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正个人信息的法律保护问题是近半个世纪以来随着信息社会的发展而日益凸显的问题。由于社会观念、信息产业、科学技术以及立法规划等方面的原因,我国很长一段时间以来没有认识到保护个人信息的重要性,因此直到现在为止,我国还没有制定专门的个人信息保护方面的法律。现阶段,我国对个人信息的保护,主要体现在两大方面:一是在与个人信息保护有关的法律法规中设  相似文献   

中国共产党第十八次全国代表大会以来我国网络安全立法取得了较快的进展,但与我国网络安全和信息化建设的进程以及社会公众对健全法律体系、保障自身权益的需求相比较,还有较大差距,在网络立法、执法、行政监管和社会守法意识等多方面还存在着诸多问题;我国有些网络安全立法还不断受到来自国内外不同方面的质疑。在系统研究分析我国当前网络安全法律体系的基础上,本文提出应当加快研究制定网络安全法、电子商务法、网络信息服务管理法、个人信息保护法、电子政务法、信息通信网络法和网络社会管理法等专门立法,并辅之以配套的法规规章,从而逐步形成较为完整的网络安全法律体系。  相似文献   

新加坡国会10月15日通过个人信息保护法案,禁止向个人发送市场推广类短信等垃圾信息,违法发送垃圾信息的机构或个人可能会被重罚100万新元(约合514万元人民币)。新法案由新加坡新闻、通讯及艺术部提出,旨在保护个人信息不被盗用或滥用于市场行销等用途。新加坡新闻、通讯及艺术部长雅国说,新法案将增强新加坡作为区域信息处理枢纽的竞争  相似文献   

<正>形势严峻:2016年,我国6.88亿网民因垃圾短信、诈骗信息、个人信息泄露等承受的经济损失达915亿元。法治武器:民法总则草案明确规定自然人的个人信息受法律保护。代表委员呼吁,尽快出台专门的个人信息保护法,对于数据安全和个人信息保护立法,是国际上通行的做法。今年全国两会,"公民个人信息保护"是一个热门话题。许多代表委员呼吁推进公民个人信息保护立法  相似文献   

世界各国深空探测活动日益增多、探测环境趋于复杂、任务难度越来越大,开展深空安全问题研究具有现实意义。本文从深空安全的基本内涵出发,概述了深空安全的研究意义与关键问题,梳理了空间辐射威胁、行星保护、太空遗产保护、空间立法等深空安全关键问题的研究现状并展望了未来发展。空间辐射具有威胁类型多、辐射强度大的特点,应从物理防护、生物医学防护、化学防护等角度开展研究。行星保护主要面临深空航天器的污染和撞击挑战,应从深空微生物检测与消毒杀菌技术、应对政策制定等角度开展研究。太空遗产保护因各国间的政治、文化、法律差异而在评估及保护措施方面存在争议,应从国际协作、深空航天器以及人类影响降低等角度开展研究。深空立法因各国间存在复杂的国际关系而导致当前的法律法规效力难以成为国际社会共识,应从国际立法组织、国内研究机构、国内法律体系完善等方面开展研究。  相似文献   

我国第一个"个人信息保护"专项国家标准《信息安全技术、公共及商用服务信息系统个人信息保护指南》(以下简称《指南》)日前已制定完成。《指南》对通过信息系统进行个人信息处理的过程进行了规范,为信息系统中个人信息保护提供了指导,对相  相似文献   

上世纪80年代起至今,已有超过20个国家先后制定了有关保护个人电子信息、个人隐私数据等方面的专门法律。个人信息界定加拿大:种族指纹属个人信息加拿大法律表示,个人信息包括种族、民族、肤色、信仰、年龄或婚姻状况等信息。而有关个人教育、医疗、刑事及职业记录和财务交易及个人住址、指纹、血型等信息也被列入个人信息保护范畴。美法:观点见解算个人信息法国、美国等国家将个人观点和见解也算作个人信息的一种加以保护和规范。信患保护要求英国:不得欺瞒获取信息英国《数据保护法》中规定,不允许以欺瞒手段从  相似文献   

从制度和标准化的角度,详细介绍了国际和国内APP个人信息保护制度和标准工作进展,在此基础上,借鉴国外APP个人信息保护制度和标准的先进做法,深入分析我国APP个人信息保护制度和标准中存在的问题,对我国APP个人信息保护制度和标准进行了展望,提出了APP个人信息保护制度和标准工作的建议。  相似文献   

正个人信息保护与促进技术创新、产业发展平衡。也就是在加大个人信息保护力度的同时,结合中国产业发展实际状况,促进技术创新、产业发展,平衡个人信息保护与产业发展的利益关系。个人信息保护与促进数据资源利用并重。个人一般信息和敏感信息对个人隐私保护和人身财产安全的重要性程度有所不同,在进行个人信息保护立法时,应对二者进行区分并设置不同的同意、利用和流通规则,促进个人信息数据资源的充分开发和利用。  相似文献   

