 30 cm from 48 cm. The mean heading error was equal to 6.8°. 相似文献