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水是啤酒的重要成分之一,水质优劣对啤酒质量有极大影响。不同的啤酒风味对水质的要求也不同。本文就生产淡色啤酒,如何优选和改良水质等问题,谈谈我们的体会,供同行参考。  相似文献   

韩宝隆 《酿酒科技》1999,(3):54-55,53
着重阐述了二步石灰法处理酿造用水的原理,试验方法及生产实践。  相似文献   

水是啤酒酿造中使用最多的原料,酿造水被称之为“啤酒的血液”。世界著名啤酒的特色都是由各自酿造用水的水质所决定的,酿造用水不仅直接影响着酿造的全过程,而且还决定着产品的质量和风味。水中含有一定量的各种阳离子和阴离子,这些离子对糖化过程酶的作用、物质的转化、麦汁的组成、发酵过程以及啤酒的质量产生特有的影响。[第一段]  相似文献   

啤酒中大约含有90%的水,水质对最终啤酒质量的影响不能被忽视。  相似文献   

原晓杰 《酿酒》2006,33(2):66-67
结合酿造浅色啤酒用水的要求和企业现有水源的现状,介绍了用石灰法处理啤酒酿造用水的工艺和原理及该法处理酿造用水的优点和不足。  相似文献   

酿造用水的质量不仅直接影响啤酒酿造过程,而且还影响产品质量和风味。对啤酒酿造影响最大的是水的碱度,在此对水的碱度组成及测定方法等进行讨论。  相似文献   

本文分析了酿造用水在处理前(井水)和处理后亚硝酸盐氮含量随温度、时间的变化,以及饮用水中亚硝酸盐氮的变化.随时间变化,亚硝酸盐氮含量一般呈先上升后下降趋势,随温度上升而含量逐步升高.饮用水在反复加热后亚硝酸盐氮含量严重超标.  相似文献   

<正> 自80年代发现适应酵母生存的高性能载体材料,酵母固定化技术在啤酒迮续发酵中的应用,再次引起人们的兴趣,然而,完整的啤酒连续发酵技术,仍然处于试验性阶段。至80年代后期,用于快速成熟和无醇啤酒生产的技术得到开发,并应用于工业上,使固定化酵母工艺再次成为啤酒工业的宠儿。最近,基伊埃集团Tuchenhagen研制出一种运用固定化酵母发酵罐所需的专业技术和设备,奉文将就固定化酵母连续发酵技术在一般和无醇啤酒生产中的应用进行探讨。  相似文献   

A taxonomic study was carried out for isolates of Saccharomyces spp. identified as contaminants ("wild yeast") in 24 different lager breweries. With reference to the current taxonomy all isolates were found to belong to the Saccharomyces sensu stricto complex and 58% of the isolates were further identified as S. cerevisiae, 26% as S. pastorianus and 3% as S. bayanus. The remaining isolates (13%) could not be identified to the species level based on their phenotypic characteristics. However, some of these isolates were identified as S. cerevisiae by HaeIII restriction digest of PCR-amplified intergenic transcribed spacer (ITS) regions. Chromosome length polymorphism (CLP) was evident among the Saccharomyces brewing contaminants with chromosome profiles typical of Saccharomyces sensu stricto. Based upon cluster analysis of their chromosome profiles the majority of the brewing contaminants could be grouped as either S. cerevisiae or S. pastorianus/S. bayanus. Further, the technique was able to differentiate between almost all brewing contaminants and to separate them from any specific lager brewing yeast. The diversity of the Saccharomyces brewing contaminants clearly demonstrated by their CLP was further reflected by MAL genotyping. For the majority of the isolates more than two MAL loci were found with MAL1, MAL2 MAL3, MAL4 and MAL11, MAL31, MAL41 as the dominant genotypes. For all isolates MAL11 and MAL31 were found whereas MAL61 only was found for one isolate. The high number of MAL loci found in the SaccharomYces brewing contaminants indicate their adaptation to a maltose-enriched environment.  相似文献   

<正> 符合经济效益的清洗系统是所有啤酒厂要达到的目标之一,因为清洗能影响产品质量、品牌保护和生产成本。有关清洗的化学专业知识CIP设计、机械和水压因素对CIP效果的影响,均为实现这一目标的关键。  相似文献   

