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In this paper we introduce the design and development of the Learning Cube as a novel tangible learning appliance. Using the common shape of a cube we implemented a general learning platform that supports test based quizzes where questions and answers can be text or image based. Exploiting the physical affordances of the cube and augmenting it with embedded sensors and LCD displays placed on each face, we present different learning appliances as playful learning interfaces for children. Based on the initial observations of the experience with children, we argue that breaking conventions about how a computer has to look like, and providing children with a playful interface is a promising approach to embed and integrate technology into children’s everyday context and activities.  相似文献   

Manipulatives—physical learning materials such as cubes or tiles—are prevalent in educational settings across cultures and have generated substantial research into how actions with physical objects may support children’s learning. The ability to integrate digital technology into physical objects—so-called ‘digital manipulatives’—has generated excitement over the potential to create new educational materials. However, without a clear understanding of how actions with physical materials lead to learning, it is difficult to evaluate or inform designs in this area. This paper is intended to contribute to the development of effective tangible technologies for children’s learning by summarising key debates about the representational advantages of manipulatives under two key headings: offloading cognition—where manipulatives may help children by freeing up valuable cognitive resources during problem solving, and conceptual metaphors—where perceptual information or actions with objects have a structural correspondence with more symbolic concepts. The review also indicates possible limitations of physical objects—most importantly that their symbolic significance is only granted by the context in which they are used. These arguments are then discussed in light of tangible designs drawing upon the authors’ current research into tangibles and young children’s understanding of number.  相似文献   

In this paper, we suggest Laddering as a promising empirical method to evaluate the impact of tangibility on young children’s user experiences. In the first part of this paper, we explain what Laddering is. We explicate the conceptual foundations of Laddering, discuss the typical Laddering interviewing technique and focus on the Laddering data treatment. Then, we argue why Laddering might be especially valuable in a context of UX evaluations of tangible and embedded interfaces with children. In the second part of this paper, we present a case study, comparing three cuddly toy interfaces, and we demonstrate how Laddering can be used with preschoolers to explain preferences between these tangible interfaces. The case study confirms that Laddering can contribute to verifying the assumed benefits of tangibility. Laddering revealed how specific cuddly toy attributes as opposed to non-cuddly toy attributes led to specific benefits for the young participants. However, contrary to research findings from developmental literature, only children aged 5 years and older proved to be capable of performing as full Laddering respondents.  相似文献   

For centuries, learning and development has been supported by physical activity and manipulating physical objects. With the introduction of embedded technologies, opportunities for employing tangible or embodied interaction for learning and development have emerged. As a result of previous research, we have seen that interaction models based on embodied knowledge (through embodied metaphors) can support children’s learning in abstract domains. Although metaphorical mappings are promoted in tangible and embodied interaction research, little is known about how to identify embodied metaphors, or how to implement them effectively into interaction models. In this paper, we introduce a people-centered, iterative approach to the design of tangible learning systems with embodied metaphor-based mappings. As a design case, we implemented our approach to the design of Moving Sounds (MoSo) Tangibles; a tangible system for learning abstract sound concepts. The system consists of a set of interactive tangibles with which children can manipulate pitch, volume, and tempo of ongoing tones. In a user study with 39 participants, we found that all children were able to reproduce sound samples with MoSo Tangibles.  相似文献   

Interactive whiteboards (IWBs) have been widely introduced to English primary schools (5–11 years) in the last decade and this has generated much research interest. In the past, research has focused on IWB-use in teacher-led sessions, attending particularly to the nature of teacher-pupil interaction at the IWB and the apparent motivational advantages for children. In contrast, this study focuses on children’s communication and thinking during their semi-autonomous use of the IWB during collaborative groupwork in primary school science lessons, aiming in part to see if the IWB is suited to this type of use. Over the course of one school year, twelve primary teachers of Years 4 and 5 (8–10 years) took part in a professional development and research programme which involved them in devising a sequence of three science lessons incorporating small-group activity at the IWB. The functionality of the IWB is analysed here as means for supporting the children’s joint communication and thinking, using embedded cues and the availability of certain features in the IWB technology. Our observational analysis of two examples of children’s collaborative activity in different classrooms, together with subsequent group interviews, suggests that the IWB can make some identifiable contributions to children’s productive communication and thinking. However the IWB is not seen to be an entirely distinctive or pedagogically transformative learning resource in the primary classroom. In our developing conceptual framework, the children’s knowledge building is closely related to their active engagement in using IWB affordances and their productive dialogue, essentially supported by the teacher’s scaffolding strategies, the establishment and use of “talk rules” in conversation, and the opportunities and constraints applying in classroom participation structures. These conditions help the children to deal with interconnected social, cognitive, and technical problems arising over time. Certain aspects of this form of computer-supported collaborative learning (CSCL) are discussed. These relate to the integration of the IWB with other classroom learning systems and resources, and to the nature of progression in children’s activity and learning with this new type of highly integrated system of CSCL.  相似文献   

