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BACKGROUND: The object of this study was to macerate melon fruit (Cucumis melo, L.) in melon distillate to produce a liqueur that would possess the sensory attributes of the fruit. Chemical and sensory analysis was performed on the different spirits. RESULTS: Spirits macerated with melon pieces, seeds and placenta showed double the sugar concentration compared to spirits macerated with seeds and placenta only. Concentrations of esters and higher alcohols were also higher in the first macerated. Neither n‐butanol nor ethyl butyrate were detected in any of the batches. The sensory analysis results (rank‐order tests) did not disclose any significant differences among the spirit batches although maceration with seeds and placenta conferred a golden colour to the spirit that is popular in commercial products. All the batches can be grouped close together in the greenish yellow quadrant, though in the region closer to yellow. Liqueurs contained higher quantities of ethyl acetate than the macerated spirits. CONCLUSIONS: Macerated spirit with seeds and placenta was the most adequate for production on account of its deeper colour, its suitability for filtration, and its typical melon aroma, as well as its lower production costs. The acceptability of melon liqueur was similar to other spirits tasted. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Optimising packaging for minimally processed 'Barattiere' melon cultivar ( Cucumis melo L.) is addressed in this work. Melon slices were dipped in water solution containing ascorbic acid (1%) and calcium chloride (0.2%). Dipped and untreated fresh-cut produce was packaged in four different polymeric materials (two biodegradable films, a commercially available multilayer film (MLF) and polypropylene), before storing at 5 °C. During storage, headspace gas composition, microbial quality, pH and mass loss were monitored for a period of 2 weeks. Results suggest that film characteristics strongly influenced gas concentrations in the headspace, microbial growth and weight. Among the tested packaging materials, the MLF seemed to delay significantly the detrimental phenomena involved in quality acceptance, even if clearly anaerobic atmospheres were recorded. The biodegradable films, combined with a dipping pre-treatment, could represent a good compromise between film performance and environmental impact.  相似文献   

为了研究不同贮藏温度对采后哈密瓜果实冷害及品质的影响,分别对1、3、5℃贮藏条件下86-1哈密瓜果实的冷害症状、冷害指数、冷害率、细胞膜相对透性、硬度、可溶性固形物含量、可滴定酸及维生素C含量进行了系统观察、统计与测定。结果表明:86-1哈密瓜冷害的发生与贮藏温度及持续时间有关,1℃贮藏条件下,86-1哈密瓜果实冷害出现的时间较早,果实的冷害指数、冷害率及细胞膜相对透性较高;硬度、可溶性固形物及维生素C含量下降较快,可滴定酸出现先上升后下降的趋势。3℃贮藏有利于维持86-1哈密瓜果实的品质,5℃贮藏果实虽未发生冷害,但后期品质劣变较快,腐烂较重。   相似文献   

世界六大蒸馏酒因工艺与原料的差别,形成了不同的酒体风格。该研究利用气相色谱-质谱联用(GC-MS)仪对六大蒸馏酒的挥发性成分进行了比较分析。并在定性79种物质的基础上,通过主成分分析揭示了六大蒸馏酒在成分上的差异。结果表明,酱香型白酒中的酸类物质种类及含量高于西方蒸馏酒,而高级醇类物质与此相反。此外,酱香型白酒中含有多种高级脂肪酸乙酯,其中棕榈酸乙酯、油酸乙酯、亚油酸乙酯含量较高,可作为鉴别中西方蒸馏酒的潜在标记化合物。另外,西方蒸馏酒中含有多种呋喃酮类化合物和香草醛等物质,此类化合物中的糠醛在酱香型白酒中含量很高。研究结果揭示不同工艺蒸馏酒风格差异的化学本质。  相似文献   

This research aimed to advance the understanding of acceptable sensory qualities of potable whey-based spirit from nonsupplemented, mid-supplemented, and high-supplemented whey samples by analyzing major volatile compounds during different stages of distillation (head, heart, and tail). The results demonstrated that commercial Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain in lactase-hydrolyzed whey showed rapid and complete sugar hydrolysis and efficient ethanol production in 24, 30, and 36 h on average, producing up to 29.5, 42.1, and 56.4 g/L of ethanol, respectively. The variations in titratable acidity, specific gravity, pH value, residual protein, sugar content, and alcohol yield were investigated during the fermentation. The total amount of volatile compound concentrations significantly decreased from the head (2,087–2,549 mg/L) to the tail whey spirits (890–1,407 mg/L). In the whey spirit, 2-methyl-1-butanol, 3-methyl-1-butanol, 2-methyl-1-propanol, 1-propanol, acetaldehyde, and ethyl acetate were the most prevalent dominant compounds, accounting for the largest proportion of total volatile compounds. The volatile compounds detected were far below the acceptable legal limit. The results suggest that high sensory qualities of potable whey-based spirits can be produced by fermentation of lactose-supplemented whey with S. cerevisiae cells.  相似文献   

