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An optical preamplifier with a record sensitivity of -38.8 dBm (102 photons/bit) at 10 Gb/s has been demonstrated. When the amplifier is employed in a practical link without an input isolator, the sensitivity is only slightly degraded to -37.6 dBm (135 photons/bit) by input coupling losses and feedback due to Rayleigh backscattering in the transmission fiber. It is predicted that this penalty can be reduced to 0.15 dB with an improved isolator in the composite EDFA  相似文献   

The authors report the realization of an extremely high receiver sensitivity at 10 Gb/s by using an erbium doped fiber (EDF) preamplifier pumped with a 0.98 mu m laser diode. The obtained EDF input sensitivity is -37.2 dBm (147 photons/bit). In addition, the importance of minimizing reflection from amplifier fiber ends is shown.<>  相似文献   

设计了一种的低成本、低功耗的10 Gb/s光接收机全差跨阻前置放大电路。该电路由跨阻放大器、限幅放大器和输出缓冲电路组成,其可将微弱的光电流信号转换为摆幅为400 mVpp的差分电压信号。该全差分前置放大电路采用0.18 m CMOS工艺进行设计,当光电二极管电容为250 fF时,该光接收机前置放大电路的跨阻增益为92 dB,-3 dB带宽为7.9 GHz,平均等效输入噪声电流谱密度约为23 pA/(0~8 GHz)。该电路采用电源电压为1.8 V时,跨阻放大器功耗为28 mW,限幅放大器功耗为80 mW,输出缓冲器功耗为40 mW,其芯片面积为800 m1 700 m。  相似文献   

光纤通信凭借其通信容量大、中继距离长、保密性能好、适应能力强等诸多优点在数据通信方面得到了广泛的应用.而单波长10Gb/s的SDH传输平台,代表着当今实用光通信设备的最高水平,文章提出了一种基于XSBI接口协议的10Gb/s光纤通信系统的设计方案,使用FPGA和编解码芯片使以往复杂、高成本的高速光纤通信系统得到了简化.  相似文献   

A multiplexer operating at up to 12 Gb/s has been demonstrated using a simple, but optimized, silicon bipolar technology with 2 μm lithography. Using this simple but optimized technology, a 12 Gb/s multiplexer was implemented. Circuit simulations predict the increase of the bit rate up to at least 15 Gb/s by changing to the 1.5 μm lithography. The results of experimental investigations and circuit simulations show that low-cost silicon-based bipolar circuits will be available for future optical-fiber transmission systems with data rates higher than 10 Gb/s  相似文献   

A fully integrated 10 Gb/s optical receiver was realized with silicon ICs. The receiver was fabricated on a breadboard utilizing multicarrier assembly. Receiver sensitivity of -29.3 dBm was achieved using an Er-doped optical fiber preamplifier  相似文献   

消光比对10Gb/s光接收模块灵敏度的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
10Gb/s光通信用光接收模块前端常采用APD-TIA组件.理论表明,具有该组件的10Gb/s光接收模块的光灵敏度,主要取决于光纤耦合效率、APD偏置电压、光倍增、过剩噪声和暗电流和消光比等.测试表明,当其它相关因素不变,消光比由5.0dB变到11.0dB时,光接收灵敏度发生2.0~5.0dBm的优化,指出了获得较佳光...  相似文献   

采用数值仿真的方法对几种使用在10Gb/s光通信系统中的电色散补偿(EDC)均衡器的性能进行了研究,包括判决反馈均衡器、线性均衡器、最大似然序列估计器(MLSE).仿真结果表明MLSE的性能最好,但由于它不易实现,可以采用判决反馈均衡器替代,这对实际系统的设计具有参考价值.  相似文献   

随着需求的增长,业务提供商一直都面临着光网络带宽扩容的压力.在新的技术条件下,以往靠增加网络规模来进行扩容的常规方法已经受到越来越多的局限.文章从常规带宽扩容手段的局限性入手,介绍和分析了DP-QPSK等当前热门的带宽扩容技术在光通信网络由10Gb/s向40/100Gb/s演进过程中的广阔前景及存在的不足.  相似文献   

赵源 《光电子.激光》2010,(11):1650-1652,1667
通过仿真研究了10和40Gb/s RZ-DPSK电预失真(EPD)系统中的自相位调制(SPM)和交叉相位调制(XPM)等非线性效应。EPD系统中的非线性效应比光色散补偿(ODC)中的大,但在不同比特率下非线性效应不同。对800km标准单模光纤(SSMF)传输的仿真的结果表明:单信道传输时受到SPM影响,比特率为10Gb/s的EPD系统的非线性阈值比ODC系统的小6dBm以上,而当比特率为40Gb/s时的EPD系统非线性阈值只比ODC系统小2dBm。波分复用(WDM)系统中受到SPM和XPM的影响,比特率为10Gb/s的EPD系统的非线性阈值比ODC系统的小6dBm,而比特率为40Gb/s时的EPD系统非线性阈值比ODC系统的小2dBm。研究结果表明,当比特率升高时,EPD系统的非线性效应减弱。  相似文献   

The ultra-low-noise p-i-n-HEMT optical receiver employs a new low-pass filter type matching network. The design is based on general synthesis procedures, and utilizes accurate noise figure data for the HEMT at multigigahertz frequencies. The optical receiver demonstrates a flat frequency response with a -3 dB bandwidth of 6.4 GHz, a predicted sensitivity of -28 dBm at 10 Gb/s, and a measured input noise current of 4.3 pA/μsHz, which is the lowest noise performance reported to date  相似文献   

