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水资源地区分布的不均衡必然导致水权交易的出现。水权交易不应威胁生态安全,不应忽视国家的利益。为保证社会主义水利法制建设,需要水权与道德两手抓,确保水权与道德的关系在法治社会中得到合理、有效的体现。  相似文献   

本文从2010~2012年江西省《水资源管理年报》部分数据入手,以数据所反映的水资源统一管理、建设项目水资源论证、取水许可管理、计划用水、水资源费征收、水量分配与水资源调度等水资源管理现状为基础,分析当前全省水资源管理中存在的问题,并从制度改革、能力建设和系统建设等方面提出相应的建议,为水资源管理工作提供一定的技术支撑.  相似文献   

在生态优先、绿色发展前提下, 提出生态需水差分整合移动平均自回归预测模型( autor egressive integrated moving average model, ARIMA) , 据此在生态需水确权的基础上进行流域预留水权确权, 并在水权确权的基础上 探索水权期权交易模式下预留发展水权再配置方案, 实现跨流域水资源优化配置的同时规避水权买卖双方风险, 为跨流域特殊水权的确权与再配置提供参考。研究表明: 受气候、政策的影响区域生态需水量呈现出较大变化; 南水北调中线受水区天津和河北不具备自备预留发展水量的能力, 需要依靠流域调度中心的统一协调; 流域调度中心可以根据预测年预留发展水量的使用风险情况进行价格方案的灵活配置, 实现预留发展水量经济与社会效益的最优化。  相似文献   

水资源合理配置与水权、水价、水市场的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实施南水北调东线工程,是促进东部地区经济社会可持续发展的必然选择。南水北调东线工程江苏段调水的目的是在江水北调的基础上,进一步优化配置用水,实现江、淮、沂沭泗水源互济互调,在苏北地区形成一个跨流域的水资源调配网络图。在调用水的同时,处理好水资源与水权、水价、水市场3者之间的关系,即相互协调、相互促进。  相似文献   

Through investigating the reactions of commercial farmers to land and water reforms in the Trichardtsdal-Ofcolaco area, Limpopo Province, Olifants Basin, South Africa, from 1997 to 2006, it is shown that water claims are key to land redistribution processes, and that commercial farmers make strategic use of arguments for nature conservation and ecological stewardship to defend their claims to water. Given these observations, caution is warranted with respect to the implementation of land and water reforms as separate policy packages; it may be more effective to design water and conservation policies as an integral part of land reform programmes.  相似文献   

针对汉江流域调度对象多、调度规则复杂的问题,建立了汉江流域引调水工程及水库统一调度模型。模型将汉江流域概化为由干支流控制性水库、引调水工程、沿线用水地市、控制断面组成的水资源调度系统。模型由信息服务模块、汉江干支流控制性水库群调度模块、汉江干流分段水资源调度配置模块组成,各模块间通过数据关联的形式进行耦合。模型采用模块化结构,可扩展性强,集成了最严格水资源管理制度中用水总量控制指标体系和水量分配方案等约束条件,可分河段、分区域实现水资源调度配置目标。模型对人工经验计算方式进行了优化,为规范化、智能化地开展汉江流域水资源调度管理提供技术支撑。  相似文献   


Transjurisdictional water pollution problems are increasing in number and are becoming a significant governance problem in China. A large number of transjurisdictional water pollution disputes that have far-reaching social effects are occurring between provinces and are also frequent between municipalities, counties, towns, and villages. In this paper, several transjurisdictional water pollution cases in China, particularly in the Yellow River Basin, are discussed. The problems and causes for transjurisdictional water pollution are addressed. There are many causes for transjurisdictional water pollution problems although the key reasons are the rapid economic development, the failure of local authorities to enforce the existing laws and to implement administrative decisions, as well as inadequacies in the legal framework. Other factors include poor technology, shortage of funds, the institutional division of jurisdiction and management over water quantity and quality both administratively and legally, the lack of transparency in the decision-making process, insufficient public participation and information disclosure, poor communication, and lack of involvement of stakeholders in basin or sub-basin organizations.  相似文献   


