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This article explores the relationship between informal networks of interaction and trust among neighbors and political engagement by neighborhood residents. The United States lacks mass‐based political organizations that directly represent the interests of poor and working class citizens. Therefore, geographically based neighborhood associations are one of the few mechanisms available to represent these interests. The segregation of urban neighborhoods by class and race presents many disadvantages for lower income residents, but geographical concentration can have the advantage of facilitating organized political action. Because neighborhood organizations are such an important mechanism by which disadvantaged urban populations assert their needs and perspectives, it is critical to understand which characteristics of residents encourage the formation of such organizations and enable them to be effective in influencing public policies. What kinds of networks and relationships exist among residents of lower income neighborhoods that might encourage them to organize for political action?  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The concept of social capital has been embedded ubiquitously into the strategies and goals of community‐based development programs for families living in low‐income neighborhoods; yet, scholars continue to debate social capital's empirical support. The present study defines a specific type of social capital—informal neighborhood bonding social capital—and tests its relationship with homeownership while controlling for effects of neighborhood context. Findings reveal informal neighborhood bonding social capital is associated with homeownership above and beyond the effects of neighborhood context. Findings are discussed in relation to future research and the implications for community‐based practitioners working with families in low‐income neighborhoods.  相似文献   

社会资本 社区规划及公众参与   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:21  
张庭伟 《城市规划》1999,(10):23-26,30
1993年,布特纳(Putnam)教授一篇题为“孤独的保龄球客”(BowlingAlone)的短文引起了美国社会学界和规划界的重视。这不仅因为布特纳是哈佛大学肯尼迪行政学院的院长、哈佛国际事务中心的主任,曾以意大利社会为研究对象,对城市社会,尤其是城市发展问题作过大量研究,更重要的是他在文章中提出警告:美国社会中的“社会资本”(So-cialcapital)正在日益衰减,由此已经对美国社会、并将继续对之产生重大影响。在这里,一个新的概念──社会资本引发了学术界的关注讨论。1什么是社会资本越来越多的学者认为,有三种形式的资本。一是…  相似文献   

It is the author's contention that community control movements of the 1960s were unable to fulfill their militant objectives due to their lack of politically critical resources. As a result, these organizations were forced to moderate their objectives or incur the wrath of their donors. This article provides a brief history of the movement and an analysis of the consequences of resource dependency (i.e., the need of these groups to seek resources from government, corporations, and the philanthropic sector). The author concludes that the participants, if they are to have any hope of becoming successful, must maximize their own resources. Such maximization might make community control organizations less dependent on outside donors (whose interests may conflict with those of the group), giving them greater freedom to realize their objectives.  相似文献   

在快速建设的大背景下,我国城市规划的社会过程被长期忽视,来自社会学理论下的审视更是稀缺。引入社会资本视角,讨论社会主体及其社会资本在城市规划社会过程中的重要性,根据"信任-网络-规范"结构对社会资本进行分类,发现我国传统型社会资本存量丰富,现代公民型社会资本缺乏。通过构建社会资本、社会过程、城市规划三者的逻辑关系组织,进而提出了"社会过程预测—社会资本需求与存量分析—社会过程重塑"的分析框架。基于此框架,对我国城市总体规划进行了简要分析,认为针对社会资本需求的特殊性,需要引入社会资本分析框架对不同类型的具体规划行动进行分析,提升社会资本的使用率,完善规划的社会过程并营造公民型社会资本,为我国城市规划社会过程的改进提供参考。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In the literature, several contradicting views can be found concerning rural–urban differences in individual social capital. This study combines a literature review with an empirical examination of the different points of view, applying multilevel modeling techniques on data collected from 2,332 students living across 216 municipalities. In general, social capital appears to be higher among students from municipalities in central agglomerations than among those from more rural municipalities. This effect could not be observed with respect to social capital from the family, but was established regarding social capital from friends and acquaintances. In addition, we found that living in an urban environment is associated with more pronounced socioeconomic inequalities in social capital from friends.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This case study examines the importance of neighborhood identity and engagement in place‐based social networks within the neighborhood in fostering and stimulating neighborhood‐based participation in the urban political process. Scholars concerned with civic engagement have argued that there is a strong link between the informal ties known as “social capital” and citizen engagement in the larger community. If this linkage can be shown to exist in the neighborhood setting, then it can provide guidance to both scholars and practitioners in utilizing informal, place‐based networks to empower disadvantaged neighborhoods. Evidence presented in this essay, based on interviews with a representative sample of neighborhood residents in the small industrial city of Waterloo, Iowa, suggests that strong informal networks of social capital exist within neighborhoods, but that persons who are more strongly engaged in these networks are not necessarily more involved in the efforts of formal neighborhood associations. However, individuals who are involved in these formal associations are much more likely to be connected to the local and national political systems through voting and other forms of participation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The challenges confronting distressed communities in the United States are complex and multifaceted. Communities large and small have been significantly affected by a myriad of social, environmental, and economic forces, including a continuing decline in manufacturing employment, uncontrolled sprawl, and the transition to a global economy. The traditional choice between a “place‐based” theory of redevelopment strategy versus a “people‐focused” theory no longer seems feasible or appropriate. This article outlines sustainable development as an alternative strategy that combines a place‐based development strategy, a human development focus, and an environmentally mindful approach. It posits that there exists a direct positive relationship between the creation of social capital, the redevelopment of the built environment utilizing sustainable development practices, and community‐based organizations in distressed communities. Furthermore, the authors suggest that through community investment—a socially responsible investment strategy—institutions of higher education can facilitate the rebuilding of communities by providing financial capital while gaining a moderate yet secure financial return as well as a substantial social return.  相似文献   

