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从瓦当在中国各主要时期的艺术特征和历史传承等两方面进行了阐述,并分别进一步对陕西的关中、陕北、陕南地区的民居瓦当进行了简明扼要的地域性特征分析,旨在揭示陕西瓦当在建筑史上具有其重要的历史性及地域性特征。  相似文献   

This study examines residential architecture in the historic core of Erbil, a registered World Heritage Site, for its use of climate responsive strategies. The analysis seeks to explain the value of Erbil’s vernacular architecture with a view to adapting it to the modern city, to reduce and even eliminate mechanical cooling and heating loads for energy saving and sustainable development.  相似文献   

Vernacular buildings across the globe provide instructive examples of sustainable solutions to building problems. Yet, these solutions are assumed to be inapplicable to modern buildings. Despite some views to the contrary, there continues to be a tendency to consider innovative building technology as the hallmark of modern architecture because tradition is commonly viewed as the antonym of modernity. The problem is addressed by practical exercises and fieldwork studies in the application of vernacular traditions to current problems. This study investigates some aspects of mainstream modernist design solutions and concepts inherent in the vernacular of Asia, particularly that of the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT). This work hinges on such ideas and practices as ecological design, modular and incremental design, standardization, and flexible and temporal concepts in the design of spaces. The blurred edges between the traditional and modern technical aspects of building design, as addressed by both vernacular builders and modern architects, are explored.  相似文献   

Climate is one of the many factors such as socio-cultural structure, economy, materials, and technology that influence architectural forms. The resolutions that exist as a result of the effect of climate on architecture differ according to regions, cultures, time and technology. The climate in the Eastern Black Sea region, which lies in the north of Turkey, plays an active role in the formation and diversity of the vernacular houses in the region. Climatic factors such as rain, wind, humidity and sunlight in the region, which has a warm-humid climate and which gets excessive rain, have different effects on the spaces, elements and annexes of the vernacular houses. This study explains climatic approaches that are evident in the architecture of the vernacular houses in the Eastern Black Sea region. The aim of this study is to give information about the vernacular architecture in the Eastern Black Sea region and to investigate the relationship between the architectural products and the climate that plays a very important role in the formation of this architecture. Thus, the effects of climatic factors, such as rain, wind, humidity and sunlight, on vernacular houses are explained in the topics as plan, external walls, roof and exterior of buildings.  相似文献   

李东  许铁铖 《建筑师》2005,(3):8-17
本文对聚落与民居近年研究成果及方法作出评论;基于当代人文学科领域的学术发展、学术批评与学术反思,对传统聚落与民居建筑研究作出更新研究方法与视角的尝试,使研究从以往的“主流”文化观转入后现代性阐释,在学术研究的价值取向上,从宏观体系的架构转向微观的空间构成制度与人的社会生活的对应关系的分析与研究上,缩小叙事空间,使同一层次的研究文本呈现多样化与复数性。  相似文献   

From modern urban perspectives, indigenous housing practices are regarded as undeveloped, backward, and require improvements. They may be valid for measuring on the basis of standards alien to the communities. However, these perceptions have obfuscated the appreciation and potential adoption of holistic, culturally relevant, and traditionally tested approaches to planning and housing that have sustained communities for centuries. Sri Lankan indigenous settlements have been founded on principles and understanding acquired through the wisdom of Buddhism. For the Sri Lankan indigenous, sustainability has been an intrinsic accompaniment to everyday life, unlike articulated modern discourses. However, these traditions exert minimal benefits to recent housing practices, and researchers are looking elsewhere to develop mechanisms to infuse sustainability as a recently discovered issue of significance. The present study examines the principles underlying several indigenous settlements in Sri Lanka through close observations supported by documente devidence and demonstrates their validity and appropriateness for contemporary planning practices. This study argues that approaches to sustainability should be generated holistically from within rather than from the outside and offers several propositions that can redirect the contemporary housing and planning practices.  相似文献   

Rural settlements of Eastern Black Sea Region have an original architectural charateristics which are shaped by the climate and topographic conditions, local materials, and the social living style. But, this characteristic structure which is covering the vernacular houses, has been started to lose its specifications because of new buildings which are unconsidering the importance of local conditions and the architecture. The target of this study is to design model houses which are in accord with the vernacular architecture and climatic–topographic conditions, and will answer varying needs of the modern life. The realizations of these designs (with a prefabricated system which is easily carried, buildable on inclined topography, and simply installed) is important due to the regional conditions. Therefore, local texture will be saved, and a contemporary system will be adapted with the vernacular architecture.  相似文献   

