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网格化的动态自组织高性能计算机体系结构DSAG   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
传统的高性能计算机系统面临着变革,特别是体系结构需要创新,应用程序的设计方法与运行模式、可重构计算、网格化技术和光互连技术将深刻影响未来高性能计算机系统体系结构的发展,提出了网格化动态自组织体系结构(DSAG),可以支持体系结构按需定制(architecture on demand)的新模式,并探讨了相应光互连及DSAG操作系统的设计以及DSAG思想在其他层次系统设计中的应用。  相似文献   

基于高速网络的广域高性能并行与分布式计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文试图说明以下观点:越来越多的高性能应用要求利用地理上分布的、各式各样的计算和数据资源。这些应用希望能够通过高速网络将地理上分布、异构的各种高性能计算机、数据服务器、大型检索存储系统和可视化、虚拟现实系统等连接并集成起来,形成一个网络虚拟计算机(称为元计算机),来实现应用计算问题。这种元计算实质上就是基于高速网络的广域高性能并行与分布式计算。  相似文献   

一种面向服务的动态协同架构及其支撑平台   总被引:48,自引:1,他引:48  
为了让面向服务的架构下的应用系统能够灵活地动态演化以适应底层因特网计算环境和用户需求的变化,该文提出了一种面向服务的动态协同架构.该架构引入内置的运行时体系结构对象来解耦系统中的各个服务构件,并通过该对象以体系结构的视角来重解释服务部件之间的引用和交互.这样就把体系结构这一抽象概念具体化为可直接操控的对象,从而可以利用面向对象程序设计语言的继承和多态等整套机制,导出一种面向体系结构的系统动态演化技术.为支持这一架构,设计并实现了一个支撑平台Artemis-ARC,为具有动态调整能力的面向服务应用系统的开发、运行和监控提供了一套可视化的集成环境.在此平台上还开发了一个简单的示例应用以展示动态调整的效果.  相似文献   

随着现代企业信息环境的异构性、自治性、分布性越来越明显,基于广域网技术和分布式计算技术、支持企业之间及企业内部跨地域协作的分布式工作流系统成为工作流技术发展的必然趋势和当今研究的热点。论文介绍了事件驱动的分布式工作流技术并将其应用于一个医疗保险网络信息系统的设计,给出了一个医疗保险分布式工作流系统的模型架构,并结合具体业务流程对实现过程做了简要描述。  相似文献   

电信运营要求网络管理系统之间能够有效地实现动态协作。该文分析了网络管理系统间的异构性和紧耦合性对其进行动态协作产生的限制,利用Web Services技术和面向服务的思想,将网络管理系统的网络管理功能以管理服务的形式提供,提出了一个异构网络管理系统间动态协作体系结构,分析了体系结构中存在的层次关系及体系结构中各成员的交互过程。该体系结构有效地屏蔽了网络管理系统之间的异构性,具有较好的松耦合性和动态协作能力。  相似文献   

针对传统分布式计算模式在满足企业及时性和有效性要求上的局限,提出了利用移动Agent技术构建分布、异构和动态的企业计算模式,给出了系统的体系结构,分析了系统架构中的关键技术,并提出了对应的方法,找到了一个具有一定综合性、面向未来的企业计算模式。  相似文献   

陶小涵  朱雨  庞建民  赵捷  徐金龙 《软件学报》2023,34(4):1570-1593
异构架构逐渐成为高性能计算领域的主流架构,但相较于同构多核架构,其硬件结构及存储层次更为复杂,程序编写更为困难.先进的优化编译器可以协助程序开发人员实现更为高效的代码,降低程序开发复杂度.多面体编译模型通过抽象分析将程序抽象成空间多面体表示形式,能够将多种循环变换与硬件映射相结合,并面向特定体系结构生成相应的代码.设计实现了一个面向国产申威异构架构的并行代码自动生成系统,采用“源-源”编译模式,基于多面体编译模型实现.系统针对申威异构架构特点将程序计算过程进行硬件部署,同时实现数据传输与内存空间的自动管理.实验基于Polybench测试集中线性代数相关用例进行测试.结果表明,利用代码自动生成系统生成的异构并行代码能够在申威异构平台上正确运行,并能够有效发挥申威异构平台的性能,基于申威异构平台利用64线程加速计算的平均加速比达到了539.16倍.  相似文献   

