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中国烟草"走出去"的实践和几点建议   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在经济全球化加速发展的今天,一个产业只有放在全球范围内来审视,才能判断其是否真正具有国际竞争力;一个企业只有在全球范围内有效整合资源,才能成为世界级企业。对于中国烟草来说,“走出去”开展跨国经营,充分利用“两个市场、两种资源”,积极培育新的经济增长点,这是其提高竞争实力,拓展发展空间,谋求长远发展的一项具有重大意义的战略性选择。本文通过回顾中国烟草“走出去”的实践,总结其中的基本经验,对中国烟草制定和宴施“走出去”战略进行了初步思考和探讨。  相似文献   

“走出去”推进产业全球布局当前,我国纺织工业正处于加紧落实强国建设任务的重要时期,立足全球视野,充分整合国际、国内有利资源,是顺利完成强国建设任务的重要支撑,形成全球布局、高效发展的跨国产业体系也是纺织强国的重要表现。纺织行业对外投资具有准人障碍少、自由度高的特有优势,我国企业在海外的发展空间仍然充足。在当前形势下,进一步实施“走出去”战略,做好内外统筹,积极、稳妥地推进产业全球布局,仍是纺织行业面临的重要发展任务。  相似文献   

王永红 《纺织器材》2011,38(4):63-65
为了实现纺织工业走出去的战略,提升我国纺织工业国际竞争力,分析了中国纺织工业走出去所受的各种制约因素,诸如成本优势渐失,营销渠道不畅,产业提升不力等,并从六个方面探讨了走出战略模式,提出完善平台建设对中国纺织业走出去的重要性。指出中国纺织工业要走出去,必须由OEM向OBM发展,实现跨国战略合作;建立境外技术研发中心,打...  相似文献   

烟草产业是全球集中度最高的产业之一,在中国以外的国际市场上.目前70%左右的卷烟市场已被奥驰亚集团、英美烟草公司、日本烟草公司和帝国烟草公司四家跨国烟草公司所垄断。  相似文献   

中国企业跨国投资研讨会暨企业“走出去”战略研讨会将在北京召开为贯彻落实党中央、国务院关于“走出去”的发展战略,帮助企业开展对外投资、合作与国际贸易,中国贸促会、国家发改委、商务部、国家税务总局将于2007年5月16-17日在北京召开中国企业跨国投资研讨会暨企业“走出去”战略研讨会。此次会议分为部长论坛、专家论坛和行业论坛。  相似文献   

为贯彻落实胡锦涛总书记关于把云南建设成为我国面向西南开放“桥头堡”的重要指示精神,云南省新闻出版局积极主动加快推进云南新闻出版产业“桥头堡”建设和“走出去”战略步伐,采取六项措施,力促印刷包装企业“走出去”。  相似文献   

行业动态建设"立足中国布局全球"的跨国纺织产业体系近日,由中国纺织工业联合会主办,中国纺织品进出口商会、中国-东盟中心协办的中国纺织产业实施"走出去"战略交流大会在北京召开。中国纺织工业联合会会长王天凯代表全行业作大会主旨发言,希望全行业共同努力,积极稳妥地建设"立足中国、布局全球"的跨国产业体系。  相似文献   

进入新的世纪,世界范围的技术进步,将会引发和推动产业结构升级,将会拓宽世界经济和贸易的增长空间。上海轻工产品在经济全球化中,通过接纳发达国家产业转移获得新的市场空间,有层次地参与国际分工,发挥传统轻工业的比较优势,来获得扩大和发展国际贸易、国际经济合作的新的机遇。因此“走出去”战略将是“十五”期间上海轻工发展战略的重要组成部分。上海保温容器公司在行业结构调整中,以市场为导向,坚持“引进来”与“走出去”并举的双向开发战略,一方面大胆引进  相似文献   

郑秀康 《西部皮革》2002,24(11):40-43
党中央在关于制订“十五”计划《建议》中提出:要实施“走出去”的开发战略,大力实施“走出去”战略是关系到我国发展全局和前途的重大战略举措,是发展21世纪中国经济、主动接轨国际经济一体化挑战,自觉参与经济全球化的迫切需要。 中国皮鞋行业是轻工行业的一个重要组成部分,年产量达27亿双,出口创汇37亿美元,是名符其实的世界制鞋大国和出口大国,同时我们也看到,我国皮鞋的平均出口价格仅为5.79美元/双,为世界各国皮鞋价格之最低,而且绝大部份是给国外品牌做加工,如何实施“走出去”战略,与国际品牌同台竞技,已经是摆在我们中国皮鞋行业面  相似文献   

各位同行、各位朋友: 这次在参加中国企业跨国投资研讨会期间,利用这一良好的机会和有效的平台,我们举办了中国粮油企业、粮机企业的"走出去"战略研讨会.全国知名的米、面、油加工企业和粮油机械的著名厂商共聚一堂,商讨落实党中央、国务院关于走出去的战略部署,交流经验,研讨对策,是一次意义深远的会议.这对于全国粮油系统、粮机企业开拓进取,在国际市场中经风雨,受磨炼,全面提升企业的竞争能力和综合实力,具有重要的作用.  相似文献   

