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Count rates may reach very low levels in production processes with low defect levels. In such settings, conventional control charts for counts may become ineffective since the occurrence of many samples with zero defects would cause control statistic to be consistently zero. Consequently, the exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) control chart to monitor the time between successive events (TBE) or counts has been introduced as an effective approach for monitoring processes with low defect levels. When the counts occur according to a Poisson distribution, the TBE observations are distributed as exponential. Although the assumption of exponential distribution is a reasonable choice as a model of TBE observations, its parameter, i.e. the mean (also the standard deviation), is rarely known in practice and its estimate is used in place of the unknown parameter when constructing the exponential EWMA chart. In this article, we investigate the effects of parameter estimation on the performance measures (average run length, standard deviation, and percentiles of the run length distribution) of the exponential EWMA control chart. A comprehensive analysis of the conditional performance measures of the chart shows that the effect of estimation can be serious, especially if small samples are used. An investigation of the marginal performance measures, which are calculated by averaging the conditional performance measures over the distribution of the parameter estimator, allows us to provide explicit sample size recommendations in constructing these charts to reach a satisfactory performance in both the in‐control and the out‐of‐control situation. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the use of statistical control charts, violating the basic assumption of independent or uncorrelated data results in a chart that exhibits poor statistical performance, resulting in an increased number of false alarms. Autocorrelated data requires modifications to traditional control chart techniques. A method based on the exponentially weighted moving average that uses variable control limits is presented. Using simulation, we explore the shift detection properties of this moving centre-line technique and will show how the detection capability of the procedure can be enhanced using supplemental tracking signal tests. Guidelines and conditions for use are also presented.  相似文献   

While many control charts have been developed for monitoring the time interval (t) between the occurrences of an event, many other charts are employed to examine the magnitude (x) of the event. These two types of control charts have usually been investigated and applied separately with limited syntheses in conventional statistical process control (SPC) methods. This article presents an SPC method for simultaneously monitoring the time interval t and magnitude x. It, essentially, combines a t chart and an x chart, and is therefore referred to as a t&x chart. The new chart is more effective than an individual t chart or individual x chart for detecting the out-of-control status of the event, in particular for detecting downward shifts (sparse occurrence and/or small magnitude). More profound is that, compared with an individual t or x chart, the detection effectiveness of the t&x chart is more invariable against different types of shifts, i.e. t shift, x shift and joint shift in t and x. The t&x chart has demonstrated its potential not only for manufacturing systems, but also for non-manufacturing sectors such as supply chain management, office administration and health care industry.  相似文献   

Exponential CUSUM charts are used in monitoring the occurrence rate of rare events because the interarrival times of events for homogeneous Poisson processes are independent and identically distributed exponential random variables. In these applications, it is assumed that the exponential parameter, i.e. the mean, is known or has been accurately estimated. However, in practice, the in‐control mean is typically unknown and must be estimated to construct the limits for the exponential CUSUM chart. In this article, we investigate the effect of parameter estimation on the run length properties of one‐sided lower exponential CUSUM charts. In addition, analyzing conditional performance measures shows that the effect of estimation error can be significant, affecting both the in‐control average run length and the quick detection of process deterioration. We also provide recommendations regarding phase I sample sizes. This sample size must be quite large for the in‐control chart performance to be close to that for the known parameter case. Finally, we provide an industrial example to highlight the practical implications of estimation error, and to offer advice to practitioners when constructing/analyzing a phase I sample. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In recent years, several techniques based on control charts have been developed for the simultaneous monitoring of the time interval T and the amplitude X of events, known as time-between-events-and-amplitude (TBEA) charts. However, the vast majority of the existing works have some limitations. First, they usually focus on statistics based on the ratio X T , and second, they only investigate a reduced number of potential distributions, that is, the exponential distribution for T and the normal distribution for X. Moreover, until now, very few research papers have considered the potential dependence between T and X. In this paper, we investigate three different statistics, denoted as Z1 , Z2 , and Z3 , for monitoring TBEA data in the case of three potential distributions (gamma, normal, and Weibull), for both T and X, using copulas as a mechanism to model the dependence. An illustrative example considering times between machine breakdowns and associated maintenance illustrates the use of TBEA control charts.  相似文献   

