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This paper presents a new mathematical formulation to address mine production scheduling with multiple processing streams, under mineral supply uncertainty, and where the destination is formulated as a variable for each block. The proposed mathematical model maximises discounted cash flows and penalises deviations from production targets. A parallel multi-neighbourhood Tabu search metaheuristic is developed to optimise the proposed model. An application at a gold deposit shows the practical aspects and computational efficiency of the model, as well as its ability to provide a schedule that meets production targets and provides a stable destination feed in term of tonnage.  相似文献   


Mass mining methods provide alternatives in developing deeper and lower-grade mineral deposits. Consequently, block cave mining has been increasingly popular mass mining method, especially for large copper deposits currently being mined by open pit methods. This study adopts similar concepts as in stochastic open pit production planning to the planning of block cave mines, to evaluate their effectiveness in a different approach to mass mining. The main contribution of this study is the incorporation of the uncertainty of delays from hang-ups and grades directly into the production scheduling process of a cave mining operation. Hang-up uncertainty relates to the uncertainty linked to the occurrence of ore that clogs the production draw points. This clogging causes time delays in the production cycle leading to tonnage losses and additional costs. Grade uncertainty is incorporated by means of stochastic orebody simulations. Both uncertainty sources are directly linked to the extraction decisions and influence the optimized schedules. The proposed stochastic integer programming model is applied to the optimization of the long-term schedule of a large-scale, low-grade copper deposit by taking into account hang-up delays in block caving. The results of the optimization maximizing net present value clearly show the capability of the formulation to mitigate the effects of both grade and hang-up uncertainty.  相似文献   

Stochastic mine planning algorithms have been extended to better represent ore selection decisions. Under geological uncertainty, existing algorithms generate plans that may violate the mineral processing capacity; under such geological scenarios, the excess ore undergoes a recourse action which is not as profitable as regular processing, hence decreasing the net present value. This decrease has previously been represented as a penalty on excess ore, which may not accurately represent actual operations. The new framework considers the most typical recourse: increasing the cut-off grade into the mineral process. This approach is demonstrated by adapting the VND algorithm of Lamghari et al.  相似文献   


Stochastic optimisation provides a framework that is capable of generating a strategic life-of-mine production schedule that increases net present value while simultaneously reducing the risk associated with geological uncertainty. This paper focuses on the application of the stochastic strategic mine planning for technical risk management in the KéMag iron ore deposit in Quebec, Canada, demonstrating the key steps of the framework. The approach first quantifies both the volumetric and multi-element grade uncertainty of the deposit by generating a set of equally probable scenarios of the orebody. In this case study, the boundaries of the lithologies (volumetric uncertainty) defining the KéMag iron ore deposit are generated using a pattern-based wavelet simulation algorithm. The pertinent grade properties, namely, head iron, Davis Tube weight recovery, Davis Tube concentrate iron and silica content (multi-element grade uncertainty) are jointly simulated using the direct block minimum/maximum autocorrelation factors algorithm. Subsequently, the simulated scenarios of the iron deposit serve as an input to a life-of-mine stochastic integer programming production-scheduling model. The latter stochastic optimisation model is employed to manage and minimize the risk associated with the geological uncertainty of the deposit in terms of meeting production targets while generating a mining sequence of extraction maximising the net present value. The results of the case study quantify the risk associated with the product’s silica content, total iron production and expected discounted annual cash flows.  相似文献   

Open pit optimisation and scheduling tasks are an important part of mining ventures that have attracted considerable attention in the mining industry in the past couple of decades. The process of determining the optimum pit significantly impacts the calculation of mine life, which involves huge capital investment. This paper addresses the application of a heuristic algorithm for optimising the pit size and then life of mine scheduling for a copper-cobalt deposit in the Central African copper belt. The resource model was generated using a traditional geostatistical algorithm, specifically the kriging method. The methodology used was to generate a series of optimised nested pits by artificially varying the commodity price and applying a graph closure algorithm. The mine scheduling was generated by combining the solutions of different sub-problems. The deposit is optimised to 9.1?Mt with an average copper grade of 2.03% and cobalt grade of 0.47%. The total NPV generated from the pit is around 495 million US dollars. The results of our proposed algorithm were compared with linear relaxation of the mine scheduling problem. They demonstrated that our proposed algorithm is 30 times more efficient than the linear relaxation problem with an optimality gap of 7.4%.  相似文献   