A Coupled Infrastructure Systems perspective is applied to three cases in north-western China to explain how and why water rights systems and water markets have changed since 1949. The evolution of water rights systems has been shaped by periods of water-supply projects and periods that emphasized regulatory and institutional measures to manage water resources. We argue that water supply infrastructure and water markets have been developed not in sequence but in parallel. The development of water diversion projects and nationwide market-oriented water allocation reform programmes will continue to co-evolve in the future as part of complex coupled infrastructure systems.  相似文献   

This study highlights the methodological challenges in determining the value of water in informal water markets. As the decision to participate in water markets is unlikely to be random, self-selectivity is an important issue for an unbiased estimation of the participating farmers’ revealed willingness to pay. The relevance of these issues is illustrated for an informal irrigation water market in Iran. A two-stage random sampling was carried out in pistachio-growing farms which are irrigated by water from the Rafsanjan aquifer in Iran during 2008–2009. A Heckman sample selection model shows that the real willingness to pay can be less than the observed prices in an informal water market.  相似文献   

江西省水土保持监督执法工作在水土保持法规宣传、配套法规制定、执法队伍建设、人为水土流失普查、执法试点等方面进行了探索,取得了成绩,但各地发展不平衡,今后,需要采取措施,进一步完善监督执法工作。  相似文献   

This paper presents a profile of the water industry in Italy. An accurate analysis of the state of the water resources in Italy, as well as a critical study of the waterworks, are provided. Besides, the recent law which has just been passed by the Italian Parliament is illustrated. An overview of how water, wastewater and receiving water bodies (rivers, lakes and seas) are managed in Italy is outlined, as well as the expectations connected to the extensive reform of the water industry in Italy are also sketched out. Finally, a comparison between the water industry in Italy and in some other European countries is carried out and briefly discussed.  相似文献   

随着对黄河水资源利用要求的提高,需明确未来调水调沙及南水北调西线工程对黄河上游梯级水库所需库容的影响,探求未来多工况用水要求下合理的梯级水库兴利库容。考虑黄河上游兰州断面需水、梯级水库发电、调水调沙、防洪、防凌等要求,首先建立了以缺水量最小为目标的梯级水库联合调度模型,设置了现状年及远景年共8个方案;其次采用自迭代模拟优化算法求解模型,用长系列径流资料进行优化调度计算;最后对模型求解结果采用时历法推求梯级水库所需兴利库容,确定梯级水库合理库容。从总调沙次数、调沙频率、多年供水量、供水保证率、多年平均发电量、发电保证率等指标分别量化了调水调沙、供水和发电效益。未来梯级水库所需合理库容将因综合需水和调沙次数的增加而增大,而西线工程的实施将有助于减小合理库容规模。在各调沙方案中,仅当2030年西线调水80亿m3时现有的梯级水库兴利库容能够满足综合用水需求,适当降低调沙力度与调沙频率或许是解决这一矛盾的折衷选择。研究成果量化了未来新水资源利用形势下的梯级水库合理库容,为科学指导黄河上游总体工程布局提供了决策依据。  相似文献   

This study pilots a participatory methodology for sub-national spatial planning of urban and peri-urban water and sanitation services. Three groups of key informants were presented with evidence on national historic and future service provision trajectories and asked to map water and sanitation access in the city of Kisumu, Kenya, by 2030, assuming current trends continue. Comparison of the groups’ outputs suggests greater certainty among participants regarding service access in Kisumu’s urban core compared to peri-urban areas. We discuss extensions to this preliminary methodology, including the potential benefits of its application to Kenya’s rapidly expanding small towns as suggested by participants.  相似文献   

