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Zhen-Bang Kuang 《Acta Mechanica》2013,224(6):1201-1212
Two fundamental theories are discussed in this paper. In the nonlinear electro–magneto–elastic analysis, different authors give different formulas. It means that the fundamental theory should still be studied. In this paper, we give a review of different theories and extend the physical variational principle to the material with electromagnetic body couple. For the temperature wave, we compare the inertial entropy theory and the Cattaneo–Vernotte’s theory in detail and show that the former is more appropriate. These theories may be interesting and need further research.  相似文献   

This paper presents accurate numerical solutions for nonlinear eigenvalue analysis of three-dimensional acoustic cavities by boundary element method (BEM). To solve the nonlinear eigenvalue problem (NEP) formulated by BEM, we employ a contour integral method, called block Sakurai–Sugiura (SS) method, by which the NEP is converted to a standard linear eigenvalue problem and the dimension of eigenspace is reduced. The block version adopted in present work can also extract eigenvalues whose multiplicity is larger than one, but for the complex connected region which includes a internal closed boundary, the methodology yields fictitious eigenvalues. The application of the technique is demonstrated through the eigenvalue calculation of sphere with unique homogenous boundary conditions, cube with mixed boundary conditions and a complex connected region formed by cubic boundary and spherical boundary, however, the fictitious eigenvalues can be identified by Burton–Miller's method. These numerical results are supported by appropriate convergence study and comparisons with close form.  相似文献   

The conventional boundary element method (BEM) needs a domain integral in convection–diffusion analysis. In this paper, we show that the convection–diffusion problem can be solved effectively using triple-reciprocity BEM without internal cells. In this method, the convection term is treated in the same manner as the heat generation term, and the values of the term are interpolated using integral equations. In this method, time-dependant fundamental solutions are used. However, the CPU time for calculation does not increase rapidly with increasing number of time steps.  相似文献   


A new boundary element method is developed for the analysis of multi‐layered elastic media. This approach is based on the integral transform method, displacement potential theory and principle of superposition. The Kelvin's solution, the solution expressed by the displacement potentials due to the interface loadings, combined with the initial conditions are superposed to determine the solution within a layer.

Combining this approach with the fictitious stress method in which the traction discontinuity is considered as the basic loading, a boundary element model for the analysis of layered systems can be set up. The advantages of this approach are: (1) boundary element at the interfaces are not necessary to be introduced, (2) this method can be extended to three dimensions more easily than the Airy's stress function approach. The accuracy of the model is illustrated by example problems showing positive results.  相似文献   

A boundary element–finite element model is presented for the three-dimensional dynamic analysis of piled buildings in the frequency domain. Piles are modelled as compressible Euler–Bernoulli beams founded on a linear, isotropic, viscoelastic, zoned-homogeneous, unbounded layered soil, while multi-storey buildings are assumed to be comprised of vertical compressible piers and rigid slabs. Soil–foundation–structure interaction is rigorously taken into account with an affordable number of degrees of freedom. The code allows the direct analysis of multiple piled buildings, so that the influence of other constructions can be taken into account in the analysis of a certain element. The formulation is outlined before presenting validation results and an application example.  相似文献   

In this paper the direct non-singular formulation of the boundary element method using the fundamental solutions given by Ganowicz (1966) [6] and its application to a static analysis of plates with intermediate thickness is presented. A more exact calculation of almost singular integrals is possible, thanks to the applied modification of the Gauss integration procedure with the inversed distribution of integration points. The non-singular method is based on an offset of collocation points from a plate boundary. The accuracy of results depends on this offset, so the analysis of a relation between the distance of the collocation point from the plate and the conditioning of the matrix of integral equations is carried out. The optimal distance equal to 0.01 of the boundary element length was determined. The presented approach allows to carry out the static analysis of plates with arbitrary shapes including plates with holes. Solution of thin plates is also possible.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the forced vibration behavior of nonlocal third-order shear deformable beam model of magneto–electro–thermo elastic (METE) nanobeams based on the nonlocal elasticity theory in conjunction with the von Kármán geometric nonlinearity. The METE nanobeam is assumed to be subjected to the external electric potential, magnetic potential and constant temperature rise. Based on the Hamilton principle, the nonlinear governing equations and corresponding boundary conditions are established and discretized using the generalized differential quadrature (GDQ) method. Thereafter, using a Galerkin-based numerical technique, the set of nonlinear governing equations is reduced into a time-varying set of ordinary differential equations of Duffing type. The pseudo-arc length continuum scheme is then adopted to solve the vectorized form of nonlinear parameterized equations. Finally, a comprehensive study is conducted to get an insight into the effects of different parameters such as nonlocal parameter, slenderness ratio, initial electric potential, initial external magnetic potential, temperature rise and type of boundary conditions on the natural frequency and forced vibration characteristics of METE nanobeams.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the analysis of active constrained layer damping (ACLD) of large amplitude vibrations of smart magneto–electro–elastic (MEE) doubly curved shells. The constraining layer of the ACLD treatment is composed of the vertically/obliquely reinforced 1–3 piezoelectric composite (PZC). The constrained viscoelastic layer of the ACLD treatment is modeled by using the Golla–Hughes–McTavish method in the time domain. A three-dimensional finite element model of the overall smart MEE doubly curved shells has been developed taking into account the effects of electro–elastic and magneto–elastic couplings, while the von Kármán type nonlinear strain displacement relations are used for incorporating the geometric nonlinearity. Influence of the curvature ratio, the curvature aspect ratio, the thickness aspect ratio on the nonlinear frequency ratios of the MEE doubly curved shells has been investigated. Effects of the location of the ACLD patches and the edge boundary conditions on the control of geometrically nonlinear vibrations of paraboloid and hyperboloid MEE shells have been studied. Particular attention has been paid to investigate the performance of the ACLD treatment due to the variation of the piezoelectric fiber orientation angle in the 1–3 PZC constraining layer of the ACLD treatment.  相似文献   