Tangible technologies and shared interfaces create new paradigms for mediating collaboration through dynamic, synchronous environments, where action is as important as speech for participating and contributing to the activity. However, interaction with shared interfaces has been shown to be inherently susceptible to peer interference, potentially hindering productive forms of collaborative learning. Making learners effectively engage in processes of argumentative co-construction of knowledge is challenging in such exploratory learning environments. This paper adapts the social modes dimension of Weinberger and Fischer’s (Computers and Education 46(1):71–95, 2006) analytical framework (for argumentative co-construction of knowledge) to analyse episodes of interference, in the context of a shared tabletop interface, to better understand its effect on collaborative knowledge construction. Studies involved 43 students, aged 11–14 years, interacting in groups of three, with a tangible tabletop application to learn basic concepts of the behaviour of light. Contrary to the dominant perspective, our analysis suggests that interference in shared interfaces can be productive for learning, serving as a trigger for promoting argumentation and collective knowledge construction. Interference episodes led to both productive and counter-productive learning opportunities. They were resolved through quick consensus building, when students abandoned their own activity and accepted changes made by others; integration-oriented consensus building, where students reflected on and integrated what happened in the investigation; or conflict-oriented consensus building where students tried to undo others’ actions and rebuild previous configurations. Overall, interference resolved through integration-oriented consensus building was found to lead to productive learning interactions, while counter-productive situations were mostly characterised by interference resolved through conflict-oriented consensus building.  相似文献   

This study explores children’s opinions and preferences regarding two isomorphic user interfaces that can be used for introductory programming activities, a tangible and a graphical one. The first system (tangible) comprises 46 cube-shaped blocks that represent simple programming structures and can be interconnected to form the programming code. The second system (graphical) presents on-screen the same programming space to the user (icons similar in appearance and operation with the tangible blocks). These two operationally equivalent user interfaces were given to three children groups of different ages (5–6, 7–8 and 11–12 years) to program the behavior of a Lego NXT robot. Children in dyads were let to interact with both systems, and during the activity, data were collected regarding children’s first-sight preference, enjoyment and easiness-to-use. The quantitative and qualitative analysis followed indicated that the tangible interface was more attractive especially for girls, and it was more enjoyable and finally characterized as easier to use only by younger children who were less experienced with computers. On the contrary, for older (11–12 years old) children, the tangible even though was more enjoyable, it was not considered as the easiest-to-use user interface. Taking into account the lack of empirical evidences related to the tangible user interfaces, this study discusses not only the potential usability advantages but also the disadvantages of tangible user interfaces for children.  相似文献   

Fantasy play and storytelling serve an important role in young children’s development. While computers are increasingly present in the world of young children, there is a lack of computational tools to support children’s voices in everyday storytelling, particularly in the context of fantasy play. We believe that there is a need for computational systems that engage in story-listening rather than story-telling. This paper introduces StoryMat, a system that supports and listens to children’s voices in their own storytelling play. StoryMat offers a child-driven, story-listening space by recording and recalling children’s narrating voices, and the movements they make with their stuffed animals on a colourful story-evoking quilt. Empirical research with children shows that StoryMat fosters developmentally advanced forms of storytelling of the kind that has been shown to provide a bridge to written literacy, and provides a space where children engage in fantasy storytelling collaboratively with or without a playmate. The paper addresses the importance of supporting young children’s fantasy play and suggests a new way for technology to play an integral part in that activity.  相似文献   

According to the vision of Ambient Intelligence, technology will seamlessly merge into people’s everyday activities and environments. A challenge facing designers of such systems is to create interfaces that fit in people’s everyday contexts and incorporate the values of daily life. This paper focuses on tangible expressive interaction as one possible approach towards linking everyday experiences to intuitive forms of interaction and presents a number of principles for expressive interaction design in this field. A case study of a tangible expressive interface to control a living room atmosphere projection system (orchestrating living room lighting, audio and video-art) is presented to illustrate and reflect upon the design principles. Furthermore, the case study describes possible techniques towards integrating the design principles into a design method.  相似文献   


