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Due to the increasing request for pollutant emissions reduction, modern closed-loop combustion control strategies require the on-board evaluation of the center of combustion (MFB50), i.e. the angular position where 50% of the injected fuel mass is burned. This work presents an MFB50 estimation algorithm based on engine speed measurement, that can be performed using the same toothed wheel already present on-board. Therefore, this approach is compatible with on-board application and requires no additional hardware cost. The complete methodology has been applied to a Diesel engine mounted on-board a vehicle and the accuracy of the obtained results is compatible with on-board requirements.  相似文献   

在软件开发早期阶段,为分析组件的可靠性和组件间的转移概率的不确定时软件可靠性估计的影响,在基于体系结构的可靠性模型基础上,采用贝叶斯方法对参数的不确定性进行分析.将组件间的转移概率视为随机变量,分析中选用Dirichlet分布的概率密度函数作为先验密度函数,通过MonteCarlo模拟得到系统可靠性的后验估计.实验结果表明,该方法可在早期阶段发现不确定性因素对于系统可靠性的影响,为一些重要的资源分配提供依据.  相似文献   

针对混沌系统参数估计研究中由于随机观测噪声影响而导致的参数估计结果不确定性问题,基于贝叶斯定理提出了一种客观评价混沌系统参数估计结果不确定性的统计方法;进而以典型的Lorenz系统为例进行了数值仿真,分析了不同大小噪声背景下各未知参数估计结果的不确定性;最后基于仿真结果提出了一种在有噪声干扰时估计混沌系统参数的有效方法——后验均值法。相同仿真条件下与前人方法的比较结果表明,该方法可有效抑制噪声影响、约束参数估计结果的不确定性,是一种有噪声情形下估计混沌系统参数的稳健方法。  相似文献   

A simulation of a fuel gas blending process and its measurement system is proposed as a benchmark test case for advanced control and state estimation. The simulation represents an industrial facility and employs a well-established software environment. The objective is to maintain four controlled variables within specified bounds while minimizing an economic performance index. The controlled variables are the fuel gas pressure and three measures of gas quality. Six feed gas flow rates may be adjusted to achieve the objective. Each has a limited availability.The benchmark consists of three reproducible scenarios, each a 46-h period during which 23 discrete upsets occur and the feed gas compositions vary gradually with time. A benchmark multi-loop feedforward–feedback structure is described, tested, and compared to an estimate of optimal performance. The operating cost provided by the benchmark controller is from 1.19 to 1.71 times higher than the estimated minimum.Readers are challenged to download the simulation model, benchmark controller and estimated optimal performance from the URL given in this paper, and to devise case studies of advanced state estimation and control strategies to better the proposed benchmark controller.  相似文献   

Two methods, both based on the concept of combustion net torque, for estimation of combustion properties using measurements of crankshaft torque data are investigated in this work. The first of the proposed methods estimates entire burned mass fraction traces from corresponding combustion net torque traces. This is done by solving a convex optimization problem that is based on a derived analytical relation between the two quantities. The other proposed estimation method estimates the well established combustion phasing measure referred to as 50% burned mass fraction directly from combustion net torque using a nonlinear black-box mapping. The methods are assessed using both simulations and experimental data gathered from a 5-cylinder light-duty diesel engine equipped with a crankshaft torque sensor and cylinder pressure sensors that are used for reference measurements. The results indicate that both methods work well but the method that estimates entire burned mass fraction traces is more sensitive to torque data quality. Based on the experimental crankshaft torque data, the direct combustion phasing estimation method delivers estimates with a bias of less than 1 CAD and a cycle-to-cycle standard deviation of less than 2.7 CAD for all cylinders.  相似文献   