A vehicle proximity warning system is being developed using GPS and wireless local area networks to improve safety of off-highway trucks in open pit mines. After two years of research, software development, and laboratory testing, field-tests were performed at the Colorado School of Mines and in two open-pit operations to evaluate GPS accuracy and overall system effectiveness under rugged operating conditions. This paper discusses the methodology used for testing and presents a summary of results.  相似文献   


Simultaneous stochastic optimisation manages risk and capitalises on the unique interactions that occur in a mining complex, where materials are transferred between mines, processors, stockpiles, and waste facilities to achieve a marketable product. Typically, when optimising the production schedule, the primary focus is to deliver valuable products to the market. However, this tends to ignore the environmental and economic impact of simplifying waste management requirements, including the storage and disposal of waste material. Stricter regulations and engineering requirements are transforming past mining practices to develop more sustainable operations. These transformations increase the financial cost of waste management and identify the requirement to integrate waste management into the production schedule. Additionally, misrepresenting the material uncertainty and variability associated with the amount of waste produced can impact, both, the stakeholders and the profitability of a mining complex. In this case study, a simultaneous stochastic optimisation approach is applied in a gold mining complex that integrates waste management into the long-term production schedule. The resulting schedule leads to a 6% increase in the net present value when compared to a conventional approach, while minimising the likelihood of deviating from production targets and ensuring permit constraints are satisfied.  相似文献   

针对矿山管理中存在的主要问题,从矿山管理信息系统的实现与实际应用角度研究了以下内容:WebGIS体系结构研究,建立基于C/S及B/S混合模式的矿山管理信息系统相关技术;建立一个能够对海量矿山地质信息数据进行管理,动态监测矿山地质信息并做出预警和必要措施及进行矿山储量查询与计算的矿山信息管理系统。系统的开发成功将为国内其他矿山类似系统的开发提供一个样板,具有较强的示范意义。  相似文献   

The complexity and uncertainties associated with mining operations often lead to deviations from short-term plans. A proactive approach will predict such deviations and help minimise opportunity losses, providing economic and operational gains. This paper presents an optimisation tool as a dynamic shovel allocation decision-maker for mining operation simulation models. The objectives of the optimisation tool are to provide shovel allocations to mining faces in order to maximise production, meet desired head grade and tonnage at the crushers, and minimise shovel movements. This paper presents the development and implementation of the optimisation tool with an iron ore mine case study.  相似文献   


The main issue in short-term planning optimisation for underground mining is organising the mining process with limited resources in the form of equipment and materials to satisfy production targets and stable feed grade requirements. In this paper, an integrated optimisation model is proposed based on an individual generation algorithm and an improved Genetic Algorithm to simultaneously optimise stope extraction sequencing and timing, extracted ore grade and equipment dispatching. The model objectives are to shorten the time gap between the stope mining processes and the overall working time. When the uncertainty of equipment working time is taken into account in a short-term scheduling model, the Monte Carlo simulation is applied to evaluate the risk of not meeting the production target. A modification strategy is defined to evaluate equipment failure. Consequently, any available equipment is automatically reassigned to the mining site to replace the broken-down equipment. A case study is used to validate the model in the Sanshandao gold mine of China to formulate an optimal monthly schedule. Compared with the conventional approach, the new model could reduce the variance of ore tonnage and feed grade and improve the equipment allocation efficiency. Discussions are presented to address the uncertainty.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to review and document the mine fleet management systems’ models and algorithms. The purpose is to understand the algorithms behind the fleet management systems and the proposed academic solutions in this area to identify any gaps in the current literature and to open up opportunities to establish research questions that need to be addressed in an integrated simulation and optimisation operational planning research framework. In this paper, we review industrial fleet management systems and the main academic algorithms behind such systems. The fleet management systems are divided into three subsequently related problems to review: shortest path, production optimisation and real-time dispatching. Finally, the limitations of current algorithms for fleet management systems are documented in terms of mining practice feasibility and optimality of the solution on large-scale problems. The results of this literature review enable us to evaluate the logical links between major components of an integrated simulation and optimisation operational planning framework with current theory of fleet management systems.  相似文献   

矿山项目的投资风险管理研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从矿山行业的产业链角度出发,分析了矿山项目投资的特点,对目前我国矿山项目投资风险管理的现状进行了整体评价,提出了其中存在的不足之处,主张进行全程风险管理,为企业的稳定健康发展打下良好的基础。  相似文献   