Most studies on tangible user interfaces for the tabletop design systems are being undertaken from a technology viewpoint. Although there have been studies that focus on the development of new interactive environments employing tangible user interfaces for designers, there is a lack of evaluation with respect to designers' spatial cognition. In this research we study the effects of tangible user interfaces on designers' spatial cognition to provide empirical evidence for the anecdotal views of the effect of tangible user interfaces. To highlight the expected changes in spatial cognition while using tangible user interfaces, we compared designers using a tangible user interface on a tabletop system with 3D blocks to designers using a graphical user interface on a desktop computer with a mouse and keyboard. The ways in which designers use the two different interfaces for 3D design were examined using a protocol analysis method. The result reveals that designers using 3D blocks perceived more spatial relationships among multiple objects and spaces and discovered new visuo-spatial features when revisiting their design configurations. The designers using the tangible interfaces spent more time in relocating objects to different locations to test the moves, and interacted with the external representation through large body movements implying an immersion in the design model. These two physical actions assist in designers' spatial cognition by reducing cognitive load in mental visual reasoning. Further, designers using the tangible interfaces spent more time in restructuring the design problem by introducing new functional issues as design requirements and produced more discontinuities to the design processes, which provides opportunity for reflection and modification of the design. Therefore this research shows that tangible user interfaces changes designers' spatial cognition, and the changes of the spatial cognition are associated with creative design processes.  相似文献   

This research aims to explore the role of physical representations in young children’s numerical learning then identify the benefits of using a graphical interface in order to understand the potential for developing interactive technologies in this domain. Three studies are reported that examined the effect of using physical representations (blocks) on children’s (aged 4–8 years) strategies in a numerical partitioning task. The first study describes the role of certain perceptual and manipulative properties of the physical materials, comparing performance with paper and no materials conditions. The study demonstrated an advantage for physical materials and identified a key property reflecting strategies: whether blocks were moved individually or as a group. This finding was investigated in the second study by comparing strategies when children were asked to constrain movements to one block at a time. Significant differences were found in strategies used although differences were reduced by children moving individual blocks quickly in succession using both hands. The final study examined the effect of constraining manipulation using a graphical user interface, where on screen squares could only be moved individually. As predicted, significant differences were found for strategies used between physical and virtual conditions. The findings suggest that differences in the manipulative properties of interfaces may affect children’s numerical strategies and are discussed with respect to the design of effective interactive technologies in this domain.  相似文献   

In this work we integrate augmented reality technology in a product development process using real technical drawings as a tangible interface for design review. We present an original collaborative framework for Augmented Design Review Over Network (ADRON). It provides the following features: augmented technical drawings, interactive FEM simulation, multimodal annotation and chat tools, web content integration and collaborative client/server architecture. Our framework is intended to use common hardware instead of expensive and complex virtual or augmented facilities. We designed the interface specifically for users with little or no augmented reality expertise proposing tangible interfaces for data review and visual editing for all the functions and configurations. Two case studies are presented and discussed: a real-time “touch and see” stress/strain simulation and a collaborative distributed design review session of an industrial component.  相似文献   

Child-based personas: need,ability and experience   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Interactive technologies are becoming ubiquitous in many children’s lives. From school to home, technologies are changing the way children live. However, current methods of designing these technologies do not adequately consider children’s needs and developmental abilities. This paper describes and illustrates a new approach for creating user abstractions of children called the child-persona technique. Child-personas integrate theoretical concepts, empirically generated data and experiential goals. An analysis of the utility of this technique provides insights about how this technique can benefit designers by generating realistic child-user abstractions through a process which supports designers in child-centric design.  相似文献   

This paper develops an approach to thinking about young children, digital technologies and learning, drawing on research literature that relates children’s learning to the use of books, and on literature that discusses the nature of interaction between adults and children and its relationship to children’s learning. An analysis is given of parents and children using devices marketed as supporting young children’s learning, identifying, within the interactions that take place, the adult’s conception of appropriate use, and showing how this influences the nature of adult–child interaction. The findings are then related to literature on social interaction and learning, and discussed in relation to the assumptions that underpin the design of the devices used. The paper suggests that the artefact can influence adult–child interaction via a conception of appropriate use, which relates to traditions or practices with which the adult is familiar but also to the design features of the artefact. It suggests that it may be time to rethink the design of technologies to support young children’s learning.  相似文献   

