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结合GIS的空间设计方法和防汛防台的工作需求,详细阐述如何在GIS平台上展现具有时空特征的降雨、水情、台风等汛情信息的设计理念,介绍适合建立汛情信息发布平台的最新GIS技术,并开发防汛二维和三维GIS平台,在此基础上进行汛情信息发布的具体实现。为提高汛情信息发布系统的浏览和响应速度,研究通过建立空间数据服务实现汛情信息发布的方法,实现汛情信息与GIS平台的高度融合和快速发布,为建立类似的防汛GIS系统提供了良好的思路和有益参考。  相似文献   

设计洪水过程线方法研究进展与评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
肖义  郭生练  方彬  刘攀 《水力发电》2006,32(7):61-63
综述国内外基于流量资料推求设计洪水过程线的方法和研究进展,对我国同频率和同倍比设计洪水过程线方法所存在的问题进行讨论。在对比评价和分析国内外设计洪水过程线方法的基础上,提出设计洪水过程线推求方法研究方向的建议。  相似文献   

鉴于原设计洪水标准偏低、设计洪水成果采用系列(1958—1990年)较久远,通过延长鹤地和文官两个水文站(1991—2013年)的资料系列,对鹤地水库设计洪水进行了详细地分析计算,特别是对洪水资料的还原处理和对典型洪水的复核确定;从历次成果对比、区域特征参数分布规律、上下游水文站特征参数对比等多个方面对设计洪水成果的合理性进行了检验。本次洪水复核计算对指导鹤地水库今后的防洪度汛等工作提供依据,同时为同类工程的洪水复核计算提供借鉴。  相似文献   

为减少洪水溃堤造成的洪灾生命损失,快速高效组织人员撤离避险,详细介绍了避洪转移分析流程,探讨了GIS网络分析技术在避洪转移分析中的应用方法。该方法包括路网数据的拓扑检查与处理、路网数据集的建立、转移单元与安置点的合理配置、避险最优路径计算分析等。并以浑河右岸某段堤防溃堤为例,实现了避洪转移最短路径搜索,绘制避洪转移路线图。结果表明应用GIS技术可方便得出避险转移最优路径、提高转移效率、节约转移成本,绘制的避险转移图及方法等能为防洪应急预案的制定提供科学参考。  相似文献   

Flood Modeling for Complex Terrain Using GIS and Remote Sensed Information   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
A spatially distributed hydrological model WetSpa (Water and Energy Transfer between Soil, Plants and Atmosphere) working on an hourly time scale is presented in this paper. The model combines elevation, soil and land use data, and predicts flood hydrograph and the spatial distribution of hydrological characteristics in a watershed. The model is tested on a small catchment in Belgium for which topography and soil data are available in GIS form, while the land use and soil cover is obtained from remote sensed images. The resulting calculated discharges compare favorably with the field measurements. Next a 102-year series of measured hourly precipitation data is processed with the model and the resulting hydrographs are analyzed statistically to determine the characteristics of extreme floods. Finally, the simulated extreme peak discharges are compared to the results calculated with design storms. Comparison of the two methods shows that the model is capable to predict both normal and extreme floods. Since the model accounts for spatially distributed hydrological and geophysical characteristics of the catchment, it is suitable for simulating hydrological processes in a complex terrain and for predicting the influence of changes in land use on the hydrological behavior of a river basin.  相似文献   

针对设计洪水过程线分时段同频率放大法中手工修匀的不足,使用基于相似原理建立的一种推求设计洪水过程线优化模型,可以实现洪水过程的自动放大。文章采用自适应差分进化算法求解该模型,实例表明,该模型可以很好地控制设计洪水洪峰和洪量,有效保持了典型洪水模式,避免了人工修匀的任意性和复杂性,同时改进的差分进化算法可以更高效地完成优化过程。  相似文献   