Tracking signals use past forecast errors to monitor and control a forecasting process. In this study, the cumulative‐sum tracking signal and the smoothed‐error tracking signal are evaluated on their ability to aid in shift (process upset) detection. The moving‐centerline EWMA control chart technique is coupled with these tracking signals to enhance the monitoring of autocorrelated processes. The analysis characterizes two prevalent time series models: AR(1) and ARMA(1,1). The goal of this paper is to explore the capabilities of the tracking signals and the moving‐centerline EWMA when the smoothing constants are varied and a shift is introduced into the process. The tracking signals are evaluated based on average run length (ARL) and false alarm rate (FA). Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Timely monitoring is essential for effective disease control and public health management. Early outbreak detection and swift responses inform optimal resource allocation for effective public health protection. Disease incidence datasets often consist of time series counts that exhibit threshold characteristics. Currently, there is limited research on the monitoring of such data in the field of statistical process control. In this paper, we propose a new threshold-based control chart for threshold autoregressive models, which has been proven to be effective. Several existing efficient control charts are also employed for comparison. We conduct an extensive simulation study using the Monte Carlo method. Finally, the method is applied to the meningitis data that motivated this investigation.  相似文献   

This paper developed a single cumulative sum (CUSUM) scheme, called the UCUSUM chart, for simultaneously detecting the size N and time interval T of an event. The new chart used the information of size and frequency of the event and the UCUSUM chart is carried out using the only one statistic U, which contains both T and N; on the other hand, the UCUSUM chart could allocate the detection power to the T shifts and the N shifts. The results present that the UCUSUM chart is significantly powerful compared to other charts which are in the current research with either the time interval T or with the size N. The UCUSUM chart could be applied in many areas including industries and non-industries and the performance of the new chart shows it is much effective in example.  相似文献   

Traditional control charts for monitoring attribute data usually neglect the order among the attribute levels, such as good, marginal and bad, of a categorical factor. Such order may be reflected by an underlying continuous variable, which determines the level of the categorical factor by classifying it according to some thresholds in the latent continuous scale. This paper exploits this ordinal information and proposes a control chart for detecting location shifts in the latent variable based on merely the attribute level counts, regardless of the continuous values of the latent variable. The proposed ordinal chart is very simple to construct and enjoys the same setting as conventional categorical charts. Numerical simulations demonstrate the superiority of this simple ordinal categorical chart.  相似文献   

This article proposes an integrated scheme (T&TCUSUM chart) which combines a Shewhart T chart and a TCUSUM chart (a CUSUM‐type T chart) to monitor the time interval T between the occurrences of an event or the time between events. The performance studies show that the T&TCUSUM chart can effectively improve the overall performance over the entire T shift range. On average, it is more effective than the T chart by 26.66% and the TCUSUM chart by 14.12%. Moreover, the T&TCUSUM chart performs more consistently than other charts for the detection of either small or large T shifts, because it has the strength of both the T chart (more sensitive to large shifts) and the TCUSUM chart (more sensitive to small shifts). The implementation of the new chart is almost as easy as the operation of a TCUSUM chart. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recently, monitoring the process mean and variance simultaneously by using a single chart has drawn more and more attention. In this paper, we propose a new single chart that integrates the EWMA procedure with the generalized likelihood ratio (GLR) test statistics for jointly monitoring both the process mean and variance. It can be easily designed and constructed, and its average run length can be evaluated by a two‐dimensional Markov chain model. Owing to the good properties of the GLR test and EMWA, computation results show that it provides quite a robust and satisfactory performance in various cases, including the detection of the decrease in variability and the individual observation at the sampling point, which are very important in many practical applications but may not be well handled by the existing approaches in the literature. The application of our proposed method is illustrated by a real data example from chemical process control. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) control chart is a memory‐type process monitoring tool that is frequently used to monitor small and moderate disturbances in the process mean and/or process dispersion. In this study, we propose 2 new memory‐type control charts for monitoring changes in the process dispersion, namely, the generally weighted moving average and the hybrid EWMA charts. We use Monte Carlo simulations to compute the run length profiles of the proposed control charts. The run length comparisons of the proposed and existing charts reveal that the generally weighted moving average and hybrid EWMA charts provide better protection than the existing EWMA chart when detecting small to moderate shifts in the process dispersion. An illustrative dataset is also used to show the superiority of the proposed charts over the existing chart.  相似文献   

