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智能网中的SCP过载控制研究   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
本文首先对Callagp、Percent和漏梭算法进行了比较,得出了漏桶算法健壮性强适用于SSP限制呼叫的结论。通过对过载控制框架的描述,提出了一种基于动态调整的控制算法用于SCP过载控制。最后将算法进行扩展,使其满足不同的公平性条件,并适合在多业务环境各执行。模拟结果表明此算法具有较好的有效好性和公平性。  相似文献   

介绍了智能网系统的物理体系结构和业务控制点的逻辑结构,高级智能网系统的SCP的各个模块的主要功能,SCP与其他物理实体以及SCP各逻辑之间通信和SCP与业务逻辑处理程序实例的通信方法。  相似文献   

移动智能网SCP多业务环境下的过载控制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
王玉龙  廖建新 《电子学报》2005,33(10):1849-1852
基于移动智能网的SCP系统,提出了多业务系统的流量控制模型,设计了一种过载控制算法,实现了多业务环境下根据业务优先级分配系统资源,动态控制基于业务的流量.该算法同样适用于下一代网络(NGN)的应用服务器.理论分析和仿真结果表明算法对多业务的过载控制具有很好的公平性和有效性.  相似文献   

文章首先介绍了ACG过载控制算法的优缺点,然后提出了基于ACG算法的ECG (增强呼叫间隙)过载控制优化算法,并分析其原理和相关过载级别的计算.实验结果表明,ECG算法可以解决智能网中负载平衡的问题,具有很好的健壮性、很高的利用率和吞吐率.  相似文献   

智能网定义包括将电信网上的业务交换和业务控制逻辑相分离这一概念。其中两个主要网络元素是业务控制点(SCP)和业务交换点(SSP)。SCP用来提供智能网业务的业务逻辑,而SSP负责检测提出的智能网业务请求。在智能网中,多个业务竞争各种公共资源。如果某种业务的流量大量增加导致SCP过载,SCP只简单丢弃消息,在过载严重的情况下,SCP的吞吐率将迅速下降。因而在智能网中设计合适的过载控制算法非常关键,可以在网络拥挤时,公平高效地分配资源。  相似文献   

本文首先对SCP的处理模型作了抽象,就多业务环境中过载检测算法和SCP的最大处理能力的定量分析进行了讨论。接着提出了一种基于动态调整的二级控制算法用于SCP的过载控制。理论分析和模拟都证明了此算法具有公平性好、效率高的优点。  相似文献   

智能网SCP的两级并发模型与软件容错研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
智能网作为一种能够快速灵活地定义与提供电信新业务的体系结构,近年来受到人们的普遍重视,其中,业务控制点SCP作为整个系统的核心,它的可靠性与全网的服务质量息息相关。本文中,我们首先指出了目前的SCP产品在容错性能上存在的不足,然后根据SCP的结构和运行机制提出一种两级并发模型,并基于此模型对其软件容错的途径进行了深入的探讨与研究。本文首次提出了应用软件出错情况下保证所有在线呼叫可靠处理的容错目标,并在SCP系统级与呼叫级两个并发层次上给出了切实可行的容错策略或算法,最后,我们还对SCP软件有效度的估算进行了进一步讨论。  相似文献   

本文介绍在结构和功能上截然不同的两大类型的智能网-基于电信网的智能网和基于计算机网的智能网。论述它们的结构和功能及其开发研究与展望。  相似文献   

张鹏  张劲 《数据通信》1998,(2):56-60
对智能网及其物理结构简单叙述的基础上,讨论了智能网业务控制点(SCP)的功能结构、硬件组织结构,并对智能网业务逻辑程序的运行机制进行了探讨。这些都是在进行智能网控制点设计及实现时必须综合考虑的重要方面。  相似文献   

魏冰 《中兴新通讯》1999,5(2):20-23
文章对智能网业务的类型进行了分析,详细说明了在智能网开放的多种业务中属于A类及B类的业务,以及如何在A类业务的条件下实现以B类的业务。  相似文献   

The next generation wireless networks will be the coexistence of heterogeneous wireless technologies. Balancing the traffic load among different networks can effectively utilize the overall radio resources in the system. In this paper, we propose an efficient load balancing scheme for the heterogeneous overlay systems, which is applied in the call admission control process. If the available network(s) cannot provide enough resource for the request call without degrading the quality‐of‐service (QoS) obtained by the ongoing calls, the system will perform load balancing operations first by initiating vertical handoffs among networks in order to create more rooms for the request call. The load balancing algorithm is to minimize the variance between the network utilizations of the entire system, which can be formulated as a quadratic binary programming problem. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme can admit more calls into the system compared with the other three reference schemes and then improve the overall throughput. Meanwhile, the scheme can keep the networks working in effective states and provide a better QoS support for users. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

1 Introduction In the past few years, many routing algorithms for compu- ting constrained paths have been proposed in the networking community. In the earlier days, research study has been concentrated on a single additive constraint, especially the delay…  相似文献   

