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Feedstock quality mainly depends upon the biomass composition and bioenergy conversion system being used. Higher cellulose and hemicellulose concentrations are desirable for biochemical conversion, whereas higher lignin is favored for thermochemical conversion. The efficiency of these conversion systems is influenced by the presence of high nitrogen and ash concentrations. Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) varieties are classified into two ecotypes based on their habitat preferences, i.e., upland and lowland. The objectives of this study were to quantify the chemical composition of switchgrass varieties as influenced by harvest management, and to determine if ecotypic differences exist among them. A field study was conducted near Ames, IA during 2012 and 2013. Upland (‘Cave-in-Rock’, ‘Trailblazer’ and ‘Blackwell’) and lowland switchgrass varieties (‘Kanlow’ and ‘Alamo’) were grown in a randomized block design with six replications. Six biomass harvests were collected at approximately 2-week intervals each year. In both years, delaying harvest increased cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin concentrations while decreasing nitrogen and ash concentrations in all varieties. On average, Kanlow had the highest cellulose and hemicellulose concentration (354 and 321 g kg−1 DM respectively), and Cave-in-Rock had the highest lignin concentration (33 g kg−1 DM). The lowest nitrogen and ash concentrations were observed in Kanlow (14 and 95 g kg−1 DM respectively). In general, our results indicate that delaying harvest until fall improves feedstock quality, and ecotypic differences do exist between varieties for important feedstock quality traits. These findings also demonstrate potential for developing improved switchgrass cultivars as bioenergy feedstock by intermating lowland and upland ecotypes.  相似文献   

Lignocellulosic biomass is expected to become a key feedstock for renewable energy production. However, the potential supply strongly depends on farmers’ willingness to grow the new perennial energy crops. Many economic assessments have been led at the farm level, all based on the standard net present value approach. This paper looks into the effect of farmers’ liquidity constraints and risk preferences on switchgrass and miscanthus adoption by farmers. We study the problem of the land allocation between a traditional cropping system and an innovative one in a static framework, using four intertemporal choice models. We find that, in central France agronomic and economic conditions, switchgrass and miscanthus result to be less profitable in terms of annualised net margin than the usual rape/wheat/barley rotation. Nevertheless, they can be highly competitive as diversification crops when appropriate contracts are offered to farmers, despite the additional liquidity they require.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to analyse the economical and environmental performance of switchgrass and miscanthus production and supply chains in the European Union (EU25), for the years 2004 and 2030. The environmental performance refers to the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the primary fossil energy use and to the impact on fresh water reserves, soil erosion and biodiversity. Analyses are carried out for regions in five countries. The lowest costs of producing (including storing and transporting across 100 km) in the year 2004 are calculated for Poland, Hungary and Lithuania at 43–64 € per oven dry tonne (odt) or 2.4–3.6 € GJ?1 higher heating value. This cost level is roughly equivalent to the price of natural gas (3.1  GJ?1) and lower than the price of crude oil (4.6  GJ?1) in 2004, but higher than the price of coal (1.7  GJ?1) in 2004. The costs of biomass in Italy and the United Kingdom are somewhat higher (65–105  odt?1 or 3.6–5.8  GJ?1). The doubling of the price of crude oil and natural gas that is projected for the period 2004–2030, combined with nearly stable biomass production costs, makes the production of perennial grasses competitive with natural gas and fossil oil. The results also show that the substitution of fossil fuels by biomass from perennial grasses is a robust strategy to reduce fossil energy use and curb GHG emissions, provided that perennial grasses are grown on agricultural land (cropland or pastures). However, in such case deep percolation and runoff of water are reduced, which can lead to overexploitation of fresh water reservoirs. This can be avoided by selecting suitable locations (away from direct accessible fresh water reservoirs) and by limiting the size of the plantations. The impacts on biodiversity are generally favourable compared to conventional crops, but the location of the plantation compared to other vegetation types and the size and harvesting regime of the plantation are important variables.  相似文献   

The U.S. cellulosic biofuel mandate has not been enforced in recent years. Uncertainty surrounding the enforcement of the mandate in addition to high production and harvest cost have contributed to a delay in the widespread planting of bioenergy crops such as switchgrass and miscanthus. Previous literature has shown that under uncertainty and sunk cost, an investment threshold is further increased due to the value associated from holding the investment option. In this paper, we extend the previous literature by applying a real option switching model to bioenergy crop production. First, we calculate the county-level break-even price which triggers a switching away from traditional field crops (corn, soybeans, and wheat) to bioenergy crops under various scenarios differing by commodity prices, production cost and biomass price expectations. We show that the resulting break-even prices at the county-level can be substantially higher than previously estimated due to the inclusion of the option value. In a second step, we identify counties that are most likely to grow switchgrass or miscanthus by simulating a stochastic biomass price over time. Our results highlight two issues: First, switchgrass or miscanthus are not grown in the Midwest under any scenario. Under low agricultural residue removal rates, biomass crops are mostly grown in the Southeast. Second, under the assumption of a high removal rates, bioenergy crops are not grown anywhere in the U.S. since the cellulosic biofuel mandate can be covered by agricultural residues.  相似文献   

