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本文针对央企海外项目施工组织模式及市场开发特点,提出了以定额管理为抓手的成本控制方案,并详细介绍了定额消耗量初始修正系数的确定,定额在项目实施过程中的消耗系数测定,体系联动管理等方面的应用,并逐步形成海外企业定额,为企业在海外市场可持续发展提供了思路。  相似文献   

刘璐  王雷 《硅谷》2009,(21)
现有的企业跨国经营运作模式,有很多的欠缺与不足,不能很好的完成跨国企业的预期目标。在总结国内外一些学者对跨国公司运行模式和运营模型的基础上,结合跨国企业海外业务活动分析和执行的情况,从战略和执行两个维度构建出跨国经营下的企业活动归类模型,得出六类活动归类的方式,并用实例证明了六类方式的,为跨国公司提供一种解决具体海外业务活动实施问题的思路。  相似文献   

5月24日,中国首批出口海外市场的磁悬浮中央空调在青岛海尔下线,择期装船运往澳大利亚。据悉,磁悬浮产品在澳大利亚本土已有很高的普及率,但过高的进入门槛导致其成为中国中央空调企业的"禁区"。而此次成功中标并出口澳洲,是中国企业首次击败澳洲本土市场对手,顺利开通了海外市场的新航路。  相似文献   

李豪  熊雪霞  刘飞 《工业工程》2021,24(1):10-18
为解决多个品牌商线上线下渠道决策问题,运用Spokes模型分析了直营和混合销售模式的最优定价及收益情况,基于博弈论方法,研究了市场和渠道竞争程度对品牌商决策均衡的影响。结果表明:两种销售模式下,品牌商的最优定价随市场和渠道竞争程度的增加而增加;当市场或渠道竞争程度较低时,品牌商选择直营模式;市场或渠道竞争程度处于一定阈值区间时,两种模式都具有适用性;而市场或渠道竞争程度较高则选择混合模式。  相似文献   

2011年8月15日,谷歌公司(Google)宣布将以约125亿美元的天价收购摩托罗拉移动公司(Moto)。联想近十年,中国企业海外收并购案例日益增多,中国企业在世界商界越来越多的大手笔,利用海外优质品牌效应,结合中国企业自身优势,无疑是一种中国企业进入国际市场的有效途径。  相似文献   

1月16日,上海印刷业针对2007年开拓国际印刷市场进行专业交流会。会议上,总结了2006年实施“走出去”战略计划的成果,并对将来如何运作海外印刷定单、完备印刷质量、国际市场定位、企业及产品的品牌建立等方面进行主导交流。  相似文献   

近年来随着国内家用电器企业的技术日趋成熟,以及出口市场的国际化,越来越多的制造商把目光投向海外市场。产品要进入欧洲,首先得满足欧洲的一系列法规要求。 欧洲对家电产品的法规要求可分为两大类:一为安全方面的法规要求;二为电磁兼容性要求。  相似文献   

正推进印刷产业与科技融合,将是实现产业未来更大发展的重要途径,跨界融合也将使印刷产业成为推动新一轮经济发展的新动力。当下,印刷业进入了新的转折点,企业转型、产业升级严峻地摆在业界面前。值此关键时刻,"一带一路"战略启动,不仅拉动沿线国家和地区的经济发展,而且给不景气的印刷企业注入了新的活力。2015年,随着"一带一路"正式被确立为中国最高的国家级顶层战略,开拓海外新市场就成为中国经济的一  相似文献   

随着入口老龄化的提高,企业年金制度在多层次养老保障体系中的重作用日益突显,目前我国企业年金发展迅速,基金规模不断扩大,如何使之进入资本市场,进行投资管理,保障增值是迫切需解决的问题。企业年金具有提高国有企业的凝聚力和竞争力、提高员工的养老金替代率水平和减轻政府财政压力等作用。文章对国有企业年金模式进行了研究。阐述了建立国有企业年金制度应考虑的因素,对企业年金计划的两种基本类型——DB型和DC进行了比较,并提出了一种将这两种结合起来的新类型——“保底型”企业年金计划。  相似文献   

