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Tetlow K 《Interiors (New York, N.Y. : 1978)》1984,144(3):140-1, 148, 151-2
Alkyllead compounds have been analysed in road drainage water samples collected during seven storm events using a sensitive gas chromatography-atomic absorption technique. The most commonly observed alkyllead species were tetraethyllead, triethyllead and trimethyllead. Similar compounds were also observed in rainwater collected at the site, but not in road surface dust or bottom sediment from the drainage channel. In all samples analysed the concentration of alkyllead was < 5% of the dissolved (< 0.45 μm) inorganic lead. It is postulated that washout of alkyllead from the atmosphere is the major source of alkyllead compounds in the drainage waters analysed. Alkyllead species were also identified in rainwater collected at other sites. 相似文献
萨德伯雷市位于加拿大安大略省东北部萨德伯雷盆地,距加拿大最大的城市多伦多仅400千米,人口16.2万,面积2800平方千米。19世纪80年代,地质勘探者在萨德伯雷发现了与铜共生的硫矿石和世界上最大的镍矿。采矿业及相关制造业的兴起使萨德伯雷成为当今世界上最大的矿业中心之一和 相似文献
Two national surveys of U. S. drinking waters have been conducted todetermine the presence and concentration levels of organic compounds, particularly trihalomethanes. Most drinking water supplies from surface water sources have been shown to contain numerous organic compounds at very low levels. Chloroform is present in virtually all drinking water supplies that are treated with chlorine as a disinfectant.The health effects of organic compounds have been investigated by animal and epidemiological studies.Numerous epidemiological studies have been conducted on various geographic sections of the United States. Fourteen epidemiological studies that were hypothesis generating studies were conducted to determine if there is a positive — association between drinking water and increased cancer mortality. These studies may indicate which organ(s) might potentially be the affected organ(s). Further epidemiological studies that tested various hypotheses were conducted A summary of these studies is presented, which indicates that there is potentially an increased risk of bladder, colon, and rectum cancer from drinking waters containing trihalomethanes. 相似文献
关于医疗花园与园艺医疗 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
“医疗花园”并不是一个新出现的概念,大约一万年前人类开始从事农业生产时,“医疗花园”就是众多花园类型中的一种,历史上对治疗有帮助的花园有东方的日本禅宗花园和西方的修道院花园等,古代的医疗花园大多依附于修道院和寺庙,多少借助了一些宗教的力量。 相似文献
Discriminatory classification of natural and anthropogenic waters in two U.K. estuaries 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Spencer RG Baker A Ahad JM Cowie GL Ganeshram R Upstill-Goddard RC Uher G 《The Science of the total environment》2007,373(1):305-323
The ability to distinguish water inputs from both natural and anthropogenic sources was investigated in the complex environment of an urban estuary (Tyne) and a relatively pristine estuary (Tweed). We used a data set from a total of 11 estuarine transects, comprising measurements of bulk dissolved organic matter (dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen), dissolved nitrogen (total dissolved nitrogen, ammonium, nitrate+nitrite and dissolved organic nitrogen), optical absorbance measurements (a350, S290-350) and fluorescence excitation emission matrix measurements (fluorophores A, H, B and T intensity and A and H emission wavelength maxima). In order to investigate trends within the numerous parameters measured, multivariate statistics were employed. Principal components analyses showed 63.4% of the variability in the total data set can be explained by two sets of components and 74.9% of the variability by the spectrophotometric measurements alone. In both analyses the first component correlated to the mixing of terrestrial and marine waters and the second component was correlated to sources of pollution such as domestic sewage. Within the data set, river flow and terrestrially derived DOM were significantly correlated, and situations with high river input showed an increase in terrestrial signature in the estuary. Discriminant analyses were also carried out and indicated that 59.8% (total data set) and 53.3% (solely spectrophotometric data) of the samples can be correctly classified into their respective groups (water categories) assigned on the basis of salinity and sampling location. Overall the results clearly show the potential of spectrophotometric techniques to discriminate distinct water categories with different DOM characteristics. In particular, measurement of the fluorophore H emission maxima, the spectral slope parameter, S290-350, and fluorophores T and B intensity enabled discrimination of DOM from riverine, estuarine, marine, and sewage affected water categories. The results presented here indicate the ability of spectrophotometric data alone to distinguish between marine, anthropogenic and terrestrial DOM and distinguish terrestrial DOM from different catchments (Tyne vs. Tweed). With current advances in the in-situ deployment of absorbance and fluorescence spectroscopy it is anticipated that multivariate statistics will gain importance as a cost effective, powerful and diagnostic approach to assessing the distributions of water types and their associated DOM characteristics and fluxes at the land-ocean interface. 相似文献
一台翻勃海尔LR1800正在耶路撒冷市入口处吊装一座极具艺术性的大桥.Will Dalrymple报道. 一座钢缆斜拉桥Meitarim在2009年完工时将以一条漂亮的150m圆弧横跨耶路撒冷市入口处一座交通繁忙的交叉路口耶路撒冷特拉维夫大道. 相似文献
V. V. Goncharuk V. B. Lapshin O. V. Karpov E. V. Lesnikov D. M. Balakhanov D. A. Dan’kin A. V. Syroezhkin 《Journal of Water Chemistry and Technology》2011,33(3):135-139
We have proposed the classification of nanoparticles in natural waters by the mechanism of the formation and chemical composition. We have obtained data according to the dimensional spectrum and the content of microelements aluminosilicate particles of artesian waters. 相似文献