Vernacular architecture is still very popular and constructed widely in North-East India. In this paper, the result of long-term monitoring of two vernacular houses selected one in Tezpur (warm and humid climate) and other one in Cherrapunjee (cold and cloudy climate) are presented. Long-term monitoring work includes the measurements of temperature (inside and outside house), relative humidity (inside and outside house) and illumination level (inside and outside house) for 25 days in all the seasons (January: winter, April: spring/pre-summer, July: summer/monsoon and October: autumn/pre-winter) of the year 2008. Temperatures profile across all the seasons represents strong daily and seasonal fluctuations. Formulae have been developed based on part of the monitoring data to predict the indoor maximum, average and minimum temperatures inside the same house occupied by the same family. The predicted formulae were developed based on the measured data for the month of January and July and were validated with the measured data of April and October months. It is found that the correlation coefficient (R2 value) is above 0.96 for all the six formulae for the entire monitoring period.  相似文献   

The modern day practice does not give due respect to passive and natural environment control measures in buildings. With modern materials and technology, the buildings of present architectural style results in high energy consumption, in an attempt to provide thermal comfort indoors. The vernacular architecture at any place on the other hand has evolved through ages by consistent and continuous effort for more efficient and perfect solutions. The authors have conducted a qualitative analysis of the passive environment control system of vernacular residential architecture of Kerala that is known for ages for its use of natural and passive methods for a comfortable indoor environment. The orientation of building, internal arrangement of spaces, the presence of internal courtyard, use of locally available materials and special methods of construction, etc. have together created the indoor environment. A quantitative analysis was also carried out based on field experiments by recording thermal comfort parameters in a selected building. The study has provided positive results confirming that the passive environment control system employed in Kerala vernacular architecture is highly effective in providing thermal comfort indoors in all seasons.  相似文献   

Sernikaki is a Greek vernacular settlement that can be imagined as a living organism is the outcome of centuries of optimization of material use, construction techniques and climate considerations. Being mountainous and isolated, this small vernacular settlement has preserved old types of dwellings longer than other areas in Phokida, in mainland Greece, and it can, thus, provide rich material for the understanding of architectural continuity and evolution. In this study, various types of adobe dwellings are surveyed and their response to climate, in terms of site and building design, is evaluated. In addition, the techniques of creating microclimatic conditions by incorporating the existing environmental parameters into the design are considered. Bioclimatic design employs appropriate technologies and design principles based on a thoughtful approach to climate and environment. It is concerned with the layout of the buildings (orientation in relation to sun and wind, aspect ratio), the spacing (site planning), the air movement, the openings (size–position, protection), and the building envelope (walls: construction materials-thickness, roof construction detailing). This paper evaluates specific vernacular dwelling types and their response to climate, based on passive design principles that could be adapted to current architectural practice in the area, in order to optimize the relationship between site, building and climate.  相似文献   

田的艺术——白话景观与新乡土   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为一种生存的艺术,田,是真善美的和谐统一,是千百年来人类对土地及自然过程和格局的适应的智慧结晶;作为乡土的文化景观,田承载了特定地域人们的生存与生活的历史,同时也为当代人应对生态环境和能源危机带来新希望.田,既是我们的记忆,也是我们的希望景观设计师因此可以从田的艺术中吸取无穷的营养,创造丰产、健康而且美丽的新景观,一种白话的、新乡土景观.  相似文献   

李溪 《风景园林》2017,24(12):36-43
在18世纪的英国,对废墟中的"时间性"美学的重新领悟,曾经推动旅行者和建筑师探索了一种新的景观美学概念"如画"。这一观念中,既包含田园牧歌式的古罗马废墟的回忆所引起的"愉悦的忧伤",又包含对崇高的哥特式废墟所裹挟的沉重历史的反思。因为这种回忆和反思所构建的时间感,"如画"成为英国风景园林的主流观念,并推动了废墟景观的兴起和传播。与此同时,英国旅行者和设计师对中国园林和中国风景的观感也在尝试和误读中介入了这一时期废墟景观的"发展",并和当时的美学思潮产生碰撞。本文的最后一部分将从中国园林的一些思想去回溯英国,试图发现二者曾共同领会到的渊深的时间之美。  相似文献   

Energy conservation issues and environmental problems in recent years have increased interest in traditional architecture which is well known for its energy saving designs. This paper thoroughly investigates vernacular housing designs and evaluates on the aspect of building physics. A new research methodology which is adapted to the natural and social context of Vietnam was proposed and applied. The process was carried out step by step, including: climate zoning, systematic analysis, in-situ survey and building simulations. The results of this study indicate that vernacular housing in Vietnam is creatively adapted to the local natural conditions and uses various climate responsive strategies. Through this study, the most frequently used strategies and their effectiveness were derived. The authors also found that under extreme weather conditions, traditional designs might not be sufficient to maintain indoor thermal comfort.  相似文献   

