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Food, especially dairy products, meat, and fish, is the primary source of environmental exposure to dioxins in the general population. Little data exists on dioxin levels in the popular and widely consumed "fast foods". Data presented in a previously published pilot study was limited to measuring only the levels of dioxins and dibenzofurans in three types of U.S. fast food. This study adds to the previous paper by presenting data, in addition to dioxins and dibenzofurans, on the closely related dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and the persistent metabolite of DDT, 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis (p-chlorophenyl) ethylene (DDE), in four types of popular U.S. fast food. These include McDonald's Big Mac Hamburger, Pizza Hut's Personal Pan Pizza Supreme, Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) three piece original recipe mixed dark and white meat luncheon package, and H?agen-Daz chocolate-chocolate chip ice cream. Dioxin plus dibenzofuran dioxin toxic equivalents (TEQ) ranged from 0.03 to 0.28 TEQ pg/g wet or whole weight for the Big Mac, from 0.03 to 0.29 for the Pizza, from 0.01 to 0.31 for the KFC, and from 0.03 to 0.49 TEQ pg/g for the ice cream. Daily TEQ consumption per kilogram body weight (kg/BW), assuming an average 65 kg adult and a 20 kg child, from one serving of each of these fast food ranged between 0.046 and 1.556 pg/kg in adults whereas in children the values were between 0.15 and 5.05 pg/kg. Total measured PCDD/Fs in the Big Mac, Personal Pan Pizza, KFC, and the H?agen-Daz ice cream varied from 0.58 to 9.31 pg/g. Measured DDE levels in the fast foods ranged from 180 to 3170 pg/g. Total mono-ortho PCB levels ranged up to 500 pg/g or 1.28 TEQ pg/g for the KFC and for di-ortho PCBs up to 740 pg/g or 0.014 TEQ pg/g for the pizza sample. Total PCB values in the four samples ranged up to 1170 pg/g or 1.29 TEQ pg/g for the chicken sample.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to describe the epidemiologic, laboratory, and clinical features of respiratory diphtheria cases reported in the United States during 1980 through 1995. METHODS: Respiratory diphtheria cases reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention were reviewed. Cases were defined as physician-diagnosed cases with signs and symptoms compatible with respiratory diphtheria, including the presence of a pseudomembrane without other apparent cause. RESULTS: From 1980 through 1994, 41 respiratory diphtheria cases were reported; none were reported in 1995, and no secondary cases were identified. Nine (22%) case patients were 4 years of age or younger, and 28 (68%) were 15 years of age or older. None of the case patients were up to date with diphtheria vaccination; 4 unvaccinated children died. Seventeen (43%) of 40 case patients had positive culture results. CONCLUSIONS: Available surveillance data suggest that respiratory diphtheria has become a rare disease in the United States. However, importation and circulation of toxigenic strains continue to present a threat and require achieving and maintaining high coverage with diphtheria toxoid-containing vaccines in both children and adults.  相似文献   

Abortion incidence and services in the United States, 1995-1996   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
CONTEXT: In the 1980s, the number of abortion providers in the United States began to decline, and more recently, so has the number of abortions performed. Whether the decline in service providers, which was last documented in 1992, is continuing and whether this influences the availability and number of abortions is of public interest. METHODS: In 1997, the Alan Guttmacher Institute conducted its 12th survey of all known abortion providers in the United States. The number and location of abortion providers and abortions were tabulated for 1995 and 1996, and trends were calculated by comparing these data with those from earlier surveys. Limited data were also gathered on types of abortion procedures. RESULTS: Between 1992 and 1996, the number of abortions fell from 1,529,000 to 1,366,000, and the abortion rate decreased from 26 to 23 per 1,000 women aged 15-44. The number of providers fell 14%, to 2,042, with the greatest decline among hospitals and physicians' offices rather than clinics. Eighty-six percent of counties had no known abortion provider, and 32% of women aged 15-44 lived in these counties. Of the country's 320 metropolitan areas, 89 had no known abortion provider, and for an additional 12, fewer than 50 abortions each were reported. Seventy percent of abortions were performed in specialized clinics and only 7% in hospitals. In the first half of 1997, early medical abortions were being offered in about 160 facilities, virtually all of which were also providers of surgical abortions. CONCLUSIONS: While abortion services in some areas of the country have declined since 1992 and many women continue to have limited access to providers, other factors have probably had more influence on the level of abortions performed. Early medical abortion methods are too new to be a measurable factor in abortion access.  相似文献   

