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Thirty adult agoutis (Dasyprocta primnolopha) from the Nucleus of Study and Preservation of Wild Animals at the Federal University of Piauí were used. Blood scrubs of these animals were colored by the Leishman method and analyzed in light microscopy. The cells had been measured using programs that analyze images (Leica QWin - Image Processing and Analysis Software). Mature erythrocytes, basophil reticulocytes, lymphocytes, eosinophils, neutrophils, monocytes, and thrombocytes were identified. Agoutis' erythrocytes presented elliptical form, without nucleus with an average diameter of 5.64 micromeres ± 0.38. The lymphocytes are spherical cells with scarce cytoplasm, dense and with a very centralized rounded nucleus measuring an average diameter of 13.20 micromeres ± 0.35. The monocytes are slightly basophilic, with a spherical nucleus, central constriction, and an average diameter of 20.59 micromeres ± 0.32. The neutrophils are spherical, with a polymorphic lobulated nucleus, with an average diameter of 11.2 micromeres ± 0.20. The eosinophils are spherical with lobulated nucleus and with an average diameter of 14.25 micromeres ± 0.36. Only five basophils were observed, with abundance of cytoplasmic granules with 9.8 micrometers of diameter ± 0.30. Thrombocytopenic pleomorphism was frequent. There were similarities in the cellular constituents in peripheral blood of agoutis and of other rodents and humans. The cellular types from the peripheral blood, the morphology, and morphometry of the blood's cells did not vary according to sex.  相似文献   

In the dipteran genus Hermetia, only 6 of the 78 valid species have documented immature stages: H. albitarsis Fabricius, 1805, H. aurata Bellardi, 1859, H. concinna Williston, 1900, H. illucens (Linnaeus, 1758), H. panamensis Greene, 1940 and H. pulchra Weidemann, 1830. In particular, H. illucens stands out due to its reported applicability for forensic, medical and economic purposes. Here, we described the morphology of eggs and immature stages of this species, with a view to detecting differences between instars and in the pupal stage, which should eventually help properly identifying larval age. We utilized both optical and scanning electron microscopy tools. The eggs are elliptical and elongated, and color varies from cream white to yellowish. The larvae are apodal, hemichephalic and holopneustic, flattened dorso‐ventrally and may be recognized by the head elongated, dorsal and ventral chaetotaxy of the cephalic capsule, thoracic and abdominal segments, and the morphology of the anterior and posterior spiracles. The pupae are adecticous and coarctate, tegument dark brown and pruinescence varying from brown to golden. The overall morphology across instars is similar, but marked variations were observed in the shape of the antennal articuli and the shape of the setae (first instar compared to the others). Our results supplement the biological information on Hermetia illucens and should aid the proper identification and aging of juveniles in the field, as a way to minimize errors in the calculation of the post‐mortem interval.  相似文献   

The current work gives concern to study the morphology of the Merluccius merluccius gills by using gross morphology, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and light microscopy. The findings of the present study revealed that the gill system consisted of four pairs of gill arches which carry the gill filaments on the convex border and gill rakers on the concave border of them. SEM results revealed that the rakers and the spines distribution on the first gill arch differed from that of the other three gill arches on the lateral and medial surfaces. On the surface the gill filaments, there were longitudinal ridges that carried pores of chloride cells and mucous cells. The histological examination revealed that, the gill arch composed of hyaline cartilage that presented in the form of cups. Each cup consisted of central cartilagenous core and peripheral cartilagenous matrix. The gill filaments composed of cartilaginous bar of peripheral cartilaginous matrix and central cartilaginous core extended from the gill arches and covered by an epithelial layers with a few mucous cells permeate it, and chloride cells were straggly in the interlamellar epithelium. Each gill filament carried several leaves like secondary lamellae on both sides of it. The epithelium, which lined the secondary lamellae, composed of epithelial pavement cells, some mucous cells, and pillar cells.  相似文献   