摘要:基于南京电子器件研究所Φ76mm GaAs pHEMT工艺,研制了10Gb/s OEIC光接收机前端,并首次采用耗尽型PHEMT设计并实现了限幅放大器。借助模拟软件ATLAS建立并优化了器件模型,组成形式为MSM光探测器和电流模跨阻放大器,探测器带宽超过10GHz,电容约3fF/μm,光敏面积50×50μm2,整个芯片面积1511μm×666μm。限幅放大器采用无源电感扩展带宽,并借助三维电磁仿真软件HFSS进行模拟仿真。限幅放大器芯片面积1950μm×1910μm,在3.125Gb/s传输速率下,分别输入10mVpp和500mVpp,可以得到500mVpp恒定输出摆幅。  相似文献   

A 10 Gb/s OEIC (optoelectronic integrated circuit) optical receiver front-end has been studied and fab ricated based on the φ-76 mm GaAs PHEMT process; this is the first time that a limiting amplifier (LA) has been designed and realized using depletion mode PHEMT. An OEIC optical receiver front-end mode composed of an MSM photodiode and a current mode transimpedance amplifier (TIA) has been established and optimized by simu lation software ATLAS. The photodiode has a bandwidth of 10 GHz, a capacitance of 3 fF/μm and a photosensitive area of 50×50 μm~2. The whole chip has an area of 1511×666 μm~2. The LA bandwidth is expanded by spiral inductance which has been simulated by software HFSS. The chip area is 1950×1910μm~2 and the measured results demonstrate an input dynamic range of 34 dB (10-500 mVpp) with constant output swing of 500 tnVpp.  相似文献   

利用Optisystem仿真软件,对40Gb/s单信道传输系统中归零(RZ)调制和非归零(NRZ)调制两种格式进行仿真,并且对基于RZ调制格式下的单信道40Gb/s的色散补偿进行了仿真,比较了前置补偿、后置补偿和对称补偿的传输性能.仿真结果表明:在长距离传输时RZ调制格式优于NRZ调制格式,三种补偿方式中对称补偿效果最优.  相似文献   

Rayleigh scattering reduction method for silica-based optical fiber   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The effect of the thermal treatment of silica-based glasses and glass fibers on their Rayleigh scattering is investigated experimentally. The Rayleigh scattering coefficients of bulk glasses are found to be increased 5-10% by heating them to 1800 °C because the density fluctuation is in proportion to their fictive temperature. Based on these results, we propose a method for reducing the Rayleigh scattering losses of silica-based optical fibers by drawing them slowly at low temperatures. We used this method to obtain a GeO2 doped silica core single-mode fiber with a minimum loss of 0.16 dB/km at 1.55 μm. As a result, we confirmed that the reduction in the fictive temperature of silica-based glasses and glass fibers reduces their Rayleigh scattering  相似文献   

This paper reports an optical preamplifier intended for low-cost fiber-optic receivers. The preamplifier is based on a resistive shunt-feedback topology, is power-optimized and employs two different frequency compensation techniques, phantom zeros and shunt-peaking. The circuit is designed in a 1.8 V 0.18 μm CMOS technology. Experimental results report a transresistance of 58 dBΩ and a bandwidth of 1.5 GHz, respectively. Eye diagrams obtained at 2.5 Gb/s show a total jitter of 18 ps and a bit error rate (BER) of 10−12 when the input current amplitude (Iin) is equal to or higher than 8.5 μA. Higher bit rates up to 3 Gb/s also have been tested achieving a BER of 10−12 when Iin ≥9.5 μA. The power consumption and die active area are 23.7 mW and 0.017 mm2, respectively.  相似文献   

本文提出一种新型全均衡技术,以应用于改进调节式共源共栅跨阻放大器设计。此全均衡技术主要基于宽带串联电感π型网络技术和跨导倍增技术。这种(前均衡)技术的思想是在信号进入电路之前就对其进行补偿,并且不需要额外的功耗。此外,一种新型的密勒电容补偿技术用于后续的增益提高级,来更进一步的提高带宽。本设计的跨阻放大器基于台湾联合电子公司(UMC)的0.18 μm CMOS 工艺,并通过一个片上0.3pF的金属-半导体-金属(MIM)型电容来仿真实际的光电探测器电容。测试结果显示,此跨阻放大器带宽为8.2GHz,增益为57 dBΩ,由1.8V单端电压供电,总功耗仅为22mW.  相似文献   

The authors report an optical receiver which uses a separate-absorption-and-multiplication avalanche photodiode (SAM-APD) to achieve high sensitivity at a bit rate of 10 Gb/s. A transimpedance front end incorporating HEMT devices is used for high bandwidth and low noise. The sensitivity (bit-error rate of 10-9) is -28.7 dBm for a return-to-zero signal, and -27.0 dBm for a nonreturn-to-zero signal  相似文献   

An optical modulator driver IC and a preamplifier IC for 10 Gb/s optical communication systems are developed using AlGaAs/InGaAs/GaAs pseudomorphic two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) FETs with a gate length of 0.35 μm. The optical modulator driver IC operates at a data rate up to 10 Gb/s with an output voltage swing of more than 4 Vp-p . The bandwidth for the amplifier IC is 13.0 GHZ with ab 47 dB-Ω transimpedance gain. In addition, optical transmission experiments with external optical modulation using these ICs have successfully been carried out at 10 Gb/s  相似文献   

As the number of networked computer devices connected within local area networks increases, the aggregation requirements of the optical fiber backbone within these networks are also increased. This article highlights the challenges - and a possible solution - to migrating data communications networks to higher data rate capability, while in parallel cost effectively supporting the existing fiber infrastructure  相似文献   

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