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<正>中国电器工业协会电动工具分会在第23届全国电动工具配套会议举行期间,召开全国电动工具行业大会,邀请行业资深人士分析国内外电动工具市场形势,诠释影响行业发展和全行业关注的相关问题,收到了良好效果。美国  相似文献   

姜成康局长强调,按照行业改革与发展的总体思路,全行业当前和今后一个时期要着重做好以下几方面的工作:不断深化行业改革,努力提高适应市场能力;继续推进结构调整,努力提高资源配置效率;切实转变增长方式,努力提高自主创新能力;重视加强队伍建设,努力提高干部职工队伍整体素质。  相似文献   

杨俊 《中国酒》2006,(2):46-46
四川省酒业是四川省食品工业的支柱产业,也是在全国有比较优势的行业.全行业规模以上企业161户,2005年实现销售收入313.33亿元,同比增长17.25%;实现利税81.94亿元,同比增长14.98%;在2005年实现了生产、销售、利税的同步增长。全行业稳步、健康发展。四川是全国的酒类生产大省,也是消费大省,由于四川人天性豪爽、热情,长期以来有饮酒习惯,酒市场情况较好,全年大约有150亿的销售额,但由于生产企业较多,市场竞争也较激烈,白酒、啤酒市场集中度较高,主要消费本地产品;黄酒、果露酒市场集中度相对较低,主要  相似文献   

中国印协在全行业印刷及相关企事业中广泛、深入、持久开展"讲理想、比贡献",大力推动自主创新,积极推动以企业为主体、市场为导向、产学研相结合的技术创新体系的建立,在全行业中特别是会员企业中评选百项创新科技成果;组织会员企业开展新设备、新材料、新技术的成果宣传展示和推广活动;在此基础上向有关部门申报奖项和印刷产业发展重大项目,争  相似文献   

五金在家居中的地位如此重要,但是国内高端家居五金市场和利润较高的品牌市场大多被进口五金企业占领。据统计,去年我国五金全行业进出口总额达到749.23亿美元,同比增幅达30.1%。。在发展的低谷中,协会引导全行业调整策略,加快转型和结构调整,由出口为主转为内贸外贸并举、国内外市场并重的两条腿走路,持续开拓国内市场。  相似文献   

罗党章 《现代家电》2011,(12):49-51
近年来.随着城市化建设的不断推进和消费者消费意识的增强,厨卫行业迎来了持续,健康,快速、稳定的发展机遇。特别是国内外名企对市场消费者洞悉的重视.提升了全行业整体的发展水平。更推动了行业技术的深层次的发展。  相似文献   

<正>2018年,华南国际印刷展即将迎来25周年华诞。25年来,华南国际印刷展一直走在行业前沿,每年都能推陈出新,吸引世界各地行业人士共享盛宴。四展联动全新升级筑全产业链10万平方米大展华南国际印刷展一直紧贴市场,精准定位,不断调整自己的发展方向,在风云变幻的市场浪潮中乘风破浪,不断发展壮大。近年来,华南国际印刷展重点发展包装印后领域,倾力打造包装印刷全产  相似文献   

李银清 《现代家电》2014,(22):63-63
<正>1995年进入家电代理行业,2003年受聘于深圳夏怡投资发展有限公司,任常务副总经理。深圳夏怡投资发展代理万和全系列产品,投资人不参与公司的管理,作为操盘手全权行使对公司的管理。刚接手公司时,所代理品牌在深圳市场的占有率只有10%左右。至2008年,使万和在深圳市场的占有率  相似文献   

"销售足迹遍布全球"、"行业公认世界领先的变色镜片品牌"、"每秒都有一副全视线镜片被卖出"……凭借强大的科技研发能力和市场运作经验,全视线自进入中国市场以来,成为行业内备受推崇的佼佼者。作为全球范围内推荐排名第一的变色镜片,全视线在全球各地都有稳定的市场份额:北美及大洋洲全视线的市场占有率最高,达15%~20%;欧洲地区达10%~15%;非洲地区达到10%。在这些市场较为成熟的国家和地区,由于全视线对渠道的不  相似文献   

从全球首次成功将树脂变色镜片商业化以来,全视线作为光学制造行业中的领先光致变色镜片供应商的地位便牢不可撼。在欧美发达国家,变色镜片得到了消费者的广泛认知和接受。作为变色镜片行业的领先者,全视线对于推动中国眼镜行业的整体发展责无旁贷。除了在各大城市进行大手笔的终端消费者教育投入,耐心地培育市场认知之外,在另一层面,全视线期望通过聚集行业内的精英力量,给整个行业带来一股新气象。2012年,全视线启动了首个旨在为眼镜行业专业人士提供的高端交流平台——"全  相似文献   