Hotelling's T2 statistic is the default control statistic for continuous multivariate data, but there are dangers in applying this statistic without the appropriate level of checks and balances. This paper discusses the potential issues with using the Hotelling's T2 statistic when the quality variable measures are highly correlated and provides some solutions that will help mitigate the risks with applying the Hotelling's T2 control charts in such practical examples. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) control chart is a well‐known statistical process monitoring tool because of its exceptional pace in catching infrequent variations in the process parameter(s). In this paper, we propose new EWMA charts using the auxiliary information for efficiently monitoring the process dispersion, named the auxiliary‐information–based (AIB) EWMA (AIB‐EWMA) charts. These AIB‐EWMA charts are based on the regression estimators that require information on the quality characteristic under study as well as on any related auxiliary characteristic. Extensive Monte Carlo simulation are used to compute and study the run length profiles of the AIB‐EWMA charts. The proposed charts are comprehensively compared with a recent powerful EWMA chart—which has been shown to be better than the existing EWMA charts—and an existing AIB‐Shewhart chart. It turns out that the proposed charts perform uniformly better than the existing charts. An illustrative example is also given to explain the implementation and working of the AIB‐EWMA charts.  相似文献   

We investigate in this paper a new type of control chart called VSI EWMA‐RZ by integrating the variable sampling interval feature (VSI) with the exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) scheme to monitor the ratio of two normal random variables. Because the distribution of the ratio is skewed, we suggest designing two separated one‐sided charts instead of one two‐sided chart. A new coefficient is introduced allowing us to be free to choose a sampling interval provided that it optimizes the performance of the control chart. We also make a direct comparison between the VSI EWMA‐RZ charts and standard EWMA‐RZ control charts. The numerical simulations show that the proposed charts outperform the standard EWMA charts in detecting process shifts. An application is illustrated for the implementation of the VSI EWMA‐RZ control charts in the food industry.  相似文献   

In this work, both the cumulative sum (CUSUM) and exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) control charts have been reconfigured to monitor processes using a Bayesian approach. Our construction of these charts are informed by posterior and posterior predictive distributions found using three loss functions: the squared error, precautionary, and linex. We use these control charts on count data, performing a simulation study to assess chart performance. Our simulations consist of sensitivity analysis of the out-of-control shift size and choice of hyper-parameters of the given distributions. Practical use of theses charts are evaluated on real data.  相似文献   

Previously, it has been held that statistical process control (SPC) and engineering process control (EPC) were two distinct domains for process improvement. However, we specifically consider the impact for integrating the two approaches on a first‐order dynamic system with ARIMA disturbances. We show how to model and analyze this system over a range of practical conditions. Our work results in a set of response surfaces that characterize the performance of the integrated design. We also compare these results to the case where the SPC and EPC policies are applied separately. In general, we find that the EPC approach performs best in terms of minimizing error, but that we can reduce the number and magnitude of adjustments using the integrated monitoring and control approach. This work also further supports our earlier findings that the integrated design is effective on complex dynamic systems during the initial transient or startup period. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA), cumulative sum (CUSUM), and adaptive EWMA (AEWMA) control charts have had wide popularity because of their excellent speed in tracking infrequent process shifts, which are expected to lie within certain ranges. In this paper, we propose a new AEWMA dispersion chart that may achieve better performance over a range of dispersion shifts. The idea is to first consider an unbiased estimator of the dispersion shift using the EWMA statistic, and then based on the magnitude of this shift, select an appropriate value of the smoothing parameter to design an EWMA chart, named the AEWMA chart. The run length characteristics of the AEWMA chart are computed with the help of extensive Monte Carlo simulations. The AEWMA chart is compared with some of the existing powerful competitor control charts. It turns out that the AEWMA chart performs substantially and uniformly better than the EWMA‐S2, CUSUM‐S2, existing AEWMA, and HHW‐EWMA charts when detecting different kinds of shifts in the process dispersion. Moreover, an example is also used to explain the working and implementation of the proposed AEWMA chart.  相似文献   

In this study, a new process dispersion monitoring control chart is proposed based on a function-based adaptation to select the smoothing constant value, named as a function-based adaptive exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) dispersion control chart. It is suggested to track shift ranges first expected in process dispersion by opting for smoothing constant computation with the help of a function. The shift magnitude assessment is made by an unbiased estimator that determines the smoothing constant value through the proposed function. The enhanced efficiency of the proposed chart can be assessed in terms of smaller run-length profiles, which are determined through Monte Carlo simulations. The proposed chart is compared with the existing adaptive EWMA dispersion chart, and it turned out to perform substantially efficiently in detecting all kinds of decreasing and increasing process dispersion shift magnitudes. Moreover, a real-life dataset application is explained in the example section to elaborate on the ease of implementation in the real-life scenario.  相似文献   

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