Many fundamental and hot band absorption lines of 28Si35Cl+, 28Si37Cl+, 29Si35Cl+, and 30Si35Cl+ have been detectedbetween 630 and 700 cm-1 in a SiCl4/He discharge using diode laser velocity modulation spectroscopy. The datahave been fitted to give seven mass independent coefficients Ukl. The derived spectroscopic constants for 28Si35Cl+ include omegae = 678.24316(18) cm-1 and Be = 0.2870288(14) cm-1. The equilibrium internuclear distance is re =1.9439105(46) ?. The equilibrium dissociation energy calculated from Dunham's expanded Morse potential is De =49 431(57) cm-1. Copyright 1998 Academic Press.  相似文献   

This paper presents measured dioxin, dibenzofuran, PCB, DDE and HCB blood and milk levels and estimated body burdens in a mother who nursed twins for thirty-eight months. A total of thirteen milk samples and three blood samples were collected and analyzed. Measured PCDD and PCDF levels in milk decreased from 309 and 21 ng/kg (ppt) to 173 and 9 ng/kg, respectively, between March 1993 and September 1995. Based on the decrease in breast milk dioxin levels, we estimate that the nursing mother reduced her dioxin body burden from 310 to 96 ng dioxin toxic equivalents (TEQs), or approximately 69%. In two and one half years the level of HCB in the mother's milk decreased from 10.7 to less than 1.8 ng/g (ppb), the level of DDE decreased from 246 to 46 ng/g and the total level of non-coplanar PCBs decreased from 285 to 63 ng/g, on a lipid basis. We estimate that the twin's consumption of dioxins, dibenzofurans, and coplanar PCBs from breast feeding was approximately 115 ng TEQ per twin.  相似文献   

Food, especially meat, milk, and fish, is the immediate source of almost all polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), dibenzofurans (PCDFs), and dioxinlike compounds in the general population. To estimate intake of these highly toxic compounds, we performed congener-specific dioxin analyses for the first time on U.S. food for 18 dairy meat, and fish samples from a supermarket in upstate New York. 2,3,7,8 Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD, "dioxin") toxic equivalents (TEqs) on a wet weight basis for the dairy products ranged for 0.04 to 0.7 ppt, meat TEqs ranged from 0.03 to 1.5 ppt, and fish TEqs ranged from 0.02 to 0.13 ppt. Previous human breast milk and infant formula analyses were used with the current preliminary food data to estimate a range of dioxin intake for Americans. Average daily food intake of TEqs for an adult weighing 65 kg was estimated to be between 0.3 and 3.0 pg/kg body weight, for a total of 18-192 pg TEq, using 1986 American consumption rates. Due to the relatively high level of PCDDs and PCDFs commonly found in human breast milk from American women and from women in other industrial countries, a nursing infant may consume an average of 35-53 pg TEq/kg body weight/day in its first year of life. This may be compared with the current U.S. EPA virtually safe dose of 0.006 pg TCDD/kg body weight per day over a 70-year lifetime based on an upper limit cancer risk of 10(-6), or the 10 pg/kg/day used by some European government agencies.  相似文献   

