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材料致密度的高低和晶粒的大小直接影响材料的力学性能和使用性能。为了进一步提高WC-Al2O3复合材料的致密度和控制晶粒尺寸,利用改进的普通热压烧结工艺,即二阶段热压烧结工艺对WC-Al2O3复合材料进行烧结,研究确定最佳二阶段烧结工艺及其对复合材料微观组织和力学性能的影响。结果表明,WC-Al2O3复合材料的最佳二阶段热压烧结工艺为TSS3,即T1=1 600℃,T2=1 450℃,t2=6 h。在TSS3烧结制度下制备的WC-Al2O3复合材料,其致密度(TD)为99%,WC晶粒尺寸为2.38μm,维氏硬度为19.71 GPa,断裂韧性为12 MPa·m1/2,抗弯强度为1 285.03 MPa。与普通热压烧结制度下制备试样的力学性能相比,晶粒尺寸有所减小,致密度、硬度、断裂韧性和抗弯强度均有较明显提高。 相似文献
本文研究了不同退火温度对Mo-La2O3板材微观组织及力学性能的影响。通过金相显微镜、扫描电镜观察了钼合金显微组织及断口形貌,利用透射电镜研究了La2O3对位错分布的影响规律。结果表明,随着退火温度的升高,钼合金晶粒长大,拉伸性能、断裂韧性及显微硬度显著降低。对于退火后的试样,当La2O3粒径较大时,这种颗粒位于晶界处,在颗粒及晶界处形成位错塞积;在退火后的钼合金中,La2O3粒径较小时,绝大多数颗粒位于晶粒内部,位错越过这些颗粒,在晶界或亚晶界上形成位错塞积。 相似文献
CeO2和La2O3对高炉喷吹煤粉燃烧过程的影响 总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12
在模拟高炉喷吹的条件下,对添加CeO2 和La2O3的混合煤粉进行了燃烧试验,考察了稀土氧化物对高炉喷吹煤粉燃烧过程的影响,并探讨了其助燃作用机理. 相似文献
采用反应热压(RHP)工艺,利用Ti、Al、TiO2及Nb2O5之间的放热反应,在较低温度下制备了Nb2O5强化Al2O3/TiAl复合材料.借助XRD、OM及SEM等手段,考察了Nb2O5对Al2O3/TiAl复合材料的相分布及组织结构的影响.结果表明:材料产物由γ-TiAl、α2-Ti3Al、Al2O3和NbAl3相构成,Al2O3颗粒分布于基体交界处,存在一定的偏聚.Nb2O5的引入,使得γ-TiAl相含量减少,α2-Ti3Al相含量增大;基体晶粒有所细化,且分布逐渐趋于均匀.当Nb2O5的引入量(质量分数)为6%时,组织主要由α2-Ti3Al/γ-TiAl层片状晶团组成,出现了较完整的γ-TiAl晶粒,属于近片层(NL)组织结构,层片状晶团的尺寸小于50μm,γ晶粒尺寸小于5μm.力学性能测试表明,当Nb2O5的引入量(质量分数)为6%时,材料的抗弯强度达到最大值,约为593MPa,硬度为4.77 GPa;断裂韧度达到最大值,为8.93MPa·m1/2,具有可接受的力学性能. 相似文献
Adding rare earth oxide CeO2 with variable valences to La2O3 formed a mixture of rare earth oxides. By means of dipping CeO2, La2O3 and their mixture, whose carriers were all γ-Al2O3, were used as the catalyst for the reduction of SO2 by CO. The activation process of this catalyst and the impact of temperature and reactant concentration on the activation process were investigated. Using X-ray diffraction, the structure characteristics of catalyst before and after reaction were analyzed to reveal the change of phase structure. The result shows that the rare earth oxide mixtures composing of CeO2 and La2O3, as the catalyst for the reduction of SO2 by CO, diminish activation temperature 50~100℃ less and have higher activity than a single oxide CeO2 or La2O3. The reason possibl is that La2O3 goes into in the lattice of CeO2 to form solid phase complex CeO2-La2O3 and increases the capability of CeO2-La2O3/γ-Al2O3 catalyst to store oxygen, which supplies the redox of CeO2 reaction with a better condition. At the same time, elemental sulfur formed in the redox reaction impels La203 to be transformed to activation phase La2O2S in a lower temperature, which can be explained with the synergism between redox reaction and COS intermediate mechanism reaction. 相似文献
CeO2-Co3O4 Catalysts for CO Oxidation 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