p-Charts and np-Charts are commonly used in monitoring variables of the fraction type and these charts assume that the monitored variables are binomially distributed. In this paper we propose a new control chart called Beta Charts, for monitoring fraction data (p). The Beta Chart presents the control limits based on the Beta probability distribution. It was applied for monitoring the variables in three real studies, and it was compared to the control limits with three schemes. The comparative analysis showed that: (i) Beta approximation to the Binomial distribution was more appropriate with values confined in the [0, 1]-interval; and (ii) the charts proposed were more sensitive to the average run length (ARL), in both in-control and out-of-control processes monitoring. The Beta Charts outperform the control charts analyzed for monitoring fraction data.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the findings of an analysis of an aero engine staged combustion fuel distribution control system design in the framework of the LECCAGT research project. The paper outlines the motivation for developing a staged combustion system and highlights the control-related issues of such an approach for a civil aerospace application. Findings of an analysis of the emission minimisation are presented and control-related issues of optimal fuel distribution are addressed in the paper. Multi-objective genetic algorithms are implemented for the automation of the engine fuel distribution optimisation. Bumpless transfer techniques for priming and purging of burner stages during transient manoeuvres are analysed and presented.  相似文献   

刘冲  于利红 《微计算机信息》2012,(5):99-100,147
脉冲测试法是半导体器件参数测试中普遍采用的测试方法,脉冲大电流源是半导体分立器件测试系统的重要组成部分。本文介绍了半导体器件测试系统校准装置,在解决其校准问题的基础上,对影响脉冲电流幅度测量结果的要素进行了分析,并最终对该校准装置的测量不确定度进行了评定。  相似文献   

热风炉燃烧系统最优控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
热风炉燃烧系统是复杂多变量系统,基于最优控制策略,对具有耦合作用的多变量热风炉燃烧系统进行解耦.通过引入神经网络环节,将强耦合多变量系统转化成多个独立的单变量系统,对每个单变量系统进行预测函数控制,实现热风炉燃料流量的最优控制和拱顶温度及废气温度的平稳控制.解耦控制采用前馈补偿器解耦,解耦补偿器采用BP神经网络结构.现场实际应用结果表明,该控制策略具有较好的动态跟踪特性,能满足复杂多变量控制系统的实时控制要求.  相似文献   

We propose an adaptive algorithm for control of combustion instability suitable for reduction of acoustic pressure oscillations in gas turbine engines, and main burners and augmentors of jet engines over a large range of operating conditions, and supply an experimental demonstration of oscillation attenuation, the first for a large industrial-scale gas turbine combustor. The algorithm consists of an Extended Kalman Filter based frequency tracking observer to determine the in-phase component, the quadrature component, and the magnitude of the acoustic mode of interest, and a phase shifting controller actuating fuel-flow, with the controller phase tuned using extremum-seeking. The paper also identifies a closed-loop model with phase-shifting control of combustion instability from experimental data; supplies stability analysis of the adaptive scheme based upon the identified model, and stable extremum-seeking designs used in experiments.  相似文献   

针对采用确定性方法合成的虚拟人眨眼效果单一、重复、不能刻画眨眼表达深层信息的不确定性,提出一种基于正态云模型的虚拟人眨眼非确定性控制方法.设计了眨眼间隔云、眼皮旋转速度云、睁眼最大角度云和闭眼保持时间云.分别运用正向云生成算法产生眨眼间隔、眼皮旋转速度、睁眼最大角度和闭眼保持时间,且四个参数符合各自云模型的模糊性和随机...  相似文献   

This article is about the numerical solution of initial value problems for systems of ordinary differential equations. At first these problems were solved with a fixed method and constant step size, but nowadays the general-purpose codes vary the step size, and possibly the method, as the integration proceeds. Estimating and controlling some measure of error by variation of step size/method inspires some confidence in the numerical solution and makes possible the solution of hard problems. Common ways of doing this are explained briefly in the article.  相似文献   

The recognition and suppression of small features from B-rep models play an important role in effectively generating the qualified mesh for analysis. This paper presents a new algorithm for recognizing small blends automatically for the purpose of mesh generation. The algorithm first transforms the input B-rep model into an aggregation of faces. Then, each face is judged to be a blend or not based on matching conditions. At last, the blends with larger physical sizes than a threshold value are excluded. The innovations lie in the recognition conditions and the unique calculating procedure of the blend physical size. Several examples are given to demonstrate the validity and applicability of the algorithm.  相似文献   