1 国际战略联盟及其特征 国际战略联盟,也有人称跨国战略联盟,首先由美国DEC公司总裁简.霍普兰德和管理学家罗杰.奈格尔提出.它是由两个或两个以上有共同战略利益和对等经营实力的企业(或特定事业和职能部门),为达到拥有市场,共同使用资源等战略目标,通过种种协议,契约而结成的优势互补或优势相长,风险共担,生产要素水平式双向或多向流动的一种松散的合作模式.它包括了跨国公司之间通过许可证协议,特许专营协议,单方持股,相互挂股及合资办厂等多种形式在研究开发,生产,技术及市场方面进行协同和合作.与其它企业发展模式相比,国际战略联盟有其鲜明的特征.  相似文献   

From the managerial cognition perspective, we develop a contingency framework that empirically examines the effect of senior managers’ global mindset on their decisions regarding the choice of entry mode for foreign subsidiaries and how their cognitive decision-making style and managerial experience interact with their global mindset and thereby affect their decisions. Data were collected from both headquarters and subsidiary senior managers of 345 Chinese multinational enterprises. The results show that senior managers who exhibit a stronger global mindset tend to choose a lower-level ownership entry mode for their foreign subsidiaries. This tendency is stronger when senior managers possess a ‘thinking’ decision-making style as opposed to a ‘feeling’ decision-making style but weaker when senior managers have more experience in their managerial positions.  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国国民收入水平的显著提高,电动车数量的迅速增长,高强度、快节奏的生活使得人们的消费观念发生了深刻的变化,快捷、便利的生活消费方式正在逐步发展成为一种趋势。尤其是我国加入WTO后,市场开放,国外石油巨头纷纷直入我国开加油站,对国内市场造成了极女冲击.怕预示着今后的青争会更加激烈。而国内加油站的业务现状与国外有着较大的差距,不仅业务单一,而且经营状况也较差。因此,如何根据我国加油站所面临的市场环境发生的深刻变化、顾客需求产生的显性改变,在营销上刨新,适应市场变化,提高自身竞争力已经成为亟待解决的问题。本文从分析目前国内加油站存在的主要问题着手,解析了国外加油站发展的宝贵经验,进一步提出了目前国内加油站发展的重要措旌:注重选址、强化管理水平、采取多种经营策略、引入非油品业务和电动车加电业务。  相似文献   

•  Studies of the internationalization-performance (I-P) relationship for emerging market multinational enterprises (EM MNEs) have yielded mixed results, suggesting that a contingency view of I-P for EM MNEs may be useful and timely. In particular, we suggest it is useful to analyze how the EMs’ trade liberalization can amplify or reduce the performance from foreign market penetration in the context of electronics vs. non-electronics EM MNEs.  相似文献   

–  This paper provides a formal model of Edith Penrose’s Theory of the Growth of the Firm which has important implications for the strategy of multinational enterprises.
–  The model provides an analysis of the trade-off between product diversification and foreign market penetration. It also can account for the speed of entry into foreign markets.
–  Formalizing Penrose’s Theory of the Growth of the Firm provides an account of internationalization incorporating geographical expansion patterns, sequential decision making and learning.