Seeds from a melon hybrid ‘ChunLi’ were analysed for their proximate composition. The seeds contained high percentages of lipids (35.36%) and proteins (29.90%). Hexane‐extracted oil had acid, peroxide, iodine and saponification values of 1.51, 3.95, 89.5 and 226.73, respectively. Gas chromatographic analysis of the oil revealed the presence of twenty‐five fatty acids varying from C4 to C24 with the exception of C5, C7, C11 and C19. The concentrations of individual fatty acids varied from trace quantities to about 54.8%. Linoleic, oleic, palmitic and stearic acids were the principal fatty acids contributing to 53.9%, 12.1%, 23.9% and 5.7%, respectively, of the total fatty acids which had a relatively high percentage (67.5%) of unsaturated fatty acids. Seed proteins were rich in arginine, aspartic and glutamic acids while limiting amino acids were methionine and lysine.  相似文献   

为研究生产因素(原料品种、原料产区、酵母、氮源)对工业规模哈密瓜蒸馏酒挥发性物质的影响,采用顶空固相微萃取-气相色谱质谱联用(HS-SPME-GC-MS)仪对哈密瓜蒸馏酒挥发物质进行分析。结果表明,不同的哈密瓜蒸馏酒样品中共检出76种挥发性物质,包括醇类12种,萜烯类8种,醛酮类5种,酸类3种,酯类23种,苯环类15种,含硫化合物3种,呋喃类4种,其他类化合物2种。其中共有化合物12种,包括1-壬醇、含硫化合物等,含量主要受到原料品种和产区的影响;主成分分析(PCA)结果表明,产区对哈密瓜蒸馏酒挥发性物质影响最大。相同产区下,氮源的添加、原料品种和酵母也对蒸馏酒的挥发性成分有显著影响(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

该研究探讨了哈茨木霉菌剂处理对网纹甜瓜货架期品质的影响。研究在网纹甜瓜种植过程中,对甜瓜根部施用哈茨木霉菌剂4次(每次剂量为0.1 g/m2),以根部施用清水为对照组,比较果实在10 ℃冷库中贮藏第0、5、10和15 d的感官得分、颜色、质构、口味和抗氧化能力等品质特征。结果表明:哈茨木霉处理后果肉的口感甜糯,质地均一,果实最佳赏味期较对照组延长约4 d;哈茨木霉处理组果实可溶性固形物含量和Vc含量分别比对照组提高15.20%和64.58%;哈茨木霉组的ORAC值达到667.80 (µmol/L)/100 g,比对照组提高了10.05%,果实的抗氧化能力显著性提高;并且哈茨木霉处理使果皮硬度提高1.75倍,延缓果肉的软化现象,使果实更加便适于贮藏和运输。因此,种植过程中在根部追施哈茨木霉菌剂有利于提高网纹甜瓜货架期品质。  相似文献   


Melon (Cucumis melo L.) is an important fruit crop cultivated widely in every region of the world. Our laboratory is targeting this species for production of novel proteins important to food industry. Prior to expression of protein of interest in transgenic melon an efficient genetic transformation system has to be developed. In this context we are testing a wide variety of promoters fused to reporter gene for β‐glucuronidase (GUS) for expression specifically in melon fruits. In this study in melon, salicylic acid‐inducible promoter region of pathogenesis‐related protein gene (PR1a) of tobacco fused to β‐glucuronidase (GUS) gene was introduced into melon via Agrobacterium‐mediated gene transfer using a binary vector system. Gene transfer was effective when Agrobacterium virulence factors like acetosyringone (100 μM) and low pH (5.2) were provided during the co‐culture step. Transformed shoots were recovered from benzyladenine‐induced cut cotyledons using kanamycin gene as a selective marker. Regeneration of shoots from cotyledons was stimulated by providing 10 mM proline in the shoot organogenesis medium. Southern and Northern blot analysis of transformants confirmed the presence of β‐glucuronidase gene in two selected clones J‐3 and PR‐G. The transformants also showed high β‐glucuronidase activity after salicylic acid treatment. Thiamine, a previously known inducer of pathogenesis‐related protein, stimulated β‐glucuronidase in J‐3 but not PR‐G melon transformants tested in this study. These studies showed that tobacco PR1a promoter region can be expressed in melon and it was stimulated by salicylic acid. This indicates the potential to use the promoter region of tobacco PR1a for genetic improvement of melon for specific food processing‐related characteristics or for expression of novel food‐related proteins. The promoter region could be used to drive specific target genes under stress or salicylic acid induced conditions.  相似文献   

