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标准托管就是标准服务机构利用信息资源优势,通过收集、传送、更新、修订等手段,为服务对象提供标准信息,满足服务对象标准化需求的一种工作方式。托管工作是情报信息部门树立服务形象发展的新业务,开展以来在宣传国家标准化政策,提高标准使用率,推动当地产品质量提高等方面发挥了积极作用。但是,随着经济发展和国内外市场环境的变化,仅将标准托管工作定位在服务手段上,已经不能适应形势的发展。  相似文献   

1.什么是欺诈消费者行为,具体表现形式有哪些?是指经营者在经营商品(以下所称商品包括服务)或者服务中,采取虚假或者其他不正当手段欺骗、误导消费者,使消费者的合法权益受到损害的行为。具体表现形式有:销售掺杂、掺假,以假乱真,以次充好的商品的;采取虚假或者不正当手段使销售的商品分量不足的;销售“处理品”、“残次品”、“等外品”等商品谎称是正品的;以虚假的“清仓价”、“甩卖价”、“最低价”、“优惠价”或者其他欺骗性价格表示销售商品的;以虚假的商品说明、商品标准、实物样品等方式销售商品的;不以自己的真实姓名和标记销售商…  相似文献   

本文对标准资源数字内容运营平台建设总体框架进行简要的介绍,重点剖析了总体架构、标准规范、关键功能、技术路线等主要内容,并对该运营平台的效益分析和盈利模式进行了探讨。项目建设以国家标准为基础的各类标准资源为核心,通过运营支撑联合各方标准资源,利用数字化手段和互联网技术,整合、研发标准数字内容产品,创新标准服务模式,搭建具有广泛性的标准资源数字内容运营云服务,该平台的建设既是广大用户对提升标准信息服务水平的需求,也是顺应信息技术和数字出版技术不断发展潮流,科技与出版融合,探索标准出版、标准信息服务新模式。  相似文献   

摩天大楼的中央空调通风系统该如何清洗?高空清洁作业、锅炉清洗维护、管道疏通清洗等和老百姓密切相关的清洁、清洗行业有哪些基本要求,该如何提供服务?记者日前获悉,这些争议不断的新兴服务行业将有标准可依。11月10  相似文献   

黄海峰  李代明 《包装工程》2008,29(6):110-112
结合GB5033-85<出口产品包装用瓦楞纸箱标准>及GB5034-85<出口产品包装用瓦楞纸板标准>,利用VBA对AutoCAD进行二次开发纸盒设计系统,建立了平面纸盒展开图的参数化设计,使得设计包装纸盒变的更加快捷、方便、标准.  相似文献   

正药品包装可追溯和环保缺一不可!众所周知,药品包装盒可能是人们看得最仔细的外包装之一,包含着药品的基本用法用量和储存方式等核心信息,指导患者用药。事关生命安全,药品外包装制作的准确性显得尤为重要。药品包装盒是通过哪些特殊工艺手段来保护药品、防止假冒,以及确保药品信息准确性的呢?为实现药品可追溯,我国实行药品电子监管机制。药盒上一条药品电子监管码相当于药品独一无二的身  相似文献   

罗燕翎 《影视技术》2004,(12):52-53
什么叫工程建设标准?我国的强制性标准和推荐性标准是如何划分的,哪些标准属于强制性标准?对哪些违反标准的行为要追究法律责任?《标准化法》与企业生产经营的关系是什么?对哪些违反标准的行为要追究法律责任?……  相似文献   

通过调研了解出口企业的基本信息、出口产品类别、出口目标市场、出口数额等相关信息,以及企业在贸易过程中遇到的与标准、法规、合格评定程序有关技术性贸易措施问题。  相似文献   

什么叫工程建设标准 ?对基本建设中各类工程的勘察、规划、设计、施工、安装、验收等需要协调统一的事项所制定的标准 ,称为工程建设标准。什么叫内控标准 ?内控标准 ,又称内控质量标准。它是企业为确保出厂后的产品质量 ,对产品某些关键特性所制定的优于国家和行业标准的企业内控标准。内控标准按其性质是一种目标要求性的技术标准 ,按批准权限是一种企业标准。  我国的强制性标准和推荐性标准是如何划分的 ,哪些标准属于强制性标准 ?  具有法律属性 ,在一定范围内通过法律、行政法规等手段强制执行的标准是强制性标准 ;其他标准是推荐…  相似文献   