牛栏江-滇池补水工程输水线路金奎地隧洞设计桩号K9+593处为灰岩与泥岩结合带,地质条件复杂,地下水位较高,施工开挖过程中先后发生两次较大规模的塌方和特大突泥涌水。初期拟采用超前大管棚、注浆及强支撑等支护措施进行处理,实际操作中管棚施工极为困难,处理效果极不理想,后决定采用绕线方案。分析了初始方案无法实施的原因,改线方案的技术要求和施工重点,相关经验可供类似工程突泥涌水处理借鉴。  相似文献   

陈民 《给水排水》2006,32(10):79-82
我国各规范中均没有给出测试市政给水管道消防供水能力的相关方法。针对这种情况,介绍了NFPA推荐采用的一种通过市政消火栓测试市政给水管道消防供水能力的方法,并就该方法在生活、生产、消防等各类供水方面可解决的一些实际问题进行分析研究。  相似文献   


This paper analyzes recent developments regarding Missouri River management and water use, and the potential for an emerging inter-basin water dispute involving the Great Lakes. It is suggested that revisions to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' master manual for the Missouri River and increasing efforts to put Missouri River water to beneficial use in support of economic growth present the prospect of low water levels in the Mississippi River. With a history of looking to the Chicago diversion as a source for augmenting flows in the Mississippi River, it may yet again prove to be an irresistible temptation. The institutional capacity for managing such a water dispute seems surprisingly weak. The direction suggested is that mechanisms should be installed to ensure that Great Lakes water remains in its basin, consistent with watershed management practices. The recent efforts by the Great Lakes states and provinces represent an important development in this direction. It is further suggested that demand pressures in the Missouri River should be met through a similar commitment, potentially through a water sharing arrangement on the Missouri River, something which could be encouraged in part by ensuring stricter controls on the Chicago diversion.  相似文献   

Naho Mirumachi 《国际水》2013,38(4):558-570

This paper demonstrates that cooperation over international rivers can be achieved through situations where benefits of river development create bilateral dependence between basin states. The case study of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project, a bilateral water transfer in the Orange River basin between South Africa and Lesotho, is examined. Historical analysis of the negotiations leading to the project treaty agreement show that issues of apartheid and the Cold War heavily influenced the riparian relations between the two states. At times, the project faced the threat of abandonment due to deteriorating diplomatic conditions. However, the project was realized because South Africa and Lesotho not only shared the material benefits of the project, but also gained politically from committing to it. These political benefits are influential in creating interdependence between the basin states in order to ensure the reliability of bilateral cooperation.  相似文献   

As water resources are used for an array of societal purposes, a core set of institutions manages them through a water sector with connections to other societal sectors such as food, energy and health. A framework of the sector and its connectors is presented to develop definitions and order-of-magnitude estimates of expenditures for infrastructure, equipment and service delivery mechanisms. Examples are provided for the US to represent higher-income countries and for the general case of lower-income countries. Understanding water’s business aspects can identify opportunities to improve water efficiency and lower water footprints across the global range of contextual situations.  相似文献   

This study examines the evolution of Alberta's water management framework in response to changing demands, national policy and global paradigms. The South Saskatchewan River basin is presented as the crucible for Albertan water policy, given the severity of droughts, over-allocation, and environmental degradation. The analysis finds a distinct trend in the past two decades towards integration and sustainable management, as affirmed by the globally dominant integrated water resource management paradigm. The concept of path dependency offers valuable insight into the barriers posed by past policy frameworks to water management systems, particularly in relation to the prior-allocation system of water rights.  相似文献   

While the relations between climate variables and sectoral water demand have been well established in the literature, few studies have attempted to quantify changes in urban water usage with climate change. Concentrating on the city of Hamilton, New Zealand, we investigate possible water use and infrastructure needs for a range of climate and population projections. We find that water demand (at the monthly aggregate level) is largely driven by changes in population, and not significantly affected by changes in climate. However, as population increases, the effect of climate variables on per capita consumption will be magnified. Monthly aggregate changes may further mask potenially significant short-term shortages. In several scenarios, water supply shortages in 2030 occur with a 30--40% probability, suggesting needs for long-term capacity expansion or aggressive demand side management, rather than implementation of short-term management of water demand.  相似文献   

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