This study presents the morpho-histological and histochemical characterization of the testes, integument, Malpighian tubules, and midgut of engorged Rhipicephalus sanguineus nymphs on the detachment day, showing the morphological and physiological characteristics to this phase in the life cycle of these individuals. The testis is constituted by germinative cells (only spermatogonia) with large, round-shaped and strongly stained nuclei which are organized into cysts by a thin layer of somatic cells. The integument consists of a cuticle subdivided into epicuticle (lipoprotein) and procuticle (glycoproteic), and a layer of epithelial cells which present glycolipoprotein elements. The procuticle presents two distinct regions: the exocuticle (next to the epicuticle) and the endocuticle (next to the epithelial layer). The Malpighian tubules present a simple epithelium with small flat and/or cubic cells, which form its wall and delimitates a lumen full of lipoprotein material. The midgut consists of an epithelial wall formed by two types of digestive cells, spent cells and empty digest cells, and by generative cells supported by a basal lamina and a thin layer of muscular tissue. This study described the main organs of engorged nymphs of R. sanguineus, to generate information that can help researchers to better understand the biology of these ectoparasites; which is fundamental for the development of compounds that are less aggressive to the environment. In addition, if the immature stages of the ticks are controlled, the number of adult ticks able to cause damages to the animals--and to the man as well--is also under control.  相似文献   

Currently, the necessity of controlling infestation by ticks, especially by Rhipicephalus sanguineus, has led researchers and public health managers around the world to search for new and more efficient control methods. This way, we can highlight neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss) leaf, bark, and seed extracts, which have been very effective on tick control, and moreover causing less damage to the environment and to the host. This study showed the potential of neem as a control method for R. sanguineus through morphological and morphometric evaluation of the integument and synganglion of females, in semiengorged stage. To attain this, routine techniques of optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and morphometry of the cuticle and subcuticle of the integument were applied. Expressive morphological alterations were observed in both organs, presenting a dose‐dependent effect. Integument epithelial cells and nerve cells of the synganglion showed signs of cell vacuolation, dilated intercellular boundaries, and cellular disorganization, alterations not previously reported in studies with neem. In addition, variations in subcuticle thickness were also observed. In general, the effects of neem are multiple, and affect the morphology and physiology of target animals in various ways. The results presented in this work are the first evidence of its effects in the coating and nervous system of ticks, thus allowing an indication of neem aqueous extracts as a potential control method of the brown dog tick and opening new perspectives on acaricide use. Microsc. Res. Tech. 77:989–998, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The morphology and ultrastructure of the antennal sensilla of Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) was studied by scanning and transmission electron microscopic techniques. Eight morphological types of sensillum were recorded in both sexes: sensilla trichodea (S. trichodea), sensilla basiconc (S. basiconc), sensilla coeloconica (S. coeloconica), sensilla styloconica (S. styloconica), sensilla squamous (S. squamous), sensilla auricillica (S. auricillica), B?hm bristles (B. bristles), and sensilla cavity (S. cavity). S. trichodea were the most abundant sensilla and were distributed over the entire antennal surface. Four different types of S. trichodea and S. basiconc were observed. The number of S. basiconc and S. coeloconica of males were greater than those of females of C. medinalis. S. squamous formed on the dorsal part of the antenna, as a cluster in females and as in a line in males. Higher magnification revealed that S. basiconc had an olfactory function, while the character of longer length of these sensilla suggested that they also played a rolein sensing mechanical or other chemical stimuli. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) of S. squamous revealed nonporous walls suggesting a non-olfactory function. S. coeloconica, S. styloconica, and S. cavity may be involved in the perception of humidity, temperature, heat, and CO?. Because of their particular location, we infer that B. bristles may function in sensing the position and movements of the antennae, while the function of S. auricillica is as yet unknown. The results obtained provide direct morphological evidence that antennae possess structures that can play a role in finding mates and locating host plants.  相似文献   

Microalgae have an excellent potential for producing valuable natural products, including biofuels. Therefore, it is imperative to explore and document the existing microalgal flora and utilize their potentials to cope the increasing human needs. The present work aims at exploring and characterizing newly isolated microalgae from desert Cholistan, a habitat with myriad algal diversity. Light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and molecular phylogenetic approaches were used for species‐level identification. Characterization and growth optimization of Scendesmus sp. were analyzed under three different growth modes to determine the most favorable conditions for increasing biomass, growth rate, and lipid content. The results revealed that mixotrophic (MT) mode significantly increases photosynthetic activity, growth rate, and lipid content with glycerol as supplement carbon source. The investigated Scenedesmus dimorphous produced a maximum dry weight of 1.73 g L?1, improved fatty acid methyl esters profile and yield lipid up to 40% of DCW (68 g L?1) under MT mode, which is almost double to that of photoautotrophic cultivation. The glycerol availability in medium has been identified as the critical element for boosting growth and lipid content. Thus, it can reduce the cost of biofuel production.  相似文献   

