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由双馈发电机q-d坐标系下基本数学模型,推导出双馈发电机的转子电流和转子电压、磁链之间的关系模型。文章研究了双馈风力发电系统转子侧电流控制策略框图,计算选择PI控制器参数。利用MATLAB/SIMULINK平台自行建立了1.5 MW风力发电系统整体仿真模型。运行该系统模型,得到了双馈发电机转子电流、电压,滤波器输出电流及定子电压等信号波形曲线。仿真结果验证模型及控制器的正确性,证明PI控制器能够满足双馈风力发电系统的稳、准、快等性能指标。  相似文献   

双馈风力发电机网侧变换器通常工作在单位功率因数状态下,未充分发挥出其无功调节潜能。文章分析了双馈风力发电机网侧变换器的无功功率调节极限,针对网侧变换器非线性、时变d-q系统,提出了一种统一模糊控制策略,即利用网侧变换器进行无功补偿,同时抑制因风速变化引起的发电机出口电压波动。在PSCAD/EMTDC环境下,通过无穷大电网末端接入1台2 MW双馈风力发电机进行仿真,验证了该统一控制策略的有效性。  相似文献   

针对孤岛运行双馈异步风力发电机输出电压易受负载切换影响、PI控制器对电机参数依赖性高等问题,建立了包含励磁电流动态过程与电机参数误差的数学模型。将电机参数误差和励磁电流动态过程分别视为系统的内扰与外扰,应用分离性原理和零极点配置方法设计双闭环自抗扰控制器替代PI控制器,扩张状态观测器可实时估计系统总扰动,并通过前馈进行补偿。建立兆瓦级DFIG孤岛运行仿真模型进行验证,结果表明文章控制方法能够有效抑制负载切换引起的电压扰动和电机参数变化的影响,提高了系统抗扰动性能。  相似文献   

分析了双馈风力发电机组的间谐波产生原理和DFIG间谐波的特点,然后对目前电力系统IEC框架下间谐波检测和存在的问题进行研究。文章采用高斯窗调节因子的S变换来检测变速风力发电机组的间谐波,并与IEC标准中的检测方法进行了对比,通过分析风电机组现场运行数据,说明DFIG输出的间谐波具有明显的特征频次,而这些特征采用已有的标准无法体现出来。  相似文献   

In this paper, based on the analysis of the mathematical model in a common synchronous reference frame of the brushless doubly-fed generator (BDFG), the grid connection strategy and maximum energy extraction control were both analyzed. Besides, the transient simulation of no-load model and generation model of the BDFG have been developed on the MATLAB/Simulink platform. The test results during cutting-in grid confirmed the good dynamic performance of grid synchronization and effective power control approach for the BDFG-based variable speed wind turbines.  相似文献   

To improve the fault redundancy capability for the high reliability requirement of a brushless doubly-fed generation system applied to large offshore wind farms, the control winding of a brushless doubly-fed reluctance generator is designed as an open-winding structure. Consequently, the two ends of the control winding are connected via dual three-phase converters for the emerging open-winding structure. Therefore, a novel fault-tolerant control strategy based on the direct power control scheme is brought to focus in this paper. Based on the direct power control (DPC) strategy, the post-fault voltage vector selection method is explained in detail according to the fault types of the dual converters. The fault-tolerant control strategy proposed enables the open-winding brushless doubly-fed reluctance generator (BDFRG) system to operate normally in one, two, or three switches fault of the converter, simultaneously achieving power tracking control. The presented results verify the feasibility and validity of the scheme proposed.  相似文献   

