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Katie O’Bryan 《国际水》2019,44(6-7):769-785

This article outlines the Yarra River Protection Act and the establishment of a statutory independent voice for the Yarra River, the Birrarung Council, in light of the historical legislative neglect of indigenous water management rights in the Australian state of Victoria. It then seeks to clarify the distinction between the Yarra River’s independent voice and the granting of legal personhood to the Whanganui River in Aotearoa New Zealand’s Te Awa Tupua Act. It concludes that the grant of legal personhood to a river, represented by a river guardian, will not necessarily meet the river management aspirations of Victoria’s Indigenous people.  相似文献   

阿什河某支流河岸带植物群落多样性差异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对阿什河某支流不同区域河岸带植物多样性和植物群落结构差异进行了研究。从α多样性上来看,上游和中游河岸带物种丰富度和均匀度差异不显著,下游丰富度指数明显低于中上游;从稳定性上来看,河岸带植物群落结构稳定性为下游 < 中游 < 上游;草地早熟禾为本流域中各区域河岸带植被的优势种群,上游受外界影响及水力冲刷较小,植物有向陆生演替的趋势,下游受外界影响及水力冲刷较大,植物有向水生及耐冲刷物种演替的趋势。  相似文献   

珠江流域水生态环境问题日益严重,治理刻不容缓。立法上要修订和完善现有的水生态防治法律法规、制定专门的《珠江流域管理条例》,设立权威的流域管理机构,明确其法律地位和管理职权;执法上要严格落实管理珠江流域的各项政策和措施;司法上要做到“违法必究”,充分体现法律的权威。  相似文献   

Freshwater ecosystems are essential to peoples' economic, cultural, and social well‐being, yet are still among the most threatened ecosystems on the planet. Consequently, a plethora of recent regulations and policies seek to halt the loss of restore or safeguard freshwaters, their biodiversity, and the ecosystem services they provide. Ecosystem‐based management (EBM), an approach that considers human society as an integral part of ecosystems, is increasingly being promoted to help meet this challenge. EBM involves an overarching regulatory framework and local solutions with trade‐offs and compromises—factors that not only make decision processes complex but also provide the means for combining top–down regulation with bottom‐up priorities into collaborative management strategies. Although stakeholder participation is encouraged in most modern freshwater management, community values are often largely neglected. Here, we introduce a well‐known participatory decision support framework based on multicriteria decision analysis (MCDA) to operationalize EBM and promote community‐inclusive decision making in freshwater management. We explain the different steps that this approach comprises, which lead to the prioritization of a management strategy in a collaborative way. We also show how cultural values that inherently embed strong links between the environment and people can be used together with typical ecological and socio‐economic values. We illustrate the MCDA‐based EBM‐approach for New Zealand, one of the few countries in which regional freshwater management is mandated to uphold environmental quality standards, while safeguarding local community values and ecosystem services. Finally, we discuss some of the challenges, which are increasingly emerging as a result of mandated community collaboration in environmental management.  相似文献   

A “weight of evidence” approach was used to assess trophic status and phytoplankton community characteristics as a step towards delisting beneficial use impairments in the Buffalo River Area of Concern (AOC). Using a combination of historical data and results of a sampling program conducted in 2006, trophic status was evaluated by considering threshold levels of total phosphorus and chlorophyll a, total phytoplankton abundance, reference-reach comparisons of total phosphorus and nitrate + nitrite, and an ecoregion (percentile) analysis. Microcystin toxin levels were used as an indicator of the presence of undesirable algae. Phytoplankton community characteristics were assessed through consideration of species richness, Shannon–Weaver Index of Diversity, presence of indicator species, centric:pennate diatom ratio, the Trophic Diatom Index (TDI), and the Pollution Tolerance Index (PTI). The weight of evidence suggests that the Buffalo River AOC does not have a eutrophication problem, but nutrient levels are sufficiently high to recommend further implementation of watershed Best Management Practices and continued water quality monitoring. Microcystin was present in all samples but at a level below the World Health Organization guidelines; based on this indicator we conclude that the AOC does not have a problem with undesirable algae. The phytoplankton community exhibits some anthropogenic impact as reflected by the TDI, PTI, and presence of certain indicator species, but these impacts do not indicate extreme stress. Based on the weight of evidence the Buffalo River Remedial Advisory Committee recently concluded that the AOC was not impaired in terms of eutrophication, presence of undesirable algae, and degradation of phytoplankton.  相似文献   