Although the individualism–collectivism dimension is usually examined in a U.S. versus Asian context, there is variation within the United States. The authors created an eight-item index ranking states in terms of collectivist versus individualist tendencies. As predicted, collectivist tendencies were strongest in the Deep South, and individualist tendencies were strongest in the Mountain West and Great Plains. In Part 2, convergent validity for the index was obtained by showing that state collectivism scores predicted variation in individual attitudes, as measured by a national survey. In Part 3, the index was used to explore the relationship between individualism–collectivism and a variety of demographic, economic, cultural, and health-related variables. The index may be used to complement traditional measures of collectivism and individualism and may be of use to scholars seeking a construct to account for unique U.S. regional variation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Throughout adulthood and old age, levels of well-being appear to remain relatively stable. However, evidence is emerging that late in life well-being declines considerably. Using long-term longitudinal data of deceased participants in national samples from Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States, we examined how long this period lasts. In all 3 nations and across the adult age range, well-being was relatively stable over age but declined rapidly with impending death. Articulating notions of terminal decline associated with impending death, we identified prototypical transition points in each study between 3 and 5 years prior to death, after which normative rates of decline steepened by a factor of 3 or more. The findings suggest that mortality-related mechanisms drive late-life changes in well-being and highlight the need for further refinement of psychological concepts about how and when late-life declines in psychosocial functioning prototypically begin. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The primary source of dioxins (PCDDs), dibenzofurans (PCDFs) and coplanar PCBs for the general population is food, especially meat, fish, and dairy products. However, most data on the levels of these chemicals is from food in the raw or uncooked state. We report here the effect of one type of cooking (broiling) on the levels of PCDDs, PCDFs, and coplanar PCBs in ground beef (hamburger), bacon and catfish. Samples of hamburger, bacon, and catfish were broiled and compared to uncooked samples in order to measure changes in the amounts of dioxins in cooked food. The total amount of PCDD, PCDF, and coplanar PCB TEQ decreased by approximately 50% on average for each portion as a result of broiling the hamburger, bacon and catfish specimens. The mean concentration (pg TEQ/kg, wet weight) of PCDDs, PCDFs, and coplanar PCBs, however, remained the same in the hamburger, increased by 83% in the bacon, and decreased by 34% in the catfish. On average, the total measured concentration (pg/kg) of the congeners of PCDDs, PCDFs, and coplanar PCBs increased 14% in the hamburger, increased 29% in the bacon, and decreased 33% in the catfish.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To estimate the cost of adding IVF treatment to a standard health care benefits package. In vitro fertilization cost is defined as the average charge for a single cycle of treatment in an existing IVF program. DESIGN: Cost analysis. SETTING: Two hundred sixty IVF centers active in the United States in 1993. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: In vitro fertilization utilization and outcomes for 1993 were estimated from data in an existing registry. In vitro fertilization charges were determined from a 1993 survey of IVF clinics. The resulting expenditures for benefits and premiums were projected to 1995 together with the additional cost if utilization were to increase by 300% or 500%. RESULTS: In the United States in 1993 there were 31,718 IVF cycles for which the average charge was $6,233, leading to a total expenditure of approximately $197.70 million for IVF services in 1993. The projected cost of adding IVF services to a typical employer health plan in 1995 would be $2.79 per annum and the premium would be $3.14. Benefits and premium costs for a 300% utilization increase were $8.37 and $9.41, respectively, and for a 500% increase, $13.95 and $15.69, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The cost of IVF services would be a minute fraction of the annual cost of a typical family benefits program ($3,393). Savings from reduced utilization of alternative treatments would offset a portion of this increase. Increases in utilization rates should be controlled by clinical criteria.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Two measures traditionally used to examine adequacy of prenatal care indicate that prenatal care utilization remained unchanged through the 1980s and only began to rise slightly in the 1990s. In recent years, new measures have been developed that include a category for women who receive more than the recommended amount of care (intensive utilization). OBJECTIVE: To compare the older and newer indices in the monitoring of prenatal care trends in the United States from 1981 to 1995, for the overall population and for selected subpopulations. Second, to examine factors associated with receiving intensive utilization. DESIGN: Cross-sectional and trend analysis of national birth records. SETTING: The United States. SUBJECTS: All live births between 1981 and 1995 (N=54 million). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Trends in prenatal care utilization, according to 4 indices (the older indices: the Institute of Medicine Index and the trimester that care began, and the newer indices: the R-GINDEX and the Adequacy of Prenatal Care Utilization Index). Multiple logistic regression was used to assess the risk of intensive prenatal care use in 1981 and 1995. RESULTS: The newer indices showed a steadily increasing trend toward more prenatal care use throughout the study period (R-GINDEX, intensive or adequate use, 32.7% in 1981 to 47.1 % in 1995; the Adequacy of Prenatal Care Utilization Index, intensive use, 18.4% in 1981 to 28.8% in 1995), especially for intensive utilization. Women having a multiple birth were much more likely to have had intensive utilization in 1995 compared with 1981 (R-GINDEX, 22.8% vs 8.5%). Teenagers were more likely to begin care later than adults, but similar proportions of teens and adults had intensive utilization. Intensive use among low-risk women also increased steadily each year. Factors associated with a greater likelihood of receiving intensive use in 1981 and 1995 were having a multiple birth, primiparity, being married, and maternal age of 35 years or older. CONCLUSIONS: The proportion of women who began care early and received at least the recommended number of visits increased between 1981 and 1995. This change was undetected by more traditional prenatal care indices. These increases have cost and practice implications and suggest a paradox since previous studies have shown that rates of preterm delivery and low birth weight did not improve during this time.  相似文献   

Partitioning of dioxins, dibenzofurans and the dioxin-like coplanar PCBs was determined by congener-specific high resolution gc-ms analysis of compounds in 6 tissue samples each from 5 women. Samples were whole blood obtained prior to delivery; maternal adipose tissue, cord blood and placenta obtained during cesarean section delivery; and whole blood and milk taken at the time of first obstetrical follow-up examination, one to two months following delivery. All women lived in upstate New York. Specimens were collected in late 1995 and early 1996. Mean measured levels of total PCDDs, PCDFs and coplanar PCBs were 352 pg/g for adipose tissue, 526 pg/g for predelivery blood, 182 pg/g for placenta, 165 pg/g for cord blood, 352 pg/g for postpartum blood and 220 pg/g for milk. Mean total TEQ levels were 11.6 pg/g TEQ for adipose tissue, 12.1 pg/g TEQ for predelivery blood, 10.5 pg/g TEQ for placenta, 5.8 pg/g TEQ for cord blood, 10.0 pg/g TEQ for postpartum blood and 10.2 pg/g TEQ for milk.  相似文献   

