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With the overwhelming success in the field of quantum information in the last decades, the ‘quest’ for a Quantum Neural Network (QNN) model began in order to combine quantum computing with the striking properties of neural computing. This article presents a systematic approach to QNN research, which so far consists of a conglomeration of ideas and proposals. Concentrating on Hopfield-type networks and the task of associative memory, it outlines the challenge of combining the nonlinear, dissipative dynamics of neural computing and the linear, unitary dynamics of quantum computing. It establishes requirements for a meaningful QNN and reviews existing literature against these requirements. It is found that none of the proposals for a potential QNN model fully exploits both the advantages of quantum physics and computing in neural networks. An outlook on possible ways forward is given, emphasizing the idea of Open Quantum Neural Networks based on dissipative quantum computing.  相似文献   

崔瑜 《互联网周刊》2008,(16):20-21
有关智慧的考量可以一直上溯到古希腊哲学家欧几米德以几何学为代表的形式逻辑思维方法,演绎至现代,多种多样的智力闯关和测验已经变化纷呈。人们对于思维转换和计算速度的追求从未停止,智慧自有其博弈场,借助传统和现代的传播渠道,进行着古老不变的、无声硝烟的较量。  相似文献   

Some implications of the view that the mind is a suitably complex kind of process are investigated in various contexts. The underlying theme is that the behavior of complex systems cannot be adequately judged by that of simple systems. I first present a personal exploration of the mechanistic account of the mind in terms of non-technical considerations; then I present and criticize some ideas of Kripke, Nagel, and Jackson that challenge the mechanistic view. Next, I turn to a brief synopsis of some of Dennett's recent ideas. Finally, I offer some critical comments on Dennett's views and suggest possible modifications.  相似文献   

We believe that future models of complex software and systems will combine the crucial traits of intuitiveness, compositionality, and executability. The importance of each of these to modeling is already well recognized, but our vision suggests a far more powerful synergy between them. First, models will be aligned with cognitive processes used by humans to think about system behavior and will be understood, and perhaps creatable, by almost anyone. Second, one will be able to build models incrementally, adding to, refining or sculpting away already-specified behaviors without changing most existing parts of the model. Third, there will be powerful ways to execute such intuitive and compositional models, in whole or in part, at any stage of the development. The presence of these three traits in a single artifact will blur the boundaries between natural-language requirements, formal models, and actual software, bringing in its wake a major advance in the way systems are built, and in their cost and quality. We propose the term runware to refer to this kind of higher level artifact.  相似文献   

《生活态度》自从创办以来,都是编辑精心构思选题,希望大家直接感受到不同一般的电器生活方式。这个栏目第一次接到读者的投稿,就是这篇陆浩的作品。当我们从邮箱发展它时已是8月中旬,濒近截稿。当我们看到作者以充满生活气息的语言写下了他的电视情感,我们突然发现,几时我们的娱乐中心是电视,IT革命之后转移到了电脑,随着年龄的增长,电视似乎又重回中心位置。[编者按]  相似文献   

The primary goal of the research reported in this paper is to identify what criteria are responsible for the good performance of a heuristic rule evaluation function in a greedy top-down covering algorithm. We first argue that search heuristics for inductive rule learning algorithms typically trade off consistency and coverage, and we investigate this trade-off by determining optimal parameter settings for five different parametrized heuristics. In order to avoid biasing our study by known functional families, we also investigate the potential of using metalearning for obtaining alternative rule learning heuristics. The key results of this experimental study are not only practical default values for commonly used heuristics and a broad comparative evaluation of known and novel rule learning heuristics, but we also gain theoretical insights into factors that are responsible for a good performance. For example, we observe that consistency should be weighted more heavily than coverage, presumably because a lack of coverage can later be corrected by learning additional rules.  相似文献   

All organisations must be able to answer questions from their respective constituencies. It is not an exaggeration to say that, in this respect, it is a challenge to handle the extremely broad action platform of local government administrations (municipalities). The present paper is a walk-through of questions from the citizens that are managed at Botkyrka municipality, Sweden. It is focussed on the use of an ‘intelligent’ citizen assistant.  相似文献   

We shall show that many known algorithms of clustering and pattern recognition can be characterized as efforts to minimize entropy, when suitably defined.  相似文献   

Nils Klowait 《AI & Society》2018,33(4):527-536
Nass’ and Reeves’ media equation paradigm within human–computer interaction (HCI) challenges long-held assumptions about how users approach computers. Given a rudimentary set of cues present in the system’s design, users are said to unconsciously treat computers as genuine interactants—extending rules of politeness, biases and human interactive conventions to machines. Since the results have wide-ranging implications for HCI research methods, interface design and user experiences, researchers are hard-pressed to experimentally verify the paradigm. This paper focuses on the methodology of attributing the necessary social cues to the agent, a core aspect of the experimental design of studies dealing with the media equation. A typology of experimental anthropomorphisms is developed, allowing an assessment of how the differing axiomatic assumptions affect the relevance of the results for an evaluation of the paradigm. The paper concludes with a series of arguments in favour of one particular anthropomorphism type for researching the media equation.  相似文献   