Unit Hydrograph (UH) is the most popular and widely used method for predicting flood hydrograph resulting from a known storm in a basin area. However, the non-availability of UH due to poor network of raingauge stations in flood prone Indian river basins is a major concern. The computation of Horton's ratios and their application in generating the Geomorphological Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph (GIUH) can provide a solution for ungauged rivers. A detailed drainage network analysis was carried out for a 5th order flood- prone Himalayan river system in order to highlight its significance in flood management program. The equations for GIUH of 5th order stream were derived through Markov Chain analysis. The GIUH model for the 5th order stream was used to derive the first ever analytical UH of the river. Further, it was applied to determine the 50-yr return period flood. The 50-yr return period flood matches with the result of flood frequency analysis based on observed peak discharge data. This drainage network analysis and application of GIUH can provide a significant contribution towards flood management program.  相似文献   

Coupling GIS with Hydrologic and Hydraulic Flood Modelling   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have been recognised as a powerful means to integrate and analyse data from various sources in the context of comprehensive floodplain management. As part of this comprehensive approach to floodplain management, it is very important to be able to predict the consequences of different scenarios in terms of flooded areas and associated risk. Hydrologic and hydraulic modelling plays a crucial role and there is much to gain in incorporating these modelling capabilities in GIS. This is still a rather complex task and research is being done on the full integration of these models. Interfacing between these models and GIS may be a very efficient way of overcoming the difficulties and getting very good results in terms of engineering practice. This paper presents results based on the use of Intergraph GIS coupled with Idrisi GIS. Using these two systems substantially increased the flexibility of using GIS as a tool for flood studies. A lumped (XSRAIN) and a distributed (OMEGA) hydrologic models were used to simulate flood hydrographs. The well known HEC-2 Hydraulic model was used to compute flooded areas. These models were applied in the Livramento catchment with very good results. The computation of flooded areas for different flood scenarios, and its representation in GIS, can be used in the assessment of affected property and associated damages. This is a very useful GIS-based approach to floodplain management.  相似文献   

为确定分布式模型法、地区瞬时单位线法及推理公式法在估算山区小流域设计洪水过程中的适用性,基于洪峰流量-流域面积比值,以重庆市綦江区蒲河水系为研究对象,采用3种方法分别进行设计洪水计算,并与重庆市实测100 a一遇洪峰流量进行对比。结果表明:①当流域面积<10 km2时,采用推理公式法更合理可靠;此时河道坡度较大,流域的产、汇流条件符合推理公式法假定条件,计算结果符合实际。②当流域面积为10~100 km2时,分布式模型法与地区瞬时单位线法均可合理计算设计洪水,但前者计算结果比后者更接近实测值。此类流域河道长、坡度平缓,流域的水动力在空间中可视为均匀的扩散;计算格栅单元间连续性强,各栅格向流域出口演算能合理反映真实的设计洪水过程。③当流域面积>100 km2时,3种方法计算结果与实测值均有不同程度的偏离,但分布式模型法偏离程度最低,可作为设计洪水计算的首选方法。研究结果将有助于合理选择设计洪水计算方法,为类似山区小流域设计洪水计算提供参考。  相似文献   

Floods are a common feature in rapidly urbanizing Dhaka and its adjoining areas. Though Greater Dhaka experiences flood almost in every year, flood management policies are mostly based on structural options including flood walls, dykes, embankments etc. Many shortcomings of the existing flood management systems are reported in numerous literatures. The objective of this paper is to assess flood hazard in Greater Dhaka for the historical flood event of 1998 using Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data with GIS data. Flood-affected frequency and flood depth calculated from the multi-date SAR imageries were used as hydrologic parameters. Elevation heights, land cover classification, geomorphic division and drainage network data generated from optical remote sensing and analogue maps were used through GIS approach. Using a ranking matrix in three dimensional multiplication mode, flood hazard was assessed. All possible combination of flood hazard maps was prepared using land-cover, geomorphology and elevation heights for flood-affected frequency and floodwater depth. Using two hazard maps which produced the highest congruence for flood frequency and flood depth, a new flood hazard map was developed by considering the interactive effect of flood-affected frequency and floodwater depth, simultaneously. This new hazard map can provide more safety for flood countermeasures because pixels belonging to higher hazard degrees were increased due to the consideration of higher degrees of ranks. The estimation of flood hazard areas revealed that a major portion of Greater Dhaka comprised moderate to very high hazard zone. Only a little portion (8.04%) was found to be the least vulnerable to potential flood hazard. Conversely, 28.70% of Greater Dhaka was found within very high hazard zone. Based on this study, comprehensive flood hazard management strategies for land use planning decision were proposed for the efficient management of future flood disasters.  相似文献   