In river systems, high‐head dams may increase the distance‐decay of fish community similarity by creating nearly impermeable dispersal barriers to certain species from upstream reaches. Substantial evidence suggests that migratory species are impacted by dams, and most previous studies in stream/river networks have focused on small streams and headwaters. Here, we assess whether a high‐head dam (Lock and Dam 19; LD 19) on a large river, the Upper Mississippi River (UMR), substantially alters fish community structure relative to variability expected to occur independent of the dam's effect as a fish dispersal barrier. Using fish catch per unit effort data, we modelled the distance‐decay function for the UMR fish community and then estimated the similarity that would be expected to occur across LD19 and compared it with measured similarity. Measured similarity in the fish community above and below LD19 was close to the expected value based on the distance‐decay function, suggesting LD19 does not create an abrupt transition in the fish community. Although some migratory fish species no longer occur above LD19 (e.g., skipjack herring, Alosa chrysochloris), these species do not occur in high abundance below the dam and so do not drive variation in fish community structure. Instead, much of the variation in species structure is driven by the loss/gain of species across the latitudinal gradient. Lock and Dam 19 does not appear to be a clear transition point in the river's fish community, although it may function as a meaningful barrier for particular species (e.g., invasive species) and warrant future attention from a management perspective.  相似文献   

为了解汉江上游干支流沉积物细菌多样性以及确定性过程和随机性过程在沉积物细菌群落构建过程中的相对重要性,基于Illumina高通量测序技术,分析了环境因子对细菌群落组成的影响,采用非度量多维尺度(NMDS)排序探究了季节之间沉积物细菌群落的差异,并结合中性群落模型和标准化随机率量化了确定性过程和随机过程对群落构建的影响。结果表明:汉江上游及其支流细菌群落主要由变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)、蓝藻门(Cyanophyta)、浮霉菌门(Planctomycetes)和酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria)等组成;细菌群落在不同季节有显著差异;地理距离和环境因子对细菌群落结构影响较小,确定性过程并未在细菌群落组成中起到主导作用;随机过程很大程度上影响了群落在秋季和春季的组成,是沉积物细菌群落构建的主导因素。  相似文献   

底栖动物是河流水生态系统的重要组成部分,对水环境的变化极其敏感.为分析赣江干流底栖动物群落结构特征及其与环境因素的关系,本研究于2018年8月、2019年1月及4月在赣江干流布设12个采样点进行底栖动物调查.赣江干流共检出底栖动物3门6纲24种属,上游的优势种分别为苏氏尾鳃蚓和铜锈环棱螺,中游的优势种为铜锈环棱螺和河蚬...  相似文献   

针对宁夏沿黄经济区4市的水资源利用现状,利用改进熵值法,在分析水资源短缺与社会适应能力评价指标的前提下,建立耦合关系模型,从综合评价值、协调度、耦合协调度3个方面对宁夏沿黄经济区水资源短缺与社会适应能力耦合协调关系进行分析。结果表明:对宁夏沿黄经济区4市水资源短缺的综合评价分析结果,优良排序依次为银川市、石嘴山市、中卫市和吴忠市;社会适应能力综合评价结果由大到小排序为银川市、吴忠市、石嘴山市和中卫市; 2016年宁夏沿黄经济区各市的水资源短缺与社会适应能力协调度基本处于中度失调和优质耦合2个阶段,处于优质耦合的有银川市、石嘴山市和中卫市,仅吴忠市处于中度失调状态; 2016年宁夏沿黄经济区的水资源短缺与社会适应能力耦合协调度基本上处于耦合协调时期和失调衰退时期2个阶段,其中银川市、石嘴山市和中卫市分别处于良好耦合协调时期、中级耦合协调时期和勉强耦合协调时期;仅吴忠市处于极度失调衰退时期。  相似文献   