Parthenogenetic Artemia from seven Chinese locations with different elevations and various ploidies are characterized by phenotypic and morphometric analyses. Our findings show that the studied populations exhibit dissimilar patterns of ovisac. Four phenotypic patterns of furca are qualified and one of them is shared among di‐, tetra‐ and pentaploid Artemia. Results of discriminant analysis based on morphometric data reveal that tetra‐ and pentaploid populations are grouped together, but the Aqqikkol Lake population is clearly differentiated. Previous hypothesis/conclusion that polyploid Artemia are larger than diploids is only partly supported by the present results, which show that pentaploid and tetraploid populations are larger than the mostly diploid populations in terms of the total length, but the body size of the Aibi Lake triploids has not significant difference with the sympatric diploids and the mostly diploid Aqqikkol population that inhabit in very high altitude has the largest body size among all parthenogenetic populations. The founding confirms that body size of Artemia is following with Bergmann's rule. Microsc. Res. Tech. 79:258–266, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Utilizing electron microscopic observation, several contacts between small, granule-containing cells (SGC) and postganglionic neurons (PGN) in the celiac ganglion of the guinea pig have been observed. A SGC in very close association with a PGN was seen to receive a distinct synaptic contact that contained many vesicles with dense cores. This contact was morphologically unlike cholinergic synapses previously reported on chromaffin cells. Because the SGC and PGN were clearly separated by a thin rim of satellite cell cytoplasm mutual to both cells, it is not known how or if the SGC would possibly exert a synaptic or paracrine effect on the PGN. Also, intraganglion SGC existed as large well-vascularized islands within the celiac ganglion. These intraganlion clusters sometimes contained more than 50 cells and perhaps could be considered to function as localized neuroendocrine components within the ganglion by secreting granule products into the nearby blood vessels for local or distant effects, although this certainly is not known. This work reports a unique synaptic ending upon a single-occurring SGC, which, in turn, closely approximates a ganglion neuron in a soma-somatic relationship. In addition, a very close association (but no actual contact) was observed between granule-containing processes, presumably emanating from the intraganglion clusters, and PGN. Whatever the function of ganglionic SGC may be, the exact relationship between SGC and PGN presumably would be of great interest and potential importance. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The current study has designed to investigate the morphological characteristics of the gills of the dusky grouper (Epinephelus marginatus) by gross morphology, scanning electron microscopy, and morphometric analysis. The study was carried out on 10 fresh fish. The fish has four-gill arches on each side. The lengths of the first-, second-, third-, and fourth-gill arches were 5.27, 4.2, 3.2, and 2.8 cm. The gill arches carried a longitudinal band, the bases of the gill filaments, and gill rakers that varied from rectangular to circular shapes. Each gill arch had two main lateral and medial rows and two accessory rows of gill rakers in an alternative manner with each other. The dusky grouper fish had long rakers, whereas the longest one was the lateral rakers of the first arch, which were 467 and 1271.9 μm in width and length. Three types of spines appeared on the gill arches and rakers. The long spine had detected on the apex of the short rakers. Each gill arch carried on its ventral side two rows of gill filaments. The long filaments were at the middle of the gill arch, while the short ones were at the rostral end of the gill arch. The study has demonstrated the taste buds, mucous, chloride cells, and significant features of the epithelial covering of the gill arches and rakers. The morphology of the gills of the dusky grouper indicates the adaptation to their marine environment.  相似文献   