正新《消费者权益保护法》是在广泛征求并吸纳社会各界的意见后出台的,体现了民主立法、科学立法的精神,也兼顾了经济发展。它的特点体现在增强权利、强化义务、加重责任、加大处罚力度、加大保障力度等方面。具体来说,新《消费者权益保护法》具备八大亮点:亮点一:个人信息列入保护范围我国现行《消费者权益保护法》只规定了消费者享有人身、财产安全不受损害等9项权利,但没有隐私权等个人信息保护的规定。消费者个人信息意味着消费者小至血型、家庭成员,大至纳税状态、住址、身份证信息等各种信息都应  相似文献   

赵萍  汪滨 《标准科学》2020,(4):65-70
随着多国新型冠状病毒的爆发,防控和治疗是阻止这场疫情的重要手段。新型冠状病毒传播速度快,有效的使用个人防护设备可以阻止病毒的侵入,其中佩戴护目镜是人们避免感染新型冠状病毒的有效手段之一。本文调研了国际标准化组织(ISO)、欧洲标准化组织(CEN)、中国、美国和日本等国家和组织发布的护目镜标准,并进行了对比和分析,找出了国际、区域和一些国家护目镜标准的不同,建议各组织之间的标准互相借鉴,取长补短。  相似文献   

随着全球城市化的发展,国际组织和发达国家十分关注城市管理工作,结合城市管理的实际情况提出了若干城市管理指标体系,国内部分部委和研究机构也提出了基于城市管理某一方面的指标体系。2011年,ISO TMB批准了GCIF、JISC和AFNOR的3项国际标准提案,并批准组建TC 268负责城市社区管理标准化工作。由于我国国情与欧美发达国家不同,加快开展城市管理指标研究工作是满足我国城市进程加快、提高城市管理水平、应对国际标准发展趋势的重要举措。因此,本文提出了尽快成立城市社区可持续发展标准化技术委员会对口ISO TC 268工作,在科研项目和经费方面加大对城市管理标准化的支持力度。结合我国城市管理的实际情况,在国际标准的基础上提出了我国城市管理评价指标体系研究的建议。  相似文献   

Recommendation systems are crucially important for the delivery of personalized services to users. With personalized recommendation services, users can enjoy a variety of targeted recommendations such as movies, books, ads, restaurants, and more. In addition, personalized recommendation services have become extremely effective revenue drivers for online business. Despite the great benefits, deploying personalized recommendation services typically requires the collection of users’ personal data for processing and analytics, which undesirably makes users susceptible to serious privacy violation issues. Therefore, it is of paramount importance to develop practical privacy-preserving techniques to maintain the intelligence of personalized recommendation services while respecting user privacy. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive survey of the literature related to personalized recommendation services with privacy protection. We present the general architecture of personalized recommendation systems, the privacy issues therein, and existing works that focus on privacy-preserving personalized recommendation services. We classify the existing works according to their underlying techniques for personalized recommendation and privacy protection, and thoroughly discuss and compare their merits and demerits, especially in terms of privacy and recommendation accuracy. We also identity some future research directions.  相似文献   

美国国会众议院已经通过立法,加强防伪法的执行力度,扩大惩罚范围,采用更严厉的国际标准,以有效保证知识产权。今年3月7日,该议案已被参议院和众议院通过,布什总统有望签署这项议案使之成为法律。  相似文献   

《深化标准化工作改革方案》中提出,要培育发展团体标准,培育若干具有一定知名度和影响力的团体标准制定机构。为了剖析团体标准的发展情况,探寻我国团体标准化工作与国际先进水平的差距,本文以国际上具有影响力的标准制定组织IEEE、ASTM和ASME为参照对象,选取了全国团体标准信息平台上的典型社会团体进行比对分析。从整体比对分析发现,我国团体标准发展速度快。开展团体标准化工作的社会团体数量居于全球前列,但社会团体整体实力较弱,缺乏有国际影响力的社会团体。由于起步较晚,我国团体标准总数不高,要在总量上赶上美国、欧洲,实现市场自主制定标准有效供给,还有很长的路要走。从社会团体角度比对分析发现,我国社会团体成立时间较短,相比于国外很多"百年老店"的协学会,还是新学徒。其会员数量少、缺乏国际会员。其标准化组织机构不健全;标准制定机构数量少、机构规模小;标准管理机构大而笼统、分工不细致,不能实现对团体标准化工作的科学、全面的管理。其团体标准化工作机制不完善;公开透明的意识没有得以全面落实;申诉制度和知识产权制度几乎为零。从团体标准角度比对分析发现,单个社会团体制定标准的数量依然很低。由于会员地域和语言的局限性,我国团体标准还未能实现全球范围的传播,团体标准国际竞争力不强。我国团体标准实施的比率较低等。在此基础上,提出了我国团体标准发展的建议。  相似文献   

