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Lal B  Yueh FY  Singh JP 《Applied optics》2005,44(18):3668-3674
Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy is an almost ideal technique for the in situ monitoring of the composition of a glass batch before it enters the glass-melting furnace, saving a significant amount of energy by the optimization of the furnace parameters for a particular composition of the glass batch. We investigate this application of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy by determining the elemental composition of the glass batch used (i) as a surrogate for radioactive glass waste and (ii) to manufacture the most common type of flat glass. The surrogate glass-batch and flat-glass calibration curves for the major constituents have been prepared using both the line intensity and the line-intensity ratio. The analytical figure of merit of the glass-batch data obtained from the two different detection systems, namely, the Czerny-Turner spectrometer with an intensified diode-array detector and the echelle spectrometer fitted with an intensified CCD camera, are compared.  相似文献   

Morel S  Leone N  Adam P  Amouroux J 《Applied optics》2003,42(30):6184-6191
A laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy technique for analyzing biological matter for the detection of biological hazards is investigated. Eight species were considered in our experiment: six bacteria and two pollens in pellet form. The experimental setup is described, then a cumulative intensity ratio is proposed as a quantitative criterion because of its linearity and reproducibility. Time-resolved laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (TRELIBS) exhibits a good ability to differentiate among all these species, whatever the culture medium, the species or the strain. Thus we expect that TRELIBS will be a good candidate for a sensor of hazards either on surfaces or in ambient air.  相似文献   

Nanosecond and femtosecond laser pulses were combined in an orthogonal preablation spark dual-pulse laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) configuration. Even without full optimization of interpulse alignment, ablation focus, large signal, signal-to-noise ratio, and signal-to-background ratio enhancements were observed for both copper and aluminum targets. Despite the preliminary nature of this study, these results have significant implications in the attempt to explain the sources of dual-pulse LIBS enhancements.  相似文献   

We have developed a new data acquisition approach followed by a suitable data analysis for Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy. It provides absolute concentrations of elements in particulate materials (e.g., industrial dusts and soils). In contrast to the known calibration procedures (based on the ratio of spectral lines), which are applicable only when one component is constant, this approach requires no constant constituent and results in absolute (rather than relative) concentrations. Thus, the major drawback of this analytical method, namely, the signals' instability (especially when particulate materials are concerned) is partially solved. Unlike the commonly used integrated data acquisition, we use a sequence of signals from single breakdown events. We compensate for pulse to pulse fluctuations in an intrinsic way, and the final results do not depend on the presence of any constant component. Extended linear calibration curves are obtained, and limits of detection are improved by 1 order of magnitude relative to previous methods applied to the same samples (e.g., detection limit of 10(-12) g of Zn in aerosol samples). The proposed compensation for pulse variations is based on the assumption that they can be described as a multiplicative effect for both the spectral peaks and a component of the baseline. In other words, we assume that the same fluctuation pattern observed in the spectral peaks is present in the baseline as well. This assumption is shown to hold and is utilized in the proposed method. In addition, a proper data-filtering process, which eliminates ill-conditioned spectra, is shown to partially compensate for problems due to the nature of analysis of particulate materials.  相似文献   

Kumar A  Yueh FY  Singh JP  Burgess S 《Applied optics》2004,43(28):5399-5403
Cancer diagnosis and classification is extremely complicated and, for the most part, relies on subjective interpretation of biopsy material. Such methods are laborious and in some cases might result in different results depending on the histopathologist doing the examination. Automated, real-time diagnostic procedures would greatly facilitate cancer diagnosis and classification. Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) is used for the first time to our knowledge to distinguish normal and malignant tumor cells from histological sections. We found that the concentration of trace elements in normal and tumor cells was significantly different. For comparison, the tissue samples were also analyzed by an inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopy (ICPES) system. The results from the LIBS measurement and ICPES analysis were in good agreement.  相似文献   

Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) is a powerful analytical technique for detecting and identifying trace elemental contaminants by monitoring the visible atomic emission from small plasmas. However, mid-infrared (MIR), generally referring to the wavelength range between 2.5 to 25 microm, molecular vibrational and rotational emissions generated by a sample during a LIBS event has not been reported. The LIBS investigations reported in the literature largely involve spectral analysis in the ultraviolet-visible-near-infrared (UV-VIS-NIR) region (less than 1 microm) to probe elemental composition and profiles. Measurements were made to probe the MIR emission from a LIBS event between 3 and 5.75 microm. Oxidation of the sputtered carbon atoms and/or carbon-containing fragments from the sample and atmospheric oxygen produced CO(2) and CO vibrational emission features from 4.2 to 4.8 microm. The LIBS MIR emission has the potential to augment the conventional UV-VIS electronic emission information with that in the MIR region.  相似文献   

Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) has been evaluated as a tool for monitoring trace levels of helium in gas mixtures consisting mostly of hydrogen. Calibration data for helium in hydrogen was investigated at different helium concentration levels. At high concentrations of helium (>7.25%), the LIBS signal is quenched due to Penning ionization. The hydrogen alpha line (656.28 nm) was observed to broaden as the concentration of helium impurities in the hydrogen gas mixture increased. The helium line at 587.56 nm was selected as the analyte line for helium impurity detection. The effects of laser energy, the delay time between the laser pulse and data acquisition, and the gas pressure on the LIBS signal of helium were investigated to determine the optimum conditions for helium detection. The LIBS signal from the helium line at 587.56 nm shows good linear correlation with helium concentration for He concentrations below 1%. Thus, LIBS can be reliably used to detect the low levels of helium. The limit of detection for helium was found to be 78 ppm.  相似文献   

The application of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy to the analysis of single biological microparticles (bioaerosols) is described, exemplified here for a range of pollens. Spectra were recorded by exposure of the pollen to a single laser pulse from a Nd:YAG laser (lambda = 1064 nm, Ep approximately 30 mJ). The intensities of the single-pulse laser-induced breakdown spectra fluctuated dramatically, but an internal signal calibration procedure was applied that referenced elemental line intensities to the carbon matrix of the sample (represented by molecular bands of CN and C2). This procedure allowed us to determine relative element concentration distributions for the different types of pollen. These pollens exhibited some distinct concentration variations, for both major and minor (trace) elements in the biomatrix, through which ultimately individual pollens might be identified and classified. The same pollen samples were also analyzed by Raman microscopy, which provided molecular compositional data (even with spatial resolution). These data allowed us to distinguish between biological and nonbiological specimens and to obtain additional classification information for the various pollen families, complementing the laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy measurement data.  相似文献   

Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy using a microchip laser and a miniature spectrometer has been applied to the determination of carbon in steel. The goal was to investigate the capability of an apparatus, made up of commercial components, that could form the basis of a handheld device. The typical precision obtained in the range of C/Fe weight ratios of 0.001 to 0.01 was 4.3%, and the limit of detection was a C/Fe ratio of 400 ppm. This is higher than values reported for conventional systems and is primarily determined by systematic variations in the spectra and not by signal intensity levels. These systematic variations are ascribed to two causes: the use of an ungated detector and the spatial variability of the emission plume.  相似文献   

We have applied laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy to quantitative analysis of colloidal and particulate iron in water. A coaxial sample flow apparatus developed in our previous work, which allowed us to control the atmosphere of laser-induced plasma, was used. Using sequential laser pulses from two Q-switched Nd:YAG lasers as excitation sources, the FeO(OH) concentration in the tens of ppb range was determined with an optimum interval between two laser pulses and an optimum delay time of a detector gate from the second pulse. The detection limit of Fe decreased substantially using two sequential laser pulse excitations: the 0.6 ppm limit of single pulse excitation to 16 ppb with sequential pulse excitation. The effects of the second laser pulse on the plasma emission were studied. The concentration of iron in fine particles in boiler water sampled from a commercially operated thermal power plant has been determined successfully by this method. The results show the capability of laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy in determining suspended colloidal and particulate impurities in a simple and quick way.  相似文献   

Detection of latent fingerprints on a Si wafer by laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) is demonstrated using approximately 120 fs pulses at 400 nm with energies of 84 +/- 7 microJ. The presence of a fingerprint ridge is found by observing the Na emission lines from the transferred skin oil. The presence of the thin layer of transferred oil was also found to be sufficient to suppress the LIBS signal from the Si substrate, giving an alternative method of mapping the latent fingerprint using the Si emission. A two-dimensional image of a latent fingerprint can be successfully collected using these techniques.  相似文献   

The possibility of quantitative detection of trace zinc levels in soils per single laser pulse using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy is shown. The development of laser plasma and the signal-to-noise ratio are studied when evaporating soils by the second (532 nm) and the third (355 nm) harmonics of an Nd:YAG pulse laser. The use of the third harmonics permits one to reach the zinc detection limit (18 ppm) below Occupational Exposure Limits (OEL) in soil (150 ppm) and below the mean abundance in the earth’s crust of zinc (83 ppm). This allows the use of the suggested technique for the rapid determination of soil pollution with zinc and searching for geochemical anomalies.  相似文献   

Shen XK  Lu YF 《Applied optics》2008,47(11):1810-1815
Detection of uranium in solids by using laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy has been investigated in combination with laser-induced fluorescence. An optical parametric oscillator wavelength-tunable laser was used to resonantly excite the uranium atoms and ions within the plasma plumes generated by a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser. Both atomic and ionic lines can be selected to detect their fluorescence lines. A uranium concentration of 462 ppm in a glass sample can be detected by using this technique at an excitation wavelength of 385.96 nm for resonant excitation of U II and a fluorescence line wavelength of 409.0 nm from U II.  相似文献   