高性能计算是气象业务及科研应用的重要的基础平台,中国气象局(CMA)近年来相继引进多套高性能计算机系统用以提高气象服务和研发能力。随着用户和应用的增加,如何有效管理高性能系统资源成为一个重要课题。本文详解介绍CMA高性能计算机系统统一资源管理平台的设计和实现,该系统可以对多套异构的高性能计算机系统进行统一的资源精细化统计分析和计费管理,通过该平台,系统管理员动态掌握系统的运行和资源使用情况,并据此调整系统资源分配调度策略,从而更合理高效的利用系统资源,有效提高系统运行效益。  相似文献   

动态联盟的分布性、自治性、动态性等特征,给联盟的协调带来极大的复杂性。在讨论基于Web服务的多A-gent协同平台的基础上,提出如何解决异构CSCD系统之间的组织,同时对MAS的协作、协商、协调和通信机制进行了深入研究,建立了多Agent协作的网络协同设计多层体系结构和协作模型,为动态联盟环境下的协同技术提供支持。  相似文献   

一种面向动态软件体系结构的在线演化方法   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
余萍  马晓星  吕建  陶先平 《软件学报》2006,17(6):1360-1371
为适应计算环境和用户需求在系统运行期间的变化,满足软件系统进行动态演化的需求,提出面向动态软件体系结构的在线演化方法,设计并实现了一种运行时刻的软件体系结构元模型,将原先运行时刻不可见的体系结构设计信息具体化为显式的体系结构实体,并与系统实现及系统规约之间保持因果关联.元模型的演化可通过反射实现对运行系统的修改和对规约的更新,所有演化行为都在良定义的体系结构元模型的指导下规范地进行,保证了演化前后系统的一致性、完整性和演化的可追溯性.基于该方法开发了可视化支撑平台Artemis-ARC系统,支持构件和服务的设计、开发、集成及动态演化,并通过简单的应用实例展示了在线演化的效果.  相似文献   

The mobile agent‐based computational steering (MACS) for distributed applications is presented in this article. In the MACS, a mobile agent platform, Mobile‐C, is embedded in a program through the Mobile‐C library to support C/C++ mobile agent code. Runtime replaceable algorithms of a program are represented as agent services in C/C++ source code and can be replaced with new ones through mobile agents. In the MACS, a mobile agent created and deployed by a user from the steering host migrates to computing hosts successively to replace algorithms of running programs that constitute a distributed application without the need of stopping the execution and recompiling the programs. The methodology of dynamic algorithm alteration in the MACS is described in detail with an example of matrix operation. The Mobile‐C library enables the integration of Mobile‐C into any C/C++ programs to carry out computational steering through mobile agents. The source code level execution of mobile agent code facilitates handling issues such as portability and secure execution of mobile agent code. In the MACS, the network load between the steering and computing hosts can be reduced, and the successive operations of a mobile agent on multiple computing hosts are not affected whether the steering host stays online or not. The employment of the middle‐level language C/C++ enables the MACS to accommodate the diversity of scientific and engineering fields to allow for runtime interaction and steering of distributed applications to match the dynamic requirements imposed by the user or the execution environment. An experiment is used to validate the feasibility of the MACS in real‐world mobile robot applications. The experiment replaces a mobile robot's behavioral algorithm with a mobile agent at runtime. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

云计算作为一种新兴的信息计算模型,为网络运营商提供了低成本的海量信息处理及存储服务,同时也为三网融合平台云化架构的底层支撑奠定了基础。从当前亿级大规模智能手机应用平台已经面临计算和存储的瓶颈问题出发,将云计算服务应用于手机通信和数据处理业务中,探讨了云计算在手机平台中的应用模式,并从远程控制、数据同步、定位跟踪以及资源推送等方面进行论述,此模式能够有效提升手机业务能力和降低运营成本。  相似文献   

