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Biological degradation in packed bed anaerobic mesophilic reactors with five different support materials was studied for the treatment of chemical-pharmaceutical wastewater with high COD (23-31 g/L), which contains toxic organic compounds. Experimental up-flow bio-filters were operated at different organic loads for a two-year period. Removals of 80-98% were obtained in the reactors with sand, anthracite and black tezontle, but at relatively low organic loads, less than 3.6 kg m(-3)d(-1). The reactor with granular activated carbon (GAC) had a better performance; efficiencies higher than 95% were obtained at loads up to 17 kg m(-3)d(-1) and higher than 80% with loads up to 26 kg m(-3)d(-1). Second in performance was the reactor with red tezontle which allows COD removals higher than 80% with loads up to 6 kg m(-3)d(-1). The use of GAC as support material allows greater biodegradation rates than the rest of the materials and it makes the process more resistant to organic load increases, inhibition effects and toxicity. Methanogenic activity was inhibited at loads higher than 21.9 kg m(-3)d(-1) in the GAC-reactor and at loads higher than 3.6 kg m(-3)d(-1) in the rest of the reactors. At loads lower than the previously mentioned, high methane production yield was obtained, 0.32-0.35 m3CH4/kg CODremoved.  相似文献   

The studied organic chemical wastewater had a high COD, 20-45g/L, and low TSS, less than 200 mg/L, making anaerobic bio-filtration a suitable treatment method. The organic matter consisted of alcohols, amines, ketones and aromatic compounds, such as toluene and phenol. Granulated activated carbon (GAC) and a porous stone called tezontle, widely available in Mexico, were used as a bio-film support. Once inoculated, the mesophilic reactors with granulated activated carbon (GAC-BFs) reached stability with 80% COD removal in 40 days, while the reactors with tezontle material (tezontle-BF) required 145 days. Biodegradation of more than 95% was obtained with both support media: at organic loads less than 1.7 kg m(-3) d (-1) in tezontle-BF and with loads of up to 13.3 kg m(-3) d(-1) in GAC-BFs. The bio-filters with GAC allowed COD removal efficiency of 80% at a load as high as 26.3 kg m (-3) d(-1), while the same efficiency with tezontle was obtained at loads up to 4.45 kgm (-3d) (-1). The use of GAC as support material allows greater biodegradation rates than tezontle and it makes the bio-filters more resistant to organic increases, inhibition effects and toxicity. Methanogenic activity was inhibited at loads higher than 1.7 kg m(-3) d(-1) in bio-filters with tezontle and 22.8 kg m(-3) d(-1 ) in bio-filters with GAC. At loads lower than the previously mentioned, high methane production yield was obtained, 0.32-0.35 m(3) CH4/kg COD removed. The biomass growth rates were low in the bio-filters with both kinds of material; however, a sufficiently high biomass holdup was obtained.  相似文献   

Membrane separation technology represents an alternative way to achieve biomass retention in anaerobic bioreactors for wastewater treatment. Due to high biomass concentrations of anaerobic reactors, cake formation is likely to represent a major cause of flux decline. In the presented research, experiments are performed on the effect of biomass concentration and level of gas sparging on the hydraulic capacity of a submerged anaerobic membrane bioreactor. Both parameters significantly affected the hydraulic capacity, with biomass exerting the most pronounced effect. After 50 days of continuous operation the critical flux remained virtually unchanged, despite an increase in membrane resistance, suggesting that biomass characteristics and hydraulic conditions determine the bio-layer formation rather than the membrane's fouling level. The concept of bio-layer management is introduced to describe the programmed combination of actions performed in order to control the formation of biomass layer over membranes.  相似文献   

This paper presents the behaviour of a full-scale expanded bed reactor (160 m3) with overlaid anaerobic and aerobic zones used for municipal wastewater treatment. The research was carried out in two experimental steps: anaerobic and anaerobic-aerobic conditions, and the experimental results presented in this paper refer to four months of reactor operation. In the anaerobic condition, after inoculation and 60 days of operation, the reactor treating 3.40 kg CODm(-3)d(-1) for thetaH of 2.69 h, reached mean removal efficiencies of 76% for BOD, 72% for COD, and 80% for TSS, when the effluent presented mean values of 225 mg.L(-1) of COD, 98 mg.L(-1) of BOD and 35 mg.L(-1) of TSS. Under these conditions, for nitrogen loading of 0.27 kgN.m(-3)d(-1), the reactor generated an effluent with mean N-org. of 8 mg.L(-1) and N-ammon. of 37 mg.L(-1), demonstrating high potential of ammonification. For the anaerobic-aerobic condition (118th day) the system was operated with thetaH of 5.38 h presented mean removal efficiencies of 84% for BOD, 79% for COD, 76% for TSS, and 30% for TKN. The reactor's operation time was less than two months, which was not long enough to reach nitrification. Regarding the obtained results, this research confirmed that this reactor is configured as a flexible and adequate alternative for the treatment of sewage, requiring relatively small area and only thetaH of 10 h that can be adjusted to the local circumstances.  相似文献   