Since failing to respect the causality condition has been identified as one of the main sources of inaccuracies in the time domain boundary element method for elastodynamics and scalar wave propagation problems, in this contribution new shape functions are investigated, which permit a more accurate simulation of the continuous propagation of wave fronts. The performance of these shape functions in 2D scalar wave propagation problems is tested both for the potential (displacement) and for the time gradient (velocity) equations. Analytical time integrations are developed and numerical results are presented.  相似文献   


This paper presents the utilization of boundary element method (BEM) to analyze the elasto‐plastic deformation of upsetting problems. Method of successive elastic solutions is used in the nonlinear analysis; both the linear strain hardening and the power law relation are used as constitutive equations of the material. For the later model the slope of strain hardening at each step is modified to a more correct prediction to make the deformation step larger and to obtain better convergence. The result may verify the stress‐strain curve as it does, and verify the similar pattern of the plastic zone propagation as Roll's result by finite element method. It is shown that various frictional conditions and width‐height ratios of the workpiece also influence the propagation behavior of plastic zones.  相似文献   

In this work, a new boundary element formulation for the analysis of plate–beam interaction is presented. This formulation uses a three nodal value boundary elements and each beam element is replaced by its actions on the plate, i.e., a distributed load and end of element forces. From the solution of the differential equation of a beam with linearly distributed load the plate–beam interaction tractions can be written as a function of the nodal values of the beam. With this transformation a final system of equation in the nodal values of displacements of plate boundary and beam nodes is obtained and from it, all unknowns of the plate–beam system are obtained. Many examples are analyzed and the results show an excellent agreement with those from the analytical solution and other numerical methods.  相似文献   

This paper presents our new development of parallel finite element algorithms for elastic–plastic problems. The proposed method is based on dividing the original structure under consideration into a number of substructures which are treated as isolated finite element models via the interface conditions. Throughout the analysis, each processor stores only the information relevant to its substructure and generates the local stiffness matrix. A parallel substructure oriented preconditioned conjugate gradient method, which is combined with MR smoothing and diagonal storage scheme are employed to solve linear systems of equations. After having obtained the displacements of the problem under consideration, a substepping scheme is used to integrate elastic–plastic stress–strain relations. The procedure outlined controls the error of the computed stress by choosing each substep size automatically according to a prescribed tolerance. The combination of these algorithms shows a good speedup when increasing the number of processors and the effective solution of 3D elastic–plastic problems whose size is much too large for a single workstation becomes possible.  相似文献   


This paper describes an efficient adaptive integration technique for both internal cell integration and boundary element integration. The adaptive algorithm can cope with the common situation where the sizes of adjacent cells and boundary elements are significantly different. Various cases are examined numerically and some numerical applications demonstrate the effectiveness of this method.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to develop a finite element model for 3D elastic–plastic frictional contact problem of Cosserat materials. Because 3D elastic–plastic frictional contact problems belong to the unspecified boundary problems with nonlinearities in both material and geometric forms, a large number of calculations are needed to obtain numerical results with high accuracy. Based on the parametric variational principle and the corresponding quadratic programming method for numerical simulation of frictional contact problems, a finite element model is developed for 3D elastic–plastic frictional contact analysis of Cosserat materials. The problems are finally reduced to linear complementarity problems (LCP). Numerical examples show the feasibility and importance of the developed model for analyzing the contact problems of structures with materials which have micro-polar characteristics.  相似文献   

The meshless local Petrov–Galerkin (MLPG) method is an effective truly meshless method for solving partial differential equations using moving least squares (MLS) interpolants. It is, however, computationally expensive for some problems. A coupled MLPG/finite element (FE) method and a coupled MLPG/boundary element (BE) method are proposed in this paper to improve the solution efficiency. A procedure is developed for the coupled MLPG/FE method and the coupled MLPG/BE method so that the continuity and compatibility are preserved on the interface of the two domains where the MLPG and FE or BE methods are applied. The validity and efficiency of the MLPG/FE and MLPG/BE methods are demonstrated through a number of examples. Received 6 June 2000  相似文献   

A 2D mass-redistributed finite element method (MR-FEM) for pure acoustic problems was recently proposed to reduce the dispersion error. In this paper, the 3D MR-FEM is further developed to solve more complicated structural–acoustic interaction problems. The smoothed Galerkin weak form is adopted to formulate the discretized equations for the structure, and MR-FEM is applied in acoustic domain. The global equations of structural–acoustic interaction problems are then established by coupling the MR-FEM for the acoustic domain and the edge-based smoothed finite element method for the structure. The perfect balance between the mass matrix and stiffness matrix is able to improve the accuracy of the acoustic domain significantly. The gradient smoothing technique used in the structural domain can provide a proper softening effect to the “overly-stiff” FEM model. A number of numerical examples have demonstrated the effectiveness of the mass-redistributed method with smoothed strain.  相似文献   

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