CeO2-Co3O4 catalysts for low-temperature CO oxidation were prepared by a co-precipitation method. In combination with the characterization methods of N2 adsorption/desorption, XRD, temperature-programmed reduction (TPR), and FT-IR, the influence of the cerium content on the catalytic performance of CeO2-Co3O4 was investigated. The results indicate that the prepared CeO2-Co3O4 catalysts exhibit a better activity than that of pure CeO2 or pure Co3O4. The catalyst with the Ce/Co atomic ratio 1 : 16 exhibits the best activity, which converts 77% of CO at room temperature and completely oxidizes CO at 45 ℃. 相似文献
以铝粉、硅粉、石墨粉为原料, 通过冷压真空烧结原位合成了含不同质量分数SiC颗粒的SiC/Al-18Si复合材料。利用X射线衍射仪, 扫描电子显微镜和能谱分析仪等设备手段表征了铝基复合材料的相组成和微观结构, 研究了原位合成SiC对复合材料微观结构、抗弯强度和显微硬度的影响, 分析了复合材料力学性能的变化规律。结果表明: 复合材料的基体相为Al相, 第二相为Si相和SiC相; 原位合成的SiC颗粒弥散细小的分布在Al基体中, 其颗粒尺寸主要分布在0.2~2.8 μm, 具有亚微米、微米级的多尺度特性; 随着SiC质量分数的不断增加, 复合材料的显微硬度增大, 同时颗粒的平均尺寸仅由0.81 μm增大到1.13 μm, 但仍均匀分布, 正是这种尺寸稳定性, 使得SiC/Al-18Si复合材料硬度远大于Al-18Si; 当SiC质量分数为30%时, 材料的显微硬度最高, 达到HV 134, 相较于Al-18Si提高了88%。 相似文献
La2O3, Ce2O3掺杂对原位合成Al2O3(p)/TiAl复合材料显微组织与性能的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
借助XRD, SEM分析及力学性能测试, 分析了La2O3, Ce2O3掺杂对原位合成Al2O3颗粒强化钛铝基复合材料组织与性能的影响, 探讨了稀土氧化物(La2O3, Ce2O3)的细化机制. 研究结果表明: 掺杂稀土氧化物后产物由γ-TiAl/α2-Ti3Al双相、 Al2O3及Al4La或Al4Ce相组成;Al2O3颗粒分布于晶界处, 使基体晶粒得以细化;引入稀土元素后材料的密度明显增强, 氧化铝的团聚现象减弱. 力学性能测试表明, La2O3, Ce2O3的引入, 有效改善了复合材料的力学性能, 尤其是掺杂Ce2O3后, 材料的抗弯强度比未掺杂时提高了160%以上. 相似文献
Al2O3/TiB2复合材料组织与性能的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用金相显微镜、SEM、抗析试验机和硬度计研究了无压烧结Al2O3/TiB2陶瓷复合材料的组织与性能,结果表明,利用无压烧结技术可以制备这种性能优良的新型材料,TiB2细化材料的晶粒,提高了材料的机械性能,文中还对这种材料的氧化性能进行了研究。 相似文献
《Baosteel Technical Research》2015,9(3):17-22
To improve the mechanical properties of WC-Al2O3 composites,the effects of trace amount of CeO2 additives on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the WC-Al2O3 composites prepared by hot pressing were investigated. The results revealed that the WC-Al2O3 composites doped with 0.1% CeO2 possessed refined microstructure and enhanced mechanical properties compared with that of the undoped WC-Al2O3 composites.Trace CeO2 suppressed the decarburization of WC,promoted the microstructural refinement,and improved the interface coherence of the WC matrix and Al2O3. When 0.1% Ce O2 was added to the WC-Al2O3 composites,the effect of CeO2 resulted in the achievement of a relative density of 98.82% with an excellent Vickers hardness of 16.89 GPa,combining a fracture toughness of 9.85 M Pa·m1 /2with an acceptable flexural strength of1 024.05 MPa. 相似文献
