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BACKGROUND: Until a few years ago, the incidence of humoral rejection after heart transplantation was underestimated. These episodes were frequently very aggressive and often fatal, because the maintenance and emergency immunosuppression available at the time only inadequately covered the humoral branch of the immune response. In spite of individual case reports, the effects of blood purification procedures or cyclophosphamide in this situation can only be insufficiently estimated. METHODS: To evaluate this therapy concept, 20 dog-lymphocyte-antigen-matched dogs underwent heterotopic neck-heart transplantation. Fourteen dogs underwent transplantation after having been previously sensitized through multiple skin transplantations, 6 dogs were not sensitized (control). The animals received an induction with 3x 250 mg prednisolone, as well as triple immunosuppression (cyclosporine, azathioprine, and cortisone). Biopsy (light microscopy, immunofluorescence), intramyocardial voltage, electric myocardial impedance (>200 kHz, <10 kHz), and echocardiographic (left ventricular wall thickness, diastolic relaxation velocity) examinations were performed daily to monitor rejection. Rejection therapy was continued for 3 days according to the following regimen: apheresis, cortisone boluses (CB), and cyclophosphamide in group A1 (n = 4), apheresis and CB without cyclophosphamide in group A2 (n = 4), and CB only in group C (n = 6). The subsequent course under triple immunosuppression was then observed. RESULTS: In the sensitized animals the onset of severe humoral rejection on the fifth day deteriorated cardiac function down to 75% (70% to 80%) of the initial values. In groups A1 and A2, apheresis resulted in recovery to near-control values (89% to 94%) within two hours, and indeed to complete recovery (97% to 101%) after the second apheresis, that is, within 1 day. In group C recovery was delayed (2 days) and incomplete (84% to 91 %). After therapy was discontinued, rejection-related functional deterioration recurred immediately in group C, and from 2 to 3 days after apheresis, regardless of whether cyclophosphamide therapy was performed (group A1) or not (group A2). In the control group all animals showed a rejection-free posttransplantation course. CONCLUSIONS: By diluting inflammatory mediators, apheresis leads to a rapid improvement in cardiac function during severe humoral rejection after head transplantation. Neither apheresis nor cyclophosphamide therapy are able to have an immediate positive influence on the activation of the immune cascade and to prevent an ongoing rejection.  相似文献   

Infection and rejection remain the greatest threats to the survival of pulmonary allograft recipients. Furthermore, a relationship may exist between these events, because the occurrence of one may predispose to the other. By using multivariate analysis for repeated events, we analyzed the risk factors for bacterial, fungal, and viral infection, grade II or greater acute rejection, and death among 239 lung transplant recipients who received 250 allografts between January 1988 and September 1993. A total of 90 deaths, 491 episodes of acute rejection, and 542 infectious episodes occurred during a follow-up of 6 to 71 months. The hazard or risk patterns of death, infection, and rejection each followed an extremely high risk during the first 100 days after transplantation, a second modest risk period at 800 to 1200 days, and a lower constant risk. Infection and graft failure manifested by diffuse alveolar damage were the major causes of early death (< 100 days), whereas infection and chronic rejection were primary causes of later death after pulmonary transplantation. By multivariate analysis, cytomegalovirus mismatching risk for primary infection was the most significant risk factor for death, rejection, and infection. Absence of cytomegalovirus prophylaxis was also a risk factor for early and late death and late infection. Survival of recipients who received cytomegalovirus prophylaxis was significantly improved. Immunosuppression based on cyclosporine versus FK 506 was a risk factor for late death and late infection. Graft failure manifested by diffuse alveolar damage/adult respiratory distress syndrome was a significant risk for death late after transplantation. These data suggest the following: (1) The hazard for death, infection, and rejection after pulmonary transplantation appears biphasic; (2) lower survival is associated with ischemia-reperfusion lung injury represented by diffuse alveolar damage/adult respiratory distress syndrome; (3) cytomegalovirus mismatch, absence of cytomegalovirus prophylaxis, and development of cytomegalovirus disease are significant threats for death, rejection, and infection after pulmonary transplantation; (4) prevention of cytomegalovirus disease should improve survival by decreasing the prevalence of infection and rejection.  相似文献   