永定新河冲淤变化及发展趋势的分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
依据永定新河多年的实测断面及潮汐观测资料,分析研究永定新河《近期治理规划》实施前后河道的冲淤变化规律,泥沙运移规律,通过实测资料建立的经验关系,预测河道冲淤发展趋势。  相似文献   


The article analyzes Tidal River Management in Bangladesh from a social learning perspective. Four cases were investigated using participatory assessment. Knowledge acquisition through transformations in the Tidal River Management process was explored as an intended learning outcome. The study finds that social learning occurred more prominently at the individual stakeholder level and less at the collective level. For Tidal River Management to be responsive and sustainable, especially in times of increased uncertainty and climate vulnerability, more attention needs to be paid to coordination and facilitation of multi-level learning that includes all stakeholders.  相似文献   

庄超  许继军 《人民长江》2019,50(2):35-41
长江经济带绿色发展既是一个实践问题,也是一个理论问题。作为国家重大经济社会发展战略,长江经济带的绿色发展从政策文件走向有效实施尚面临诸多亟待解决的困难和问题。从长江经济带发展与保护关系的认识过程和政策演进方面,分析了绿色发展的理论内核及基本要义;同时,总结了当前长江经济带绿色发展的整体态势及科学数据表征,结果表明,目前存在着发展与保护矛盾突出、绿色发展的技术指标刚性约束不强、流域的整体性保护不足等实际问题。为此,提出了相应的措施,并以"问题—诉求—法律应对"为研究进路,从绿色发展利益的法律确认、政策与法律兼容模式以及绿色发展的具体法律制度构建等方面,论述了长江经济带绿色发展的法律逻辑,研究成果可为长江经济带绿色发展的法律实现提出立法建议和参考。  相似文献   

During floodbank raising work as part of a major capital flood defence scheme on the River Torne between 1985 and 1990, selected reaches of the main trapezoidal channel were enhanced. By winning spoil from the channel margins and from borrow pits in the floodplain, a more varied marginal zone was created which maximised the potential habitat for wetland plant communities and their associated fauna. Enhancement comprised bank re‐profiling to create narrow wetland shelves (berms), shallow bays, channel margins of varying shape and depth and linear still ponds from the borrow pits. The 1990 planting programme comprised 11 macrophyte species and a total of 7740 individual plants. This paper reports on an initial study to evaluate the marginal habitat enhancements on the River Torne 5 years after completion of the project. Lack of pre‐scheme data necessitated a space‐time substitution; enhanced river margins were compared with neighbouring reaches that had undergone conventional floodbank repair and remained as trapezoidal channel sections planted with a standard, low maintenance seed mix. Marginal vegetation was surveyed and supported by measurements of the physical habitat at 10 enhanced and 10 conventionally‐engineered reaches. The macrophyte surveys and the results from the cluster analysis and polar ordination indicate that enhanced and conventionally‐engineered reaches are floristically distinct and that the enhanced reaches have a more varied macrophyte community. The results from the Mann–Whitney U‐tests show that enhanced reaches have significantly higher values of wetland species diversity and equitability, percentage of wetland species, bank width and soil moisture and significantly lower bank angles. However, the correlation and linear regression analyses did not show any strong associations between the physical habitat and plant parameters. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study compares the benefits and disadvantages of two options, i.e. dam construction and a water transfer tunnel between two existing dams, with a particular focus on their effects on the natural environment and local communities and their respective economic efficiencies. It is concluded that significant advantages exist for the construction of a water transfer tunnel between two dams in Korea. This option would secure water resources in a manner that minimizes the economic, environmental and social effects of water resource development and which maximizes the utility of existing water resources.  相似文献   

