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微波灭菌在食品工业中应用的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
1 前言食品灭菌的方法发展到90年代,已出现了热力灭菌、化学灭菌、辐射灭菌(包括γ-射线、微波、红外线)等多种方法,其中最常用的是巴氏法虽然对pH值低于4.5的酸性食品如果汁、茶饮料、蔬菜类罐头等的灭菌效果较好,但这种方法却不能杀灭耐热性较强的芽孢杆菌;对于pH值高于4.5的低酸性食品,为杀灭耐热芽孢,常用的高温高压灭菌方法在实际生产中也因为设备操作温度和压力往往不能满足方法要求而使灭菌效果较差。分析在销售  相似文献   

微波灭菌在食品工业中应用研究现状   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
为了推广微波在食品加工中的应用,通过微波灭菌的原理,介绍了几年来微波灭菌在不同食品体系中的应用研究,说明了微波灭菌对食品品质和营养价值的影响,认为微波灭菌是一种适应范围非常广的灭菌方法,可在多种食品加工中应用,和传统的灭菌方法相比,具有速度快、有利于保持食品的营养成分等优点.  相似文献   

乳品杀菌是乳品生产中十分重要的环节,它直接关系到人民饮用的安全性。乳品经过有效的灭菌,可以防止“病从口入”,保障身体健康。同时可以防止由微生物引起食品的腐败,延长保存时间。牛乳等流体食品的灭菌方法,经历了低温保持杀菌法、高温短时灭菌法(HTST法)、  相似文献   

非加热灭菌技术在食品工业上的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈宇 《食品工业科技》2003,24(8):100-103
介绍国外目前主要使用的对食品的非加热灭菌方法,如:亚、超临界二氧化碳微气泡连续灭菌、臭氧冰的保存和灭菌特性、光脉冲灭菌技术和冲击波对粉末食品的灭菌等。这些方法既能达到对食品灭菌的目的,又能最大限度地保存食品原有的风味和营养。  相似文献   

流体食品冷灭菌是一类新型灭菌技术。本文介绍了超高压、辐射、高压脉冲电场、非热等离子体、脉冲强光、膜分离等冷灭菌技术的特点、研究现状及其在流体食品中的应用。  相似文献   

食品工业中超高压灭菌技术   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
该文介绍超高压杀菌原理、超高压技术处理食品特点、超高压灭菌与传统灭菌技术比较及超高压灭菌技术应用。  相似文献   

二氧化氯在食品灭菌消毒上的应用研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
综述了二氧化氯在果蔬、水产品、禽畜肉、饮料等各种食品以及食品包装工业上的灭菌消毒应用研究进展。二氧化氯在对食品灭菌消毒上具有高效性、安全性和广谱性的特点,是目前国际公认的最理想的灭菌消毒剂。一般而言,二氧化氯浓度在1~10mg/L时,就能对食品中的多数致病菌产生良好的灭菌效果,同时作用时间比较短,大约在10min。并对其应用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

超高压灭菌是一种通过施加超高水压而达到灭菌效果的非热加工食品处理和保鲜技术.由于其具有延长食品保质期和保持食品营养价值、天然风味和口感等优点,超高压灭菌拥有广阔的市场应用前景.本文简要介绍超高压灭菌技术的原理,并探讨影响超高压灭菌效果的因素.  相似文献   

微波在食品及包装上的应用1.在食品方面的应用 (1)麦片、奶粉、骨髓粉、洋参、等产品的灭菌、保鲜。 (2)无油速食面,节油速食面生产。 (3)月饼、豆粉、糕点、调味品烘干、灭菌。 (4)口服液、饮料、啤酒、牛奶、豆奶快速低温灭菌、保鲜。 (5)肉脯、肉松、肉干、鱼虾的快速低温干燥、保鲜、灭菌。 (6)鱼肉熟食、卤味、腐乳、榨菜、酱菜灭菌、保鲜。 (7)食品的焙烤、二次调味等加工(如:马铃薯片、鱼片、海苔等调味干燥)。 (8)真空(或冷冻)脱水食品、水果、蔬菜生产。  相似文献   

超高压技术处理食品的特点   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
主要论述高压灭菌技术,超高压灭菌与传统灭菌技术的比较,在食品工业中的应用以及目前处理食品存在的不足之处。  相似文献   