土著的前卫——大地艺术视野中的乡土聚落   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈晶  单德启 《建筑师》2005,(3):41-47
大地艺术本是20世纪60年代源于西方的一个艺术流派,它的源头是杜尚的观念艺术,杜尚认为世界和生活的本身就是艺术。在此基础上深入发展就产生了以广阔的自然元素为基本创作材料的大地艺术。然而,这个一贯以“后现代”艺术流派自居的艺术形式却被笔者与“乡土”这个“土著”的词联系了起来,是不是有点风马牛不相及?原因是这样的:前不久在安徽湖北一带的民居调研中,在去往目的地的山路上,我们看到夕阳下沿着山腰层层跌落的梯田和远处隐约可见的村落,突然有一种不可名状的激动——这不就是一个出色的大地艺术作品么!于是回来后,笔者翻阅了有关书籍,并结合调研相关材料,希望能够探索乡土聚落中体现出的大地艺术的内容与特征,以此为契机,深入剖析乡土景观的艺术根源与社会根源,进而为我国现代景观设计和乡土聚落研究提供一个新的视野。  相似文献   

朱宏宇 《新建筑》2012,(4):99-103
作为英国18世纪三大美学范畴之一的如画理论,不仅是一种审美认知,也是切实可行的方法和手段。在如画园林发展的百年间,人们不断寻找如画美景。早期,英国人对如画美景的寻找带有明显的怀旧情结,这体现在对克劳德镜的使用以及对古典废墟的热衷。后期,随着如画发展成为与美、崇高并列的美学范畴,崇高逐渐演化为如画园林的重要内涵。从文献和实例两个方面入手,深入18世纪英国语境,从多重视角探索如画园林的认知过程。  相似文献   

This article engages ecological architectural concepts to evaluate the traditional dwellings of the Lancang River Valley, Yunnan Province, China. By discovering the implied interpretation of nature and assessing the energy consumption of vernacular houses, this research establishes certain advantages of vernacular building in light of a modern environmentally aware evaluation.  相似文献   

Due to the increasing pressure brought by recent global environmental problems, building designers are embracing regionalism and the knowledge of traditional structures, arguing that these structures are energy efficient and highly sustainable. We observe clear evidence of the increasing interest in vernacular architecture among the research community. This study therefore aims to clarify the contents and issues raised in the studies on vernacular architecture and the knowledge and recommendations that can be derived from them. A database of the research is established by collecting many studies from primary sources. Obtained data is carefully refined and categorized into a table where synthesized information is introduced. The results of this study show an uneven geographic and climatic distribution of the studies; the trend in selecting research objectives and research objects; the choice of research methods with a clear shift towards quantitative research methods, and the generic findings from the database of the research. These results can support diverse inquiries about vernacular architecture across the world and be used as a resource or an orientation to support numerous subsequent studies.  相似文献   

Solar passive techniques are being used in vernacular buildings throughout the world. Researchers have done extensive study on thermal performance of vernacular buildings in the different parts of the world. Vernacular architecture of North-Eastern India represents the principle of climate-responsive architecture, which still lacks experimental validation and quantitative analysis. Thermal comfort not only makes the occupants comfortable but also governs energy consumption in the building. Detailed field studies on thermal performances of typical traditional vernacular dwellings in different bioclimatic zones have been undertaken. This field study includes detailed survey of 150 vernacular dwellings, field tests and thermal sensation vote of 300 occupants on ASHRAE thermal sensation scale. Field test includes measurement of temperature, humidity, illumination level and building design parameters. Thermal performances of these vernacular dwellings were evaluated for winter, pre-summer, summer/monsoon and pre-winter months of the year 2008. This evaluation is based on ‘adaptive approach’, which is the outcome of the field studies and is now part of ASHRAE standard 55/2004 for predicting comfortable temperature of naturally ventilated buildings. This study also tried to find out the range of comfort temperature in these vernacular buildings for different season of the year. It has been found that these vernacular dwellings perform quite satisfactorily except in the winter months and the occupants feel comfortable in a wider range of temperature.  相似文献   

李罡  张豪 《山西建筑》2007,33(27):42-43
分析了关中乡土建筑转型的原因,并从乡土建筑空间布局形态、景观体系、人文、装饰等方面对关中乡土建筑的转型进行了实态分析,最后对其转型进行了反思,有助于人们更深刻地了解地方乡土建筑的建筑环境和建筑文化。  相似文献   

英国18世纪如画园林中对不规则式自然风景的追求以及园内中国建筑的出现,均体现出与中国艺术之间千丝万缕的联系,因而,中国艺术对英国园林的影响一直以来都是众多学者研究和争辩的中心.结合史料文献和园林实例,对中国艺术与如画园林理论和实践之间的关系进行剖析,进而得出中国园林思想并没有对英国园林艺术产生实质性的影响,而是在错综复杂的境遇中,激发了人们的如画想象的结论.  相似文献   

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