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近年来,几乎最优弹性布尔函数的研究应用快速发展,提高几乎最优函数的非线性度有着重要的意义。针对一种性能较好的几乎最优函数进行分析和改进,结合毗连的构造方法,来构造偶数元几乎最优函数。在保持其弹性和代数次数的前提下,得到非线性度更高的几乎最优函数,使其性能得到一定提高,并给出了一种构造高非线性度弹性布尔函数的构造方法。分析表明,所提出的方案构造方法简单,容易实现,非线性度得到进一步提高,具有m阶弹性,且代数次数保持不变。 相似文献
AES布尔函数Walsh谱分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
高级加密标准算法Rijndael的设计初衷是抵抗差分攻击并口线性攻击等现有攻击。本文从另一个角度--布尔函数出发,利用Walsh谱理论,分析AES的S盒的线性性、非线性性、严格雪崩特性、扩散特性并口相关免疫性等密码性质,从理论上揭示AES的S盒的安全性。 相似文献
定义在同一定义域上的两个布尔函数可能存在多种关系,本文研究它们之间的统计独立性,这种性质可以用于布尔置换的构造.本文给出了利用布尔函数的汉明距离判定两个布尔函数是否统计独立的充分必要条件,给出了寻找与某个已知布尔函数统计独立的布尔函数的算法,并分析了这种算法的有效性. 相似文献
构造了一类至少具有次优代数免疫阶的布尔函数f,并利用级联的方法构造了一类具有最优代数免疫阶的布尔函数h。这类函数h不同于以前相关文献中所提出的最优代数免疫的布尔函数,给出了f的数目,并进一步讨论了h(偶数个变元的情况下)的非线性度,发现利用择多函数Fn构造的一类函数h非线性度达到Lobanov界。 相似文献
研究了布尔函数的线性结构点个数与其代数免疫阶之间的关系,得到了具有1型线性结构布尔函数的代数免疫阶完全取决于函数零化子代数次数的结论.从线性结构点的角度构造了一类具有最高代数免疫阶的布尔函数,并给出了”为偶数时,函数的Walsh循环谱和自相关函数的取值特点. 相似文献
本文给出了布尔向量函数m阶广义ε-相关免疫的概念,证明了布尔向量函数的高阶广义ε-相关免疫性蕴含低阶广义ε-相关免疫性,并根据布尔随机向量联合分布分解式得到了布尔向量函数m阶广义ε-相关免疫的一个谱判别条件,还说明了m阶广义ε-相关免疫布尔向量函数的代数次数不受相关免疫阶数的限制。 相似文献
Recently,a family of quadratic APN functions was demonstrated by Bracken et al.to exist over F22k with k even and 3 k.This family of APN functions was firstly proposed by Budaghyan et al.and they exist provided the existence of a quadratic polynomial of the type x2s+1+cx2s+c2k x+1 with no zeros in F22k.Bracken et al.constructed such polynomials when k is even and 3 k.In this paper,we show that such polynomials exist for all even integers k.As a result,the APN functions over F22k exist for all even k.Furthermore,the Walsh spectra of these APN functions is shown to be the same as the one of the Gold APN functions.This gives a positive answer to one conjecture. 相似文献
A new algorithm is given that converts a reduced representation of Boolean functions in the form of disjoint cubes to sign Walsh spectra. Since the known algorithms that generate sign Walsh spectra always start from the truth table of Boolean functions, the method presented computes faster with a smaller computer memory. The method is especially efficient for such Boolean functions that are described by only few disjoint cubes. 相似文献
Boolean functions with high nonlinearity, high resiliency and strict avalanche criterion (SAC) play an important role in the designs of conventional cryptographic systems. In this paper, a method is proposed to construct resilient Boolean functions on n variables (n even) satisfying SAC with nonlinearity 〉 2n-1 -2n/2. A large class of cryptographic Boolean functions that were not known earlier were obtained. 相似文献
研究了相关免疫布尔函数和弹性布尔函数的平方和指标和绝对值指标,得到了满足p次扩散准则、次数为d的弹性布尔函数的绝对值指标的一个新的下界.同时,利用最大的Walsh谱值得到了此类函数的非零自相关函数数目的一个下界. 相似文献
对一阶代数免疫函数的结构进行了刻画,在此基础上讨论了一类二阶代数免疫布尔函数的构造问题,给出了两个[n]元一阶代数免疫函数通过级联得到[n]+1元二阶代数免疫函数的充分条件,并且给出了它们的若干结构和几个判断二阶代数免疫函数的判别准则。 相似文献
Algebraic immunity is a new cryptographic criterion proposed against algebraic attacks. In order to resist algebraic attacks,
Boolean functions used in many stream ciphers should possess high algebraic immunity. This paper presents two main results
to find balanced Boolean functions with maximum algebraic immunity. Through swapping the values of two bits, and then generalizing
the result to swap some pairs of bits of the symmetric Boolean function constructed by Dalai, a new class of Boolean functions
with maximum algebraic immunity are constructed. Enumeration of such functions is also given. For a given function p(x) with deg(p(x)) < , we give a method to construct functions in the form p(x)+q(x) which achieve the maximum algebraic immunity, where every term with nonzero coefficient in the ANF of q(x) has degree no less than .
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 60673068), and the Natural Science Foundation of
Shandong Province (Grant Nos. Y2007G16, Y2008G01) 相似文献
ZHANG WeiGuo & XIAO GuoZhen ISN Laboratory Xidian University Xi’an China 《中国科学:信息科学(英文版)》2011,(4):909-912
We describe a method to construct an n-variable (n even) almost optimal resilient Boolean function via concatenating 2 d properly chosen (n-d)-variable Maiorana-McFarland functions.As an example,a 5-resilient 42-variable Boolean function with currently best known nonlinearity 2 41-2 20-2 17 is provided. 相似文献
The global avalanche characteristics criterion of two Boolean functions was introduced by Zhou et al. [On the global avalanche characteristics criterion of two Boolean functions and the higher order nonlinearity, Inform. Sci. 180(2) (2010), pp. 256–265] to measure the cryptographic behaviour in a global characteristic. The two indicators σ f, g and Δ f, g of Boolean functions f and g were presented. In this paper, a new upper bound on σ f, g is derived, and a technique on constructing Boolean functions to attain the lower bound on the sum-of-squares indicator is described by using the disjoint spectra method. Some new upper bounds on Δ f, g and σ f, g are deduced for two special Boolean functions. Two relationships between σ f, g and algebraic immunity of the two Boolean functions are obtained. Finally, some links among different cryptographic indicators are shown. 相似文献