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So far, combined with a microfluidic reactor array system, an engineering system of biosensor based on imaging ellipsometry is installed for biomedical applications, such as antibody screen, hepatitis B markers detection, cancer markers spectrum and virus recognition, etc. Furthermore, the biosensor in total internal reflection (TIR) mode has be improved by a spectroscopic light, optimization settings of polarization and low noise CCD which brings an obvious improvement of 10 time increase in the sensitivity and SNR, and 50 times lower concentration in the detection limit with a throughput of 48 independent channels and the time resolution of 0.04 S.  相似文献   

In order to meet the requirements of antibody comparison and evaluation, the optimization for the surface modification, ligand immobilization, unspecific blocking and ligand-receptor interaction condition is introduced to the biosensor based on imaging ellipsometry (BIE), so that it may serve as an antibody screening platform to evaluate antibody-antigen interactions. Two kinds of anti-ricin antibody named pVHHS1 and 5S1R are immobilized in a patterned array format on the silicon surface modified with succinic anhydride, respectively, to form a sensing surface. Ricin and its similar toxin abrin as the reference in solution are delivered, respectively, on the patterned sensing surface for anti-ricin antibody and ricin interaction. The limit of detection value of ricin detected by pVHHS1 and 5S1R is obtained as 1 μg/ml and 5 ng/ml, respectively. Results show that pVHHS1 and 5S1R specifically bind with ricin but not with abrin, which is in accordance with ELISA's result.  相似文献   

The biosensor based on the total internal reflection imaging ellipsometry (TIRIE) is realized as an automatic analysis method for protein interaction processes in real-time, with high throughput and label-free. An evanescent wave is used as the optical probe to monitor bio-molecular interactions on a chip surface with a high sensitivity due to its phase sensitive property. In this paper, the technique is optimized with a polarization setting, a spectroscopic light source and a low noise CCD detector to improve the performance of the biosensor in sensitivity and detection limit, as evidenced by a quantitative detection of Hepatitis B virus surface antigen (HbsAg) with concentrations of 8, 16, 32, 64, 125 and 250 ng/ml. The sensitivity is increased by one order of magnitude and the detection limit has been extended more than 50 times for HbsAg detection.  相似文献   

Low-pressure plasma discharges can be applied to remove various biomolecules from surfaces. However, the knowledge on the interaction between plasma and biomolecules and the kinetics of their removal is still rather poor, which is a major limiting factor for the optimization of this type of plasma treatment. This is, among other reasons, because of the restrictions of currently used techniques for the evaluation of the rates of biomolecule removal during plasma treatment. Therefore, an alternative method based on imaging ellipsometry is applied in this study. It is shown that this method allows reliable semi-quantitative comparison of the treatment efficiency of plasma discharges sustained in different gas mixtures.  相似文献   

We introduce a new measurement system called Nanopolar interferometer devoted to monitor and characterize single nanoparticles which is based on the interferometric phase modulated ellipsometry technique. The system collects the backscattered light by the particles in the solid angle subtended by a microscope objective and then analyses its frequency components. The results for the detection of 2 μm and 50 nm particles are explained in terms of a cross polarization effect of the polarization vectors when the beam converts from divergent to parallel in the microscope objective. This explanation is supported with the results of the optical modelling using the exact Mie theory for the light scattered by the particles.  相似文献   

薄膜厚度的测量在芯片制造和集成电路等领域中发挥着重要作用。椭偏法具备高测量精度的优点,利用宽谱测量方式可得到全光谱的椭偏参数,实现纳米级薄膜的厚度测量。为解决半导体领域常见的透明硅基底上薄膜厚度测量的问题并消除硅层的叠加信号,本文通过偏振分离式光谱干涉椭偏系统,搭建马赫曾德实验光路,实现了近红外波段硅基底上膜厚的测量,以100 nm厚度的二氧化硅薄膜为样品,实现了纳米级的测量精度。本文所提出的测量方法适用于透明或非透明基底的薄膜厚度测量,避免了检测过程的矫正步骤或光源更换,可应用于化学气相沉积、分子束外延等薄膜制备工艺和技术的成品的高精度检测。  相似文献   