陈昕  张家泰 《包装工程》2023,44(16):403-409
目的 为更好地满足社区居民获取药品信息需求,构建以人民健康为中心、以解决社区患者医卫的基本需求为服务重点的居民药品信息服务设计框架,提升就医前后的服务质量。方法 通过文献调研药品认知现况,运用行为观察法、用户访谈法等,分析国内现有药品信息服务中的痛点,结合服务设计理念、策略、方法,定义关键触点,将其融入居民的药品信息传递中,针对性地探索药品信息平台的服务设计框架。结果 提出了以社区居民为中心的利于平台建设协同化、信息服务系统化、关键触点显性化、信息传递可视化的闭环反馈方案,完成了相关服务系统及其蓝图,为解决居民获取药品信息低效、不易甄别,缺少良好反馈机制等问题,迈出了重要的一步。结论 完成了药品信息平台的服务设计框架及蓝图构建,为消除服务资源及过程壁垒,优化药品信息服务,提升用户体验、驱动社区医疗创新发挥了积极作用;同时为设计师借助智能化服务平台,形成社交化信息圈层,强化智能管理,推动服务设计思维的更加人性化、系统化提供了新思路与新方式。  相似文献   

Supplying library users with literature by a seamless linking of media is the goal of (scientific) libraries. By the digitization of primary and secondary data and the convergence of products and providers, libraries have already come very close to achieving this ideal. A digital library is the realization of this goal. However, many librarians are in danger of running out of imagination. What will come after the digital library? Will information professionals still be needed? What services can libraries offer? Bibliometric analysis is an example of new business areas in libraries. This paper will discuss what shape this service could take in practice, who needs it and what target groups exist in the scientific environment. Concrete examples of bibliometric analysis from the Central Library of Research Centre Jülich will round off the overview.  相似文献   

开发面向顾客的产品的集成方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
成功的产品是在顾客需求的基础上开发的。系统考虑顾客要求并将其融入整个开发过程,对新产品的成败至关重要。要达到由顾客驱动这一目标,就要分析顾客的要求是什么,以及他们愿意为之化钱的是什么。新产品应具有什么样的性能和结构,这通过对顾客需求的有效评价可以找到正确的答案。  相似文献   

云计算架构是实现标准资源信息共享的有效手段之一。本文通过对标准化资源共享服务平台的建设方案调查,结合云计算环境下的标准化资源共享服务平台构建研究,构建基于云计算的标准化资源共享服务平台。在介绍了标准化资源服务技术的发展现状基础上,阐述了云计算、标准化资源共享服务平台的概念、内涵及特点,设计出标准化资源共享服务平台的体系架构,并基于该平台设计了资源检索、管理、分析等多种云服务。实现政府、行业、机构、企业、专家、公众等标准化资源数字信息资源的共知共建共享,按需为用户提供个性化标准化数字资源(如查询、阅读、下载、分享等等)服务。  相似文献   

张浩 《包装工程》2019,40(14):1-6
目的 借助3D打印技术优势,建立众创式设计、分布式生产、定制化消费的新型网络化服务平台。方法 分析3D打印设备技术的特点与文创产品的个性化需要,构建以文创产品为例的3D打印定制化服务设计系统。结果 通过服务设计以及服务流程中涉及到的软硬件产品设计,实现3D打印技术在社会服务方面的广泛应用,为3D打印制造企业的创新提供思路,注入活力。结论 用小体量、生活化的定制化服务设计3D打印文创产品,不断挖掘、开发中国优秀传统文化资源,用创新设计手段,继而保护、传承优秀传统文化,并推动产业发展,促进经济增长。  相似文献   


Quality Function Deployment (QFD) is a systematic process for capturing and integrating the voice of the customer into every aspect of the design and delivery of products and services. Understanding customer wants or needs is crucial to the successful design and development of new products and services. QFD is a system that utilizes customer demand information to design products or services that will meet a client's mission. In addition, the process prioritizes and deploys these customer-driven characteristics throughout the product or service development to meet the customer needs, wants, and expectations. QFD determines effective development targets for the prioritized product and service characteristics. The QFD process has been used and documented extensively in product development. The service industry, however, lacks in the application of this process. The purpose of this article is to show practitioners and researchers how this process, in its entirety, can be used as a planning process to link customer requirements and service characteristics in the service industry. A case study was developed in which QFD was applied to develop recommendations for the American Society of Engineering Management (ASEM) in an effort to increase customer satisfaction and to identify opportunities to improve member benefits. The results of this study are applicable to any organization to improve the design and delivery of products and service regardless of industry.  相似文献   