Silicon (Si) concentrations in biofuel feedstock crops have a critical role in combustion processes. The purpose of this study was to quantify Si concentrations in plant biomass samples and to evaluate the contributing factors for Si concentrations. We determined total Si concentrations in Miscanthus × giganteus (M. × giganteus) collected from various research trial plots in the eastern U.S. and in Miscanthus spp. and Panicum virgatum, ‘Cave-in-Rock’ (switchgrass) from an additional eight trial plots established across Illinois. Whole aboveground plant biomass at each site were air-dried and ground. Total Si concentrations in plant samples were determined by dry-ashing plant tissue in a muffle furnace, followed by alkaline fusion and then colorimetric analysis. Average Si concentrations in statewide M. × giganteus plant samples ranged from 0.72% to 1.6% and samples from within Illinois ranged from 0.55% to 2.4%. The overall median value of concentrations in M. × giganteus samples among all sites was 1.08%. The median value in switchgrass samples (1.5%) was 1.4 times higher than that for M. × giganteus. Among six other Miscanthus spp. samples from the Urbana trial plot in Illinois, Si concentrations were about 1/3 that of M. × giganteus. Variation in Si concentrations tended to be associated with temperature and precipitation of the location where the biofuel crops are being grown. We did not find any relationship between soil type and plant Si concentrations. Long-term evaluations of soil mineral concentrations and additional environmental factors are required to better understand the contributing factors for Si concentrations.  相似文献   

Limited information is available regarding the change in cost to deliver dedicated energy crop feedstock as the quantity of required feedstock increases. The objective is to determine the marginal cost to produce and deliver switchgrass feedstock to biorefineries. A mathematical programming model that includes 77 production regions (Oklahoma counties), monthly feedstock requirements, integer activities for harvest machines and integer activities for each of 16 potential biorefinery locations was constructed. The model was initially solved for a single biorefinery. The number of plants was incremented by one and the model resolved until nearly 10% of the cropland and improved pasture land was converted to switchgrass. The estimated cost to deliver 1.0 Mg of feedstock to a single 189 dam3 y−1 capacity biorefinery is 55 $. The cost to deliver feedstock increases as additional biorefineries are constructed and the cost for the ninth biorefinery of 87 $ Mg−1 is 58% greater than the cost to deliver to the first biorefinery. The cost difference is primarily due to differences in transportation cost. Initial cellulosic biorefineries will have an opportunity for establishing a feedstock cost advantage by carefully selecting land for conversion to switchgrass and by negotiating long term leases.  相似文献   

Electricity consumption data profiles that include details on the consumption can be generated with a bottom‐up load models. In these models the load is constructed from elementary load components that can be households or even their individual appliances. In this work a simplified bottom‐up model is presented. The model can be used to generate realistic domestic electricity consumption data on an hourly basis from a few up to thousands of households. The model uses input data that is available in public reports and statistics. Two measured data sets from block houses are also applied for statistical analysis, model training, and verification. Our analysis shows that the generated load profiles correlate well with real data. Furthermore, three case studies with generated load data demonstrate some opportunities for appliance level demand side management (DSM). With a mild DSM scheme using cold loads, the daily peak loads can be reduced 7.2% in average. With more severe DSM schemes the peak load at the yearly peak day can be completely levelled with 42% peak reduction and sudden 3 h loss of load can be compensated with 61% mean load reduction. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A practical scheme for generating electricity using gravitational energy is presented. The scheme uses a set of massive underground spinning wheels, each wheel being fitted with a mechanism to receive and transmit gravitational torque pulses from a passing vehicle to keep the wheels in motion. Each wheel in combination with an appropriate gear system then acts as the prime mover of an alternator which produces the electricity. Design formulae relating to the power gain and the overall efficiency of the energy system are then developed. The numerical results presented in the paper indicate that a power gain of as high as 10 and an associated efficiency of conversion close to 92% can be easily achieved with a reasonable design of the system.  相似文献   