A systems analytical model for the extrusion of starches and flours was modified to determine the optimal extrusion conditions for the cationization and the carboxymethylation of potato starch and to determine the effect of the extrusion conditions, optimal for the reaction yield (R.E.) and the desired degree of substitution (D.S.), on the rheological properties of the derivatives. In order to improve the describability of the postulated functional relationships between the defined system parameters and the R.E. it was decided to measure the heat flow over the length of the processing part of the extruder in order to enable a more precise measure of the specific thermal energy input (STE). Test run results showed that the STE is highly correlated to the SME. Therefore the initial proposal to substitute the STE for the product temperature in the modified systems analytical model could not be successful. The extension of the working range for these trials to higher SME and mean residence time levels compared to previous studies enabled the production of cationic starch with a maximum R.E.>90% and the production of carboxymethylstarch with a maximum R.E. of about 85%. The modified systems analytical model could not yet be used precisely for the optimization of the R.E. of the derivation of starches. The influence of process parameters and D.S. on rheological properties of the examined derivatives could be described with regression equations.  相似文献   

采用同一种棉纱织成6种同组织不同结构的针织物,运用水平芯吸的实验方法,分别测试水分沿针织物纵横向的芯吸速率,发现芯吸高度h与时间t可以很好地用h=atb表示.通过线性回归得出织物结构参数--纵密、横密、织物厚度对芯吸速率的影响,结果表明针织物的芯吸不能简单地用毛细上升的规律来描述.在织物结构参数影响中织物厚度的影响最大,织物越厚,芯吸速率越小;织物纵密、横密越小,芯吸也加快.此外,也对针织物的芯吸规律进行了一些探讨.  相似文献   

This study aims to document the history of the metallurgical activities on the Mont Lozère massif in the Cévennes Mountains in Southern France. Many medieval sites of metallurgical wastes (slags) have been reported on the massif. These sites are thought to represent ancient lead workshops. The impact of past metallurgical activity on the environment was studied using geochemical and palynological techniques on a core collected in the Narses Mortes peatland near medieval smelting area. Two main periods of smelting activities during the last 2200 years were revealed bythe lead concentration and isotopic composition along the core profile: the first period corresponds to the Gallic period (approximately ca. 300 B.C. to ca. 20 A.D.) and the second one to the Medieval period (approximately ca. 1000-1300 A.D.). Forest disturbances are associated with lead anomalies for the two metallurgical activities described. The impact of the first metallurgy was moderate during the Gallic period, during which beech and birch were the tree species most affected. The second period corresponds to the observed slag present in the field. Along with agropastoral activities, the medieval smelting activities led to the definitive disappearance of all tree species on the summit zones of Mont Lozère. The abundance of ore resources and the earlier presence of wood on the massif justify the presence of workshops at this place. The relationship between mines and ores has been documented for the Medieval period.There is no archaeological proof concerning the Gallic activity. Nevertheless, 2500-2100 years ago, the borders of the Gallic Tribe territory, named the Gabales, were the same as the present-day borders of the Lozère department. Julius Caesar reported the existence of this tribe in 58 B.C. in "De Bello Gallico", and in Strabon (Book IV, 2.2) the "Gabales silver" and a "treasure of Gabales" are mentioned, but to this day, they have not been found.  相似文献   

The survival of Lactobacillus curvatus LTH 1174 (bac ) and (bac ) in combination with Escherichia coli LTH 1600 or Listeria innocua DSM20649 during transit through a dynamic model of the human stomach and small intestine (GIT model) was studied. Furthermore, we determined the digestion of curvacin A during gastro-intestinal transit and the effect of this bacteriocin on microbial survival. Lb. curvatus is rapidly killed in the gastric compartment at pH < 2.0, and less than 0.01% of the cells delivered to the small intestinal compartments were recovered from the ileal compartment of the model. Meat exerted a protective effect against the lethal action of bile against Lb. curvatus. The sensitivity of E. coli to acid depended on the aeration of the preculture and decreased in the order anaerobic > strongly agitated > agitated. Lactic acid and curvacin A enhanced the lethal effect of low pH on E. coli. Accordingly, cells from strongly agitated cultures were killed faster in the gastric compartment of the GIT model than those from agitated cultures, and inactivation was accelerated in the presence of curvacin A. E. coli tolerated the bile concentrations prevailing in the small intestinal compartments of the model. The survival of Listeria innocua in the GIT model was comparable to that of Lb. curvatus. The curvacin A produced by Lb. curvatus LTH1174 (bac+) killed > 90% of the L. innocua within 10 min after mixing of the cultures. Curvacin A was not degraded in the the gastric compartment, and could be detected in the ileal compartment during the first 180 min upon addition of the meal.  相似文献   

喷雾干燥是目前制备益生菌微胶囊最常用的方法,而研究喷雾干燥塔内液滴的干燥历程有一定的难度。本试验中采用单液滴干燥(SDD)技术模拟喷雾干燥条件,以不同DE值糖浆和不同熔点棕榈油包埋植物乳杆菌,研究90℃和110℃两种干燥条件下对植物乳杆菌的保护作用。研究结果表明,两种干燥条件下含高熔点棕榈油的液滴中植物乳杆菌的存活率均高于低熔点棕榈油的液滴。扫描电镜观察到干燥后的单液滴颗粒表面均无游离的植物乳杆菌。结合液滴干燥过程中水分含量变化推断糖浆的DE值越高越利于表面结构的稳定。对液滴干燥参数以及乳状液的热稳定分析表明,植物乳杆菌的存活率主要与液滴温度有关,棕榈油的熔点越高在干燥过程中吸收的热就越多,从使植物乳杆菌的存活率越高。  相似文献   