基于移动计算的移动代理平台的实际应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
移动计算被认为是对未来最有影响的四大技术方向之一。它的作用在于将有用、准确、及时的信息与中央信息系统相互作用,分担中央信息系统的计算压力,使这些信息能提供给在任何时间、任何地点需要它的任何用户。为了更好的支持便携式设备上Microsoft的WinCE平台的移动计算,本文通过对基于Java的移动代理系统Aglet的比较,介绍了基于Windows平台的移动代理系统——WinMAS的优越性,同时详细地给出了相关的应用示例。  相似文献   

A mobile agent computing platform is based on J2ME technology and Jini system architecture and Mobile Server is presented. The platform is established on extended Jini system architecture, and is embedded in software kernel to support computing style of mobile agent. In order to overcome the shortage of traditional database access technology in mobile computing enviornment, a centralized database and a distributed heterogeneous database access technology based on mobile agent is proposed. Amied at the usable resource restraints in mobile computing environment, an enviornment apperceiving middleware is designed to allocate and manage the resources. The application results show that the effect in saving computing time by using this platform is notable.  相似文献   

面向对象的元计算系统的单一映象空间模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着计算机网络技术的成熟,基于网络的高性能计算技术正趋向异构节点间的元计算技术方向发展。元计算系统的研究目标是:将地理上分布的、属于不同管理域的、运行不同软件的、异构的计算和存储资源以及昂贵的仪器设备通过高速网络连接起来,形成超级计算能力。支持元计算的、将异构计算节点连接起来、实现系统透明访问的技术,是元系统的研究重点。本文论述了一种基于树型结构的单一映象空间模型-SiSM,它屏蔽构节点的硬件边界,为用户提供统一的编程接口、透明访问的虚拟机器。  相似文献   

The paper describes the design, implementation, and use of a commercial metacomputing environment for computationally intensive loosely-coupled parallel applications. Much weight has been laid on practical and commercialisation aspects, and on business benefit. This distinguishes this work from many other metacomputing activities in a positive way. It demonstrates how a metacomputing environment can be used to improve a company’s position in the market. A cluster of networked geographically dispersed computing nodes is considered as physical layer. The proposed distribution of work over the nodes of the execution network is proven optimal, in terms of minimizing the execution time, with respect to the availability of resources. We also present our experience on testing the environment for computing-intensive 3D-rendering jobs derived from the ESPRIT project EROPPA and demonstrate that the new environment can change dramatically the character of the post production business.  相似文献   

In the proposed advanced computing environment, known as the HoneyBee Platform, various computing devices using single or multiple interfaces and technologies/standards need to communicate and cooperate efficiently with a certain level of security and safety measures. These computing devices may be supported by different types of operating systems with different features and levels of security support. In order to ensure that all operations within the environment can be carried out seamlessly in an ad-hoc manner, there is a need for a common mobile platform to be developed. The purpose of this long-term project is to investigate and implement a new functional layered model of the common mobile platform with secured and trusted ensemble computing architecture for an innovative Digital Economic Environment in the Malaysian context. This mobile platform includes a lightweight operating system to provide a common virtual environment, a middleware for providing basic functionalities of routing, resource and network management, as well as to provide security, privacy and a trusted environment. A generic application programming interface is provided for application developers to access underlying resources. The aim is for the developed platform to act as the building block for an ensemble environment, upon which higher level applications could be built. Considered as the most essential project in a series of related projects towards a more digital socio-economy in Malaysia, this article presents the design of the target computational platform as well as the conceptual framework for the HoneyBee project.  相似文献   

介绍构造的元计算环境jME,阐述构建支持两层并行的元计算系统的节点管理、问题控制及用户管理等几个方面的关键技术。最后给出一个简单的性能分析。  相似文献   

The addition of reconfigurable hardware (FPGAs) to the nodes of Beowulf-style clusters has the potential to accelerate a variety of parallel applications through a combination of parallel programming and reconfigurable computing techniques. However, making efficient use of the computational resources available places a significant burden on the application developer due to the lack of support for reconfigurable computing and task heterogeneity in standard message-passing libraries. This paper describes Accessible Reconfigurable Computing (ARC), a metacomputing environment designed to address these issues. The architecture, implementation, and operation of the system are described in detail.  相似文献   

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