Gated detection with intensified detectors, e.g., ICCDs, is today the accepted approach for detection of plasma emission in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS). However, these systems are more cost-intensive and less robust than nonintensified CCDs. The objective of this paper is to compare, both theoretically and experimentally, the performance of an intensified (ICCD) and nonintensified (CCD) detectors for detection of plasma emission in LIBS. The CCD is used in combination with a mechanical chopper, which blocks the early continuum radiation from the plasma. The detectors are attached sequentially to an echelle spectrometer under the same experimental conditions. The laser plasma is induced on a series of steel samples under atmospheric conditions. Our results indicate that there is no substantial difference in the performance of the CCD and ICCD. Signal-to-noise ratios and limits of detection achieved with the CCD for Si, Ni, Cr, Mo, Cu, and V in steel are comparable or even better than those obtained with the ICCD. This result is further confirmed by simulation of the plasma emission signal and the corresponding response of the detectors in the limit of quantum (photon) noise.  相似文献   

Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) is investigated as a technique for real-time monitoring of hydrogen gas. Two methodologies were examined: The use of a 100 mJ laser pulse to create a laser-induced breakdown directly in a sample gas stream, and the use of a 55 mJ laser pulse to create a laser-induced plasma on a solid substrate surface, with the expanding plasma sampling the gas stream. Various metals were analyzed as candidate substrate surfaces, including aluminum, copper, molybdenum, stainless steel, titanium, and tungsten. Stainless steel was selected, and a detailed analysis of hydrogen detection in binary mixtures of nitrogen and hydrogen at atmospheric pressure was performed. Both the gaseous plasma and the plasma initiated on the stainless steel surface generated comparable hydrogen emission signals, using the 656.28 Halpha emission line, and exhibited excellent signal linearity. The limit of detection is about 20 ppm (mass) as determined for both methodologies, with the solid-initiated plasma yielding a slightly better value. Overall, LIBS is concluded to be a viable candidate for hydrogen sensing, offering a combination of high sensitivity with a technique that is well suited to implementation in field environments.  相似文献   

The influence of crater depth on plasma properties and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) emission has been evaluated. Laser-induced plasmas were generated at the surface and at the bottom of different craters in a copper sample. Plasmas produced at the sample surface and at the bottom of the craters were spatially and temporally resolved. LIBS emission, temperature, and electronic number density of the plasmas were evaluated. It is shown that the confinement effect produced by the craters enhances the LIBS signal from the laser-induced plasmas.  相似文献   

Kurihara M  Ikeda K  Izawa Y  Deguchi Y  Tarui H 《Applied optics》2003,42(30):6159-6165
A laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) technique has been applied for detection of unburned carbon in fly ash, and an automated LIBS unit has been developed and applied in a 1000-MW pulverized-coal-fired power plant for real-time measurement, specifically of unburned carbon in fly ash. Good agreement was found between measurement results from the LIBS method and those from the conventional method (Japanese Industrial Standard 8815), with a standard deviation of 0.27%. This result confirms that the measurement of unburned carbon in fly ash by use of LIBS is sufficiently accurate for boiler control. Measurements taken by this apparatus were also integrated into a boiler-control system with the objective of achieving optimal and stable combustion. By control of the rotating speed of a mill rotary separator relative to measured unburned-carbon content, it has been demonstrated that boiler control is possible in an optimized manner by use of the value of the unburned-carbon content of fly ash.  相似文献   

Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy is evaluated as a means of detecting the fire suppressants CF(3)Br, C(3)F(7)H, and CF(4) and the refrigerant C(2)F(4)H(2). The feasibility of employing laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy for time- and space-resolved measurement of these agents during use, storage, and recharge is discussed. Data are presented that demonstrate the conditions necessary for optimal detection of these chemicals.  相似文献   

A fiber probe has been designed as a surgical aid to cut intraocular membranes with laser-induced breakdown as the mechanism. The design of the intraocular laser surgical probe is discussed. A preliminary retinal damage distance has been calculated with breakdown threshold, spot size, and shielding measurements. Collateral mechanical-damage effects caused by shock wave and cavitation are discussed.  相似文献   

Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) is a well-known technique for fast, stand-off, and nondestructive analysis of the elemental composition of a sample. We have been investigating micro-LIBS for the past few years and demonstrating its application to microanalysis of surfaces. Recently, we have integrated micro-LIBS with laser-induced fluorescence (LIF), and this combination, laser ablation laser-induced fluorescence (LA-LIF), allows one to achieve much higher sensitivity than traditional LIBS. In this study, we use a 170 microJ laser pulse to ablate a liquid sample in order to measure the lead content. The plasma created was re-excited by a 10 microJ laser pulse tuned to one of the lead resonant lines. Upon optimization, the 3sigma limit of detection was found to be 35 +/- 7 ppb, which is close to the EPA standard for the level of lead allowed in drinking water.  相似文献   

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