There is an asymmetry in many tangible interfaces: while physical objects can be used to manipulate digital information, the reverse is often not possible—the digital world cannot push back. We introduce a new push-back tangible technology, a pin-board that physically ejects paper documents. This is realized by extending the Pin&Play technology to support ‘pouts’, addressable pin-like devices that can remove themselves from a board using muscle wire actuators. We describe how this technology has been developed through two iterations of prototyping, application and formative study. An initial study revealed how potential mismatches between the physical and digital characteristics of pouts caused difficulties with users predicting pop-out events and reasoning about the state of pouts. This led us to extend pouts to reveal more of their internal state, an approach verified through a second study. It also raises more general issues for the design of pushback tangible technologies and ubiquitous interfaces.  相似文献   

Virtual reality (VR) has been used both to simulate situations that are too dangerous to practice in real life and as a tool to help children learn. This study was conducted as part of a larger more comprehensive long-term research project which aims to combine the two techniques and demonstrate a novel application of the result, using immersive VR to help children learn about fire hazards and practice escape techniques. In the current study, a CAVE was used to immerse participants in a fire scene. To improve the children’s motivation for learning over prior VR fire-safety training methods, game-like interface interaction techniques were used and students were encouraged to explore the virtual world. Rather than being passive viewers, as in prior related studies, the children were given full control to navigate through the virtual environment and to interact with virtual objects using a game pad and a 6DOF wand. Students identified home fire hazards with a partner and then practiced escaping from a simulated fire in the virtual environment. To test for improved motivation, a user study was completed. Results indicate that students were more engaged by the new game-like learning environment and that they reported that they found the experience fun and intriguing. Their enhanced enthusiasm for what is relatively standard fire-safety information demonstrates the promise of using game-based virtual environments for vital but otherwise tedious fire-safety skills training for children.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to explore the effect of nonhuman’s external regulation on children’s natural development process of creative thinking, the degree of the manifested creative thinking, the influence of children’s verbalization on their creative thinking, and the extent the stimulus material was usable for children during learning math tasks. The Aginian’s methodology (, , ,  and ) that relied on an isolated, computer-based learning system that acts as a standalone learning environment, with special child-simple-calculator was used by 100 healthy preschool children. The results showed that children were fluctuated between negative and positive creative thinkers, children’s verbalization has no effect on their creative thinking, and the relation between the children’s verbalization of thinking aloud and their creative thinking is a reverse relationship. The usability analysis concluded that, fun is not a key element of the usability as it can only be a feature that could facilitate usability. The mathematical analysis showed that the computer, as a nonhuman external regulator, can integrate the net signed of children’s creative thinking through embedding mathematics integration.  相似文献   

Thomas Jefferson dedicated his later years to establishing the University of Virginia, believing that the availability of a public liberal education was essential to national prosperity and individual happiness. His design for the University stands as one of his greatest accomplishments and has been called “the proudest achievement of American architecture.” Taking Jefferson’s design drawings as a basis for study, this paper explores the possibility that he incorporated incommensurable geometric proportions in his designs for the Rotunda. Without actual drawings to illustrate specific geometric constructions, it cannot be said definitively that Jefferson utilized such proportions. But a comparative analysis between Jefferson’s plans and Palladio’s renderings of the Pantheon (Jefferson’s primary design source) suggests that both designs developed from similar geometric techniques.  相似文献   

The tangible interaction approach has in recent years become a promising alternative to multitouch tabletops for very young children. Children learning with tangible user interfaces can benefit from the same pedagogical values as learning with materials in physical play. The NIKVision tabletop and games have been designed to provide leisure and fun while reinforcing physical manipulation and co-located gaming for young children (3- to 6-year-olds). Interaction is provided in NIKVision by the handling of conventional toys and computer augmentation on a table surface. First of all, the paper sets out the results of a summative evaluation carried out in nurseries and schools summarising the performance of the tabletop in terms of usability, user experience and physical and co-located gaming. Secondly, the paper presents an evaluation carried out in a special education school with children with cognitive disabilities, in an attempt to widen the range of possible beneficiaries of tangible interfaces. The challenge in this case is to ensure children’s comprehension of the game and to adequately combine feedback on the application with teacher interventions. In fact, the initial results reinforce the idea of not trying to substitute but rather to assist teachers and emphasise the possibilities offered by the tabletop as a tool to promote student autonomy.  相似文献   

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