提出厌氧复合循环颗粒污泥悬浮床反应器的新型反应器理论.通过引入分级三相分离器,使悬浮床反应器上部处理区液体和沼气的上升速度大大降低,创造了污泥颗粒沉降的良好环境.底部利用高负荷产生的沼气形成内循环,同时设置外回流系统,内、外循环实现了进水与颗粒污泥间的充分接触及保持了良好的反应条件,创造了大幅度提高CODCr容积负荷的条件.对反应器的启动、运行和在不同负荷条件下的去除效果和悬浮流态进行了研究.研究表明,厌氧颗粒污泥悬浮床反应器处理淀粉废水,可在负荷30~40 kg CODCr/(m3·d)条件下稳定运行,最高负荷达57.2kgCODCr/(m3·d),平均CODCr去除率可达90%.  相似文献   

绍兴污水处理厂一期30万m3/d印染废水集中处理工程采用生化+物化处理工艺,介绍了工艺流程及设计特点。总结了调试、运行经验,处理出水达到《纺织染整工业水污染物排放标准》(GB4287-1992)二级标准,正式投产运行两年来,工艺运行稳定。  相似文献   

分析原混合啤酒废水采用调节水解酸化 好氧生物氧化 气浮工艺处理出水不能稳定达标的原因为 :废水在水解酸化池停留时间过长 ,大量消耗废水中的BOD ,致使废水可生化性变差 ,影响处理废水水量和好氧生化处理效果。介绍了应用厌氧UASB技术分质处理高浓度酿造废水 ,再与其它低浓度废水混合进入生物接触氧化工艺处理的设计、调试和工程实际运行情况。实践证明 ,扩改后工艺可大大提高废水处理水量 ,具有高效低耗、运行稳定、投资省、管理简单、出水水质好的特点  相似文献   

The performance of aerobic submerged packed bed reactors was studied for the treatment of domestic wastewater using different kinds of packing materials with high specific areas (760-1,200 m(2)/m(3)). The tested materials were ceramic spheres, crushed tezontle, grains of high density polyethylene (HDPE), of low density polyethylene (LDPE) and of polypropylene (PP), cubes of polyurethane (PU) and polyethylene tape (SESSIL). The bioreactors were operated in continuous regime, applying organic loads in the range of 0.8-6.0 g COD.m(-2).d(-1). The obtained specific COD removal rates were very similar in all the reactors when they were operated at organic loads up to 2.0 g COD.m(-2).d(-1), after which differences in effectiveness appeared and the best results were determined in the reactors with SESSIL, LDPE and PU. Very low TSS, O&G and turbidity were obtained in all the effluents. The NH(3)-N and TN removals were dependent on the dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration and the removals at DO of 5 mg/l were 84-99% and 61-74% respectively. The best removals were determined in the reactors with PU, SESSIL and LDPE. The reactor with tezontle had also a good performance when operated with loads up to 1.0 g TN.m(-2).d(-1). The best phosphate removals (38-49%) were obtained in the reactors with PU, tezontle, ceramic sheres and SESSIL.  相似文献   

The long start-up period of fluidized bed biofilm reactors is a serious obstacle for their wide installation in the anaerobic treatment of industrial wastewater. This paper presents the results of an anaerobic inverse turbulent bioreactor treating distillery wastewater during 117 days of operation at a laboratory scale. The pre-colonized bioparticles for this work were obtained from a similar reactor processing the same wastewater and which had a start-up period of 3 months. The system attained carbon removal efficiency rates between 70 and 92%, at an organic loading rate of 30.6 kg m(-3) d(-1) (chemical oxygen demand) with a hydraulic retention time of 11.1 h. The results obtained showed that the start-up period of this kind of reactors can be reduced by 3 using pre-colonized bioparticles.  相似文献   