Male of Triatoma rubrofasciata has four elongated sac-like reproductive mesodermic accessory glands, lined by an inner single layer of secretory cells, with basal plasma membrane infolds and short apical microvilli, and externally enveloped by a thin visceral muscle layer. The secretory cells have a well-developed rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex, mitochondria, and secretory granules. In one day old adult the gland cells are poorly developed, presenting small, electron-transparent secretory granules scattered among the rough endoplasmatic reticulum, whereas in three days old adult these cells have the cisternae of the rough endoplasmatic reticulum varing size degree, filled with granular electrondense content. In five days old males the secretory granules increase in diameter, being released to the gland lumen. Therefore, there is an increase of the secretory activity according to male maturation.  相似文献   

Modern neoselachian sharks may be separated from more basal relatives by the presence of tooth enameloid comprising three layers. Although enameloid microstructure studies were mostly used in the aim of differentiating supposed basal neoselachians from hybodonts, differences in the enameloid organization among neoselachians have been recognized suggesting the potential for use of enameloid microstructure as a phylogenetic tool within the neoselachian sharks. The enameloid microstructure of five taxa of neoselachian sharks belonging to two orders, the Hexanchiformes and Synechodontiformes, has been studied. The Hexanchiformes are a monophyletic order with extant representatives, whereas the extinct Synechodontiformes have been considered as monophyletic, paraphyletic, or polyphyletic by different authors. This study has revealed numerous new enameloid microstructures such as amalgamated crystallites in the internal units [parallel‐bundled enameloid (PBE) and tangled‐bundled enameloid], cavities at the shiny‐layered enameloid (SLE)/PBE boundary, radial furrows in the PBE, as well as different original organizations at the base of the crown and in the PBE at the level of the cutting edges. Pachyhexanchus pockrandti (Hexanchiforme) and Welcommia bodeuri have the most of the features in common and they share more characters with those of Paraorthacodus sp. and Sphenodus sp. than with Synechodus sp. Microsc. Res. Tech., 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Morphology of antennal sensilla and their distributions were investigated in male and female adults of two tortricid moths, Cydia pomonella and C. succedana using scanning electron microscopy. The antennae of both sexes of the two species were filiform, and the overall lengths of the antennae and the number of consisting segments were greater in males than in females. Six types of sensilla (s.) were identified from the antennae of both sexes in the two species: s. trichodea, s. basiconica, s. coeloconica, s. auricillica, s. chaetica, and s. styloconica, in varying numbers and distribution along the antennae. Among them, surface of four sensilla types (s. trichodea, s. basiconica, s. coeloconica, s. auricillica) were multiporous in the two species, indicating that the primary function of these sensilla is olfactory. The s. trichodea were the most numerous on the antennae in both sexes of the two species. Male C. pomonella has a greater number of s. trichodea than the female. The four sensilla types were further divided into different subtypes in the two species; s. trichodea into three subtypes, s. basiconica into two subtypes, s. coeloconica into two subtypes in C. pomonella and one subtype in C. succedana, and s. auricillica into two subtypes. Sexual dimorphism was observed in the subtypes of s. trichodea. The long subtype of s. trichodea occurs only on male antennae, whereas the short subtypes mainly on female antennae. These findings would be helpful for further studies on detailed chemo‐receptive functions of each subtype of the antennal sensilla.  相似文献   

In this paper, we studied pollen morphologies of seven species in genus Aletris in detail by light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Of these, six species were reported for the first time. The palynological characteristics do not support the infrageneric classification into two clades. The results indicated that pollen grains of Aletris are small or medium with the P/E ratio of 0.36–0.59. They are elliptic or long‐elliptic in the polar view with blunt, round or acute ends and bilateral symmetric with a monosulcate, narrow or wide, deep colpus that has length extending to the ends of pollen grains, obvious or absent colpus membranes. The pollen ornamentation is gemmate, perforated, or reticulate. The sexine is slightly or quite thicker than the nexine.  相似文献   