In this paper, a solution is described that makes it possible for wind turbines using doubly-fed induction generators to stay connected to the grid during grid faults. The key of the solution is to limit the high current in the rotor in order to protect the converter and to provide a bypass for this current via a set of resistors that are connected to the rotor windings. With these resistors, it is possible to ride through grid faults without disconnecting the turbine from the grid. Because the generator and converter stay connected, the synchronism of operation remains established during and after the fault and normal operation can be continued immediately after the fault has been cleared. An additional feature is that reactive power can be supplied to the grid during long dips in order to facilitate voltage restoration. A control strategy has been developed that takes care of the transition back to normal operation. Without special control action, large transients would occur.  相似文献   

The stability of a doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG) under vector control in stator voltage orientation (SVO) is investigated. Prior art has tended to assume that the inner current loop dynamics can be neglected when an SVO is employed. As a result, the poorly damped poles of the DFIG system were considered unaffected by the inner current loop tuning. The state-space model of the machine including the inner current closed loop dynamics is developed for schemes where different feed-forward compensation terms are used. The interaction between inner current loop dynamics and damping of the critical poles of the system is illustrated through analysis and simulation. The main outcome of the analysis is that the stability of the machine system in an SVO depends solely on the parameters of the proportional-integral controllers. Erroneous tuning can lead to instability, irrespective of the particular feed-forward compensation scheme, which could cause the disconnection of the machine as a result of rotor current oscillations of unacceptable magnitude in an actual case. The main contribution is to provide the necessary methodology in order to ensure the stable operation of a DFIG under SVO vector control.  相似文献   

分析了传统的双馈风力发电控制策略,并在网侧变换器和转子侧变换器中分别使用了电网电压定向和转子侧定子磁链定向的矢量控制.传统的控制策略比较复杂,对其提出了改进方案,改进后的控制方法大大简便.利用PSCAD/EMTDC平台进行仿真表明,改进后的控制方案是正确的.  相似文献   

文章首先对电网不对称故障对双馈风电机组造成的影响进行分析,采用转子侧和网侧变换器的比例积分谐振控制器(PIR)来简化传统低压穿越控制结构;通过引入两个可调参数,从而对前馈量进行调节来得到不对称故障期间双馈电机的多目标优化控制策略;在仔细研究模型的基础上,通过对电网电压不对称故障时双馈风电机组的多目标优化控制的PSCAD模型进行仿真试验,仿真结果表明,该方案对于电网电压不对称故障时的LVRT有一定的可行性。  相似文献   

In this paper, a network power flux control of a variable speed wind generator is investigated. The wind generator system consists of a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) connected to the network associated to a flywheel energy storage system (FESS). The dynamic behaviour of a wind generator, including the models of the wind turbine, the doubly fed induction generator, the back-to-back AC/AC converter, the converter control and the power control of this system, is studied. Is also investigated a control method of the FESS system which consists of the classical squirrel-cage induction machine (IM) supplied off the variable speed wind generator (VSWG). In order to verify the validity of the proposed method, a dynamic model of the proposed system has been simulated, for different operating points, to demonstrate the performance of the system.  相似文献   

As a result of the increasing wind power penetration on power systems, the wind farms are today required to participate actively in grid operation by an appropriate generation control. This paper presents a comparative study on the performance of three control strategies for DFIG wind turbines. The study focuses on the regulation of the active and reactive power to a set point ordered by the wind farm control system. Two of them (control systems 1 and 2) are based on existing strategies, whereas the third control system (control system 3) presents a novel control strategy, which is actually a variation of the control system 2. The control strategies are evaluated through simulations of DFIG wind turbines, under normal operating conditions, integrated in a wind farm with centralized control system controlling the wind farm generation at the connection point and computing the power reference for each wind turbine according to a proportional distribution of the available power. The three control systems present similar performance when they operate with power optimization and power limitation strategies. However, the control system 3 with down power regulation presents a better response with respect to the reactive power production, achieving a higher available reactive power as compared with the other two. This is a very important aspect to maintain an appropriate voltage control at the wind farm bus.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a technique that determines the optimal windmill operation speed and the optimal rotor flux. Moreover, the position and speed sensor-less wind generation system using the electromotive voltage observer to estimate rotor position and full-order observer to estimate rotor speed and the windmill output torque are proposed. The position and speed sensor-less maximum power point of wind power generation system is controlled by using the above estimated values, optimized windmill operation speed for maximum output power and optimized rotor flux for minimum generator losses. The effectiveness of the position and speed sensor-less maximum power point tracking control for wind power generation system with squirrel cage induction generator is verified by simulations. The simulation results confirm that the proposed method can estimate the operation speed efficiently.  相似文献   