为解决3D 打印树脂基材料强力低的问题,提出利用纤维增强树脂基材料的方法,采用3D 打印技术将玻璃纤维和聚乳酸复合并且快速成型,并研究了填充密度和切片层厚对于复合材料力学性能的影响。试验结果表明,当试样打印的填充密度达到90%时,试样的弯曲强度和拉伸强度分别可达到49.26和21.28MPa。试样切片层厚为0.1 mm时,所得到的拉伸强度和弯曲强度分别为20.4 和52.87 MPa。试样的拉伸强度随着切片层厚的增加而减少,随着填充密度的增加而增加。试样的弯曲强度与切片层厚是负相关,与填充密度是正相关。通过分析不同种类试样截面的扫描电镜图发现,纤维束浸润树脂基体的程度与试样的层厚和填充密度密切相关,填充密度的增加和层厚的减少有利于纤维束与树脂基体的结合。  相似文献   

As one moves from the skin across the vermilion region of the lip and into the oral cavity, the oral mucosa is encountered. The oral mucosa consists of connective tissue known as the lamina propria covered by a stratified squamous epithelium. In the regions of the hard palate and gingiva, the epithelium is keratinized like the epidermis. In the buccal region, the floor of the mouth and the underside of the tongue, the epithelium is non‐keratinized. The epithelium on the dorsum of the tongue is a specialized epithelium, but can be approximated as a mosaic of keratinized and non‐keratinized epithelia. The non‐keratinized epithelial regions do not produce a stratum corneum. Nuclei with intact DNA are retained in the superficial cells. In all regions, the outer portions of the epithelium provide a protective permeability barrier, which varies regionally. Antimicrobial lipids at the surfaces of the oral mucosa are an integral part of innate immunity.  相似文献   

Several parameters for a weather-exposed spruce window frame in the SW-wall of a test house and important climatic data were continuously recorded during approx. 500 days. One half of the window frame was painted black, the other half white, using an alkyd resin paint. The parameters measured were: Temperature distribution in the cross section of the wood members, wood moisture content (m.c.) at the center of the cross section of the black frame, and dimensional changes across the grain of the black and white parts. The climatic data recorded were: global radiation, ambient air temperature and relative humidity, and air temperature close to the frame. At the end of the measuring period, the effects of changes of the indoor climate were also studied. Major results are: The level and changes of m.c. and, consequently, of dimensional changes of the wood joinery depend substantially on the thermal effects of global radiation. They depend to a lesser degree on air temperature, humidity and convection. The moisture changes are mainly influenced by the water vapor permeability of the surface finish. The color of the finish has a significant effect on m.c. level, but only little effect on moisture changes. High water vapor pressures of the indoor climate can cause a fast increase in m.c. depending on the water vapor permeability of the indoor finish. As already described in previous papers of this series, no simple correlation was found between the climate factors and the moisture-related phenomena in the wood.  相似文献   

采用Aspen Plus工程软件对利用德士古煤气生产甲醇过程中的CO变换工段进行模拟。根据德士古煤气组成及CO变换工段的高温高压条件,采用RK—ASPEN物性方法和ELECNRTL物性方法,出CO变换工段的混合气体中NH3摩尔含量从进工段的0.0612%下降到0.0011%。采用RSTOIC反应器模型模拟CO变换炉,当CO变换率为70.932%时,出变换炉气体干气中的CO摩尔含量可以控制为10%。当进入变换炉的煤气占总煤气量的68.98%时,出变换工段的混合气体中CO摩尔含量为19%~20%。当汽提塔的进塔液汽比为21时,溶解到冷凝液中的多种可燃气体如CO、CO2及H2等的回收率高达99%以上。  相似文献   

Penicillium nalgiovense is related to P. chrysogenum. P. chrysogenum carries the paf gene (Penicillium antifungal peptide) with homology to the afp gene of Aspergillus giganteus. This gene codes for a peptide with antifungal activity. Based on the sequence of the published P. chrysogenum paf gene primers were generated. By the use of these primers a PCR product of the expected length could be isolated from strains of P. nalgiovense. This fragment was sequenced and compared to the sequence of the paf gene of P. chrysogenum. According to the results P. nalgiovense carries a gene (naf = P. nalgiovense antifungal peptide) which is highly homologous to the paf gene of P. chrysogenum. The gene also codes for a preproprotein with the same processing sites as the paf gene, suggesting that the mature product is also a 55 amino acid (aa) peptide. The naf gene has three amino acid exchanges compared to the paf gene, which however do not influence the amino acid sequence of the mature peptide. It also carries two introns at the same positions, however, the sequence differences between the introns are higher than between the coding regions. When P. nalgiovense were grown on plates containing other food-relevant fungi it showed weak antifungal activity.  相似文献   

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