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采用静态实验法研究D314树脂吸附钼离子的机理,在实验条件下分别用弗伦德利希(Freundlich)和朗格缪尔(Langmuir)等温吸附模型分析了D314树脂对钼离子的吸附热力学过程。结果表明,Langmuir方程相关性较高,可拟合钼离子的吸附过程。ΔH0表明离子交换过程为吸热过程,热力学函数ΔG0表明D314树脂吸附钼离子过程能够自发进行,ΔS0表明钼离子吸附是熵增过程。准二级动力学模型其相关系数R~2在0.99以上能够很好拟合D314树脂吸附钼离子的过程,颗粒扩散为钼离子吸附过程的主要控速步骤。  相似文献   

采用静态实验法研究D314树脂吸附钼离子的机理,在实验条件下分别用弗伦德利希(Freundlich)和朗格缪尔(Langmuir)等温吸附模型分析了D314树脂对钼离子的吸附热力学过程。结果表明,Langmuir方程相关性较高,可拟合钼离子的吸附过程。ΔH>0表明离子交换过程为吸热过程,热力学函数ΔG<0表明D314树脂吸附钼离子过程能够自发进行,ΔS>0表明钼离子吸附是熵增过程。准二级动力学模型其相关系数R2在0.99以上能够很好拟合D314树脂吸附钼离子的过程,颗粒扩散为钼离子吸附过程的主要控速步骤。  相似文献   

采用批量吸附实验考察了小麦秸秆对硝基苯的吸附动力学及热力学行为。吸附平衡时间约为60 min,且在前20 min是吸附急剧增加的第一阶段。吸附动力学行为符合拟二级动力学方程,拟二级动力学方程拟合曲线的决定系数均大于0.99,说明拟合程度很好。Langmuir和Freundlich吸附等温线都能较好地拟合吸附过程。吸附热力学结果表明,该反应是自发、吸热并且熵变增加的过程,温度升高有利于吸附反应的进行。  相似文献   

离子交换树脂吸附TP5的热力学和动力学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对凝胶型阳离子交换树脂对TP5的吸附行为,研究了间歇反应中TP5水溶液的吸附热力学与动力学特性。热力学研究表明,TP5在所用树脂上的吸附平衡数据符合Langmu ir吸附等温方程。在283.15~303.15 K之间,TP5的质量浓度在10 g/L时,离子交换树脂对TP5的吸附过程可分两个阶段,第一阶段受液膜扩散控制,第二阶段主要吸附过程受颗粒扩散的控制。利用TP5在不同条件下的动态吸附性能实验,考察了pH值、温度、溶液初始浓度、搅拌转速等因素的影响。采用两相阻力模型描述了TP5在离子交换介质中的动态吸附性能,通过计算得到了TP5在吸附剂颗粒中的颗粒扩散系数,有助于进一步研究小肽在吸附过程中的传质现象。  相似文献   

金属Mn离子(Ⅱ)在烟草上的吸附动力学和热力学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过测定不同温度、浓度下的吸附速率曲线和吸附等温线,研究了Mn^2 在烟草上的吸附动力学和热力学,结果表明,烟草对Mn^2 的吸附速率快,吸附热效应高;吸附动力学过程可由lagergren一级动力学模式较好地描述,且吸咐主要属内扩散控制,吸咐等温模型符合Langmuir等温吸咐机理。  相似文献   

采用共沉淀法制备Mn-Al双氢氧化物吸附剂,并利用扫描电子显微镜(Scanning Electron Microscope,SEM)、红外光谱(Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy,FTIR)和比表面积分析仪(Brunauer-Emmett-Teller surface area,BET)等对吸附材料进行了分析.并考察了其对氟离子吸附过程的热力学和动力学,并计算不同温度下该吸附过程的热力学参数.实验结果表明:pH值对Mn-Al吸附剂除氟效能有一定的影响,pH值为6时吸附容量最佳达到了44.15 mg·g-1;实验数据遵循拟二级反应动力学模型;Mn-Al吸附剂对氟离子的吸附符合Langmuir-Freundlich吸附等温模型;热力学参数吉布斯自由能(△G0)小于零,焓变(△H0)>0,熵变(△S0)>0,说明Mn-Al双氢氧化物吸附剂对氟离子的吸附反应是自发吸热熵增过程.  相似文献   