A.K.M. Kafi 《Thin solid films》2007,515(12):5179-5183
Hemoglobin (Hb) was immobilized in poly-allylamine (PAA) film onto the gold electrode by layer by layer (LBL) method. The modified electrode exhibited a pair of well-defined peaks during cyclic voltammetry, which was attributed from the direct electron transfer of heme proteins. The immobilized Hb showed an excellent electrocatalytical response to the reduction of hydrogen peroxide. The sensor exhibited a fast response and high sensitivity. Through the use of optimized conditions, the linear range for H2O2 detection was from 2.5 × 10− 6 M to 5 × 10− 4 M with detection limit of 0.2 μM. The proposed biosensor showed long-lasting stability and excellent reproducibility.  相似文献   

In this paper, we are interested in the detection of biological molecules. This detection relies on the use of nanosensors based on localized surface-plasmon resonance (LSPR). We discuss the sensitivity of these nanosensors by studying the influence of the concentration of Biotin on the shift of the LSPR wavelength. Moreover, to study the selectivity of these sensors, the systems Biotin/Anti-Biotin (AB) and Biotin/Streptavidin (SA) are used to detect very weak concentration of AB or SA. We found respectively 7 pM and 3 nM for the limits of detection of SA and AB.  相似文献   

介绍了一种振动测试系统设计与数据分析相结合的方法,设计喷雾干燥塔喷管故障在线检测系统时,在主控计算机的控制下,通过传感器、S7-200和计算机等实现了喷管振动信号的采集,并利用小波分析对采集的信号进行预处理。事实证明,该系统可以完成振动信号的采集,并可以分析强噪声背景下的信号。  相似文献   

本文采用傅里叶变换对干扰信号进行了分析。首先讨论了正弦干扰信号和脉冲干扰信号的传统计算模式,然后采用傅里叶变换方法对脉冲干扰信号进行分解。最后对两种分析方法进行了综合比较。结果表明采用傅里叶变换可以扩大分析的频率范围,并且处理简单准确。  相似文献   

设计了一种电磁流量计转换器的校验器,能直接利用电磁流量计信号转换器输出的励磁电流来提供校验器的电源及同步信号而不需要外接电源,可用于各种电磁流量计信号转换器的校验。实践证明,该校验器的使用,将大大提高电磁流量计的测量精度。  相似文献   

We model an optical switch with a variable gain based on the optical parametric amplification in a photonic crystal fibre (PCF). By solving the coupled amplitude equations, the switch gain as a function of the power, wavelength and the state of polarization (SOP) of the control wave as well as the signal wavelength is simulated. The results show that the switch gain is increased by increasing the control power and the maximum gain is obtained for a specific SOP of the control wave. Also, the proposed switch has ultrahigh speed and provides a very wide and flat gain over the C-band without changing the operating wavelength.  相似文献   

焊后残余应力处理过程的非线性程度高且参数耦合性强,导致处理质量不稳定。而现有检测方法仅做抽样检测,存在检测精度低、周期长等问题,且无法进行实时在线检测。为此,提出一种新的基于声信号识别的焊后残余应力处理质量在线检测方法。该方法先实时采集焊后残余应力处理过程中的声信号并提取其特征,然后构建基于多权值神经网络的焊后残余应力处理质量检测模型,以实现在线识别。实验结果表明,相比于传统检测方法,所提出方法可实现焊后残余应力处理质量的在线检测,可为焊后处理过程中的参数优化和质量控制提供参考。  相似文献   

水声侦察的核心问题是在无先验知识条件下捕获其他平台发射的脉冲信号,单频(Continuous Wave,CW)信号和调频(Frequency Modulation,FM)信号是常用的水声探测脉冲.功率谱熵算法能有效检测低信噪比的CW信号,但对FM信号性能不佳,分数阶傅里叶变换(Fractional Fourier Tr...  相似文献   