A new anaerobic-oxic biological filter reactor, which was packed with carbon fibre and aerated with micro-bubbles, was proposed. The reactor performance was examined using dye works wastewater compared with the activated sludge reactor. Effluent SS from the experimental reactor was significantly lower than that from the activated sludge reactor, and transparency was higher. Temperatures of the activated sludge reactor were over 35 degrees C and DOC removal ratios were 40-80% depending on the influent wastewater. On the other hand, the DOC removal efficiency of the experimental reactor was over 70%, when the reactor temperature was over 22 degrees C. In the anaerobic zone, sulphate reduction occurred predominantly and acetate was produced. In the oxic reactor, sulphur oxidation and organic removal occurred. When the amount of sulphate reduction in the anaerobic zone increased, DOC and colour in effluent decreased. The sulphate reducing activity of biofilm at 30 degrees C was three times higher than those at 20 degrees C. The sulphate reducing activity of biofilm in the oxic zone was higher than those in the anaerobic zone, meaning that the sulphate reduction-oxidation cycles were established in the biofilm of the oxic zone. Microbial community of sulphate reducing bacteria was examined by in situ hybridisation with 16S rRNA targeted oligonucleotide probes. Desulfobulbus spp. was most common sulphate reducing bacteria in the anaerobic zone. In the oxic zone, Desulfobulbus spp. and Desulfococcus spp. were observed.  相似文献   

This paper presents the design and operational performance data of an anaerobic/aerobic hybrid side-stream Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) process for treating paper mill effluent operated over a 6 month period. The paper mill effluent stream was characterized by a chemical oxygen demand (COD) range of between 1,600 and 4,400 mg/L and an average BOD of 2,400 mg/L. Despite large fluctuations in COD feed concentration, stable process performance was achieved. The anaerobic Expanded Granular Sludge Bed (EGSB) pre-treatment step effectively lowered the organic loading by 65 to 85%, thus lowering the MBR COD feed concentration to consistently below 750 mg/L. The overall MBR COD removal was consistent at an average of 96%, regardless of the effluent COD or changes in the hydraulic retention time (HRT) and organic loading rate (OLR). Combining a high-rate anaerobic pre-treatment EGSB with a Modified Ludzack-Ettinger (MLE) MBR process configuration produced a high quality permeate. Preliminary NF and RO results indicated an overall COD removal of around 97 and 98%, respectively.  相似文献   

王凯军  江翰  贺延龄 《给水排水》2008,34(5):165-169
从反应器理论上对现有高效厌氧反应器流动状态进行研究和分析,认为化工过程理论提出的膨胀床和流化床之间实际上还存在着一个过渡区。经过对反应器过渡区流动状态细致研究,提出悬浮床反应器的概念。重点讨论厌氧悬浮床反应器理论,并通过上流式厌氧污泥床运行模式的实际反应器运行分析,从试验角度证实厌氧悬浮床反应器流动状态的优越性。  相似文献   

Wine distillery wastewaters (WDW) are acidic and have a high content of potential organic pollutants. This causes high chemical oxygen demand (COD) values. Polyphenols constitute a significant portion of this COD, and limit the efficiency of biological treatment of WDWs. WDW starting parameters were as follows: pH 3.83, 4,185 mg/l soluble COD (COD(s)) and 674.6 mg/l of phenols. During operation, amendments of CaCO3 and K2HPO4, individually or in combination, were required for buffering the digester. Volatile fatty acid concentrations were < 300 mg/l throughout the study, indicating degradation of organic acids present. Mean COD(s) removal efficiency for the 130 day study was 87%, while the mean polyphenol, removal efficiency was 63%. Addition of 50 mg/l Fe(3+) between days 86 and 92 increased the removal efficiencies of COD(s) to 97% and of polyphenols to 65%. Addition of Co(3+) improved removal efficiencies to 97% for COD(s) and 92% for polyphenols. Optimization of anaerobic treatment was achieved at 30% WDW feed strength. Removal efficiencies of 92% and 84% were recorded at increased feed strength from days 108 to 130. High removal efficiencies of COD(s) and polyphenols after day 82 were attributed to the addition of macronutrients and micronutrients that caused pH stability and thus stimulated microbial activity.  相似文献   

The hydrogen and methane were produced from wastewater sludge using a Clostridium strain. The original sludge and the pre-treated (acidified, sterilized, freeze/thawed, and sonicated) sludges were tested. Some pre-treatment could enhance hydrogen yield, and the other tests could enhance methane yield. Hydrogen yield followed freeze/thawed>acidified>sterilized>original sludge>sonicated; while methane yield followed sonicated>freeze/thawed>sterilized>acidified>original sludge. The production and consumption of acetate correlated closely with the trends in both yields.  相似文献   