A 10-year US Department of Energy-sponsored research program designed to evaluate and develop switchgrass (Panicum virgatum), a native perennial warm-season grass, as a dedicated energy crop is reviewed. The programmatic objectives were to identify the best varieties and management practices to optimize productivity, while developing an understanding of the basis for long-term improvement of switchgrass through breeding and sustainable production in conventional agroecosystems. This research has reduced the projected production cost of switchgrass by about 25% ($8–9 Mg−1) through yield increases of about 50% achieved through selection of the best regionally adapted varieties; through optimizing cutting frequency and timing; and by reducing the level (by about 40%) and timing of nitrogen fertilization. Breeding research has made further gains in productivity of switchgrass that exceed the historical rate of yield improvement of corn. Studies of soil carbon storage under switchgrass indicate significant carbon sequestration will occur in soils that will improve soil productivity and nutrient cycling and can substantially augment greenhouse gas reductions associated with substituting renewable energy for fossil energy. Collaborative research with industry has included fuel production and handling in power production, herbicide testing and licensing, release of new cultivars, and genetic modifications for chemical coproduct enhancement. Economically based life cycle analyses based on this research suggest that switchgrass produced for energy will compete favorably both as an agricultural crop and as fuel for industry.  相似文献   

Catalytic effects observed during the co-gasification of coal and switchgrass   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
We are investigating catalytic gasification of coal char using biomass-derived potassium salts. Alkali metal salts, especially those containing potassium, are excellent promoters of gasification reactions but are generally considered too expensive for commercial use. Fast-growing biomass, which contains large quantities of potassium, may prove to be an excellent source of inexpensive gasification catalyst. A series of CO2-char gasification tests were performed in a thermogravimetric analyzer (TGA) to evaluate the catalytic activity of alkali-rich biomass-derived materials. Both switchgrass char and switchgrass ash displayed catalytic activity in mixtures with coal char produced from Illinois No. 6 coal. The results obtained with switchgrass ash were especially impressive, with an almost eight-fold increase in coal char gasification rate at 895°C in a 10:90 mixture of coal char and switchgrass ash. These results give encouragement that biomass could be the source of inexpensive, coal gasification catalysts.  相似文献   

A key challenge internationally is the design of future electricity systems which will bring about emissions savings and fuel security at least cost. Peat is used to generate electricity in several EU countries, mainly to take advantage of indigenous resources and increase fuel mix diversity. The Irish government has introduced a target of 30% cofiring of peat and biomass by 2015. This paper assesses the feasibility of achieving this target by calculating the available indigenous biomass resource capable of being cofired; the cost of meeting the target; the benefits in terms of carbon abatement; and finally the present value in economic terms of meeting the target. Results demonstrate that Ireland has only half the necessary resource to meet the 30% target and that the net cost of doing so is greater than the cost of what is currently being paid for peat, in all of the scenarios considered. Thus, it is concluded that while it may be technically possible to meet the target by combining national resources with imported biomass this is never the least cost option, and as a result the targeted focus of Government policy may need to be reconsidered.  相似文献   

分析了斜坡式热气流太阳能发电的可行性,介绍了斜坡式热气流发电的组成及基本原理.根据依山而建斜坡式热气流发电系统的思想,设计了一个高4m、宽1.5 m的试验模型.用有机玻璃做透明盖板材料;用铁板代替山体,在其后面设置了用于调控温度的电阻丝700W/m2.阐述了确定该试验模型各部分比例和结构参数的依据.对设计的试验模型进行了评价:与传统的塔式发电模型相比,该模型具有集热效率高、造价低的优点.  相似文献   

1 中型生物质气化发电系统。中型生物质气化发电系统一般采用流化床气化工艺,发电规模为400~3000kW。中型生物质气化发电系统在发达国家应用较早,所以技术较成熟,但由于设备造价很高,发电成本居高不下,所以,在发达国家应用极少。近年来,我国开发出了循环流化床气化发电系统,由于该系统有较好的经济性,所以在我国推广很快,已经成为国际上应用最多的中型生物质气化发电系统。  相似文献   

The Purdue Long-Term Electricity Trading and Capacity Expansion Planning Model simultaneously optimizes both transmission and generation capacity expansions. Most commercial electricity system planning software is limited to only transmission planning. An application of the model to India's national power grid, for 2008–2028, indicates substantial transmission expansion is the cost-effective means of meeting the needs of the nation's growing economy. An electricity demand growth rate of 4% over the 20-year planning horizon requires more than a 50% increase in the Government's forecasted transmission capacity expansion, and 8% demand growth requires more than a six-fold increase in the planned transmission capacity expansion. The model minimizes the long-term expansion costs (operational and capital) for the nation's five existing regional power grids and suggests the need for large increases in load-carrying capability between them. Changes in coal policy affect both the location of new thermal power plants and the optimal pattern inter-regional transmission expansions.  相似文献   

