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近年来,新型食品加工技术在食品加工领域的广泛研究应用,为推进传统食品保存,缓解因消费者需求多样化所带来的压力提供了有力保障。本文简述了新型热和非热食品加工技术的机制、工业应用和商业价值,概述并讨论新型食品加工技术的研究进展和影响其工业应用的因素。从生产水平上看,公司的技术、规模、市场份额和资金吸纳能力会影响新型技术在工业上的应用。从技术层面看,新型技术本身的特征,如技术开发的成本,相关风险和相对优势等也会影响新型加工技术的普及。因此本文深入分析新型热和非热食品加工技术的开发、应用以及影响其接受度的因素,这对新型热和非热食品加工技术的商业化利用至关重要。  相似文献   

竹笋作为一种高蛋白、高纤维、低脂肪的绿色森林蔬菜,越来越受到消费者的欢迎.由于采后竹笋易发生木质化、酶促褐变、营养价值降低等变化,导致鲜笋食用品质降低、贮运困难.此外,目前竹笋加工技术较为传统且精细化程度低,造成竹笋制品种类单一、大量副产物浪费、环境污染等问题.近年来,非热加工技术因其具有安全、高效、绿色等优点被广泛用...  相似文献   

主要介绍了低温等离子体技术、高压处理、超声波处理、辐照处理等非热物理加工技术及其优缺点,这些技术均能够通过暴露或掩盖食物中过敏原的抗原表位,改变过敏原的二级结构,破坏维持三、四级结构的非共价键如氢键、疏水相互作用等方式来改变致敏蛋白的空间结构,从而消减其致敏性。  相似文献   

Phenolic compounds have recently become one of the most interesting topics in different research areas, especially in food science and nutrition due to their health-promoting effects. Phenolic compounds are found together with macronutrients and micronutrients in foods and within several food systems. The coexistence of phenolics and other food components can lead to their interaction resulting in complex formation. This review article aims to cover the effects of thermal and non-thermal processing techniques on the protein–phenolic interaction especially focusing on the content and digestibility of phenolics by discussing recently published research articles. It is clear that the processing conditions and individual properties of phenolics and proteins are the most effective factors in the final content and intestinal fates of phenolic compounds. Besides, thermal and non-thermal treatments, such as high-pressure processing, pulsed electric field, cold plasma, ultrasonication, and fermentation may induce alterations  in those interactions. Still, new investigations are required for different food processing treatments by using a wide range of food products to enlighten new functional and healthier food product design, to provide the optimized processing conditions of foods for obtaining better quality, higher nutritional properties, and health benefits. © 2024 Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   

In recent years, consumers have been demanding convenient and healthy foods which have ‘fresh-like’ characteristics while still being safe and a long shelf-life. These requirements are hard to achieve using existing traditional thermal food processing technologies and the innovative new food process and preservation technologies based on thermal processing systems are needed. However, non-thermal technologies in food processing do not generate high temperature and use short treatment times. This means that the nutritional components of foodstuffs are better retained, and the sensory properties of foods are less changed compared with traditional thermal processing. The aim of this review was to present non-thermal technologies applications and its mechanism in food industry in recently, and to explore the potential application prospects of combining non-thermal treatments applied in food industry because it not only could overcomes the drawback of single technology, but also can enhances the processing efficiency at lower treatment intensity.  相似文献   

In this work some of the newest trends in food processing are reviewed. This revision intends to provide an updated overview (including works published until February 2001) on the newest food processes, including food manufacturing, preservation, and control. Modern processes for food and food ingredients manufacturing based on membrane technology, super-critical fluid technology, and some applications of biotechnology are presented, mainly applied to obtain functional foods, "all-natural" enriched foods, probiotics and prebiotics. Also included is a critical assessment concerning non-thermal preservation techniques used for food preservation, such as high hydrostatic pressure, pulsed electric fields, ultrasound, pulsed light, hurdle systems, etc. Finally, a group of new analytical techniques (i.e., molecular techniques such as Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), food image analysis, and biosensors) and their use for food and process control is reviewed.  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒在全球范围内大流行,冷链生鲜食品及外包装作为新型冠状病毒潜在远程传播载体,增加了病毒通过“物传人”的感染风险。非热杀菌技术是一类新型杀菌技术,无需热能消耗即可杀灭食品中有害或致病微生物,避免了传统热杀菌技术传热相对较慢和对杀菌对象产生热损伤等缺点,将该技术应用于生鲜食品中不仅能有效阻断病毒传播,还能在食品保鲜和延长货架期方面发挥积极作用。本文主要介绍了适用于冷链环节中生鲜食品表面及外包装的非热杀菌技术,包括化学消毒剂、紫外线辐射、臭氧消毒、低温等离子体等,并从不同非热杀菌技术的工作机制、对病原体的灭活作用、对冷链过程中生鲜食品的保鲜效果进行阐述,以期为非热杀菌技术在冷链生鲜食品中的杀菌消毒应用提供理论指导,为保障冷链生鲜食品安全提供一定参考。  相似文献   