Computing comprises three distinct strands: hardware, software and the ways they are used in real or imagined worlds. Its use in research is more than writing or running code. Having something significant to compute and deploying judgement in what is attempted and achieved are especially challenging. In science or engineering, one must define a central problem in computable form, run such software as is appropriate and, last but by no means least, convince others that the results are both valid and useful. These several strands are highly interdependent. A major scientific development can transform disparate aspects of information and computer technologies. Computers affect the way we do science, as well as changing our personal worlds. Access to information is being transformed, with consequences beyond research or even science. Creativity in research is usually considered uniquely human, with inspiration a central factor. Scientific and technological needs are major forces in innovation, and these include hardware and software opportunities. One can try to define the scientific needs for established technologies (atomic energy, the early semiconductor industry), for rapidly developing technologies (advanced materials, microelectronics) and for emerging technologies (nanotechnology, novel information technologies). Did these needs define new computing, or was science diverted into applications of then-available codes? Regarding credibility, why is it that engineers accept computer realizations when designing engineered structures, whereas predictive modelling of materials has yet to achieve industrial confidence outside very special cases? The tensions between computing and traditional science are complex, unpredictable and potentially powerful.  相似文献   

 在产品开发过程链中 ,市场效果的好环取决于开发是否面向顾客。然而大量失败的开发的实例表明 ,主要的薄弱环节仍然是如何适当地考虑企业外部和内部的要求。系统地考虑顾客的要求只能在开发过程中对决定购买的因素加以考虑并作出评价来实现。在适当的信息处理下 ,考虑柔性模块及结构系列 ,就能得到产品设备和产品结构的最后结论。  相似文献   

The increasing need for products that are able to reliably deliver complex functionality with a high degree of innovation presents a major challenge to the modern day product creation processes. In order to be able to use information on the field behaviour of previous products in the design of new products, increasingly detailed information needs to be retrieved from the market in an increasingly shorter time. The purpose of this study is to analyse, in a typical case in the consumer electronics industry, whether the underlying business process is able to generate this information with adequate quality sufficiently quickly. Information models of the company's service centre and call centre were developed using the concepts of maturity index on reliability. The results showed that the structure of the information handling process resulted in a massive data loss (up to 60% of the data gathered by the service centres) and also in serious data quality degradation. Would this information have not been lost, it could have been used by development teams for preventive and corrective actions. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The dematerialising concept has formed a new management model: the product service system (PSS). PSS means that enterprises have changed the management concept of ‘product foremost and service second’ to ‘service-based product’ in design products, and the products are the tools produced and innovated for service. Therefore, the physical logistical service replaces the virtual service. However, during the transformation, the product service system also needs to emphasise cost, customers’ satisfaction and environmental protection. This study analysed different types of integrated maintenance service and used multi-attribute utility analysis to discuss the overall utility of maintenance service. The operation cost, CO 2 emission and service satisfaction indicators of different maintenance service models were used as decision variables to determine the optimal maintenance system. Finally, a case study is described to demonstrate this research.  相似文献   

李杨  丁雯菲 《包装工程》2020,41(8):223-226
目的通过分析智慧旅游途径方法,获得文化旅游服务平台的创新设计思路,使老龄人群的文化旅游服务能够实现主动性、实时性,为老年人智慧出游提供研究思路,同时促进各类资源的共享和有效利用。方法老龄人群的社群协作服务,是以老龄人群生活习惯、人际交往圈为基础,阶段性、策略化地将信息技术、非物质化服务载体等创新性服务策略融入其中,将依托其原有生活圈层的社群协作服务平台进行提升、扩大化。针对老龄人群的文化旅游需求,提高旅游活动自由度,完善旅游服务平台设计。结论将信息化技术等多种形式的非物质性服务产品以更多元化、灵活的方式介入老龄人群旅游活动全程。注重阶段性、渐进式地引入服务产品,使其能根据不同需求做出对应交互体验设计的定制化服务创新,提升老龄人群旅游服务满意度。  相似文献   

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