建设大红山铁矿的可行性及新的办矿模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大红山铁矿资源可靠,矿石易采好选,前期准备工作到位,已完全具备全面建设的条件。它的建设对保证昆钢原料供应,提高市场竞争力具有决定性作用。只有早上、快上,昆钢的生存和发展才有出路。在此基础上,作者探讨了办矿的新模式;一是分步引资,滚动发展;二是主体精干高效,剥离辅助;三是采用多种投资经营机制。  相似文献   

The traditional mine planning framework employs a flawed approach in the design of ultimate pit limits and phases. Conventional methods arbitrarily confine the mine’s extraction schedule during the initial stages, detracting from its optimality before it is created. This work aims to provide a method by which a mine’s phase design is created from an optimal extraction schedule. The schedule-based approach to phase design yields implementable mining phases that mimic the initial raw optimal schedule from which it is based. An attempt to minimise the trade-off between mineability and value is inherent to the approach.  相似文献   

为了控制和消除我国煤矿安全生产中大量存在的风险因素,结合我国煤矿安全生产的实际特殊性和风险管理的现状及其特点,阐述了在煤矿安全生产中实施风险管理的必要性和重要性.采用生产专业-管理对象-风险类型的风险辨识模式全面辨识煤矿生产过程中存在的各种风险因素,然后通过综合安全风险指数法和阈值分析法进行风险预测,将不同的煤矿灾害风险指数结果分为5个等级,最后根据等级顺序采取合适的具体工程技术措施、管理措施等风险管理手段,从而达到风险损失最小化.  相似文献   

齐春明 《中国煤炭》2012,38(8):74-76,123
分析了双柳煤矿生产监测和监控系统需要改造的内容,介绍了双柳煤矿的自动化监测与信息化管理综合平台的设计方案,通过此次数字矿山的建设改造,达到了将双柳煤矿建设成为生产自动化、信息实时化、安全标准化的现代化矿井.  相似文献   

在两年来笔者对42座水泥原料矿山调查的基础上,本文对近6年来大中型水泥原料矿山安全生产的现状进行了评价,分析了安全生产中存在的主要问题,并就改进矿山的安全生产工作提出了一系列的建议。包括统一矿山安全管理机构的名称和职能、制定水泥原料矿山统一的安全生产规程、加强安全监察与法制建设、把安全生产指标作为企业年终考核的主要指标之一、稳定矿山安全管理职工队伍、加强安全技术教育与培训工作、加强行业管理和班组安全建设、注重安全新理论与新技术的推广应用等。  相似文献   

金属矿山开采作业过程中,有毒气体、透水、矿井塌陷等对施工作业人员的安全带来了巨大威胁,因此,基于金属矿山施工过程的风险监测及预警的物联网应用具有重要意义。介绍了面向金属矿山施工安全风险监测的物联网应用的体系架构,分析了当前技术的发展概况,并阐述了金属矿山风险监测物联网应用的意义和必要性。以数据采集、数据传输、数据融合、数据分析等技术为重点研究对象,分析、整理和研究了国内外相关成果。从专用特种传感器、时空演变多维数据融合、可靠实时无线数据传输等几个方面指出了当前技术的发展现状和存在的不足,并对存在的问题进行了剖析,指明了当前工作面临的主要挑战,即:①国产芯片受制于人,特别是面向专用领域的传感器芯片;②对风险监测数据的分析缺乏时间、空间的多维度分析;③矿井复杂、密闭的巷道结构使得无线数据传输的实时性和可靠性受到影响;④新技术应用相对滞后。在充分研究国内外物联网行业的技术发展动态后,以人工智能、边缘计算等新技术为突破点,阐述了金属矿山风险监测的物联网技术未来发展的方向。  相似文献   

结合×铜矿埋深1000m矿床开采实例,通过各种热源散热量和坑内空气温度升高及其湿度增加吸热量的计算,探讨深井坑内空气质量预测问题。  相似文献   

派-布拉克铅锌矿难采矿体采矿方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
派-布拉克铅锌矿的矿体赋存形态复杂,除采用分段空场法和浅孔留矿法完成部分矿体回采工作外,其他矿体难以采用这两种采矿方法的一般性方案进行回采。根据矿体的具体赋存形态,结合现有工程布置情况,提出了各种类型难采矿体的回采方案,并且在部分采场成功的进行了试验。  相似文献   

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