A chemiluminescent dual signal amplification strategy for the determination of α-fetoprotein (AFP) was proposed based on a sandwich immunoassay format. Monoclonal antibody of AFP immobilized on the gold nanoparticles doped mesoporous SiO2 (Au/SiO2) were prepared and used as a primary antibody. Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and HRP-labeled secondary antibody (Ab2) co-immobilized into the mesoporous SiO2 nanoparticles (HRP-Ab2/SiO2) were used as the labeled immunological probe. Due to the high ratio surface areas and pore volumes of the mesoporous SiO2, not only the amount of AFP monoclonal antibody but also the amount of the modified HRP and Ab2 in HRP-Ab2/SiO2 were largely increased. Thus the chemiluminescent signal was amplified by using the system of luminol and H2O2 under the catalysis of HRP. Under the optimal conditions, two linear ranges for AFP were obtained from 0.01 to 0.5 ng mL−1 and 0.5 to 100 ng mL−1 with a detection limit of 0.005 ng mL−1 (3σ). The fabricated signal amplification strategy showed an excellent promise for sensitive detection of AFP and other tumor markers.  相似文献   

We have deposited undoped and Na-doped epitaxial Bi4Ti3O12 thin films on SrTiO3(001) substrates using the liquid-delivery spin metal-organic chemical vapor deposition technique. High resolution x-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy measurements were employed to investigate the structural perfection and incorporation of Na ions into the film. The ellipsometric measurements were carried out in the energy range 1.49-2.75 eV and the corresponding experimental data were fitted. Two different dispersion relations, Cauchy's absorbent and Tauc-Lorentz, have been used to determine the optical constants of the films. It is observed that there is a decrease in optical band gap for increasing sodium content. Furthermore, it has been found that the refractive index and extinction coefficient also depend on the sodium content. The refractive index dispersion data obeyed the single oscillator of the Wemple-DiDomenico model, from which the dispersion parameters were determined. The optical constants tend to decrease with increasing doping content.  相似文献   

运用HHT分析方法对深圳地铁7号线及北京地铁16号线的实测爆破振动信号进行分析,对比普通毫秒延时雷管和电子雷管在爆破振动强度、延时时间、时频特性和能量分布特征等方面的不同。结果表明:电子雷管应用于单孔连续起爆技术,能量利用率高,可以有效的减小爆破振动强度和振动持续时间,在降低了单段装药量的同时增加了循环进尺深度。普通毫秒雷管爆破产生的瞬时能量较大,在频带范围内的分布相对较广;电子雷管的瞬时能量相对较小,且在频带上分布多集中在中低频部分。利用HHT瞬时能量法可以有效识别普通毫秒雷管的实际延时时间,而电子雷管相邻段位间的延时间隔时间很小,爆炸应力波发生了复杂的叠加和干扰,识别出的突变峰值明显小于普通毫秒雷管的爆破。  相似文献   

运用HHT分析方法对深圳地铁7号线及北京地铁16号线的实测爆破振动信号进行分析,对比普通毫秒延时雷管和电子雷管在爆破振动强度、延时时间、时频特性和能量分布特征等方面的不同。结果表明:电子雷管应用于单孔连续起爆技术,能量利用率高,可以有效的减小爆破振动强度和振动持续时间,在降低了单段装药量的同时增加了循环进尺深度。普通毫秒雷管爆破产生的瞬时能量较大,在频带范围内的分布相对较广;电子雷管的瞬时能量相对较小,且在频带上分布多集中在中低频部分。利用HHT瞬时能量法可以有效识别普通毫秒雷管的实际延时时间,而电子雷管相邻段位间的延时间隔时间很小,爆炸应力波发生了复杂的叠加和干扰,识别出的突变峰值明显小于普通毫秒雷管的爆破。  相似文献   

基于连续小波和统计检验的瞬态成分检测与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将连续小波变换和统计检验结合用于检测信号中具有一定时频分布的瞬态成分,提出了一种基于连续小波变换和统计检验的瞬态成分检测方法,并用于圆锥滚子轴承振动中的瞬态成分的检测与提取,比较有效地检测出瞬态成分,并在此基础上应用连续小波变换反演得到瞬态成分的估计,表示轴承的状态特征,作为轴承故障诊断的依据。  相似文献   

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