An activated sludge/biofilm hybrid process treating municipal wastewater was studied in pilot plant trials. A new type of suspended carrier, with large effective surface area, was employed in the process with the aim of enhancing nitrification. The pilot plant was operated for 1.5 years in five different configurations including pre-denitrification in all five and enhanced biological phosphorus removal in the final two. The wastewater temperature ranged between 11 degrees C and 20 degrees C, and the nominal dissolved oxygen (DO) level was 5-6 mg/L. The nitrification rate obtained on the new carrier within the hybrid stage was in the range of 0.9-1.2 g NH4-N/m2/d corresponding to a volumetric rate of 19-23 g NH4-N/m3/h (total nitrification including nitrification in the suspended solids). More than 80% of the total nitrification took place on the carrier (and the remainder in the suspended solids). The nitrification rate was shown to correlate with DO, decreasing when the DO was decreased. The results supported the idea of using the new carrier as a tool to upgrade plants not having nitrification today or improve nitrification in activated sludge processes not reaching necessary discharge levels. The large surface area present for nitrification makes it possible to obtain high nitrification rates within limited volumes. The possibility to keep the total suspended solid content low (< 3 g/L) and avoiding problems with the filament Microthrix parvicella, are other beneficial properties of the hybrid process.  相似文献   

The influence of temperature (5-35 C) and salinity (up to 20 g/l NaCl) on the wastewater purification process in completely mixed and aerated submerged fixed bed biofilm reactors (SFBBRs) was studied. C- and N-conversion in SFBBRs designed according to the DWA (German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste) rules for carbon removal was investigated for several months on synthetic wastewater. The DOC degradation rate was even at, according to the DWA, high DOC/BOD loading rates not much affected by temperatures between 5-35 degrees C and salt contents up to 20 g/L NaCl. At these high DOC loadings an appreciable ammonium conversion could also be observed. The ammonium conversion proved to be sensitive to temperature and salinity. At 5 degrees C the ammonium removal rate decreased by a factor of five compared to 25-35 degrees C. Under many operation conditions investigated more than 50% of the converted ammonium was transformed into gaseous nitrogen. The addition of 20 g/L NaCl caused a strong inhibition of the ammonium removal rate over the whole temperature range investigated.  相似文献   

A basic procedure is proposed for dimensioning membrane bioreactors that is generally applicable. It evaluates the required membrane surface with particular consideration of loading combinations and hydraulic loading characteristics; it also takes into account ranges of minimum temperatures and corresponding fluxes as given by suppliers. The procedures, while likely to require further improvement, should make MBR design more transparent and aid the comparison of design variants.  相似文献   

Two similar membrane bioreactors of 2 m3 each were operated in parallel over two years under the same operational conditions, fed with the same municipal wastewater. The only process and operational difference between both pilot plants was the position of the denitrification zone (pre-denitrification in pilot 1 and post-denitrification in pilot 2). Despite parallel operation, the two MBRs exhibited different fouling rates and decreases in permeability. These differences could not be accounted for by MLSS concentrations, loading rates, or filtration flux. In a one-year investigation, soluble and colloidal organic material in the activated sludge of both MBR was regularly analysed by spectrophotometric and Size Exclusion Chromatography (SEC) methods. The larger organic molecules present in the sludge water phase (i.e. polysaccharides, proteins and organic colloids) originating from microbial activity (extracellular polymeric substances) were found to impact on the fouling and to explain the difference in membrane performance between the two MBR units. In both pilot plants, a linear relationship could be clearly demonstrated between the fouling rate of the membrane and the concentration of polysaccharides in the sludge water phase during a 5 month operational period at an SRT of 8 days.  相似文献   

The treatment of winery wastewater was performed at full-scale applying a two-stage fixed bed biofilm reactor (FBBR) system for the discharge in the sewerage. The results of the first year of operation at the full-scale plant are presented. Values of removed organic loads and effluent concentrations were interpreted on the basis of the COD fractionation of influent wastewater assessed through respirometric tests. The average removal efficiency of total COD was 91 %. It was not possible to reach an higher efficiency because of the unbiodegradable soluble fraction of COD (about 10% of total COD on average during the whole year), that cannot be removed by biological process or settling. Due to the high empty space offered by the plastic carriers, FBBRs did not require backwashing during the seasonal operationing period of the plant (September-March). In comparison with other treatment systems the FBBR configuration allows one to ensure a simple management, to obtain high efficiency also in the case of higher fluctuations of flow and loads and to guarantee a good settleability of the sludge, without bulking problems.  相似文献   

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