Renal function impairment is common after solid organ transplantation, due to the nephrotoxicity of cyclosporine. Moreover, in patients with severe respiratory failure, renal function is often impaired. This renal function impairment may predispose patients to further renal function impairment after lung transplantation. Therefore, renal hemodynamics were measured in 44 patients before lung transplantation and 1, 6, 12, 18, 24, and 30 months after transplantation. After transplantation, a decline in renal function occurred, with a progressive fall in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) of 33 +/- 4% at 12 months and 42 +/- 9% at 30 months. Effective renal blood flow fell by 22 +/- 5% at 12 months and remained stable thereafter. Changes in effective renal plasma flow (ERPF) were less pronounced than those of effective renal blood flow, due to a fall in hematocrit after transplantation. Blood pressure and renal vascular resistance increased significantly, consistent with the effects of cyclosporine. Prior to transplantation, renal function impairment with intense renal vasoconstriction had been found in a subset of the patients. Remarkably, the decrease in renal function after transplantation was less pronounced in patients with renal function impairment prior to transplantation, as indicated by significant negative correlations between pretransplantation GFR and the percentage change in GFR after transplantation, and pretransplantation ERPF and the percentage change in ERPF after transplantation. This suggests that the net course of renal hemodynamics after lung transplantation is the result of the opposed effects of cyclosporine nephrotoxicity and the favorable effects of the normalization of respiratory status. In conclusion, after lung transplantation a decline in renal function occurs that is less pronounced in patients with renal function impairment and intense renal vasoconstriction prior to transplantation. Such a renal function impairment, therefore, should not be considered a contraindication to lung transplantation.  相似文献   

A cardiac transplant recipient with multiple coronary artery fistulae draining into the right ventricle is described. These fistulae presumably resulted from repeated endomyocardial biopsies. The diagnosis of coronary artery fistulae was made at the annual coronary arteriography. The magnitude of the shunt remained small over eight years of follow-up.  相似文献   

Transvenous endomyocardial biopsy is now well-established as the gold standard for evaluation of possible rejection episodes after cardiac transplantation. From 1985 to August 1992, 1990 patients have undergone 193 cardiac transplantations at Barnes Hospital. One hundred eighty-three patients survived their initial hospitalization and serve as the study group. Their records were reviewed for the purposes of identifying those with tricuspid regurgitation as a complication of right ventricular endomyocardial biopsy. These patients have undergone a total of 2,960 biopsies for an average of 16.2 biopsies per patient. Over a mean follow-up period of 4.22 years, all patients have been evaluated with standard two-dimensional echocardiograms. Mild to moderate tricuspid regurgitation was very common, but was thought to be biopsy-induced only if severe and accompanied by flail components of the tricuspid valve. Twelve patients were identified with this entity at our institution. Of these, 5 had no symptoms and were receiving no diuretics, 3 had mild symptoms consisting of lower extremity edema and continued to receive diuretics, 2 had moderate symptoms, and 2 had right heart failure and anasarca refractory to medical therapy. Both of the severely affected patients subsequently required tricuspid valve replacement. We conclude that the tricuspid valve apparatus is at significant risk of injury during endomyocardial biopsy, that most patients will be minimally symptomatic due to tricuspid regurgitation when this injury occurs, and that when the injury is accompanied by severe symptoms, the likelihood of improvement with medical therapy is small.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We developed two models that are modifications of our original poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (PHEMA) core-and-skirt keratoprosthesis. In these keratoprostheses, the mechanical strength of the skirt has been considerably increased with divinyl glycol (DVG) as a cross-linking agent during polymerization. In one (KPro I), methyl methacrylate (MMA) was added as comonomer to increase cell adhesion, and in the other (KPro II), HEMA was polymerized with DVG without comonomer. The aim of this study was to evaluate the process of healing and biocolonization and to ascertain whether KPro I demonstrates better ingrowth than the mechanically stronger KPro II, after implantation in rabbit eyes. METHODS: Ten rabbits were used for each model and studied at five predetermined end points up to 26 weeks. The device was implanted as a full-thickness keratoprosthesis covered with a conjunctival flap. RESULTS: Neither prosthesis demonstrated extrusion or retroprosthetic membrane formation. There was no significant difference between the two types of prosthesis with respect to tissue ingrowth and surrounding tissue melting. Histologically, inflammation was not severe, but calcification was seen in most specimens. Evidence of biodegradation of the prosthesis also was seen. CONCLUSION: In our original keratoprosthesis, fibrovascular invasion had occurred into the prosthetic skirt, but wound dehiscence and low mechanical strength resulted in an unfavorable outcome. In this series, the mechanical properties were improved, and KPro II was stronger than KPro I. Therefore KPro II would be the preferred polymer combination for surgical manipulation. However, biodegradation and calcification require further investigation into the degree and significance of these adverse reactions.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Panel-reactive antibody (PRA) is commonly used before thoracic organ transplantation to estimate a potential recipient's degree of humoral sensitization. METHODS: To assess the influence of an elevated PRA on survival and the incidence of rejection in pulmonary transplantation, the records of 247 patients that underwent single or double lung transplantation were reviewed. RESULTS: Twenty-one of 247 patients (8.5%) had PRA values greater than 10%. Survival of this population was not significantly different from that of patients with low PRA levels: 74% (low PRA) vs 65% (elevated PRA) at 1 year and 58% in both groups at 3 years. The acute rejection rates (episodes/first 100 days) for the elevated and low PRA groups were 2.1 and 1.9, respectively (p = NS). Obliterative bronchiolitis developed in 38.9% of the high and 31.2% of the low PRA groups (p = NS). Six of 247 patients had a retrospective positive lymphocytotoxic cross-match result; three had PRA values greater than 10%. Patients with a positive cross-match result experienced similar survival and incidence of rejection as the remainder of the population. Among 957 patients evaluated for lung transplantation, 16 (1.7%) had a PRA (with dithiothreitol) greater than 15%. All had a history of pregnancy, blood transfusion, connective tissue disease, or previous transplantation. CONCLUSIONS: Humoral sensitization is uncommon in the lung transplantation population. A modestly elevated PRA does not predict survival or the development of acute rejection or bronchiolitis obliterans. PRA testing before lung transplantation should be reserved for those patients with specific risk factors for humoral sensitization.  相似文献   