针对智慧农业温室环境参数采集与控制的自动化程度低的问题,设计了基于ZigBee标准的温室环境控制仪表。该仪表以单片机为控制中心,CC2420射频芯片作为无线传输模块,实现了温室环境参数的自动调控功能。重点介绍了仪表的总体方案、硬件电路和软件设计,并做了实验测试。实验结果表明,该仪表能够实时地进行温室环境的检测和控制,且具有低成本、高可靠性等特性。  相似文献   

吉慧 《物联网技术》2012,(12):73-75,78
文章对山东旅游行业的发展现状进行了调查、归纳和总结,提出了山东智慧旅游发展的思路和重点,并从山东旅游行业四个主要应用群体(旅游管理部门、景区、酒店和旅行社)出发,提出了山东智慧旅游解决方案。  相似文献   

在分析矿山决策支持系统应用现状的基础上,提出基于新一代大数据技术和云计算技术的智慧矿山智能决策支持技术架构。该架构采用Hadoop等大数据技术解决传统决策支持系统存在的无法水平扩展计算资源、响应时间长及无法把离散的管理信息数据与自动化测控数据相结合进行数据分析等问题,通过引入流式计算解决传统决策支持系统无法有效处理无界数据的问题。该架构具有可承载矿山专业业务分析模型和常规管理信息化业务分析模型的能力,可全面融合"人"、"机"、"环"、"管"相关数据,形成综合性较强的决策支持信息,为实现矿山"智慧化"提供核心技术支持。  相似文献   

目的 全口曲面断层片(全景片)需要病人的正确摆位辅以仪器的合理配置而取得合格的成像:以面中线为界,双侧上下颌骨等结构呈左右对称;牙齿的咬合面连线呈缓慢的微笑曲线,各牙齿在全景片上的生理位置是基本固定的。因此,以全景片为代表的口腔医学图像具备固定的前、背景关系和稳定的空间结构,但基于常规卷积的网络因其卷积的空间无关性而对上述空间域的结构信息并不敏感。虽然一些特殊的注意力模块能够引导模型关注特定信息并给予加权,但是它关注的信息常常背离人们的期望,反而降低模型性能;另一方面,注意力作为嵌入式的模块往往会提高计算量和参数量。针对口腔医学图像的结构特性,提出适用于全景智齿检测的基于内卷解耦的YOLO(you only look once)模型。方法 在主干网络中,通过重塑跨阶段分部(cross stage partial,CSP)结构并引入一种具备空间特异性的内卷积方式,使模型优先关注空间域中信息量最大的视觉元素,以此强化模型对空间信息的建模能力;在检测头结构中,提出采用多支路解耦结构克服任务耦合的负面影响,解决内卷算子与YOLO模型的适配性问题,并对各支路的损失函数进行针对性优化。结果 在全景片数据集上的智齿检测的实验结果表明,本文方法的检测性能和模型参数大幅优于近年优秀的单阶段目标检测模型,相较于本文的基线模型,参数量缩减了42.5%,平均精确率提升了6.3%,充分验证了本文模型结构的合理性及对于智齿检测任务的有效性。结论 本文针对口腔医学图像的空间结构性质提出的基于内卷解耦的全景智齿检测方案,具有更强的空间信息建模能力,且降低了参数量成本。  相似文献   

Artificial bee colony (ABC) algorithm, one of the swarm intelligence algorithms, has been proposed for continuous optimization, inspired intelligent behaviors of real honey bee colony. For the optimization problems having binary structured solution space, the basic ABC algorithm should be modified because its basic version is proposed for solving continuous optimization problems. In this study, an adapted version of ABC, ABCbin for short, is proposed for binary optimization. In the proposed model for solving binary optimization problems, despite the fact that artificial agents in the algorithm works on the continuous solution space, the food source position obtained by the artificial agents is converted to binary values, before the objective function specific for the problem is evaluated. The accuracy and performance of the proposed approach have been examined on well-known 15 benchmark instances of uncapacitated facility location problem, and the results obtained by ABCbin are compared with the results of continuous particle swarm optimization (CPSO), binary particle swarm optimization (BPSO), improved binary particle swarm optimization (IBPSO), binary artificial bee colony algorithm (binABC) and discrete artificial bee colony algorithm (DisABC). The performance of ABCbin is also analyzed under the change of control parameter values. The experimental results and comparisons show that proposed ABCbin is an alternative and simple binary optimization tool in terms of solution quality and robustness.  相似文献   

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