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CAPP系统中的工艺资源库定制工具   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
构造了工艺设计资源数据库的定制方法,开发了工艺资源库定制工具,对工艺资源库定制工具数据模型的设计、建立以及具体的实现方法进行了论述。  相似文献   

文章通过分析实现计算机辅助统计过程控制所需要解决的几个主要问题,提出了计算机辅助统计过程控制系统的整体功能设计方案,并对系统具体功能模块和系统关键技术实现方法进行了详细介绍,最后运用实例对系统的开发做了进一步的说明.  相似文献   

Spatial ability, which affects retention and achievement in engineering and science disciplines, has been shown to improve through training and simply from enrollment in a Computer‐Aided Design (CAD) course. However, detailed analyses of the specific object geometries and rotation types that cause difficulty for students on standardized spatial ability tests or which ones improve based on training has not been performed. This information may assist in determining the optimal training methods to improve the spatial ability skills of students and thus provide the most significant benefits for the training time committed. In this paper, scores from a standardized spatial ability test, which was administered before and after training and/or enrollment in a CAD course, are compared. The results show that the targeted training produced a significant improvement in the spatial ability test scores of students and that these improvements occur across all object geometries and rotation types.  相似文献   

Studies concerning student preferences and student learning as a function of the instructional design and delivery of a computer‐based teaching (CBT) module are presented. The studies were conducted in conjunction with the development of twenty‐one CBT modules for an Introduction to Manufacturing Processes laboratory that emphasized metal removal. Study results indicate there is no statistically relevant difference in learning between students using material presented with traditional multimedia (35 mm slides and cassette tapes) and the identical material presented with digital multimedia. Engineering students' preferences for interface design and audio‐visual information presentation are also presented. The most important result is that learning outcomes of a reader‐driven CBT module were found to be statistically lower than those associated with author‐driven CBT module, especially for average and below‐average students. These results suggest that if students must absolutely understand material, e.g., laboratory safety, the CBT should be author‐driven. Based on these results, we speculate that average and below average engineering students are more linear learners. A hybrid scheme, where information presentation transitions from an author‐driven to a reader‐driven environment may help weaker students develop better non‐linear, open‐ended problem solving skills.  相似文献   

基于计算机辅助与因素分析的大型机床产品设计方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李伟湛  杨先英 《包装工程》2012,33(14):52-55,83
分析了计算机辅助设计(CAD)优势与多学科整合、流程的关系,基于Pro-E的计算机辅助手段对大型机床产品进行因素分析与优化设计,提出给予计算机辅助设计技术支撑,利用产品系统因素分析结果在设计过程进行阶段性指导的方法。将该方法应用于大型机床实际产品开发设计,显示出计算机辅助设计的灵活性与系统分析的整体性优点,减低了产品风险,提高了研发效率。  相似文献   

张明山  张雪 《包装工程》2016,37(14):86-89
目的研究古代木作行业中计量工具墨斗的设计特点。方法选取测绘打样阶段用以计量画线的工具墨斗,从其材料、构造、形态3个设计角度进行分析,突出其作为"终极设计"经典案例的价值体现。结论墨斗在设计各环节所体现出的优良特点,代表了中国设计传统的特色,即"因陋就简"的材料选择,"因地制宜"的工艺技术,"因势利导"的形态构造。作为传统设计物的经典代表之一,墨斗在功能与审美设计的巧妙结合,一定程度上展现出设计师的良好思维方式。  相似文献   

“工欲善其事,必先利其器”。工具是人类社会和人类文明的产物,是人类智慧的结晶,代表着不同历史时期生产力的发展水平。在漫长的历史长河中,人类的创作意识与劳动创造是相互促进的,在有意识的基础上进行设计,形成经验,再由积累的经验进行选择与改进,形成更丰富的设计观念过程。对中国传统工具设计观念问题进行历史梳理与理论反思,尝试转换研究思路,突破工具设计研究的传统模式,聚焦“工具”“设计观念”“需求”“知识更迭”等要素,进而在设计史学视野之下,将历史纵向梳理与单元专项研究相互结合,互为印证,探索更加合理的传统工具设计观念史的研究范式。  相似文献   

Engineering design encompasses professional competencies that complement a solid understanding of engineering science fundamentals, theories, and methods. Engineering schools are increasing their efforts to integrate design into the curriculum, and this paper critically analyses one initiative at a research‐intensive Canadian university, where a three‐course sequence (Design Trilogy) forms the design education backbone in the undergraduate Biosystems Engineering program. Data collection consisted of focus groups with students and one‐on‐one interviews with instructors and industry cooperators. The findings yielded authentic understandings of teaching and learning engineering design, many areas of common perceptions between participant groups, congruence with design concepts in the literature, and areas where students' perceptions and experiences did not correspond to instructors' intentions. Teaching implications include the importance of instructors' transparency and integration in teaching and the need to explicitly prepare students for a different kind of learning experience in the Design Trilogy.  相似文献   

计算机辅助工艺装备的设计与管理是计算机辅助设计技术的研究内容之一,也是工艺信息化的重要组成部分.本文结合该系统的开发,研究了如何为工装设计和管理提供支持,并对Web下的工装设计和工装信息的集成与共享管理提出了科学、实用的解决方案.  相似文献   

中国重汽卡车设计的内饰感知评价与设计品质提升   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
赵丹华  顾方舟 《包装工程》2017,38(24):37-42
目的通过汽车内饰设计的感知线索和评价要素研究,明确汽车品质感的内涵,为自主品牌设计品质提升,实现国家品牌战略寻找一条设计之路。方法在与中国重汽合作的轻/中型卡车平台设计案例基础上,从感知的角度,采用案例跟踪和特征分析方法,对比和归纳了内饰设计评价与设计品质的关系,探讨和总结感知评价要素。结论研究表明,内饰的设计评价本质上是一种感知品质的评价,功能体量、部件特征和内饰氛围是感知评价与设计品质提升的3个要素。  相似文献   