为使我国科研技术人员把握国际烟草企业新型烟草制品中加热不燃烧产品的特点和技术走向,对目前市场上销售及在研的加热不燃烧烟草制品进行总结和分析,并着重对加热不燃烧烟草制品烟气化学的安全性进行了综述。结果表明:在新型烟草制品领域,专利数据显示三大跨国烟草企业(菲莫烟草、英美烟草及日本烟草)更注重在加热不燃烧烟草制品方面的技术开发, 尤其是菲莫烟草;烟气化学对比分析表明加热不燃烧烟草制品是行业未来最具发展潜力的热点;在加热不燃烧烟草制品技术领域,电加热型(含混合型)在口感和降低有害成分释放方面优于碳加热型;相比于纯电加热型产品,混合型产品的有害成分释放量更低。   相似文献   

中国烟草通过三十多年的改革发展,取得了巨大的成绩。但世界烟草市场仍被大型跨国公司垄断,中国烟草企业2012年在除中国以外的国际卷烟市场份额仅为1.7%。随着烟草控制形势更加严峻、烟草市场集中度持续提高、国际竞争的压力不断增强,“走出去”发展战略逐步上升为中国烟草未来发展的重大改革举措。跨国并购作为“走出去”战略的主要方式之一,对中国烟草企业实现品牌扩张和市场份额提升具有重要意义。本文试图从跨国并购的国际市场环境、风险分析及管控、中国烟草跨国并购的可行性路径分析入手,对未来目标市场、实施路径、国内法律监管等方面提出自己的一些思考。   相似文献   

自上世纪末以来,中国的可可制品市场一直保持着10%以上的年均增长率,远高于3%的国际平均增长率,已经成为重要的可可制品市场。然而由于历史发展及技术水平等多方面的原因,中国的可可市场基本被外资控制,国内企业在可可种植、加工及销售环节都没有话语权,可可产业的产业安全受到严重威胁。为了寻找适合中国本土企业的可可产业发展道路,从分析国际及国内可可产业情况出发,我们提出了以满足中国市场可可制品个性化需求为导向的中国可可产业发展战略。  相似文献   

为使国内研发人员准确把握国内外细支卷烟的研究现状,从细支卷烟发展的总体态势、燃吸机理、烟气的形成与传递及安全性评估等方面对细支卷烟进行了综述,并对国内烟草行业未来的细支卷烟研究方向进行了展望。结果表明:与常规卷烟相比,细支卷烟更能给人以愉悦和低风险的感知。国外烟草行业在烟支物理指标、燃吸机理、烟气成分形成与传递以及安全性评估等基础研究方面进行了大量研究,研究也较为深入。国内的相关研究起步较晚,但发展较快,主要涉及制丝、烟用材料、烟气成分以及卷烟设计等方面,研究的深度有待进一步加强。此外,国内烟草行业在燃吸机理及安全性评估方面的研究有所欠缺。   相似文献   

为了解国内外无烟气烟草制品专利申请的情况,把握无烟气烟草制品的研发趋势,为我国烟草行业无烟气烟草制品的研究开发与市场发展提供决策参考和技术依据,对国内外无烟气烟草产品技术专利进行了检索分析,并对国际大型烟草公司在无烟烟草方面的进展做了的调查。结果表明:(1)无烟气烟草制品技术专利申请量在2008、2009年这两年时间内取得了较大的进展;(2)2000年以后,无烟气烟草制品的研发热点转移到嚼烟、鼻烟领域;(3)国际大型烟草公司相继进入无烟烟草领域,无烟气烟草制品已成为各大烟草公司的研发热点。   相似文献   

跨国制药公司并购活动中的知识产权动因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从跨国制药企业的并购现象出发,以知识产权视角分析了辉瑞并购惠氏的行为,并通过对比分析全球三大生物制药公司(安进、基因泰克、惠氏)的中国区专利申请情况,藉此解析辉瑞并购惠氏背后的知识产权因素和制药业未来的市场竞争热点,以及并购行为对国内制药企业的可能影响。  相似文献   

Zhong F  Yano E 《Tobacco control》2007,16(2):133-137


China entered the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001 after years of negotiations. As a WTO member, China had to reduce tariffs on imported cigarettes and remove non‐tariff barriers to allow foreign cigarettes to be more competitive in the Chinese market. Among foreign tobacco companies, British American Tobacco (BAT) was the most active lobbyist during China''s WTO negotiations.


To review and analyse BAT''s tactics and activities relating to China''s entry into the WTO.


Internal tobacco industry documents were reviewed and are featured here. Industry documents were searched mainly on the website of BAT''s Guildford Depository and other documents'' websites. 528 documents were evaluated and 142 were determined to be relevant to China''s entry into the WTO.