针对淮河和沂沭泗下游排洪工程系统由于历史原因使治水缺少长远规划,防洪形势严峻,出现"中洪水大灾害"的反常现象这一状况,提出浚深新沂河,使其成为淮沂沭泗下游合流排洪入海主河道的规划设想,以替代淮河入海水道二期和新沂河续建工程.初步估计该规划设想工程可节省投资40余亿元,并可望从根本上治理淮河下游的洪涝灾害.  相似文献   

为了解滨河植被对河湾横向迁移的作用,以及河湾迁移对滨河植被群落分布的影响,对黄河源区兰木错曲弯曲河段崩塌块、凹岸植被生物量和凸岸植被多样性进行现场调查统计,给出了河湾迁移速率的估算方法。结果表明:其迁移速率与凹岸植被生物量呈指数关系;河湾凸岸边滩的泥沙沉积在不同重现期洪水作用下,形成不同的植被条带,对应于5种典型的植被群落;河湾的横向迁移对滨河植被生态系统具有调节作用,形成一种牧草先增多后减少再增多的草场更新机制,原生演替不断循环进行,以维持草场的长期可持续放牧功能。  相似文献   

为探明涡河中下游水质状况,基于2016年12月至2017年9月涡河中下游4次监测的浮游植物和水质数据,利用物种优势度和多样性指数对浮游植物的时空分布特征进行定量分析。结果表明:涡河中下游的浮游植物主要表现出种类分布不均匀、不同河段差异性大等特点;涡河中下游共发现浮游植物7门89属种,以绿藻门和硅藻门为主;浮游植物的优势类群随季节变化较大,4次采样共发现16个优势物种,4个季节中绿藻门的优势种类均为最多;浮游植物Shannon-Wiener多样性指数水质评价等级显示涡河中下游整体污染程度呈转好趋势;冗余度分析表明环境因子对浮游植物时空分布总体变异的解释度为60.02%;温度、电导率和总磷是影响涡河中下游浮游植物时空分布的主要环境因子。  相似文献   

In this study, the combined effects of hydrological and chemical stressors on benthic macroinvertebrates were evaluated in order to explore the response of the biological community to multiple stressors. The Adige River, located in the south‐eastern Alps, was selected as a case study because representative of the situation of a large river in which the variety of stressors present in the Alpine region act simultaneously. As expected, streamflow showed a seasonal pattern, with high flows in the spring–summer period; however, locally, the natural hydrological regime was altered by the presence of hydropower systems, which chiefly affected low flows. Multivariate analysis showed seasonal and spatial patterns in both chemical and hydrological parameters with a clear gradient in the concentration of nitrate, personal care, and pharmaceutical products moving from headwaters to the main stem of the river. The macroinvertebrate community composition was significantly different in summer and winter and between up and downstream sites. Streamflow alteration chiefly due to water use by hydropower affected community composition but not richness or diversity. Gammarus sp., Hirudinea, and Psychomyia sp., were positively correlated with flow variability, increasing their densities in the sites with higher streamflow variability because of hydropeaking. The results obtained in this study show that the composition of the macroinvertebrate community responded to seasonality and to changes in the main stressors along the river and highlights the importance of the spatial and temporal variability of stressors in this Alpine river. Taking into account, this variability will help the decision‐making process for improving basin management.  相似文献   

为了解黄河下游支流大汶河鱼类多样性及其与环境因子的关系,分别于2017年4月和10月对大汶河24个采样点进行鱼类及环境调查,采用冗余分析方法识别了影响大汶河鱼类个体数量和多样性指数的主要环境因子。结果表明:2017年共采集到鱼类8 299尾,隶属于4目16科25种,其中鲤科鱼类共15种;鱼类多样性和均匀性较差,优势种以鲫(Carassius auratus)、(Hemiculter leucisclus)和乌鳢(Channa argus)等耐受性较强的平原性鱼类为主;大汶河鱼类物种数量、生物量和多样性指数的季节性变化不显著,但是秋季个体数量显著大于春季;影响大汶河鱼类个体数量的主要环境因子是水深和河宽,而影响鱼类多样性指数的主要环境因子是DO。  相似文献   

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