The influence of Er_2 O_3 addition on the phase evolution and mechanical properties of sintered(1600 ℃,4 h) ZTA(yttria stabilized zirconia toughened alumina)-TiO_2 composites was investigated. The SEM and XRD results reveal the formation of a new erbium zirconium oxide,Zr_3 Er_4 O_(12),with a granulate morphology when Er_2 O_3 content is higher than 1 wt%. The grain sizes of both Al_2 O_3 and yttria-stabilized zirconia phases decrease with an increase in the Er_2 O_3 content. The relative density, Vickers hardness and fracture toughness of the composites are found to be strongly dependent on their grain sizes, relative densities and the formation of the Zr_3 Er_4 O_(12) secondary phases. The composite with 5 wt% Er_2 O_3 shows the highest relative density(99.93%), Vickers hardness(1752 HV) and fracture toughness(7.92 MPa·m~(1/2)). 相似文献
采用粉末冶金方法制备了不同质量分数La_2O_3/Y_2O_3复合稀土氧化物掺杂的钼合金,观察了钼合金物相构成、显微组织和断口形貌,测试了其力学性能。结果表明:掺杂La-2O_3/Y_2O_3钼合金的物相组成为La_2O_3、Y_2O_3和Mo;锻造态钼合金横截面的晶粒尺寸随La_2O_3/Y_2O_3含量增加而减小,锻造态钼合金纵截面的显微组织为明显的纤维状织构组织形态;锻造态Mo(La_2O_3)3.0(Y_2O_3)0.5钼合金的横截面断口为韧窝断裂和少量解理断裂,纵截面断口为沿晶脆性断裂;合金抗弯强度和弯曲角随La_2O_3/Y_2O_3含量的增加先增加后降低,Mo(La_2O_3)3.0(Y_2O_3)0.5钼合金抗弯强度达到1133 MPa,弯曲角达到38°。 相似文献
R. R. Bowman A. K. Misra S. M. Arnold 《Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A》1995,26(3):615-628
The mechanical properties of NiAl-matrix composites reinforced with 125-μm diameter single-crystal A12O3 (sapphire) fibers have been examined over the temperature range of 300 to 1200 K. Composites were fabricated with either
a strong or weak fiber-matrix interfacial bond strength. During fabrication, a fiber-matrix interaction occurred such that
fibers extracted from the NiAl matrix were fragmented and significantly weaker than the as-received fibers. Tensile results
of the weakly bonded composite demonstrated that the composite stiffness was greater than the monolithic at both 300 and 1200
K in spite of the weak bond. Room-temperature strengths of the composite were greater than that of the monolithic but below
rule-of-mixture predictions (even when the degraded fiber strengths were accounted for). At 1200 K, the ultimate strength
of the composite was inferior to that of the monolithic primarily because of the poor fiber properties. No tensile data was
obtained on the strongly bonded material because of the occurrence of matrix cracking during fabrication. Primarily because
of the fiber strength loss, sapphire-NiAl composite mechanical properties are inferior to conventional high-temperature materials
such as superalloys and are currently unsuitable for structural applications. 相似文献
采用XRD,SEM及力学性能测试等方法研究添加稀土氧化物Y2O3、CeO2和(Y2O3+CeO2)对羟基磷灰石基复合材料的烧结温度、力学性能和显微结构的影响。结果表明,添加2%的稀土氧化物,可以降低烧结温度,改善显微结构,提高抗弯强度。尤其是添加2%的复合稀土氧化物(Y2O3+CeO2)后,羟基磷灰石基复合材料的抗弯强度达110 MPa,是未添加稀土氧化物的试样的1.29倍。其强度提高的主要原因是稀土元素的细晶强化和固溶强化等对基体的作用。 相似文献