食品工业的碳减排应在保证其经济产值增长的同时,减少资源、能源消耗,以及废水、SO2、烟尘、粉尘与碳排放等环境影响。利用生态效率分析框架,通过价值-影响比值法,将碳排放纳入食品工业的生态效率评估,考察1995~2009年间中国食品工业的生态效率、资源效率和环境效率的变化轨迹。结果表明,其间食品工业的资源效率、环境效率和生态效率均由逐步改善转向大幅提升,但通过对各类排放的环境效率与资源效率的对比发现,尤其是在碳减排方面,中国食品工业在现阶段仍主要通过末端治理实施环境治理。据此提出,从源头和生产全过程采用低碳清洁技术,以及提高能源的资源效率和碳排放效率的政策建议。  相似文献   

The paper is devoted to the evaluation and comparison of the efficiency of winemaking in Germany and Ukraine in order to find the key factors of efficiency of wine business in these countries. The models of data envelopment analysis (DEA), correlation and other tools of data analysis are used to analyse the efficiency of wineries in two countries. Returns to scale, scale efficiency, super-efficiency and some other indicators are examined. The study is based on the sample including 36 wineries of Germany and Ukraine. The hypothesis about a higher relative efficiency of winemaking in Germany in comparison with Ukrainian winemaking was confirmed analytically. Relatively a high average scale efficiency score indicates a good potential (above 30%) for efficiency growth due to the optimization of a scale of production and sales. Generally, winemaking in Germany and Ukraine has increasing returns to scale. It was found to be the most efficient combination of the size and legal form of business organization for wine business in Germany.  相似文献   

食品安全监督抽检效率是衡量政府在监督抽检环节发现问题食品和问题企业能力的重要指标,科学评价食品安全监督抽检效率对提升政府监管效能、夯实食品安全战略具有重要意义。文章基于监督抽检不合格率与随机抽检不合格率之间的理论逻辑关系,系统构建了食品安全监督抽检效率测度方法,并利用30个省(区、市)公布的30类加工食品共919630批次监督抽检数据,对我国食品安全监督抽检效率进行定量评价。研究表明,2017~2019年我国食品安全监督抽检效率整体水平严重偏低且存在明显的省际差异。具体而言,2017~2019年我国平均食品安全监督抽检效率分别仅有0.8056、0.8493、0.8673,其中10个省(区、市)的监督抽检效率年均增长率为负数,监督抽检效率处于高水平和较高水平的省(区、市)数量不足10个,且逐渐向东部沿海地区集聚。因此,建议政府在开展食品安全监督抽检工作时,切实坚持问题导向原则,有效提高监督抽检效率。  相似文献   

为提高高弹力双层织物在ZAX-e型喷气织机上的织造效率,文章就造成织造效率低下的纬向停台、经向停台和操作工处理故障效率不高等主要原因进行了分析,并据此采取相应措施,达到了提高织造效率的目的.  相似文献   

One of the recommendations of the Textile Expert Committee, India, was to set a Technology Demonstration Centre to address the issues related to improvement in productivity and efficiency of the Indian garment industry. The committee identified the key factors responsible for the low level of production efficiency, which were low labour and capital productivities, high capital cost, outdated technology and low-skilled workers. In the light of subsequent recommendations made by the committee, the researchers examined the technical efficiency of the Indian garment industry. For this, a two-stage analytical process using cross-sectional data from 275 Indian garment firms spread across various states in India for the year 2004–2005 was adopted. In the first stage, data envelopment analysis was used to measure technical efficiency scores. Subsequently, in the second stage, Tobit regression was used to study the factors affecting the technical efficiency of the firms. The results of the study show that on an average, a garment firm could increase its output by 32.1% with the existing level of inputs by way of improving its input-use efficiency and adjusting plant size to the optimum level. Further, the overall technical efficiency scores were found to be more sensitive to the variation in the pure technical efficiency (PTE) scores than that in the scale efficiency scores. Lower PTE scores in all the states indicated the poor performance of the industry in converting inputs into output. The results of the study also showed that the micro-sized firms were more efficient in utilizing resources than the small and medium ones. The Tobit regression results confirmed that investment in plant and machinery and outstanding loans did have a negative impact on a firm’s efficiency. By way of contrast, efficiency was found to be positively associated with labour productivity, wages per employee and labour–staff ratio.  相似文献   