就CIP清洗装置的设备组成,清洗、杀菌剂的要求和种类进行了介绍.实例了啤酒厂各生产环节的CIP清洗方案.  相似文献   

就CIP清洗装置的设备组成,清洗、杀菌剂的要求和种类进行了介绍。实例了啤酒厂各生产环节的CIP清洗方案。  相似文献   

以生产实践中所观察到的基本现象浅述了发酵酱汁存在的缺陷和原因,介绍了合理使用食品添加剂的体会及酱汁配兑简易计算公式、操作应注意的问题。同时提出了现代酿造酱油调配生产的工艺流程。  相似文献   

Quality control procedures were monitored in a number of Czech breweries. All Gram positive bacterial contaminants found in the beer were collected and isolated. The occurrence of this contamination was recorded. Gram positive bacteria obtained from the breweries were isolated and identified by API 50 CHL. This method is generally used as a comparative method for identification of lactic acid bacteria. Pasteurised beer was inoculated with all identified bacteria in the absence of oxygen. Haze formation was checked over three months. The results show that different beer spoilage was observed on inoculating beer with isolates identified as identical.  相似文献   

At one time the raw water naturally available influenced the development of typical regional beer styles. With the development of reliable and efficient water treatment technologies, breweries became independent of the local raw water quality. The proliferation of large breweries is still closely linked to progress in water treatment. The prevailing question is always how to best condition the raw water for the different purposes within the brewery in the most efficient way. The raw water starting points are very different and can range from well water, to surface water, to municipal water, and in some cases to more exotic water sources such as rain or even treated wastewater. The impact of different water ions on the brewing process is discussed, with a special focus on technological requirements, as well as microbiology and corrosion issues. The requirements of divergent water types commonly used for brewing, dilution, service and boiler feed water, and available treatment steps based on examples of large‐sized plants are discussed, including traditional methods such as lime softening and ion exchange, as well as more recent treatment systems. Membrane technology is highlighted, as it has had a great impact on treatment technology. Following the success story of reverse osmosis, and more recently developed ultrafiltration, there is now more focus on special applications such as the substitution of lime saturators to produce clear lime water with membranes. This requires higher performance and robustness of the membranes. Finally, some future challenges for water treatment in breweries are outlined. Copyright © 2012 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling  相似文献   

Ten biogenic amines in Spanish beers were studied using HPLC. Agmatine, tyramine and putrescine were the prevailing amines, while histamine,-phenylethylamine, tryptamine, cadaverine, spermine and spermidine were detected at relatively low levels (in general <2 mg/l). On the basis of the wide range of levels observed for tyramine (from 1.90 to 31.55 mg/l), the consumption of beer requires restriction in patients receiving monoamine oxidase inhibitor drugs. Biogenic amine levels in beers of the same type from the same company and from different companies were monitored every month over 1 year. Agmatine and putrescine levels showed minimal fluctuations in beers from the same company as well as from different breweries. Raw materials and brewing conditions would not affect the levels of those amines. However, tyramine levels were subject to wide fluctuations in beers produced by particular breweries irrespective of whether they were produced by the same company. Relatively high levels of tyramine were specific to some breweries.  相似文献   

This study investigated the water absorption curve characteristics and structural properties of rice used for sake brewing. The parameter values in the water absorption rate equation were calculated using experimental data. Differences between sample parameters for rice used for sake brewing and typical rice were confirmed. The water absorption curve for rice suitable for sake brewing showed a quantitatively sharper turn in the S-shaped water absorption curve than that of typical rice. Structural characteristics, including specific volume, grain density, and powdered density of polished rice, were measured by a liquid substitution method using a Gay-Lussac pycnometer. In addition, we calculated internal porosity from whole grain and powdered grain densities. These results showed that a decrease in internal porosity resulted from invasion of water into the rice grain, and that a decrease in the grain density affected expansion during the water absorption process. A characteristic S-shape water absorption curve for rice suitable for sake brewing was related to the existence of an invisible Shinpaku-like structure.  相似文献   

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