This paper deals with generation efficiency maximization of wind energy conversion systems (WECS) with double output induction generator (DOIG). In the first place, to design a sliding mode controller, an apropos model of the DOIG with electronic drive in the rotor is developed. Then, conditions of maximum power generation are obtained. Finally, a sliding mode control strategy for this type of WECS is presented. The proposed strategy varies the firing angle of the electronic drive in order to set the extreme control values equal to the maximum and minimum available control action of the system. Consequently, robustness to 001Uparametric uncertainties and external disturbances is maximised. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

针对风力发电系统中的双馈电机提出一种转子感应电势定向矢量控制方法。通过调节双馈电机转子侧的瞬时有功电流和无功电流,实现对电机力矩和转子侧励磁电流的调节,进而实现双馈电机无功功率调节。在控制过程中只需检测交流侧电流电压,不需要位置传感器,所以可以应用无速度传感器。最终通过仿真试验证明该方法的正确性和实用性。  相似文献   

笼型异步发电机和SVG用于独立运行风电系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了笼型异步发电机和静态无功发生器(SVG)构成独立运行的风力发电系统,由SVG代替电容器提供发电机励磁,避免了依靠并联电容器提供无功功率的缺点.通过实验装置验证,当输入转速发生变化时,通过SVG的调节.异步发电机输出电压基本保持在一个比较理想的范围.  相似文献   

矩阵变换器具有低频性能好、功率因数可调节、四象限运行等特点,以矩阵变换器为无刷双馈风力发电机的励磁控制器,可建立交流励磁变速恒频风力发电系统。采用双空间间接矢量控制策略控制矩阵变换器输出电流的幅值、频率、相位,从而调节发电机控制绕组电流的幅值、频率、相位,实现无刷双馈风力发电系统的变速恒频运行及功率因数控制。采用C语言编写数字信号处理器控制系统程序,实现双空间间接矢量调制策略,复杂可编程逻辑器件实现四步换流和产生双向开关矩阵控制信号。通过实际风力发电机组平台进行了相关试验,结果验证了控制方案的有效性。  相似文献   

The aim of the work is to derive a steady state PQ‐diagram for a variable speed wind turbine equipped with a Doubly Fed Induction Generator. Firstly, the dependency between optimal rotor speed and wind speed is presented. Secondly, the limitations in reactive power production, caused by the rotor current, the rotor voltage and the stator current are derived. Thirdly, the influence of switching from Δ to Y coupling of the stator is investigated. Finally, a complete PQ diagram for a wind turbine is plotted. It is concluded that the limiting factor regarding reactive power production will typically be the rotor current limit, and that the limit for reactive power absorption will be the stator current limit. Further, it is concluded that the rotor voltage will only have a limiting effect at high positive and negative slips, but near the limitation, the reactive power capability is very sensitive to small changes in the slip. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

风电装机容量在电网中所占的比例不断增高,当电网运行出现故障时,不能忽略风电机组短路电流对继电保护装置所造成的影响。当电网电压大幅度跌落时,撬杠保护(Crowbar)动作使风力发电机组的拓扑结构发生变化,影响风电送出线路继电保护装置的整定计算。文章在推导撬杠保护动作时风电机组等值模型的基础上,分析得到双馈感应风力发电机组的短路特性以及用于短路电流计算的模型,最后在PSCAD平台下验证了模型进行线路保护装置整定时的有效性。  相似文献   

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