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为研究单向压缩状态下饱和砂性土的蠕变特性,本文进行了饱和砂性土在常规加栽(即加栽比为1)与加载比为3及等梯度加载等不同加载方式下的蠕变试验并对试验结果进行对比分析.结果表明:加载比不同时,3200kPa荷载下蠕变变形量基本相等;不同加栽方式下,蠕变变形表现为与时间、荷载相关的非线性增长;将相邻荷载施加后同一时刻的蠕变增量定义为△t,与常规加栽试验中该参数随荷载量增加而不断增加相反,等梯度加栽试验中△t 随荷载增大而减小并且逐渐趋于稳定,这是因为在等梯度加载试验中土体在每级荷载下都没有达到蠕变稳定,而且每级加载增量相对较小.△t达到稳定时的荷载与加栽梯度的对数呈线性关系. 相似文献
饱和软粘土蠕变特性试验研究 总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6
本文通过多组试验,对上海地区炮和软粘土的单向压缩直接剪切、三轴剪切的闲变特性进行了试验研究,得出了饱和软粘土蠕查特性,并通过曲线拟合建立了蠕变特性经验方程。 相似文献
进行了石灰岩质机制砂的主要材性及配合比试验,并在自然环境下,对石灰岩质机制砂混凝土梁进行了收缩、徐变试验,根据实测数据,拟合出机制砂的收缩、徐变时程关系表达式;并将其与国内外几种常用的收缩、徐变模式进行了对比分析。结果表明,配筋率对混凝土收缩应变和徐变挠度系数有一定程度的影响;ACI-209及本文拟合的公式与试验结果更为接近。 相似文献
开展了机制砂混凝土(MSC)与河砂混凝土(RSC)在5种应力水平下的等幅弯曲疲劳试验,进行了混凝土弯曲疲劳寿命的Weibull分布检验,拟合了用于确定等幅荷载下弯曲疲劳寿命的SN-Pf方程,并对混凝土界面过渡区进行了显微分析.结果表明:MSC和RSC的弯曲疲劳寿命分布均符合两参数Weibull分布,MSC弯曲疲劳寿命离散性整体小于RSC;在相同应力水平下,MSC的抗弯曲疲劳性能优于RSC,且其弯曲疲劳寿命的应力水平变化敏感性小于RSC;弯曲疲劳寿命为2×106次时,MSC的弯曲疲劳强度折减系数为55%,RSC的弯曲疲劳强度折减系数为53%;MSC界面过渡区显微硬度大于RSC,且界面过渡区密实性更好. 相似文献
《Soils and Foundations》2002,42(3):63-76
Monotonic and cyclic loading tests have been carried out on a silica sand over a wide range of stresses in order to compare non-crushing and crushing behaviour. Samples were sieved at several stages of testing to theoretically determine the increase in particle surface area and hence degree of crushing. Undrained shear behaviour was compared for crushing and non-crushing regions above 3 MPa. Samples consolidated to 0.1 MPa demonstrated strong dilative behaviour, while above the yield stress of 3 MPa dilation was suppressed and considerable particle crushing occurred. Shearing caused a marked increase in particle crushing particularly after the phase transformation point. Crushing at the steady state was similar for isotropic and anisotropically consolidated sands. At high confining pressures the cyclic strength curves were similar to those for loose sands except for confining pressure dependency due to particle crushing. For low confining stresses cyclic strength increased with initial stress ratio, while for high confining stresses it decreased with initial shear stress ratio. In the cyclic tests there was no significant crushing for 0.1 MPa. Crushing was seen to increase rapidly after the phase transformation point, where high strains developed and where particle rotation and translation contributed to the crushing process. 相似文献
《Soils and Foundations》2007,47(3):473-491
A number of previous experimental studies showed that polymer geogrid reinforcement as well as sand exhibit significantly rate-dependent behaviour. The viscous properties of polymer geogrids and Toyoura sand were independently evaluated by changing stepwise the strain rate as well as performing sustained loading and load/stress relaxation tests during otherwise monotonic loading in, respectively, tensile loading tests and drained plane strain compression (PSC) tests. The viscous properties of the two types of material were separately formulated in the same framework of non-linear three-component rheology model. The viscous response of geogrid-reinforced sand in PSC is significant, controlled by viscous properties of geogrid and sand. Local strain distributions in the reinforced