介绍了以Mapinfo,Coreldraw为基本制图,制版平台,设计与制作城防工程电子地图的过程,探讨了面向GIS的城防图概括制作技术,并应用于城市防洪图集的制作中,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

通过研究GIS在洪水预警报系统中的应用,分析了系统的结构和功能,提出系统的工作原理和应用前景,为提高洪水预警报工作效率,为决策者提供更为科学的决策,探索新的思路。  相似文献   

基于历史特大洪水对设计洪水的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用频率分析方法,研究在实测系列中加入历史洪水及加入不同重现期的历史洪水对设计洪水的影响。通过对比分析可知,加入历史洪水可以起到展延系列,减少误差,提高成果精度与可靠性的作用;加入的历史洪水重现期越长,则设计洪水成果的稳定性越好。  相似文献   

小浪底水库的设计洪水是黄河下游设计洪水的一部分。多年来根据大量实测和调查资料,利用多种方法对黄河下游的设计洪水多次进行了分析计算,所得成果比较稳定可靠。本文概述了所用分析方法及主要成果。  相似文献   

以江垭水库某次洪水过程为例,探讨了洪水单位过程线的推求。由实际降雨量和流量过程线进行分析,并做了基本假定;所选的降雨洪水过程超过三个时段,且有一个最大值,故采用试错法进行推求,给出了推求过程及方法。将推求成果与降雨径流相关图配合使用,可对洪水过程进行预报。  相似文献   

针对左家沟水库无实测水文资料的情况,根据《湖北省暴雨径流查算图表》和《湖北省暴雨统计参数图集》推求了设计暴雨,分别采用瞬时单位线法、推理公式法推求了设计洪水,并对设计洪水成果进行了分析。通过对设计洪水的计算、分析与研究,为左家沟水库安全鉴定、防洪评价奠定了基础,研究方法为类似的工程提供了参考,具有一定的实用性与借鉴意义。  相似文献   

赵玉龙  杨水陆 《红水河》2007,26(B10):11-14
红水河桥巩水电站洪水设计时,对桥巩水电站洪水系列的插补延长和历史洪水个数比较多的不连续系列在不同的考证期内,其经验频率的计算,以及论述上游龙滩水电站对桥巩水电站坝址设计洪水的影响分析,以确定其设计洪水成果。  相似文献   

结合GIS技术的洪水调度及风险分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
利用地理信息系统(GIS)技术中的空间数据管理功能对流域栅格数据、矢量数据和属性数据等信息进行管理;利用遥感图像和数字高程模型(DEM)形成流域二维、三维虚拟实现;利用二次开发组件对流域雨水情数据进行多方式的浏览;利用GIS二维、三维技术对洪水调度结果及风险分析结果进行演示(二维平面淹没演示、三维库水位动态演示)。逼真的模拟过程有助于洪水调度会商决策,从而提高洪水调度水平和最大程度减免风险。  相似文献   

介绍了应用推理公式法计算洪峰流量的全过程,并结合实例详细说明了推理公式法在工程设计中洪水计算的应用。  相似文献   

梁祖武 《红水河》2010,29(5):84-87
通过南流江干流各水文站基本资料统计分析,对历史洪水调查、文献资料考证及洪水成因和特性了解,利用常乐水文站、文利站实测水位流量资料推算常乐水文站、周江口设计洪水成果,根据河道实测断面和常乐水文站设计洪峰流量相应水位,推算总江口~常乐站水面线,并分析计算防洪设计洪水及成果合理性论证,为合浦城区防洪工程设计提供可靠依据。  相似文献   

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