Using a cross-country firm-level dataset this study empirically analyses how the implemented renewable electricity promotion systems – Tradable Green Certificates vs. Feed-in-Tariffs – affected the profitability of the electricity production sector in Europe during the 2002–2010 period. In particular, it tests the hypothesis that due to market imperfections, namely because of higher investment risk, higher capital constraints and higher transaction costs, TGC schemes will be associated with excess profits for renewable electricity generating firms. The results somewhat support this hypothesis, showing that electricity generating firms, operating in EU countries that implemented TGC, were more profitable compared to FIT firms.  相似文献   

In France, electricity is produced mainly from domestic and imported coal and from nuclear power. Investments are cheapest in coal-fired plants, but coal is more expensive. Therefore, every producer must balance production between coal-fired and nuclear plants; the more expensive the coal is, the more attractive nuclear power becomes.  相似文献   

In-house isolate Clostridium sp. IODB-O3 was exploited for biohydrogen production using cheese whey waste in batch fermentation. Analysis of cheese whey shows, it is enriched with lactose, lactic acid and protein components which were observed most favourable for biohydrogen production. Biohydrogen yield by IODB-O3 was compared with the cultures naturally occurring in waste solely or in combinations, and found that Clostridium sp. IODB-O3 was the best producer. The maximum biohydrogen yield obtained was 6.35 ± 0.2 mol-H2/mol-lactose. The cumulative H2 production (ml/L), 3330 ± 50, H2 production rate (ml/L/h), 139 ± 5, and specific H2 production (ml/g/h), 694 ± 10 were obtained. Clostridium sp. IODB-O3 exhibited better H2 yield from cheese whey than the reported values in literature. Importantly, the enhancement of biohydrogen yield was observed possibly due to absence of inhibitory compounds, presence of essential nutrients, protein and lactic acid fractions which supported better cell growth than that of the lactose and glucose media. Carbon balance was carried out for the process which provided more insights in IODB-O3 metabolic pathway for biohydrogen production. This study may help for effective utilization of whey wastes for economic large scale biohydrogen production.  相似文献   

从江西省资源概况出发,基于2004--2008年江西统计年鉴历史数据,对全省历年电煤产运和电力发展进行了因素分析,对因电煤发展不平衡引发的能源供应紧张以及其对经济发展带来的影响进行了具体分析,提出了建立省级煤炭储备基地的设想。围绕储备基地建设设想,对项目建设进行了简单的效益分析,详细阐述了建设的必要性、可行性以及建立储备基地的措施建议和现实而长远的意义。  相似文献   

《Biomass & bioenergy》2006,30(7):655-664
Renewable energy sources such as bioenergy crops have significant potential as alternatives to fossil fuels. Potential environmental problems arising from soil sediment and nutrient losses in runoff water from bioenergy crops need to be evaluated in order to determine the sustainability and overall feasibility of implementing bioenergy development strategies. This paper discusses runoff, sediment, N, and total P losses from agricultural land (continuous cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)) converted to short-rotation sweetgum (Liquidamber styraciflua L.) plantations with and without fescue (Festuca elatior L.) and switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) bioenergy crops, compared to corn (Zea mays L.), on a Decatur silt loam soil in north Alabama, from 1995 to 1999. Runoff volume was significantly correlated to total rainfall and sediment yield in each year, but treatment differences were not significant. Sweetgum plots produced the highest mean sediment yield of up to 800 kg ha−1compared to corn and switchgrass plots, which averaged less than 200 kg ha−1. Runoff NH4+ N losses averaged over treatments and years for spring season (3.1 kg ha−1) were three to five times those for summer, fall, and winter seasons. Runoff NO3 N for no-till corn and switchgrass plots in spring and summer were five to ten times that for sweetgum plots. No-till corn and switchgrass treatments had 2.4 and 2.1 kg ha−1 average runoff total P, respectively, which were two to three times that for sweetgum treatments. Growing sweetgum with a fescue cover crop provides significantly lower risk of water pollution from sediment, runoff NH4+ N, and NO3 N.  相似文献   

In the present work, H2 production from microalgal biomass via dark fermentation was optimized by response surface methodology (RSM). Substrate concentration and initial pH were varied from 3 to 117 g dry cell weight (dcw)/L and 4.2–9.8, respectively. During the fermentation, pH was not controlled. The optimal condition was found at 76 g dcw/L and initial pH of 7.4, under which yielded 31.2 mL H2/g dcw. The results of ANOVA verify that the relationship between substrate concentration and initial pH was slightly interdependent or significantly interactive. Besides, the monitoring alkalinity and pH during the confirmation test clearly showed that dark fermentative H2 production (DFHP) from microalgal biomass was feasible without addition of external alkaline owing to the disruption of cell wall, which provided buffer capacity (max. 3800 mg as CaCO3/L). Therefore, although it involved a batch test, this approach would promote the practical viability of DFHP from microalgal biomass. The main organic acids were acetic and butyric acids which are general metabolites found in successful DFHP.  相似文献   

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