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This introductory article discusses the proliferation of different forms of participation in water governance. It is argued that creating public value through participation can only succeed when effective co-creation between public authorities and communities emerges. However, challenges to realizing co-creation are manifold, and differ among the various types of participation. In this respect, we introduce a typology of different forms of participation, based on the distinction between top-down (invited) and bottom-up (created) participation. We use this distinction to analyze different dynamics in participatory water governance and to delve deeper into the dilemmas and trade-offs. Lastly, the various contributions to this special issue are introduced.  相似文献   


This paper provides a synthetic presentation of French water governance and its evolution since the 1960s. Through this French experience, it discusses the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) water governance cycle showing disputes as the main drivers of change. France has been a pioneer in introducing water river basin management some 50 years ago. It is also noted for its water services management by local authorities, leaving a significant role to private and public companies. But French water governance has not been frozen since the 1960s and continues to change radically within a framework based upon its unique history.  相似文献   

单国方 《中国水利》2014,(11):62-64
依据丰富的古籍文献和调查资料,详细考证了温州古城水系布局和城市格局,对相关历代治水和古城水系演变的历史渊源进行深入研究与探讨。在此基础上,总结了古城规划格局和河网水系布局特点和风格,提出古城防洪、排涝、治污、供水等功用价值,同时兼顾对外交通、岸线利用、港口开发等功能,从而阐释了温州浓厚的水文化内涵。  相似文献   

对我国流域水污染防治中出现的问题进行分析,提出涉水主体多元化是流域水污染防治中的主要要求。在对多元化参与的内涵和涉水主体进行分析的基础上,进一步采用对比分析的方法,提出网络治理模式比科层治理和市场治理模式更能适应现有的管理改善要求。在基于网络治理的基础上,对共同目标、决策机制、公众参与以及监督机制提出了改善建议。  相似文献   

The goal of this article is to discuss whether the Sustainable Development Goals address the cooperation necessary to facilitate a system of transboundary water governance. For the purpose of this analysis, a Good Transboundary Water Governance Matrix has been developed. We find that transboundary water governance requires a holistic interpretation and implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals understood as a whole. In particular, good governance and, ultimately, sustainable development require stakeholders to focus not only on water (Goal 6) but also on Goal 16, which focuses on international cooperation.  相似文献   

从资源维、社会维、经济维、生态维、环境维5个维度,明确了我国水治理的目标,并系统设计了我国水治理评估指标体系;采用层级等权赋权法和目标一致性法,综合评估我国水治理的现状,并预测2020—2050年水治理的变化趋势。结果表明,改革开放以来,我国水治理指数从低于0. 235快速提升至接近0. 70,其中2010—2015年是我国水治理的加速期,水治理指数提升了50%左右;预期2020年我国水治理指数将超过0. 85,实现水资源消耗利用与经济发展协调; 2030年我国水治理指数将接近0. 95,实现水环境污染排放与经济发展协调,水安全保障能力显著提升,基本实现水治理目标; 2050年我国水治理指数将达到最优值1,实现水资源利用、水污染排放、水灾害损失、水生态退化面积的"零增长",全面实现人水和谐。  相似文献   


This paper examines new forms of political participation on the part of rural water committees in Nicaragua in the mid-2000s. In particular, it explores the role of multisectoral alliances in facilitating water committees’ (1) physical mobility and political visibility, (2) political and legal capacity-building, and (3) access to state channels of representation. Contributing to theories of social capital, this case reveals a transformation of participation in water governance from locally grounded collective action for water management to engagement in public policy processes. In practical terms, the paper casts lessons for improved water governance via more inclusive policy processes.  相似文献   

The present study analyzes the role of informal markets in fulfilling the water requirements of poorer households in Chennai City, India. The results of a survey reveal that a significant number of poor people purchase water from informal markets and that they incur a sizeable expenditure on water purchases; some of these households are also willing to pay additional amounts for improved water supply from public sources. The results suggest that improvements in public water supply would significantly increase the welfare of the poor. The informal markets need to be regulated and monitored so that they can serve the households in a better way.  相似文献   

Sabrina A. Cotta 《国际水》2013,38(7):818-830
This paper provides an overview of privatization in the United States, with a focus on lessons learned and recommendations on how issues such as equity and sustainability should be addressed. It provides recommendations for an oversight of private operators that goes beyond financial controls and water contaminants to include environmental and social issues. It recommends that water service providers ensure that environmental and social issues are considered from the beginning in the development of contracts between municipal entities and private corporations.  相似文献   

水治理如何“两手发力”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
两手发力是强化水治理、保障水安全的基本途径,核心是正确处理水治理中政府与市场的关系。政府要发挥基础性作用,通过履行宏观调控、市场监管和公共服务等职能来保障水安全。同时,要不断扩大市场在水资源配置和水务管理中的作用,通过提高效率和吸纳社会参与改进水治理。水治理中政府与市场的关系不是相互割裂、相互对立、相互排斥,而是相互结合、相互补充、相互促进。当前,理顺水治理中政府与市场关系的关键是积极完善政府职能,加快转变政府职能。  相似文献   