In edge computing, a reasonable edge resource bidding mechanism can enable edge providers and users to obtain benefits in a relatively fair fashion. To maximize such benefits, this paper proposes a dynamic multi-attribute resource bidding mechanism (DMRBM). Most of the previous work mainly relies on a third-party agent to exchange information to gain optimal benefits. It is worth noting that when edge providers and users trade with third-party agents which are not entirely reliable and trustworthy, their sensitive information is prone to be leaked. Moreover, the privacy protection of edge providers and users must be considered in the dynamic pricing/transaction process, which is also very challenging. Therefore, this paper first adopts a privacy protection algorithm to prevent sensitive information from leakage. On the premise that the sensitive data of both edge providers and users are protected, the prices of providers fluctuate within a certain range. Then, users can choose appropriate edge providers by the price-performance ratio (PPR) standard and the reward of lower price (LPR) standard according to their demands. The two standards can be evolved by two evaluation functions. Furthermore, this paper employs an approximate computing method to get an approximate solution of DMRBM in polynomial time. Specifically, this paper models the bidding process as a non-cooperative game and obtains the approximate optimal solution based on two standards according to the game theory. Through the extensive experiments, this paper demonstrates that the DMRBM satisfies the individual rationality, budget balance, and privacy protection and it can also increase the task offloading rate and the system benefits.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of information technology and the continuous evolution of personalized services, huge amounts of data are accumulated by large internet companies in the process of serving users. Moreover, dynamic data interactions increase the intentional/unintentional persistence of private information in different information systems. However, problems such as the cask principle of preserving private information among different information systems and the difficulty of tracing the source of privacy violations are becoming increasingly serious. Therefore, existing privacy-preserving schemes cannot provide systematic privacy preservation. In this paper, we examine the links of the information life-cycle, such as information collection, storage, processing, distribution, and destruction. We then propose a theory of privacy computing and a key technology system that includes a privacy computing framework, a formal definition of privacy computing, four principles that should be followed in privacy computing, algorithm design criteria, evaluation of the privacy-preserving effect, and a privacy computing language. Finally, we employ four application scenarios to describe the universal application of privacy computing, and discuss the prospect of future research trends. This work is expected to guide theoretical research on user privacy preservation within open environments.  相似文献   

我国已经形成了面向东南亚、南亚、中亚和东北亚的次区域合作格局,应在已有的贸易物流标准化工作基础上,通过区域合作机制或机构,在区域经济合作的框架下,由我国牵头成立区域标准化组织,利用我国贸易和货运大国的地位以及部分周边国家标准化能力建设较弱的形势,在相应的标准化工作中抢占先机,在统一周边国家的区域标准化中发挥“启动性”和“主导性”作用,一边跻身于国际标准化领域,一边致力于开展区域标准化活动,走国际标准化和区域标准化相结合的发展道路。作者以开展国际区域合作和标准化工作实践中的切身体会,提出我国应在国际区域合作框架下牵头成立国际区域标准化组织的建议。  相似文献   

Individual monitoring services (IMS) in Europe do not comply with the same legal or approval requirements. Anyway, a degree of harmonisation existing in individual monitoring practices in Europe has been achieved mainly thanks to documents as standards or international recommendations, which with different weight represent invaluable vehicles of condensed information transfer. However, implementation of standards is not straightforward and harmonisation is not directly a consequence. Somehow, 'harmony' is needed also in standards: IEC and ISO standards, on performance requirements for dosemeters sometimes have different approaches (i.e. performance criteria). Moreover, standards do not all refer to reliability, and therefore being in compliance with standards does not by itself assure that dose results are reliable. Standards are not the only reference documents for an IMS. EURADOS working group on 'Harmonisation of Individual Monitoring in Europe', who has been active in the years 2001-2004, suggested a classification of publication on individual monitoring, distinguishing between standards and documents of relevance, which can be both national and international. None of the two categories are mandatory unless specified in legislation. The Council Directive 96/29/EURATOM and its implementation in each EU Member States has fostered harmonisation of the approach (i.e. approval of dosimetric services) and of the reference quantities for individual monitoring within EU, but national legislation still allow substantial differences in individual monitoring from country to country.  相似文献   

Managing effective security of personal customer data located in computer networks has become a strategic business and public policy issue for the U.S. retail sector. The article discusses the global credit card payment industry self-regulation regime established by the Payment Card Industry Security Standards Council (“Council”) to combat cybercrime, comparing and evaluating the Council's existing standards regime to the theory and practices found in the industry self-regulation literature. A review of national cybercrime trends in both the volume and financial impacts (“losses”) of electronic financial record breaches on the U.S. retail sector is presented. After identifying the primary areas of retail electronic records breach vulnerability, an improved industry standards framework is developed that proposes to enhance security and minimize data privacy compromises through the adoption of recommended pure industry self-regulation (improved “security standard”) and market force mechanisms (mandatory “cyber liability insurance coverage”). The article concludes with a discussion of the implementation of the proposed industry self-regulation and market force framework; its current limitations; and what technology advancements may bring in the future to provide more effective security and protection for consumers' personal data and financial transactions.  相似文献   

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