sand specimen were evaluated by photogrametric analysis and used to determine the time history of the tensile strain in the geogrid. The time history of tensile load activated in the geogrid during sustained loading of reinforced sand specimen was deduced by analysing the measured time history of geogrid strain by the non-linear three-component model. It was found that the tensile load in the geogrid reinforcement arranged in a sand specimen subjected to fixed boundary loads could decrease with time. In that case, the possibility of creep rupture of geogrid is very low. 相似文献
基于有限差分理论,通过对FLAC3D软件自带蠕变CVISC模型进行适当修正后得到组合粘弹塑性KV-M-C模型,采用该模型对SMW工法围护软粘土基坑不同开挖工况下坑底回弹、基坑周围地表沉降、钢支撑内力及围护墙的变形情况等进行了蠕变数值计算,结果表明:随着基坑开挖深度的增大,坑底位移及基坑周边地表沉降将越大,围护墙体最大侧向位移在第二道支撑与基坑底部之间;将蠕变计算结果与弹塑性计算结果进行对比分析表明,基坑底鼓及周边地表沉降的位移分布规律基本相似,但考虑土体蠕变特性后基坑底鼓、地表沉降及钢支撑轴力的数值都明显偏大. 相似文献
焊接空心球节点是网架结构合理的节点型式。本文从理论和试验两方面对其静力及疲劳性能进行了试验研究。利用有限元计算和大量应变实测基本摸清了单向受拉弹性阶段球面应力分布的规律,通过理论及200多个试验数据的综合分析,提出了新的简单、合理的承载力计算公式。通过四种规格15个试件的疲劳试验,得到了S-N曲线,借助薄壳理论分析求得SCF计算公式,并将热点应力幅的概念用于研究,建立了适用于各种管球配合的剖口焊情况下疲劳验算方法。 相似文献
使用四点弯曲疲劳试验(4PB)、两点梯形梁疲劳试验(2PB)和overlay tester(OT)试验3种试验方法,对工程上常用的7种沥青混合料疲劳性能进行了测试.结果表明:在3种疲劳试验中,掺加6%(质量分数,下同)SBS的改性沥青混合料疲劳性能均较好,同时掺加10%TB胶粉和3%SBS的改性沥青混合料、掺加4.5%SBS的改性沥青混合料和同时掺加4.5%SBS及0.4%多聚磷酸(PPA)的改性沥青混合料疲劳性能均一般,掺加3%SBS的改性沥青混合料疲劳性能较差,温拌剂改性沥青混合料和埃索基质沥青混合料的疲劳性能最差;提高SBS掺量可以有效地提高沥青混合料的疲劳性能;添加TB胶粉和PPA可以在不同程度上提高SBS改性沥青混合料的疲劳寿命,但其对疲劳性能的影响力逊于SBS;不同试验方法中沥青混合料疲劳性能的排序具有一致性,具体排序稍有不同. 相似文献
《Soils and Foundations》2001,41(2):39-51
In order to compare one-dimensional compression behaviour with the crushing strength characteristics of single particles, one-dimensional compression and single particle crushing tests were carried out on various granular materials with uniform gradings. The average characteristic tensile stress acting on a particle in a sample was calculated using a simplified approach. The one-dimensional compression yield stress was related to the particle size and this was also related to the single particle crushing strength. The decrease of the vertical yield stress with increasing initial void ratio can be explained by the increase in the particle characteristic stress as the void ratio increased and a corresponding decrease in co-ordination number. The single particle strengths were compared with the characteristic tensile stress for a particle embedded in the soil matrix. The logarithm of the characteristic tensile stress at maximum compression index for a particle embedded in a granular matrix could be related to the logarithm of the single particle strength multiplied by a proportional factor. The introduction of a factor was necessary because the calculated average characteristic tensile stress did not take into account the non-uniform distribution of inter-particle stresses. The ratio of the single particle strengths to the average characteristic tensile stress for a particle embedded in the soil matrix was considered to be an indicator of the non-uniform distribution. This ratio decreased and hence uniformity of inter-particle stress distribution increased with angularity and surface roughness. 相似文献
生物固定化锰砂/石英砂滤柱的除铁除锰效能比较 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