Neighborhood organizations have been active partners with cities in service provision for many years, providing an institutional structure for coordinated action to improve their neighborhood environments through coordinated resident action. Cities' needs to relieve fiscal distress are now generating even more interest in direct service delivery by community-based organizations (CBOs). Before these efforts can be substantially expanded, however, much more needs to be learned about the kinds of services amenable to CBO delivery, the kinds of CBOs willing and able to participate, and the most effective administrative arrangements for delivering the service. This paper draws on information obtained from applications for a Federal demonstration program to address these and other empirical questions regarding city and CBO arrangements for service coproduction. The analysis indicates that cities are most likely to rely on advocacy-type organizations to deliver peripheral or supplementary services which are amenable to volunteer labor rather than those which are viewed as essential public services. Cities have yet to demonstrate, on a large scale, a willingness to enter into partnerships which would give CBOs significant responsibilities for core services. For this to occur it will be necessary to support prototype demonstrations of the feasibility of the approach and to expand significantly the capacity of CBOs through technical assistance.  相似文献   

生态城市中的住区设计研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孙凤明  崔力强  简文清 《工业建筑》2006,36(Z1):171-172
提出了生态化居住区在生态城市规划设计中的重要性,并通过对住区建筑与其周围环境要素关系的分析,阐述了生态住区的概念并介绍了设计生态住区的具体措施和方法。  相似文献   

农村宅基地:从资源、资产到资本   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为一种国家福利性分配的资源,集体所有制的农村宅基地由于先天的产权权能缺失无法进入正规市场,在社会主义市场经济条件下日益成为妨碍城乡土地资源要素自由流动、制约新型城镇化和乡村振兴的突出问题。目前推行的"三权分置"改革就是在土地所有权、使用权两分的基础上,继续以土地集体所有权保持宅基地的公有制、增加集体经济组织成员资格权获取宅基地作为农民家庭资产的保障功能和收益权,试图放开宅基地的使用权进入市场以实现宅基地的资本化。本文从学术研究、制度演进和改革实践3条线索出发,研究资源、资产及资本三者之间的逻辑关系,对农村宅基地这一现象进行观察与剖析,以期为化解"城乡双栖城镇化"提供思路,为即将到来的"十四五"农村宅基地制度改革探路。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This research explores whether homeownership leads to increased individual social capital among low‐ to moderate‐income families. Social capital refers to social resources a person can access through contacts with others in his or her social networks. We theorize that homeownership can motivate interactions with others in one's neighborhood and therefore build social capital. Using a sample of low‐ and moderate‐income homeowners and a matched sample of renters, we collect data on overall social resources and neighborhood‐specific social resources. We find that homeowners have more total social capital resources and more neighborhood social capital resources than renters. Neighborhood group involvement has an indirect effect on social capital, but explains only a small amount of the influence of homeownership. These findings hold when controlling for household‐level and neighborhood‐level sociodemographic variables, as well as when using statistical models that account for endogeneity. Based on this evidence, we conclude that homeownership gives people access to social capital via increased social ties to others. We discuss the implications of this finding for housing policy and suggest new directions for research on social capital.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This study examines the processes of revitalization within small cities, using Scranton, a postindustrial city in Northeast Pennsylvania, as a case study. Through qualitative interviews, I examine the motivation factors for key players in the revitalization of Scranton's downtown, such as business owners, city and nonprofit administrators, and cultural leaders. Revitalizers are heavily influenced by Richard Florida's creative class theory in that they strongly believe that promoting arts and culture and creating a consumer‐based downtown is imperative for urban renewal. However, revitalizers are also motivated because Scranton has a high level of social capital, especially in terms of bonding capital. Strong social ties (including community, family, and institutional) assist revitalizers in their creative endeavors. This study indicates that small cities attempting to achieve economic and population stability should focus on their strengths: city livability and the thick social ties that maintain communities.  相似文献   