啤酒酵母吸附Cr(VI)的动力学及热力学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究啤酒酵母对溶液中铬(VI)的吸附效果和机理,通过红外对吸附前后菌体表面特征分析,表明Cr (VI)与菌体表面基团发生配位络合反应.结果表明,在温度为35 ℃,pH=2,Cr(VI)初始浓度为20 mg/L时达到最大吸附量,最大吸附量为4.19 mg/g.酵母菌对Cr(VI)的吸附行为基本符合Langmuir方程,并且在 25,30和35 ℃条件下的理论最大吸附量qmax分别为4.472,4.533,4.702 mg/g.动力学研究表明,反应在240 min吸附基本达到平衡状态,准二级动力学模型能够更好的描述吸附过程.不同温度下的吸附热力学显示,该吸附过程为自发的吸热反应.  相似文献   

离子交换树脂吸附铬(Ⅵ)的热力学和动力学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用静态吸附法,研究用201×7阴离子交换树脂吸附Cr(Ⅵ)的过程和机理。结果表明,在一定的浓度范围内,201×7阴离子交换树脂对Cr(Ⅵ)的吸附符合Langmuir和Freundlich吸附等温线,以离子交换吸附为主,但Langmuir方程更能准确反映该交换吸附过程。测得热力学参数△H=4.182 kJ/mol,△S=34.80 J/(mol.K),△G=-6.195 kJ/mol。动力学研究表明,该树脂吸附Cr(Ⅵ)受颗粒扩散控制,铬的吸附速率常数为k=3.25×10-4s-1,内扩散系数随溶液pH值的增大而减小。  相似文献   

通过在不同温度下的静态吸附实验,研究了葡萄籽原花青素在大孔树脂HZ818上的吸附热力学及动力学特性。分别采用Langmuir、Freundlich等温式对不同温度下的等温吸附数据进行拟合,采用Largergren拟一级动力学模型、拟二级动力学模型和颗粒内扩散动力学模型对吸附动力学数据进行分析。结果表明:原花青素在HZ818树脂上的吸附量随着温度的升高而增大,等温吸附数据更符合Langmuir等温吸附方程,吸附焓变大于0,吉布斯自由能变小于0,HZ818树脂对原花青素的吸附过程为自发进行的吸热过程;吸附动力学更符合拟二级动力学模型,过程受主要包括颗粒内扩散在内的多因素共同影响。  相似文献   

文章从热力学和动力学角度,研究了活性炭对水溶液中呋喃西林的吸附行为。热力学研究表明:活性炭对呋喃西林的吸附符合Freundlich等温吸附方程。ΔH=-8.76kJ?moL-1,且|ΔH|40kJ?moL-1,说明该吸附为放热过程且为物理吸附。同时测得吉布斯自由能ΔG0,受温度影响不大,表明吸附质从溶液到吸附剂表面的吸附过程是自发过程。动力学研究表明:活性炭对呋喃西林的吸附更好地符合伪二级动力学描述,测得其表观活化能Ea为9.68kJ?moL-1。  相似文献   