Because of its synthetic and complex characteristics, the combustion process of the shaft ore-roasting furnace is very difficult to control stably. A hybrid intelligent control approach is developed which consists of two systems: one is a cascade fuzzy control system with a temperature soft-sensor, and the other is a ratio control system for air flow with a compensation model for heating gas flow and air-fuel ratio. This approach combined intelligent control, soft-sensing and fault diagnosis with conventional control. It can adjust both the heating gas flow and the air-fuel ratio in real time. By this way, the difficulty of online measurement of the furnace temperature is solved, the fault ratios during combustion process is decreased, the steady control of the furnace temperature is achieved, and the gas consumption is reduced. The successful application in shaft furnaces of a mineral processing plant in China indicates its effectiveness.  相似文献   

Feature extraction is often performed to reduce spectral dimension of hyperspectral images before image classification. The maximum noise fraction(MNF) transform is one of the most commonly used spectral feature extraction methods. The spectral features in several bands of hyperspectral images are submerged by the noise. The MNF transform is advantageous over the principle component(PC) transform because it takes the noise information in the spatial domain into consideration. However,the experiments describ...  相似文献   

This paper proposes a real-time fuel cell emulator based on the Real-Time Windows Target from Matlab and a controlled power source. The emulator accurately reproduces both static and dynamic fuel cell behaviors, and its main features are the estimation of the oxygen excess ratio and its ability to safely interact with electrical loads such as switching converters. Consequently, the proposed emulator can be used to design and test devices prior to their connection to real fuel cells, preventing undesired phenomena. The emulator was adjusted to the Ballard NEXA 1.2 kW fuel cell, obtaining a satisfactory experimental validation. Finally, the emulator was used to design a hardware-in-the-loop test system to analyze the oxygen starvation effect generated by a DC/DC power converter.  相似文献   

A sufficient condition is given for a separation of estimation and control in decentralized discrete-time stochastic control systems. It is shown that the one-step delay sharing system is a special case satisfying this condition. A counterexample is given, however, to the conjecture that the separation will hold for the more-than-one-step delay sharing systems.  相似文献   

根据燃料电池风量需求,针对风量供给系统的非线性,滞后性等特点,设计了一套以DSP为核心的风量供给用无刷直流电机控制系统,包括主控电路,功率变换电路,IGBT驱动电路,硬件保护电路等;并将模糊控制和PID控制相结合,设计了模糊PID控制器.获得了较好的使用效果。  相似文献   

In a flexible-link manipulator, in general the effect of some parameters such as payload, friction amplitude and damping coefficients cannot be exactly measured. One possibility is to consider the above as parameters with uncertainty. In this paper, constant as well as L2-bounded deviations of parameters from their nominal values are considered as uncertainties. These uncertainties make it difficult for a linear controller to achieve desired closed-loop performance. To remedy this problem, a nonlinear dynamical model of a flexible-link manipulator which has a constant input vector field (g in [xdot]=f(x) + g(x)u) is obtained. Based on recent results in nonlinear robust regulation with an H∞ constraint a nonlinear controller is designed for the flexible-link manipulator. The contribution of this paper is in demonstrating that the nonlinear controller has a larger domain of attraction than the linearized controller. In fact, for the single-link flexible manipulator considered in this paper, the linear H∞ controller results in instability for step changes in the desired output of greater than 3.6 rad, whereas the nonlinear H∞ controller yields desired step changes of 2π rad. Simulation results demonstrating the advantages and superiority of the nonlinear H∞ controller over the linear H∞controller are presented.  相似文献   

A concept is proposed for utilizing artificial neural networks to enhance the high-speed tracking accuracy of robotic manipulators. Tracking accuracy is a function of the controller's ability to compensate for disturbances produced by dynamical interactions between the links. A model-based control algorithm uses a nominal model of those dynamical interactions to reduce the disturbances. The problem is how to provide accurate dynamics information to the controller in the presence of payload uncertainty and modeling error. Neural network payload estimation uses a series of artificial neural networks to recognize the payload variation associated with a degradation in tracking performance. The network outputs are combined with a knowledge of nominal dynamics to produce a computationally efficient direct form of adaptive control. The concept is validated through experimentation and analysis on the first three links of a PUMA-560 manipulator. A multilayer perceptron architecture with two hidden layers is used. Integration of the principles of neural network pattern recognition and model-based control produces a tracking algorithm with enhanced robustness to incomplete dynamic information. Tracking efficacy and applicability to robust control algorithms are discussed.  相似文献   

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