Food functionality can be related to nutrient and non-nutrient compounds. Some foods are fortified with various nutrients whereas others are manipulated using their physicochemical properties in order to make them "functional." Texture, color, taste, odor, and other physicochemical properties may affect the overall quality and, hence, acceptance of food products. Since food safety is also an important factor to be considered in food processing, preservation methods are selected taking into account the best compromise between microbial inactivation and preservation of quality attributes. Instrumental and sensory methods, as well as a match between them, are studied and perfected in order to verify how well a specific type of food has been processed to make it "functional" in sensory terms.  相似文献   

植物抗菌剂抑菌机理及其在食品防腐中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了植物抗菌剂在食品中的应用,控制食品腐败的作用和机理,及其发展趋势。通过总结前人在抑菌作用机理、食品成分对植物提取物的影响、植物提取物间的交互作用和植物提取物与其他技术相结合贮藏食品的研究成果,总结出植物抗菌剂与食品成分的相互作用会使其活性降低;较高的抗菌剂浓度会导致食品味道和香气的改变;体外条件下植物提取物的抗菌活性与其在食品体系中的活性有很大差别等影响植物抗菌剂使用的问题。这需要通过深入研究植物提取物与食品微生态的关系,加大力度开发有效植物资源,植物抗菌剂与食品加工、包装和贮藏技术相结合等才可能得到解决。  相似文献   

This review was the first to gather literature about the effect of emerging technologies on probiotic, prebiotic, and postbiotic products. Applying emerging technologies to probiotic products can increase probiotic survival and improve probiotic properties (cholesterol attachment, adhesion to Caco-2 cells, increase angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory, antioxidant, and antimicrobial activities, and decrease systolic blood pressure). Furthermore, it can optimize the fermentation process, produce or maintain compounds of interest (bacteriocin, oligosaccharides, peptides, phenolic compounds, flavonoids), improve bioactivity (vitamin, aglycones, calcium), and sensory characteristics. Applying emerging technologies to prebiotic products did not result in prebiotic degradation. Still, it contributed to higher concentrations of bioactive compounds (citric and ascorbic acids, anthocyanin, polyphenols, flavonoids) and health properties (antioxidant activity and inhibition of ACE, α-amylase, and α-glucosidase). Emerging technologies may also be applied to obtain postbiotics with increased health effects. In this way, current studies suggest that emerging food processing technologies enhance the efficiency of probiotics and prebiotics in food. The information provided may help food industries to choose a more suitable technology to process their products and provide a basis for the most used process parameters. Furthermore, the current gaps are discussed. Emerging technologies may be used to process food products resulting in increased probiotic functionality, prebiotic stability, and higher concentrations of bioactive compounds. In addition, they can be used to obtain postbiotic products with improved health effects compared to the conventional heat treatment.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2023,106(4):2498-2509
Precision livestock farming (PLF) technologies have been widely promoted as important tools to improve the sustainability of dairy systems due to perceived economic, social, and environmental benefits. However, there is still limited information about the level of adoption of PLF technologies (percentage of farms with a PLF technology) and the factors (farm and farmer characteristics) associated with PLF technology adoption in pasture-based dairy systems. The current research aimed to address this knowledge gap by using a representative survey of Irish pasture-based dairy farms from 2018. First, we established the levels of adoption of 9 PLF technologies (individual cow activity sensors, rising plate meters, automatic washers, automatic cluster removers, automatic calf feeders, automatic parlor feeders, automatic drafting gates, milk meters, and a grassland management decision-support tool) and grouped them into 4 PLF technology clusters according to the level of association with each other and the area of dairy farm management in which they are used. The PLF technology clusters were reproductive management technologies, grass management technologies, milking management technologies, and calf management technologies. Additionally, we classified farms into 3 categories of intensity of technology adoption based on the number of PLF technologies they have adopted (nonadoption, low intensity of adoption, and high intensity of adoption). Second, we determined the factors associated with the intensity of technology adoption and with the adoption of the PLF technology clusters. A multinomial logistic regression model and 4 logistic regressions were used to determine the factors associated with intensity of adoption (low and high intensity of adoption compared with nonadoption) and with the adoption of the 4 PLF technology clusters, respectively. Adoption levels varied depending on PLF technology, with the most adopted PLF technologies being those related to the milking process (e.g., automatic parlor feeders and milk meters). The results of the multinomial logistic regression suggest that herd size, proportion of hired labor, agricultural education, and discussion group membership were positively associated with a high intensity of adoption, whereas age of farmer and number of household members were negatively associated with high intensity of adoption. However, when analyzing PLF technology clusters, the magnitude and direction of the influence of the factors in technology adoption varied depending on the PLF technology cluster being investigated. By identifying the PLF technologies in which pasture-based dairy farmers are investing more and by detecting potential drivers and barriers for the adoption of PLF technologies, the current study could allow PLF technology companies, practitioners, and researchers to develop and target strategies that improve future adoption of PLF technologies in pasture-based dairy settings.  相似文献   