活性炭对苯酚的吸附研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
房平  邵瑞华  任娟 《炭素技术》2011,30(2):12-16
进行了活性炭处理含苯酚废水的应用研究,考察了影响苯酚吸附效果的因素。确定了处理水中苯酚的最佳条件:吸附平衡时间为30 min;最佳pH值为6左右;苯酚初始浓度为10 mg/L;投炭量为20~25 mg/L;苯酚的吸附率高达97.4%;温度对苯酚吸附率的影响不明显。研究了活性炭对苯酚的吸附动力学特性,分别用伪一级动力学方程、伪二级动力学方程、修正伪一级动力学方程和颗粒内扩散模型进行拟合,对于不同浓度的苯酚废水都只有伪二级动力学方程拟合程度比较高,伪二级动力学方程更为真实地反映苯酚在活性炭上的吸附机理。  相似文献   

以橡椀栲胶为原料,通过双氧水氧化降解改性,研究水解类橡椀单宁改性后对铜离子溶液的吸附沉淀以及pH值、金属溶液初始浓度对铜离子吸附沉淀容量的影响和规律。结果表明,氧化橡椀单宁对Cu2+的吸附平衡符合Freundlich方程。改性后吸附沉淀容量受初始浓度影响较大,初始浓度为20 mg/L时基本不发生吸附沉淀,试验最大初始浓度100 mg/L时吸附量达到39.300 mg/g。  相似文献   

Magnetite/carbon nanocomposites were tested as adsorbents for removal of metal ions from aqueous solutions. The effect of adsorption parameters such as solutions pH (ranging between 2 and 9), the nature and the quantity of the sorbent (10, 20, 40, and 60 mg), initial concentration of metal ions (10, 30, 50, 100, and 150 mg/L), and temperature (25, 45, and 65°C) was evaluated. The removal efficiency of metal ions depends on solution pH and increases with increasing carbon content, the dose of magnetite/carbon nanocomposites, and the temperature and decrease with initial concentration of the metal ions. The adsorption kinetics was described by pseudo-second-order model, and the equilibrium experimental data were well fitted to the Sips isotherm, yielding a maximum adsorption capacity of 41.11, 76.67, and 48.45 mg/g for copper, cadmium, and zinc, respectively. The thermodynamic parameter Gibbs free energy was determined to be negative, which indicated that the adsorption process is spontaneous. The optimum conditions (1 g/L adsorbent, 25°C, and pH 6) were selected for removal of metal ions from real wastewaters, with good results indicating that investigated nanocomposites could be used for the application in real systems.  相似文献   

The removal of boron from aqueous solution through plasma-modified and unmodified AFX anion-exchange membrane was investigated by the Donnan dialysis (DD) method. The surface of anion-exchange membrane was treated by electron cyclotron resonance plasma (ECR) to enhance the performance. The effects of plasma-modified anion-exchange membrane and initial boron concentration on the boron removal were investigated at 25 °C. The optimum pH was chosen as 9.5 from the literature data. The flux values (J) and recovery factor (RF) of boron were obtained before and after the plasma modification. Under Donnan dialysis conditions, flux values and recovery factors of boron were calculated and the highest values were obtained for plasma-modified AFX membrane as compared with the unmodified one. This situation can be explained by change of morphology of pores in the plasma-modified membrane. In addition, the different valence anions also influence the flux of boron and the order of flux was found as Cl > SO42−.  相似文献   

Adsorption of mercury from aqueous solution on sulfur-impregnated adsorbent has been studied. Raw coal was mixed with K2S powder, and then heated at 800-1000 °C for 30 min in nitrogen to produce sulfur-impregnated adsorbent. The sulfur content and specific surface area of the adsorbent were determined, and the ability of the adsorbent to adsorb mercury in aqueous solution was examined. With increasing temperature of sulfur-impregnation, specific surface area of the adsorbent increases, while sulfur content of the adsorbent is almost constant. The adsorbent obtained at 900 °C shows the highest and fastest adsorption of mercury from aqueous solution at 25 °C, and the elution extents of adsorbed mercury are negligible in distilled water and 10% in 0.1 M HCl solution, respectively. Adsorption kinetics was tested for pseudo-first order and pseudo-second order reactions, and the rate constants of adsorption for these kinetic models were calculated. Adsorption experiments demonstrate that the adsorption process corresponds to pseudo-second-order kinetic model than pseudo-first-order model. With increasing temperature of aqueous solution, the kinetics of adsorption becomes faster and the amount of mercury adsorbed on the adsorbent increases. The thermodynamic values, ΔG0, ΔH0 and ΔS0, indicated that adsorption was an endothermic and spontaneous process.  相似文献   