This research explores the relationship between firm profitability and actual speed of foreign market entry. Results suggest that profitability has an inverted U-shaped relationship with actual speed of foreign market entry, in the context of large US corporate law firms entering China. This result supports the idea that firms with both the need and resources to expand into foreign markets rapidly will do so, while laggards will lack either the resources or need to enter markets. Results also suggest that previously established offices in culturally similar markets, larger firm size, firm infancy, and prior international experience hasten market entry. Alternatively, limited organizational slack and concentrated practices delay market entry. Unexpectedly, prior entry of competitors appears to represent a deterrent to rapid entry. Additionally, while regulatory reforms on foreign law firms in China allowed for wider geographic access, they also increased operating restrictions, slowing entry speeds. Finally, results suggest that intense home-market competitive intensity may divert or decrease resource commitments to rapid foreign expansion.  相似文献   

  • This paper studies the practice of integration of influential host country actors to a multinational corporation as a strategy to decrease problems of legitimacy to the foreign firm before the host country??s society.
  • By developing the concept of obsolescing legitimacy, we argue that this strategy provides legitimacy to the foreign firm only in the absence of institutional changes at the macro-political level in the host country. Once these changes take place, an alliance by the multinational to an elite or a political system no longer ruling the host country will become a liability and will generate problems of legitimacy for the multinational.
  • We illustrate our argument with the case of the US multinational United Fruit Company in Central America.

The paper analyses how multinational enterprises (MNEs) manage their interactions with host governments during the market entry process. A qualitative multiple case study collected data through in-depth interviews with multiple participants in six New Zealand MNEs. The analysis identifies two distinct political schemas which represent MNE managers’ assumptions and heuristics regarding how to approach interactions with foreign governments, systematic and episodic, which lead to the enactment of distinct patterns of political activities, each supported by certain political resources and capabilities. We then identify several sources of the variations in these two political schemas at the managerial, firm, industry, and country levels of analysis. Our study deepens understanding of the micro-processes of corporate political activity (CPA) and the processes and activities through which political resources and capabilities are developed, deployed and leveraged by MNE actors in managing their interactions with host governments during the market entry process. In doing so, we highlight the role of international experience in influencing the process of political capability development, and also the role of managerial actions in shaping this evolutionary process.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of industry agglomeration and its interaction with sub-national institutions on the profitability of multinational enterprises (MNEs) subsidiaries operating in an emerging economy. We argue that in an emerging economy like China, competition in product and factor markets is more intense between foreign firms than between foreign and domestic firms owning to market segmentation. Consequently, industry agglomeration with other foreign firms has negative impact on the profitability of foreign subsidiaries. In contrast, foreign firms agglomerating with domestic firms may reap gains owning to less competition and improved access to local resources and knowledge. We find that these effects are more pronounced to domestic-market-oriented foreign firms. Furthermore, sub-national institutions moderate the relationships between industry agglomeration and the profitability of foreign firms. Our arguments are supported by the empirical analysis based on a comprehensive dataset of foreign firms operating in China over the period from 1999 to 2005.  相似文献   

•  Drawing on the transaction costs, strategic capability and the strategic cognition perspectives, our study seeks to examine whether and how firms’ strategic orientations at the business level influence the entry mode choices that firms make in accessing foreign markets.
•  The study uses a sample of 332 foreign market entries made by 62 U.S. based firms over a period of 6 years to test hypotheses linking firm business level strategy to the choice of foreign entry modes.
•  Findings indicate that Prospectors are more likely to choose equity-based foreign market entry modes than Defenders. In addition, Prospectors favor full-ownership entry modes, namely, greenfield investments and full acquisitions, over shared-ownership modes such as joint ventures and partial acquisitions.
Deepak K. DattaEmail:

Abstract and Key Results
•  This study revisits the “national cultural distance paradox” based on a sample of Japanese foreign direct investment (FDI) in 53 countries and regions over 30 years. Earlier studies on cultural distance assumed linear relationships and showed mixed results. We examine nonlinear relationships between cultural distance (CD) and entry mode and between CD and performance.
•  Results suggest that there is a nonlinear (inverted U-shape) relationship between CD and the choice of a joint venture as the preferred market entry mode, and between CD and performance.
•  We also found that the relationship between CD and performance is moderated by entry mode choice: the nonlinear relationship between CD and performance is stronger for joint ventures than for wholly owned subsidiaries.

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