杀菌是食品加工中保障食品安全的重要环节,高效杀菌同时又能最大限度保留食品原有的营养成分和色香味的杀菌技术成为食品科学领域的研究热点。该文综述了热杀菌技术、非热物理杀菌技术及化学杀菌技术的基本原理、特点及在食品表面与包装材料、果蔬肉类保鲜等领域应用研究进展,为杀菌技术在食品工业微生物污染控制与预防中的广泛应用提供参考,旨在提高食品的安全性和市场竞争力。  相似文献   

杀菌是食品加工中保障食品安全的重要环节,高效杀菌同时又能最大限度保留食品原有的营养成分和色香味的杀菌技术成为食品科学领域的研究热点。该文综述了热杀菌技术、非热物理杀菌技术及化学杀菌技术的基本原理、特点及在食品表面与包装材料、果蔬肉类保鲜等领域应用研究进展,为杀菌技术在食品工业微生物污染控制与预防中的广泛应用提供参考,旨在提高食品的安全性和市场竞争力。  相似文献   

食物过敏原及检测技术的研究进展   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
食物过敏是当前食品安全领域较为突出的问题,综述食品过敏原、过敏的免疫学发生机制及检测技术等方面的研究现状及发展展望,涉及致敏的食物种类及相应过敏原,过敏的免疫学分子发生机理,并对食物过敏原现存的检测技术做了相关的介绍。  相似文献   

朱松节 《食品与机械》2016,32(9):52-54,62
旅游食品安全是旅游业可持续发展的重要基础,文章从旅游食品产业链入手,分析旅游食品产业链具有的复杂性、生化性、滞后性特征,认为旅游食品产业链与旅游食品安全高度关联;针对中国旅游食品产业链存在的诸如发展不平衡、信息不对称、利益分配不均衡、规模化程度不高等问题,提出了形成旅游食品产业链利益共享机制、推进旅游食品全行业HACCP监控体系、打造旅游食品产业链内部追溯体系、提高产业链中生产经营者违法成本、建立全方位旅游食品安全监管体系等对策建议。  相似文献   


Processed foods, generally known as modified raw foods produced by innovative processing technologies alters the food constituents such natural enzymes, fatty acids, micronutrients, macronutrients and vitamins. In contrast to fresh and unprocessed foods, processed foods are guaranteed to be safer, imperishable, long lasting and consist high level of nutrients bioactivity. Currently, the evolution in food processing technologies is necessary to face food security and safety, nutrition demand, its availability and also other global challenges in the food system. In this scenario, this review consists of information on two food processing technologies, which effects on processed foods before and after processing and the impact of food products on human health. It is also very well established that understanding the type and structure of foods to be processed can assist food processing industries towards advancement of novel food products. In connection with this fact, the present article also discusses the emerging trends and possible modifications in food processing technologies with the combination of conventional and modern techniques to get the suitable nutritional and safety qualities in food.  相似文献   