锌铝复合氧化物吸附去除水中阴离子表面活性剂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用液相共沉淀法制备锌铝类水滑石颗粒.在500℃下焙烧类水滑石转化为锌铝复合氧化物,并用XRD、TG/DTA和FT-IR等对类水滑石和锌铝复合氧化物进行表征分析.用锌铝复合氧化物吸附水中的阴离子表面活性剂,对实验条件和主要影响因素进行研究,并对其吸附机理进行了探讨,实验结果表明,锌铝复合氧化物对阴离子表面活性剂去除效果明显.  相似文献   

Study on the phosphate removal from aqueous solution using modified fly ash   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ke Xu  Tong Deng  Juntan Liu  Weigong Peng 《Fuel》2010,89(12):3668-3674
In this work the fly ash was modified by sulfuric acid for the removal of phosphate. It was found that modification of fly ash could significantly enhance the phosphate immobilization ability of the fly ash. The specific surface area of the fly ash increased from 8.8 to 32.5 m2/g after treated with sulfuric acid. The modification of the fly ash also resulted in the mobilization of acid-soluble metal ions due to partial or complete dissolution of the metals under the acidic conditions. Both adsorption and precipitation contributed to the removal of phosphate by the modified fly ash but precipitation was a major mechanism of phosphate removal. The experimental results showed that adsorption of phosphate by the modified fly ash was rapid, the removal percentage of phosphate could reach maximum in 5 min. In the range of 5–9, pH did not significantly affect the removal of phosphate and the removal percentage of phosphate increased with the increase of adsorbent dosage. The adsorption of phosphate by the modified fly ash could be described well by Langmuir isotherm equation, the Langmuir constant Q0 was 9.15 mg g−1. The XRD patterns and the SEM images of modified fly ash after sorption revealed that CaHPO4·2H2O was formed in the removal of phosphate. In addition, phosphate also formed precipitate with aluminum and iron.  相似文献   

In the present study, the adsorption of cadmium on phosphogypsum, a waste material from the manufacture of phosphoric acid by wet process, was studied. Before batch adsorption study, phosphogypsum was pre-conditioned by milk of lime. Effect of initial pH on cadmium adsorption was investigated. It was found that cadmium adsorption was dependent on solution pH and maximum cadmium removal was observed in the pH range of 9.5 and 11.5. The Langmuir and Freundlich theories were used to describe the cadmium adsorption process, and the Freundlich isotherm showed the best fit to the process. Maximum adsorption capacity of lime-preconditioned phosphogypsum was found to be 131.58 mg/g.  相似文献   

In this study, the adsorption kinetics of naphthalene onto organically modified-sepiolite was investigated by means of the effects of pH, contact time, adsorbent dosage and temperature. The modification of natural sepiolite was accomplished with a cationic surfactant, which is namely dodecyltrimethylammonium (DTMA) bromide. The surface characterization both natural- and modified-sepiolite were carried out by using FTIR method to observe the intercalation of DTMA between the sepiolite layers. The elemental and thermal analyses were also performed to understand the modification. The optimum pH values and the equilibrium contact time for the adsorption of naphthalene onto DTMA–sepiolite were found as 6 and 75 min, respectively. The kinetic parameters of the adsorption process were calculated from experimental data. According to these parameters, adsorption process follows the pseudo-second-order kinetic model with the high correlation coefficients (r2 = 0.999). The obtained results show that modified-sepiolite is reasonably effective adsorbent for the removal of organic contaminants, which are an important source for the environmental pollutants.  相似文献   

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