Do you use brief measures of intelligence? There is available an increasing variety of short forms and new and revised quick tests of intelligence. However, little is known about clinical practice using these abbreviated instruments. The authors report the results of a 4-country exploratory survey of the extent and circumstances of the use of short forms and quick tests. Such measures are commonly used, and practitioners generally followed literature-based advice about the role of brief measures. However, idiosyncratic subtest combinations and inappropriate prorating were also prevalent with short forms. Frequently used quick tests were identified, as were the reasons for using brief measures. The authors offer specific recommendations for the appropriate use of brief measures. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We sought to examine the prevalence of self-reported multiple cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors (hypertension, high blood cholesterol, diabetes, overweight, and current smoking) among women in 1992 and 1995 in the United States using data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. In 1992, 37.5%, 34.4%, and 28.1% of women had zero, one, and two or more of the five risk factors, respectively. In 1995, the respective estimates were 35.5%, 34.3%, and 30%. In both years, the prevalence of two or more risk factors increased with age, decreased with educational level, was higher among black women (lowest among Hispanic women and women of other ethnic groups), and higher among women reporting cost as a barrier to healthcare. The percentage of women with two or more risk factors was higher in 1995 than in 1992 for 35 of 48 states, being statistically significant for 7 states. The percentage of women with at least two risk factors was not significantly lower in 1995 than in 1992 for any state. A higher percentage of women reported having multiple CVD risk factors in 1995 compared with 1992. A multifactorial approach to primary prevention and risk factor reduction should be encouraged to help reduce the prevalence and burden of CVD among women.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This report presents estimates of surgical and nonsurgical procedures performed in the United States during 1996. Data are presented by characteristics of patients, region of the country, and procedure categories for ambulatory and inpatient procedures separately and combined. METHODS: Estimates in this report are based on data collected from the National Hospital Discharge Survey (NHDS) and the National Survey of Ambulatory Surgery-(NSAS). NHDS provides data on hospital inpatient care, and NSAS provides data on ambulatory surgery in hospitals and in freestanding ambulatory surgery centers. For NHDS, data were collected for approximately 282,000 discharges from 480 non-Federal short-stay hospitals (95 percent response rate). For NSAS, data were collected for approximately 125,000 ambulatory surgery discharges from 488 hospitals and freestanding ambulatory surgery centers (81 percent response rate). RESULTS: An estimated 71.9 million procedures were performed on 39.9 million discharges from hospitals and freestanding ambulatory surgery centers during 1996: 40.4 million procedures were for inpatients, and 31.5 million were for ambulatory patients. Females had more procedures than males, and the rate of procedures increased with age in ambulatory and inpatient settings. The leading procedures for ambulatory surgery patients and inpatients combined were arteriography and angiocardiography, endoscopy of small intestine, endoscopy of large intestine, and extraction of lens.  相似文献   

Contemporary U.S. culture has a highly individualistic ethos. Nevertheless, exactly how this ethos was historically fostered remains unanalyzed. A new model of dynamic cultural change maintains that sparsely populated, novel environments that impose major threats to survival, such as the Western frontier in the United States during the 18th and 19th centuries, breed strong values of independence, which in turn guide the production of new practices that encourage self-promotion and focused, competitive work. Faced with few significant threats to survival, residents in traditional areas are likely to seek social prestige by adopting existing practices of other, higher status groups. Because of both the massive economic success of the frontier and the official endorsement of the frontier by the federal government, eastern residents of the United States in the 18th and 19th centuries may have actively adopted the frontier practices of independence, thus incorporating the frontier ethos of independence to form the contemporary U.S. national culture. Available evidence is reviewed, and implications for further research on cultural change are suggested. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In a national surgical manpower questionnaire survey, 76% of those MD and DO surgeons who were contactable returned questionnaires that included a log diary reporting details of their daily activities. Comparisons were made of allocation of professional time, number of operations performed, and net income of respondents by physician classification (including certification), specialty, practice arrangement, age, and census division. The mean professional workweek was estimated at 46 hours for all respondents. More than two thirds of the total professional time was spent in direct patient care; about half the surgeon's time was spent in the hospital, with nearly 20% in the operating room. The median annual work load of respondents was 170 operations. Their median annual net income was $45,700.  相似文献   

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