<正>瓦是中国建筑的重要元素,贯穿至今。但是在现代化的进程中,当建筑的形式更加多元,摩天楼开始比肩而立时,砖瓦逐渐被边缘化。在建筑同质化越来越严重的当下,代表了历史和传统的砖瓦,对重视现代建筑的精神回归,重视现代建筑在功能、形式和美学传统上的传承,重视地域文化对建筑的支撑等等,都有着启迪性的意义。  相似文献   

A variety of forms of neighborhood empowerment have continued to evolve during the 1970s and 1980s. At the most basic level, neighborhood organizations have shown the capability to articulate successfully community interests to both the private and public sectors. Furthermore, these organizations have also shown the capacity to administer neighborhood services and have begun to take on more comprehensive policy making functions. Recent experiences indicate that these efforts have enhanced neighborhood participation, improved the delivery of neighborhood services, and helped resolve conflicts. While the current urban fiscal crisis provides some political opportunities for extending these neighborhood efforts, neighborhood groups will have to avoid vigilantly the economic and political entrapments present in the current situation.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Has the spatial concentration of illegal residence in urban environments become a relevant determinant of objective and subjective neighborhood safety? Using quantitative data from various sources on four large metropolitan areas in The Netherlands, this explorative study shows that the elevated levels of fear of crime and violence reported by residents in neighborhoods where illegal residence is spatially concentrated cannot be attributed to the presence of illegal migrants. At the same time, there is a modest positive correlation between the rate of illegal residence and covert property crimes in particular. Qualitative fieldwork in two neighborhoods helps explain why the spatial concentration of illegal residence appears to have different effects for different aspects of neighborhood safety, and why the negative effects tend to be limited.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This case study of a northside Chicago neighborhood examines local demographic and housing patterns, evolving neighborhood issues, cultural conflicts, and organizational developments in the context of post- World War II neighborhood research in the United States. The author contends that this body of literature reveals three characteristic approaches to neighborhood research and action: site, system, and stage. Using the third of these strategies to interpret the evolution of Uptown, the author contends that the neighborhood stage offers the most satisfactory means of understanding contemporary big city neighborhoods and defining efficacious neighborhood directed public policy.  相似文献   

Policymakers pursue a range of strategies aimed at diversifying neighborhoods despite research indicating the complicated and potentially damaging results of these efforts. One increasingly common approach is to incorporate the arts into planning efforts in the hope of enhancing diversity and catalyzing positive neighborhood change. Using data from the Cultural Data Project, the authors determine where newly established New York City arts organizations locate in terms of neighborhood racial, income, and industry diversity. They then analyze how diverse contexts interact with an arts presence to impact neighborhood economic health over time. They find that neighborhoods with high levels of racial diversity and low levels of income and industry diversity benefit most from an arts presence. However, the arts are attracted predominantly to neighborhoods with moderate levels of racial diversity and high levels of income and industry diversity. This complicates the use of the arts as a tool in urban revitalization policy.  相似文献   

结合中国语境在空间生产理论的基础上,提出社会转型、资本与城市化的逻辑关系.重点讨论了1990年代以后城市化与资本增长的机制特征,认为中国城市化的资本增长效应来源于特定阶段对城市空间的有效需求和增长主义导向下制度性的成本转嫁,并反思了推崇资本增长过程的城市化方式及其局限性.认为在全新的转型环境下,政府应该改变增长主义的城市化态度,基于社会需求主动推动城市化转型.  相似文献   

项目概况北京地坛医院是中国第一所政府举办的传染病医院,从1946创办至今已有60多年的历史北京地坛医院迁建工程开始于2005年12月30日,2008年8月投入使用。正如市领导所说本工程的落成使北京市公共卫生体系建设又跃上一个新的台阶,城市功能更加完善地坛医院迁建工程自投入使用已来,在公共卫生领域发挥了重要作用经受了甲型流感防治等实战检验,得到了社会公众的高度关注和好评  相似文献   

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