BackgroundDefining the exact shelf-life of a shelf-stable food product is still a real challenge for food manufacturers as there are many variables to be considered. Currently, many shelf-life determinations of commercial shelf-stable products are based on trial-and-error methods which could pose risks resulting in brand damage (overestimation) or food waste (underestimation). Because degradation reactions determining shelf-life are really complex, predicting quality changes remains a challenge; consequently, a scientific approach which considers multiple variables is greatly needed. Recent advances in analytical methods (e.g. GC-MS fingerprinting) and data analysis techniques (e.g. multivariate data analysis and kinetic modelling) can play a key role in this context if they are used in (accelerated) shelf-life studies. Moreover, the role of sensory evaluations should not be forgotten as changes in sensorial properties or decreases in consumer acceptance levels as a function of storage time are in most cases the primary reasons for defining the end of shelf-life.Scope and approachThis review paper focuses on research progresses in this field and addresses future challenges for quality investigation during storage and prediction of shelf-life dates. As proof of concept, the paper focuses on investigating quality changes of pasteurised shelf-stable orange and mango juices during storage.Key findings and conclusionsIn the study of shelf-stable orange and mango juices, the (combined) analytical targeted and untargeted fingerprinting approach proved to be a useful approach for identifying major-quality related chemical changes and was able to select shelf-life markers (i.e. quality parameters with a clearly observable time- (and temperature-) dependent change). In studying the kinetics of change of the monitored quality attributes, it is tempting to think that the fastest reactions will determine the shelf-life of a shelf-stable product. However, consumer acceptance through sensory evaluation plays also an important role in determining the acceptability limit and therefore the best before date. The integrated science-based approach put forward can be used to investigate quality changes of a wide range of shelf-stable products during storage.  相似文献   

保健食品中非法添加化学药物的市场乱象受到广泛关注.本文一方面,总结当前减肥类保健食品非法添加化学药物的种类、化学药物名单.减肥类保健食品非法添加主要包含食欲抑制剂、能量消耗增强剂、利尿剂、吸收抑制剂、缓泻药和其他类药物;通过查阅近年来文献报道的减肥类保健食品非法添加文章和案例,列出当前已纳入监管范围的减肥类保健食品非法...  相似文献   

The electrical properties of foods and biological products have been the most valuable factors in the novel food technology. They have been defined both from electromagnetic field concepts and from the electrical-circuit point of view. Recently, these properties are used to assess the characterization of the processes based on electrical methods: electromagnetic, electro-processes. This article is a review of dielectrical properties of food materials. It also includes factors affecting the dielectrical properties of foods and their industrial uses.  相似文献   

Consumer awareness on the side effects of chemical preservatives has increased the demand for natural preservation technologies. An efficient and sustainable alternative to current conventional preservation techniques should guarantee food safety and retain its quality with minimal side effects. Photosensitization, utilizing light and a natural photosensitizer, has been postulated as a viable and green alternative to the current conventional preservation techniques. The potential of curcumin as a natural photosensitizer is reviewed in this paper as a practical guide to develop a safe and effective decontamination tool for industrial use. The fundamentals of the photosensitization mechanism are discussed, with the main emphasis on the natural photosensitizer, curcumin, and its application to inactivate microorganisms as well as to enhance the shelf life of foods. Photosensitization has shown promising results in inactivating a wide spectrum of microorganisms with no reported microbial resistance due to its particular lethal mode of targeting nucleic acids. Curcumin as a natural photosensitizer has recently been investigated and demonstrated efficacy in decontamination and delaying spoilage. Moreover, studies have shown the beneficial impact of an appropriate encapsulation technique to enhance the cellular uptake of photosensitizers, and therefore, the phototoxicity. Further studies relating to improved delivery of natural photosensitizers with inherent poor solubility should be conducted. Also, detailed studies on various food products are warranted to better understand the impact of encapsulation on curcumin photophysical properties, photo‐driven release mechanism, and nutritional and organoleptic properties of treated foods.  相似文献   

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