A load-transfer-based joint admission control (LJAC) algorithm in heterogeneous networks was proposed.The access requirements of users were admitted based on load balancing,the dynamic load transfer of traffics in the overlapping coverage areas of heterogeneous networks were introduced,and the influence of such factors as the layout of heterogeneous networks and the vertical handoff was considered in the algorithm.The integrated system of heterogeneous networks was modeled as a multidimensional Markov chain,the steady-state probabilities were obtained and the quality of service (QoS) performance metrics were derived.Based on the Poisson point process theory,the upper bound of capacity of the heterogeneous networks satisfying QoS limitations was obtained.The admission control parameters of the integrated system of heterogeneous networks were optimized in order to maximize the resource utilization rate as well as guaranteeing the QoS of users.The simulation results demonstrate lower traffic blocking probability,lower failure probability of vertical handoff requirements,and larger system capacity gain can be achieved by using the proposed LJAC algorithm.  相似文献   

Along with the increasing number of vehicles, parking space becomes narrow gradually, safety parking puts forward higher requirements on the driver's driving technology. How to safely, quickly and accurately park the vehiclo to parking space right? This paper presents an automatic parking scheme based on trajectory planning, which analyzing the mechanical model of the vehicle, establishing vehicle steering model and parking model, coming to the conclusion that it is the turning radius is independent of the vehicle speed at low speed. The Matlab simulation environment verifies the correctness and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm for parking. A class of the automatic parking problem of intelligent vehicles is solved.  相似文献   

结合信道借用和流量转移技术提出了一种混合动态流量均衡算法。使用该算法热点小区可以向紧凑模式中的同类型轻负载小区借用信道,同时还可以按一定条件将呼叫转移到与热点小区重叠覆盖的异构轻负载小区中,每个流量周期借用的信道数和转移的呼叫数将根据热点小区的剩余可用信道数和新呼叫到达率来计算。仿真结果表明,该流量均衡算法能够显著降低热点小区系统和整个异构系统的新呼叫阻塞概率、切换呼叫掉线率,而且整个异构系统的利用率也得到了相应提高。  相似文献   

针对无线Mesh网络的网络特性,提出了一种基于链路负载估算的拥塞控制策略LLECC。LLECC算法计算有效链路带宽和链路负载估算确定RED算法中的调整因子,通过调整因子调整RED算法中的参数从而实现动态的对无线网络拥塞控制。详细讨论了LLECC算法的实现过程和相关参数的计算方法,通过仿真分析验证了该算法对无线Mesh网络性能的提高。  相似文献   

随着移动通信技术的发展,不同接入技术的融合是通信行业的发展趋势,因此异构网络的的切换以及网络的选择已经成为了研究的重点.传统的异构网络切换算法仅仅考虑信号质量(RSS)的比较,不适用于复杂的异构网络.针对传统的切换算法进行改进,改进的新算法综合考虑目标网络信号强度(RSS)和目标网络负载,将网络移入和移出门限作为切换判决的首要条件,将网络负载作为切换判决的次要条件.通过建模仿真对传统切换算法和改进算法进行对比,分析结果得出改进切换算法在切换成功率和切换次数上都有所改善,能够有效地减少业务中断及乒乓效应,同时并未过度地提高算法的复杂度.  相似文献   

To improve the scalability and reduce the implementation complexity of Mesh and Mesh-like networks,the semi-diagonal Torus(SD-Torus)network,a regular and symmetrical interconnection network is proposed.The SD-Torus network is a combination of a typical 2D-Torus network with two extra diagonal links from northwest to southeast direction for each node.The topological properties of SD-Torus networks are discussed,and a load balanced routing algorithm for SD-Torus is presented.System-C based simulation result shows that,compared with diagonal Mesh(DMesh),diagonal Torus(DTorus)and XMesh networks,the SD-Torus network can achieve high performance with a lower network cost.It makes the SD-Torus network a powerful candidate for the high performance interconnection networks.  相似文献   

To improve the scalability and reduce the implementation complexity of Mesh and Mesh-like networks,the semi-diagonal Torus(SD-Torus)network,a regular and symmetrical interconnection network is proposed.The SD-Torus network is a combination of a typical 2D-Torus network with two extra diagonal links from northwest to southeast direction for each node.The topological properties of SD-Torus networks are discussed,and a load balanced routing algorithm for SD-Torus is presented.System-C based simulation result s...  相似文献   

Intelligent network (IN) architectures are investigated globally as potential candidates for the rapid introduction of advanced multimedia services. The IN concept is based on the introduction of intelligent servers in the network, able to handle complex service requests by cooperating with the signalling system of the network. The design and implementation of the physical entities participating in an IN session is a critical issue as it defines the system performance. In this paper we propose a methodology for modelling the physical and functional entities which is used to capture the performance of IN‐based configurations. We put our emphasis on the processing speed required for the execution of the IN processes in the servers and we present results with reference to the system performance and the mapping of functions to physical entities. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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