Effects of CeO2 nanoparticles on microstructure and properties of laser cladded NiCoCrAlY coatings 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
CeO2 nanoparticles(nano-CeO2p) were added into laser cladded NiCoCrAlY coatings on Ni-based superalloy substrate to improve the microstructure and properties.Scanning electron microscope(SEM),X-ray diffractometer(XRD),micro-hardness tester,and heat treatment furnace were employed to investigate their morphologies,phases,micro-hardness and thermal shock resistance,compared with the coating without nanoparticles added.The results showed that the microstructure and properties of the coatings with the addition ... 相似文献
采用高压扭转(high pressure torsion)法将粒径比分别为1:1,1:7,1:21的SiC颗粒和纯铝粉末的混合物固结成金属基复合材料。利用金相显微镜、显微维氏硬度计、万能试验机和扫描电镜研究不同SiC粒径比对SiCp/Al复合材料显微组织和力学性能的影响。结果表明,与SiC粒径比1:1的试样相比,粒径比为1:7和1:21的试样中SiC颗粒分布更加均匀,颗粒间无明显团聚现象;大颗粒加入后对材料硬度的影响较为复杂,1:21试样硬度值最低;材料伸长率分别提高130%和113%,致密度也高于1:1的试样,材料断裂形式为韧性断裂。SiC粒径比为1:7试样的致密度、伸长率高于粒径比为1:21试样,综合性能较好。 相似文献
采用亚微米级Fe2O3粉末作为烧结助剂制备Fe-Ni-Cu-C预混合粉,考察Fe2O3颗粒在混合料中的分布状态、Fe2O3添加量对材料的成形与烧结密度以及显微组织和力学性能的影响。结果表明,亚微米Fe2O3粉末可均匀分布在预混料中,但当Fe2O3粉末添加的质量分数超过0.3%时材料的压制与烧结密度明显下降;添加少量的亚微米Fe2O3粉末可提高合金的力学性能,Fe2O3粉末的添加量为0.3%时,合金的强度、韧性和伸长率较未添加Fe2O3粉末时分别提高7.3%、5.8%和4.8%;由于亚微米Fe2O3还原成微细铁粉后具有高活性,坯体烧结时铁基颗粒间的烧结连接率增大,拉伸断口形貌呈较多的韧窝组织,且烧结体中的孔隙圆化。 相似文献
W. L. Barmore E. L. Raymond C. J. Echer R. R. Vandervoort 《Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A》1980,11(2):239-245
Mechanical property specimens of niobium (Cb) were doped with helium by the tritium trick to concentrations as high as 500
appm. The tritium decays by the reaction3H →3He +β
− at a rate that produces about 7 appm per day in the host microstructure. Tensile properties were measured from room temperature
to 800°C, and creep properties from 700 to 1000°C at stresses from 45 to 75 MPa. Transmission electron microscopy was used
to study the microstructure of the helium doped specimens, and the observations were correlated with the mechanical property
results. The results of this investigation showed that niobium has a high tolerance to helium trapped in the microstructure.
The tensile and creep strengths of niobium increased as helium concentration increased. The ductility decreased significantly
as the helium concentration increased, but niobium retained substantial ductility even at a high helium concentration of 500
appm. This amount of helium would be generated by (n,α) reactions in the microstructure of a niobium first wall after a 20
y exposure in a D-T fusion reactor. Thus, niobium and niobium alloys are potential candidates for high temperature structural
materials in D-T fusion reactors. 相似文献