The Kenyan Constitution calls for a devolved response to the stewardship of water and other natural resources. A case study based on planners’ experiences illustrates the shift towards a governance approach that is inclusive, integrates available technologies to achieve resilience to both flood and drought, and works across scales from the settlement to the catchment. Devolution is a slow process, and the challenges are many. Recent observations show that increasing local agency in water resource development is helping alleviate drought and flood emergencies. Nevertheless, more concerted action is still needed from the centre.  相似文献   

K. Christ  K. Baier  R. Azzam 《国际水》2016,41(2):308-324
The official data on slums and basic urban services are important sources for Indian planners and policy makers. With regard to national and international benchmarks they are consulted in order to identify and target those in need of development schemes. This article takes a closer look at the official definitions and numbers and raises questions about their reliability and their comprehensiveness. By comparing these statistics with findings obtained during fieldwork undertaken between 2011 and 2014 in the southern Indian city of Hyderabad questions emerge concerning the effectiveness in helping the most marginalized sections of society.  相似文献   

In most democratic countries, government officials make water-allocation decisions. Citizens depend on these officials and their technical advisors to take account of both technical and political considerations in determining which water uses get priority, what infrastructure investments to make and what water quality standards to apply. In many parts of the world, water users and stakeholders have additional opportunities to comment on such decisions before they are implemented. Under some circumstances, citizens can challenge water management decisions in court. This is not enough. More direct democracy, involving stakeholders before such decisions are made, can produce fairer and increasingly sustainable results. The steps in collaborative adaptive management – a form of stakeholder engagement particularly appropriate to managing complex water networks – are described in this article along with the reasons that traditional forms of representative democracy are inadequate when it comes to water policy.  相似文献   


This article examines the rationale, technologies, economics and institutional modalities in water quality management operations to draw lessons for designing policies for sustainable service delivery at scale. While the rationale for providing potable drinking water at affordable prices is clear, their economic viability is weak given their present scale of operations. There is a need for institutional safeguards for selection of deserving villages and water quality monitoring. It is argued that public–private–community partnerships are economically viable and sustainable. Adopting appropriate technologies could help with addressing the water quality issues in a more comprehensive manner.  相似文献   


In several countries, the transfer of legal rights to rivers is being discussed as an approach for more effective water resources management. But what could this transfer mean in terms of a healthy river? We address this question by identifying the ecological requirements for naturally functioning rivers and then explore the demands which these requirements impose on society, the current policy responses to these requirements and whether the transfer of rights to the river could facilitate the preservation of healthy freshwater ecosystems.  相似文献   

全国农田水利建设先进县的经验与启示   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
针对农田水利建设下滑的被动局面,各地积极探索,从加强领导、拓宽投入渠道、创新体制和机制等方面积极采取措施,取得了很大成效。对国务院2006年表彰的100个全国农田水利建设先进县(市、区)中的35个县(市、区)进行了调研,总结了它们的主要做法、经验,提出农田水利建设先进县的三点启示。  相似文献   


The OECD Principles on Water Governance aim to contribute to good water governance. Learning and change through assessments are useful ways to strengthen water governance systems. This article presents a methodology for a learning assessment based on the OECD principles. The methodology has been applied to the Dutch Flood Protection Programme. The analysis revealed various functions of the OECD principles, from enhancing understanding to reforming the agenda, reflection and informed action. Recommendations are given on how the OECD principles can be used to come to meaningful action-oriented water governance assessments; they include contextualization, multiple methods, inclusiveness and periodic assessments.  相似文献   

Climatic variation and intersectoral water competition increasingly challenge the effective provision of irrigation services. This article explores their combined effects on irrigation allocation from the Angat Reservoir (Philippines), where domestic water use in Metro Manila has overtaken regional irrigation as the dominant right-holder. Rules protecting Metro Manila’s large right to water ‘interact’ with dry spells to affect irrigation security in wet and dry seasons. Historically, irrigators were uncompensated because re-allocation’s cause was contested as (1) an unforeseeable climatic event (releasing domestic utilities of liability), or (2) produced by urban demand (requiring compensation). Trade-off rules must be prepared to navigate combinatory effects.  相似文献   

Bolivia is one of the countries on the American continent with the lowest rates of access to water, a situation that has caused confrontation between civil society and water utility managers in some cities. This research describes the water access scenario in Sucre, the capital of Bolivia, together with the key challenges faced by the company that manages the water services in the city. The case of Sucre is an example of how poor water governance can generate inefficiencies in the management of the service. Taking this into consideration, policy and institutional reforms are recommended to facilitate decision making aimed at improving the current situation of access to water.  相似文献   


The OECD Principles on Water Governance set out various requirements for stakeholder engagement. Coupled with conceptualizations of social learning, this article asks how we define and enact stakeholder engagement and explores the actual practice of engagement of stakeholders in three fields of water governance. The results suggest that a key consideration is the purpose of the stakeholder engagement, requiring consideration of its ethics, process, roles and expected outcomes. While facilitators cannot be held accountable if stakeholder engagement ‘fails’ in terms of social learning, they are responsible for ensuring that the enabling conditions for social learning are met.  相似文献   

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