The genus Ziziphora L. (Lamiaceae) is represented by five species (nine taxa) in the Turkish Flora. These taxa are Z. clinopodioides Lam. (subsp. elbursensis, subsp. filicaulis, subsp. kurdica, subsp. rigida), Z. capitata L., Z. persica Bunge, Z. tenuior L., Z. taurica Bieb. subsp. taurica, and Z. taurica Bieb. subsp. cleonioides (Boiss.) Davis which to be an endemic taxon for Turkey. They are strongly aromatic herbs which contain rich pulegone and used as herbal teas and spices and for this reason. In this study, comparative anatomy of the genus Ziziphora growing in Turkey is presented for the first time. In anatomical studies, cross sections of vegetative organs such as the root, stem, and leaf (lamina and petiole) were examined. In addition, to exhibit stomatal distribution and anatomy on adaxial and abaxial leaves were taken surface sections of the lamina and calculated stomatal index. Lamina and petiole anatomy were shown to be of great importance in the taxonomy of the Ziziphora taxa. The presence or absence of sclerenchyma in midrib of lamina and petiole, cortex parenchyma layer, mesophyll structure, and epidermal surface were found to be important characters for identification of Ziziphora taxa.  相似文献   

In this article, the reproductive system's morphology of three young animals of the species Saguinus midas, from the bauxite mine in Paragominas, is described. The specimens were fixed and preserved in a solution of 10% aqueous formaldehyde, followed by dissection, measurement of the genital organs (uterus, vagina, ovaries, and uterine tubes), and histological processing. The vulva is delimited by the labia, with a clitoris. It is lined by keratinized stratified squamous epithelium with sebaceous glands of holocrine secretion. The vagina is an elongated tube with an average length of 26 mm and diameter of 1 mm, presenting a non-keratinized squamous epithelium, disposed between the vestibule of the vagina and cervix, the latter being relatively short. The uterus is simple, has globular shape and is located in the caudal portion of the abdominal cavity, with an average length of 14 mm and average width of 7 mm. It is formed by vascular and serous layers of muscles, and undergoes a bifurcation to form two structures on the bottom of blind sac. The uterine tubes are long and convoluted with an average length of 35 mm (right) and 36 mm (left), consisting of loose connective tissue and muscle layer lined by simple ciliated columnar epithelium. The ovaries are large and ellipsoid with smooth surface. Histologically, one animal showed ovulation fosse.  相似文献   

The presence of hard jaws (trophi), with species-specific shape and size, is a taxonomic feature of Rotifera, a group of microscopic metazoans. Since trophi are used to discriminate among species, it is important to know whether these structures change in taxonomically important ways during postembryonic development. Using both SEM and optical images, we analyzed more than 100 individuals of a single clonal lineage of a monogonont rotifer, Brachionus plicatilis, in order to describe body and trophi development after hatching. Body size, expressed as lorica width and length, was isometrically related to age of the animals only during preadult stages. Trophi size, expressed as length of the different parts, was unrelated to either age or body size. Therefore, trophi elements do not grow after hatching in B. plicatilis. Despite the dimensional invariance with age, some differences in trophi size among individuals of the same clone were recorded. No difference in left-right asymmetry of the trophi was shown; the asymmetric elements of the trophi named rami consistently had the right ramus longer than the left. This constancy is in contrast to the reported trophi asymmetries in bdelloid rotifers, in which left-right asymmetries are not constant within clonal lineages. In conclusion, we suggest that also trophi size, constant within the analyzed clone, may be used as an additional taxonomic feature to help in the discrimination of taxa within the B. plicatilis complex of cryptic species.  相似文献   

Morphology of antennal sensilla and their distribution were investigated in male and female adults of the parasitoid fly Gymnosoma rotundatum (Diptera: Tachinidae) using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The overall length and shape were not different between males and females from each other. Three basic types of sensilla (sensilla basiconica, s. chaetica, and s. coeloconica) were identified from both sexes, but with variations in numbers and distribution along the antennae. The s. basiconica and s. chaetica could be divided further into subtypes; s. basiconica into three subtypes and s. chaetica into two subtypes. All the basiconica subtypes 1, 2, and 3 were multiporous, indicating that their primary function was olfactory. The sensilla basiconica was most abundant on the antennae of both sexes. The abundance of s. basiconica subtype 1 was different, but other subtypes 2 and 3 were similar between males and females. There was no pore on the cuticular surface of the s. chaetica and s. coeloconica, suggesting that they are likely to be a mechanosensory or a thermohygroreceptory function. The abundance of the two sensillum types was similar between males and females. The morphological information obtained in our study provides a basis for future investigations into the sensory physiological function, and associated behaviors, of each type of sensilla in this parasitoid fly.  相似文献   

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