通过在锰砂及石英砂上固定自行分离的纤发茵属细菌,研究了生物固定化锰砂及石英砂滤柱的除铁除锰能力.从水厂成熟滤砂上分离出的纤发菌属细菌,经16S rDNA鉴定为却Lepto-thrix cholodnii(98%)、Leptothrix discophora(99%)、Leptothrix mobilis(99%).纤发菌属固定化锰砂及石英砂滤柱对铁的去除率均可达90%以上,但锰砂滤柱的处理能力高于石英砂滤柱.当DO为5 mg/L时,锰砂及石英砂滤柱对锰的平均去除量分别为0.9 ms/L和0.6 mg/L;当DO提高到9mg/L时,两滤柱对锰的平均去除量分别增加到1.45 ms/L和1.1 mg/L,相应的去除率分别从45%、34.5%提高到74.29%、59.32%.对生物膜形态的观察结果表明,纤发菌分泌的胞外聚合物与铁、锰氧化物形成了聚合体,同时还能观察到由嘉氏铁杆菌(Gallionella ferruginea)形成的麻花状沉淀物. 相似文献
基于15根注浆微型钢管桩体的抗弯荷载试验,综合分析钢管直径d和壁厚t、浆体水灰比W、钢管表面布孔直径r和间距s等因素对注浆微型钢管桩体抗弯承载特性、变形和破坏特点的影响。结果表明:相同桩径时,钢管直径和壁厚对微型钢管桩体抗弯承载特性影响显著,桩体极限抗弯荷载值随钢管直径和壁厚的增加近似呈线性增加; 当0.59≤d/D≤0.72(D为桩径),浆体水灰比在0.45~0.75之间时对桩体极限抗弯荷载的影响较小,钢管表面布孔形式对桩体极限抗弯荷载的影响较小; 基于注浆微型钢管桩外包浆体和钢管的荷载-应变曲线分析可知,注浆微型钢管桩体抗弯破坏标准可以以外包浆体的破坏为准; 当0.28≤d/D<0.59时,钢管屈服和受压区外包浆体开裂所对应的抗弯荷载与极限抗弯荷载基本相同,而当0.59≤d/D≤0.72时,荷载加至极限抗弯荷载80%时钢管屈服,注浆微型钢管桩体呈现出明显的延性特征,钢管及内核注浆体自身强度发挥充分且抗弯承载作用明显,建议实践中微型钢管桩体钢管设计时以0.59≤d/D≤0.72为宜。 相似文献
Shuhei Shibayama Jun Izawa Akihiro Takahashi Jiro Takemura Osamu Kusakabe 《Soils and Foundations》2010,50(2):281-294
The paper describes observed behaviour of a model tunnel embedded in dry sand subjected to cyclic ground shear deformation in a centrifuge, as well as the behaviour of the model ground during shear deformation. Detailed data on earth pressures acting on the tunnel lining and the sectional forces of the lining are presented during ground shear deformation. The data suggest that the earth pressure at tunnel crown before ground shear deformation is smaller than the full overburden pressure probably due to the formation of arch action and the arch action may deteriorate with the cyclic ground shear deformation, resulting in an increase in the earth pressure at crown and changing the distribution of the sectional forces, which are largely influenced by conditions between tunnel lining and invert. 相似文献
《Soils and Foundations》2002,42(6):23-39
An experimental study on the behaviour of reconstituted samples of sand reinforced with geotextile layers is presented using standard triaxial and plane strain tests. After describing the main features of the plane strain device and of the data acquisition system, details are provided on the procedure developed for preparing plane strain samples containing inclined reinforcements with respect to the principal stress directions. Comments are also made on the influence of the preparation procedure on the overall behaviour observed during loading. Finally, the results of the experimental investigation are described with reference to standard triaxial tests with horizontal reinforcements, and to plane strain tests with horizontal and inclined reinforcements. The study complements data already available in the literature, for the development of constitutive laws applicable to the numerical analysis of reinforced earth structures. 相似文献
采用四点弯曲试验,对芳伦纤维和铝核组成的复合蜂窝夹层结构进行静力和疲劳性能研究,探讨其损伤和破坏模式。考虑整体和局部参数,对复合夹层结构疲劳寿命进行评估。对最大荷载下核密度和纤维方向对复合夹层结构的影响以及其破坏过程(初始和演化过程)也进行了研究。 相似文献
通过对一水冲灌注桩几种检测结果的对比分析认为桩基检测是一件十分严肃的工作 ,操作方法 ,节点处理 ,加载及取样对于检测结果影响较大 ,因此要慎重对待 ,尤其是检测部门 ,一旦做出鉴定结果 ,对整个工程的安全与投资建设影响起决定性作用 相似文献
为了研究在膨胀土边坡快速抢险加固中伞型锚的锚固效果及控制方式,开展无浆或注浆伞型锚以及不同长度的常规注浆锚杆的现场拉拔工艺试验,测试了无浆或注浆伞型锚以及不同长度注浆锚杆的极限抗拔力.研究表明:①在一定长度范围内,常规注浆锚杆的极限抗拔力与锚固长度呈线性关系,抗拔力随着位移的增加先快速非线性增加,然后缓慢线性增加;②因... 相似文献