Magnesium depletion adversely affects many phases of skeletal metabolism and has been implicated as a risk factor in several forms of osteoporosis. Magnesium deficiency has also been reported after cardiac transplantation. To evaluate whether altered magnesium homeostasis could be related to the pathogenesis of early bone loss after cardiac transplantation, we prospectively measured serum and urinary magnesium and evaluated them with respect to biochemical indices of mineral metabolism and rates of bone loss. The study population included 60 patients (45 men, 15 women) aged 53 +/- 11 years (SD) with measurements of biochemistries and bone mineral density by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry before and 3 months after transplantation. All received prednisone, cyclosporine A, and azathioprine, plus calcium (1000 mg) and vitamin D (400 IU). After transplantation, serum magnesium decreased by 16 +/- 15% (SD) from 2. 0 +/- 0.3 mg/dl to 1.6 +/- 0.2 mg/dl (normal 1.8-2.2 mg/dl; p < 0. 0001), accompanied by an increase in the fractional excretion of magnesium (7.1 +/- 3.9% to 13.3 +/- 5.6%; p < 0.0017). Forty-three patients with low 3-month serum magnesium levels (相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Alteration of cardiac action potential and its adaptation to heart rate could contribute to cardiac dysfunction and arrhythmias during acute cardiac rejection. METHODS AND RESULTS: Heterotopic heart transplantation was performed in allogeneic and syngeneic rats in which the action potentials of right and left ventricles were measured at 1, 2.5, 3.3, and 5.7 Hz successively using standard microelectrode techniques and compared with nontransplanted hearts. For each frequency, we measured action potential amplitude, action potential duration, transmembrane resting potential, and Vmax. In the right ventricle, at 1 Hz in the presence of rejection (n = 40), a significant increase was observed in action potential duration at 20%, 50%, and 70% repolarization (82.5%, 75.6%, and 70.8%, respectively) and in action potential amplitude (+17.9 mV), and the resting potential was decreased (-5.3 mV). A lack of adaptation of action potential duration to the driving frequency was observed in the rejecting heart group in contrast to controls (n = 20) and nonrejecting hearts (n = 13). Similar results were observed in the left ventricle and surprisingly in the native hearts (n = 11) of recipients with allografted rejecting hearts in the abdominal position. CONCLUSION: Action potential and its adaptation to the driving frequency is considerably altered during acute rejection. A humoral factor could contribute to cardiac dysfunction.  相似文献   

Skin is a peculiar organ with regard to its microcirculation. The dermal vasculature is enriched with abundant anastomoses. It forms a single compartment where blood can be pulsed in any direction without always following an arteriolovenular gradient. Under various pro-inflammatory stimuli, endothelial cells express diverse adhesion molecules whose specificity leads to the intradermal collection of specific leukocytic lineages. Such basic mechanism is at the origin of all inflammatory dermatoses. It is possible and even probable that some antihistamines, flavonoids and antiseptics modulate in a beneficial way the expression of some adhesion molecules.  相似文献   

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