不同超高压处理压力对哈密瓜汁香气的影响   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
采用固相微萃取方法对不同超高压处理的哈密瓜汁的香气进行富集 ,并经GC MS联机检索分析 ,发现超高压处理对哈密瓜汁中的酯类、醇类、醛类和酮类都有影响 ,其中超高压处理哈密瓜汁的酯类减少了 5种且峰面积减少了约 10 % ,而醛类和酮类增加。 5 0 0MPa/2 0min处理的哈密瓜汁与 40 0MPa/2 0min处理的哈密瓜汁相比 ,酯的种类和峰面积变化不大 ,酮的种类没有变化 ,但增加了 3种不饱和醛。 2种超高压条件处理的哈密瓜汁酯类的特征香气成分未变 ,但醇类和醛类的特征香气成分变化较大。感官评定表明 :超高压处理的哈密瓜汁的香气减弱 ,青鲜气增强 ,这与哈密瓜汁香气成分检测的结果相符合。  相似文献   

甜瓜发酵饮料的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以甜瓜为原料,研究具有甜瓜特殊风味的乳酸菌发酵饮料.采用驯化的保加利亚乳杆菌和嗜热链球菌(1:1)为发酵菌种,通过正交试验确定最佳发酵条件为:白砂糖4%,奶粉5%,发酵温度42℃,接种量4%,发酵时间48h.稳定剂选用CMC+黄原胶1:1混合,用量为0.2%.研制的产品口感细腻酸味可口,风味独特,是营养保健型发酵饮品.  相似文献   

The oil content and oil characteristics of seeds of 91 accessions of musk melon (Cucumis melo), including two allied species collected from different parts of the world, have been studied to assess their variability. Oil content (on a whole seed basis) ranged from 12.5 to 39.1% and iodine values from 106.0 to 124.1. Gas liquid chromatographic analysis showed that only linoleic, oleic, palmitic and stearic acids were present. Unsaturated fatty acids constituted 64.6–88.2% of the total fatty acids present. The proportion of kernel in the seeds of different accessions, varied from 25.0 to 74.1% and contributed significantly to the total oil content of the whole seed. A similar relationship existed in the case of the 100-seed weight.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Fresh-cut cantaloupe cubes were placed in film-sealed containers in which the internal gas mixture was attained naturally (nMAP), was flushed with 4 kPa O2 plus 10 kPa CO2 (fMAP), or was maintained near atmospheric levels by perforating the film (PFP). While both nMAP and fMAP maintained the salable quality of melon cubes for 9 d at 5°C, fMAP maintained quality better than nMAP. The benefit of fMAP was indicated by better color retention, and by reduced translucency, respiration rate, and microbial population compared with nMAP. Shelf life of cubes in PFP was only 5 to 7 d at 5°C, and its rapid decline was due to tissue translucency and/or off-odor development.  相似文献   

The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae UFLA CA1174 was evaluated for its potential to produce an orange spirit, as a possible alternative to reduce waste and increase income to citrus farmers. The sugar concentration of the orange juice was adjusted to 16ºBrix and the pH to 4.5. The orange juice was inoculated at approximately 7 log CFU/mL, and the fermentation was performed at room temperature until ºBrix stabilization. The yeast used showed high values for the conversion factors of the substrates into ethanol (Yp/s 0.50 g/g), the volumetric productivity of ethanol (Qp 1.78 g/L/h), the biomass productivity (Px 58.47 g/g) and the fermentation efficiency (Ef 97.83%). The sugars were converted quickly, and a high ethanol concentration (58.13 g/L) was achieved after 24 h of fermentation. The orange wine was distilled in a copper alembic, and the head, heart and tail fractions were collected. The orange spirit produced (heart fraction) had high concentrations of acetaldehyde, ethyl acetate, isoamyl alcohol and 2‐phenylethanol. The results showed that orange juice could be a good substrate for fermentation and distillation, and the sensory analysis performed revealed that the produced beverage had good acceptance by the tasters. Copyright © 2013 The Institute of Brewing & Distilling  相似文献   

哈密瓜在贮藏和运输过程中极易出现腐败,本研究采用组织分离法从贮藏过程中自然腐烂的哈密瓜分离纯化出致腐病原菌3株,通过形态学观察、ITS测序分析、表型分析的方法鉴定出菌株CYS为赭曲霉(Aspergillus ochraceus,JN942915.1),菌株CJS为粉红单端孢(Trichothecium roseum,KM877467.1),菌株CWS为娃儿藤内生真菌(Diaporthe sp.,LT965977.1);采用Biolog-FF技术对3株致腐病原菌的生长和代谢能力进行分析,发现菌株CYS代谢的主要碳源有44种,对羧酸的代谢能力最强,其次为氨基酸和糖;菌株CJS代谢的主要碳源有22种,对氨基酸的代谢能力最强,其次为羧酸和糖;菌株CWS代谢的主要碳源有41种,对糖的代谢能力最强,其次为羧酸和氨基酸。由此可以分析,果蔬表面及环境中存在的病原菌会因为有利于其生长的物质(如糖类、氨基酸、羧酸类物质)存在而加快代谢速度,从而会加速果蔬腐烂变质。通过本研究结论可以进一步揭示致腐病原菌侵染机制,并为果蔬贮藏技术研究提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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