运用全国农产品成本收益资料,采用数据包络分析方法,测算了2004 年至2013 年的烤烟种植效率、全国20 个主要省市的烤烟种植效率、非DEA 有效决策单元的效率差距。结果表明:多数年份处于规模收益不变或规模收益递增状态;全国烤烟种植效率存在地区差异,13 省区有着不同程度的投入冗余和产出不足现象;不同产出指标选择对综合效率测算结果造成较大影响,反映了不同省市国家利益和烟农利益之间取向的相对偏向。在此基础上,采用多元回归模型探讨了种植综合效率的影响因素,发现产值对综合效率具有显著正向影响;物质和服务费用、人工成本、土地成本3 个投入要素与综合效率存在显著负向影响,说明在其他影响因素不变的前提下,单纯增加任一投入要素会造成综合效率的下降;现金收益对综合效率存在不显著的正向影响。最后根据研究结论提出四点政策建议。   相似文献   

应用DEA模型对2002年全国烤烟生产的综合效率、技术效率以及规模效率进行了评价,找出了烤烟生产中非有效决策单元效率损失的影响因素,并提出了改进措施。  相似文献   

Genetic selection for improved feed efficiency in dairy cattle has received renewed attention over the last decade to address the needs of a growing global population. As milk yield is a critical component of feed efficiency metrics in dairy animals, our objective was to evaluate the associations between feed efficiency in primiparous Holstein cattle and parameters of a mathematical model describing individual lactation curves. The Dijkstra lactation curve model was fit to individual lactation records from 34 Holstein heifers with previously estimated measures of feed efficiency. We found that the optimal fit of the Dijkstra model was achieved using daily milk yield records up to 21 d in milk to capture the rise to peak milk yield and using monthly dairy herd improvement records for the remainder of lactation to accurately characterize lactation persistency. In the period of lactation before peak milk yield, improved feed efficiency was associated with a faster increase in daily milk yield over a shorter period of time at the expense of increased mobilization of body reserves; this serves to reinforce the concept that dairy cattle are primarily capital breeders versus income breeders. Feed efficiency in the period following peak lactation, as measured by gross feed efficiency, return over feed costs, and net energy efficiency of lactation, was positively associated with higher peak milk yield. The findings in early lactation suggest that estimates of feed efficiency could be improved by evaluating feed efficiency relative to conception, rather than parturition and lactation, to better account for the energy stored and released from body reserves in capital breeding.  相似文献   

Early part records for milk yield and feed consumption of 2230 first lactation purebred and crossbred dairy cows were analyzed to evaluate various measures of feed efficiency. Corrected milk yield was estimated by adjusting the second 8 wk of milk yield for differences in weight of TDN consumed during wk 9 to 16, percentage of TDN derived from concentrate, and BW.75. Corrected milk yield is an estimate assuming that cows are the same size and consume the same amount of feed. Hence, it represents an expression of feed efficiency. Net feed efficiency, gross efficiency, corrected milk yield, and wk 9 to 16 milk were analyzed simultaneously. Coefficient of determination for net efficiency (.51) and gross efficiency (.72) were lower than that of milk (.82), whereas corrected milk yield had a coefficient of determination similar to that of milk. Hence, the use of ratios to define feed efficiency was less accurate than using corrected milk yield. Effects of genetic groups, stations, season of freshening, year of freshening, and heterosis were similar for gross efficiency and corrected milk yield, but different from those for milk. Therefore, corrected milk yield performed the same function as feed efficiency with higher accuracy.  相似文献   

This paper reports an experimental investigation of the effect of the seam threads linear density, the stitch density and some fabric properties on the seam efficiency. Furthermore, on the basis of the seam quality parameters, regression models were determined in order to predict seam efficiency. In this work, 18 denim fabrics, having different compositions and masses, were sewn with two commercial sewing threads. Their performances, ranked according to the seam quality, were also determined. The seam efficiency was calculated by determining of the seam tensile strength and the fabric tensile strength. It was concluded that the increase in the seam thread linear density increases the seam efficiency, as well as the stitch density. However, the fabric mass has a random effect on seam efficiency. About the composition, we conclude that the seam efficiency decreases with polyester but increases with elastane. According to the seam direction, it was found that, in the weft direction, the seam efficiency was more important than in the warp direction.  相似文献   

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