分析了可重构机床系统的界面分类、功能,提出了可重构机床系统界面的设计内容、设计方法,指出可重构机床界面的设计是一个系统工程中重要的一环,其界面应满足开放性、通用性和快速可重构性.  相似文献   

Industry often requires engineers to work in teams. Therefore, many university engineering courses require students to work in groups to complete a design project. Due to the increasingly global nature of engineering, opportunities for students to navigate the issues of distance, time, culture, language, and multiple perspectives associated with virtual teams are becoming particularly desirable. To understand students' experience with virtual teams in a graduate course on principles of lean manufacturing, a group of researchers at a midwestern university compared the project performance, selected group processes, and satisfaction of students randomly assigned to face‐to‐face and computer‐mediated communication design teams. Students in both the face‐to‐face and computer‐mediated communication design teams performed equally well on the final project, and reported similar patterns in group processes with a few exceptions. Students in face‐to‐face design teams were more satisfied with the group experience than those in the computer‐mediated communication design teams; however, all reported an overall positive experience.  相似文献   

梁佳  宋绪丁  朱武威 《包装工程》2023,44(6):144-150
目的 探讨影响高校智能办公椅的设计因素,对其性能的优劣进行科学评价,帮助高校采购符合上班族和科研人员心理需求的办公家具产品。方法 结合智能办公椅的现有研究状况,通过访谈调研和问卷调查法等方法,建立包含5项一级指标、17项二级指标的设计评价模型;采用层次分析法,确定出各项指标的平均权重系数,并进行相应的分析;结合模糊综合评价构建智能办公椅的评价因素集,计算出指标评价值,并对产品和指标分别进行整体和分类评价。结果 通过实例分析,表明该方法能够有效地评价高校智能办公椅的性能和设计因素,具有较强的指导性。结论 运用模糊层次分析法,将智能办公椅设计中定性的多因素模糊问题进行定量计算,并对产品进行全面综合评价,为高校智能办公椅的采购与设计方案改进,提供了一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

目的 为了客观评价工程车造型中人为感性情感带来的模糊和不确定性因素,寻求一种科学的工程车造型设计评价方法,并对工程车造型设计各方案进行有效评价。方法 提出以层次分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Process)和感性工学(Kansei Engineering)相结合的评价方法,并将其应用于工程车设计的造型意象评价中。通过感性工学量化造型意象词汇,并确定目标意象词汇,采用层次分析方法建立造型特征与意象词汇之间的关系模型,构建影响造型意象评价的指标体系,建立模糊综合评价矩阵,计算各评价指标权重并进行综合排名。结论 将该评价方法应用于四款水泥搅拌工程车造型设计方案评价中,运用模糊隶属度函数,建立了模糊综合评价矩阵,并对各个指标的评价结果进行了量化处理,筛选出最佳造型设计方案,为项目开发提供有效参考。  相似文献   

Today's military operating environments are more operationally diverse and technically challenging. Fielding relevant weapons systems to meet the demands of this environment is increasingly difficult, prompting policy shifts that mandate a focus on systems capable of combating a wide threat range. The capabilities‐based test and evaluation construct is the Department of the Navy's effort to concentrate on integrated system design with the objective of satisfying a particular operational response (capability) under a robust range of operating conditions. One aspect of capabilities‐based test and evaluation is the increased employment of advanced mathematical and statistical techniques in the test and evaluation (T&E) process. This case study illustrates advantages of incorporating these invaluable techniques, like design of experiments and modeling and simulation, within the T&E process. We found through statistical analysis that the application of design of experiment concepts to the System Under Test throughout three primary phases of T&E quantifiably improved the accomplishment of the selected response variable of interest. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

工科工程设计是促进学生综合能力提高的一个极为重要的教学环节,因此在工程设计类课程的教学中必须注重对学生创新精神和实践能力的培养,注重不同专业课程之间的相互衔接,使学生体会到专业知识的整合性。从本专业《锅炉与锅炉房设备》课程教学中存在的问题出发,探讨了在高等教育中培养、提高教师工程素质的途径;在课堂教学中如何实施有效的教学改革,实现较好的教学效果;培养大学生创新素质和实践能力的主要措施。  相似文献   

面向企业的工业工程专业学生在“管理信息系统”(简称MIS)课程设计的过程中,由于时间和条件所限,无法真正到企业调研并解决企业信息化课题。因此,如何在课程设计的题目设计,需求分析、系统开发及项目管理等环节充分模拟企业环境,使学生充分了解企业信息化的相关问题,将显得尤为重要。文章旨在就以上方面进行了一些探索。  相似文献   

马玉琼 《硅谷》2014,(17):17-18
CK6163属于经济型中档精度机床,其品种、用途、性能和结构都是普通型车床所共有的,通用机床的规格和类型有系列型谱作为设计时应该遵照的基础。数控车床的主传动系统的设计包括主轴电机、传动系统与主轴组件,与普通机床相比,结构简单。计算各传动副的传动比及齿轮齿数,再估算齿轮的模数和各轴的轴径,并对齿轮和轴的强度、刚度进行校核,还要对箱体内的主要结构进行设计,一些零件的选型,如电磁离合器的选择等,从而完成对整个主传动系统的设计。  相似文献   

田威 《包装工程》2003,24(6):159-160
针对理工类的包装设计课程,为了更有效的激发同学们的艺术潜质。使艺术与技术结合,在这里得到完整。对该课程,进行了一些教学改革尝试并取得了一定的效果。  相似文献   

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