BAT was extremely active during the progress of China''s entry into the WTO. The company focused its lobbying efforts on two main players in the negotiations: the European Union (EU) and the US. Because of the negative moral and health issues related to tobacco, BAT did not seek public support from officials associated with the WTO negotiations. Instead, BAT lobbyists suggested that officials protect the interests of BAT by presenting the company''s needs as similar to those of all European companies. During the negotiation process, BAT officials repeatedly spoke favourably of China''s accession into the WTO, with the aim of presenting BAT as a facilitator in this process and of gaining preferential treatment from their Chinese competitor.


BAT''s activities clearly suggest that tobacco companies place their own interests above public health interests. Today, China struggles with issues of tobacco control that are aggravated by the aggressive practices of transnational tobacco companies, tobacco‐tariff reductions and the huge number of smokers. For the tobacco‐control movement to progress in China, health advocates must understand how foreign tobacco companies have undermined anti‐tobacco activities by taking advantage of trade liberalisation policies. China should attach importance to public health and comprehensive tobacco‐control policies and guarantee strong protection measures from national and international tobacco interests supported by international trade agreements.China is the largest tobacco producing and consuming country in the world, with over 350 million smokers in a population of 1.2 billion.1,2 China''s cigarette market is dominated by a state‐owned monopoly, the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration, which strongly protects the domestic tobacco industry.3 This largest cigarette market in the world is nearly 3½ times the size of the US cigarette market and over 12 times the size of the German cigarette market, which is the largest in Western Europe.4 However, as smoking rates have fallen in North America and Western Europe,5 transnational tobacco companies (TTCs) from the US and Great Britain have turned to international cigarette markets to seek greater profits.China entered the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 2001 after years of negotiations.6 As a condition of WTO membership, China had to reduce tariffs on imported cigarettes and remove non‐tariff barriers to allow greater competitiveness for foreign cigarettes in the Chinese market.7 O''Sullivan and Chapman8 and Lee et al9 studied TTC industry documents and described TTC aims and conduct in China. Those studies mainly focused on the heavy reliance on contraband and the undermining of national advertising bans. However, no previous papers have examined China''s entry into the WTO on the basis of tobacco‐industry documents. British American Tobacco (BAT) was engaged in the most active lobbying during China''s accession to the WTO. This paper reviews and analyses BAT documents related to China''s WTO negotiations to clarify BAT''s tactics and use of international trade policies to support their corporate interests.  相似文献   

电子烟已成为国际烟草关注的焦点和发展的热点,也是我国烟草行业新型烟草制品发展的一个重要方向。对近几年国内外关于电子烟烟液、烟具和气溶胶中化学成分的风险研究文献和相关法规的进行了收集、分类、比较和分析,从以下三个方面对电子烟中化学成分风险研究现状进行阐述,以期为电子烟安全性研究提供参考:1)烟液和气溶胶中烟碱、醛酮类化合物、挥发性化合物、烟草特有亚硝胺和金属元素等相关研究;2)电子烟气溶胶与卷烟烟气中有害成分的对比研究;3)烟具中有害成分迁移量的分析研究。   相似文献   



To describe the development and health claims of Asian herbal‐tobacco cigarettes.


Analysis of international news sources, company websites, and the transnational tobacco companies'' (TTC) documents. PubMed searches of herbs and brands.


Twenty‐three brands were identified, mainly from China. Many products claimed to relieve respiratory symptoms and reduce toxins, with four herb‐only products advertised for smoking cessation. No literature was found to verify the health claims, except one Korean trial of an herb‐only product. Asian herbal‐tobacco cigarettes were initially produced by China by the 1970s and introduced to Japan in the 1980s. Despite initial news about research demonstrating a safer cigarette, the TTC analyses of these cigarettes suggest that these early products were not palatable and had potentially toxic cardiovascular effects. By the late 1990s, China began producing more herbal‐tobacco cigarettes in a renewed effort to reduce harmful constituents in cigarettes. After 2000, tobacco companies from Korea, Taiwan, and Thailand began producing similar products. Tobacco control groups in Japan, Taiwan, and Thailand voiced concern over the health claims of herbal‐tobacco products. In 2005, China designated two herbal‐tobacco brands as key for development.


Asian herbal‐tobacco cigarettes claim to reduce harm, but no published literature is available to verify these claims or investigate unidentified toxicities. The increase in Asian herbal‐tobacco cigarette production by 2000 coincides with the Asian tobacco companies'' regular scientific meetings with TTCs and their interest in harm reduction. Asia faces additional challenges in tobacco control with these culturally concordant products that may discourage smokers from quitting.  相似文献   

为把握国外无烟气烟草制品研发的技术特点和发展趋势,借助Thomson Innovation 专利分析工具对1985 ~ 2014 年间无烟气烟草制品技术专利进行分析,系统揭示近30 年来无烟气烟草制品的研发现状与态势、研发热点以及技术分布。分析结果表明:专利申请变化趋势受政策影响较大;中国和美国是无烟气烟草制品技术专利申请的主要国家;3 类无烟气烟草制品技术研发热点各有不同;以跨国烟草公司为代表的企业通过收购与并购成为无烟气烟草制品技术研发的主导力量。   相似文献   

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